A week after she had settled in her new, small room in the bustling city of Seoul, the first snow of the year began to fall. Tiny dissolving snowflakes slowly dropped, never at the same pace. Watching one falling swiftly on the palm of her hands, she wondered that if she were to be among them, how long will it take for her to reach the ground...or someone else's palm?
Winter really does have one feeling sentimental - I always thought they exaggerated it a little in all those Christmas movies!
Feeling the little tingle of the cold, Lisa wiped it away and puts on the knitted gloves Jennie had gifted her before she moved out. She will only be ten minutes away from Jennie and Taehyung's apartment, but the 'unnie' cried as if they'll be world's apart. Haish...she's so cute! I'm so lucky to have her caring about me so much!
Lisa never had any sisterly role-model before, and now that she'd been comforted and taken care of so well, she wished she had moved to Auckland sooner. The two have been spending almost every waking time together since they got to Seoul. It's been 1 month and a half, and on top of seeing each other whenever they meet at the living room or kitchen, Jennie would follow her on every job hunting session.
Now that she's landed the role of Junior Photographer at a creative agency, the woman finally agreed on letting Lisa out of her sight. Not that Lisa felt trapped in any way of course - Jennie and Taehyung had been nothing but accommodative as they promised to be even when she never asked them to! They let her stay in their double-storey apartment, always including her in their breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, and always asked if she's okay.
When was the last time I've been taken care of so carefully? So different than my relatives and friends back at home...
Taehyung even helped out on finding work for her - although it was quite hard for someone in the export business to ask around for someone with a creative background! He tried his best though...so Lisa gave her thanks in the form of a feather-shaped tie clip before she left. Of course, Jennie loved that it could be paired with the same feather-sculpted hair pin she got her!
They really are perfect for each other, she thought. It was quite melancholic for her to watch them every single day, ever since she met them in Auckland. Taehyung's natural serious and wise demeanor was balanced with his wife's sass and quick wits. Jennie always made him laugh and it's always a beautiful sight to be seeing.
It gotten Lisa looking back on why it wouldn't work out with her ex-fiancé and it made her feel a little better that the wedding didn't happen. She used to think that they were the same, even after 5 years of being together. But with the distance, time, and watching these married couple who are probably meant for the heavens, she began recollecting the little pieces of her own indifferences.
We hardly laugh together anymore. He used to look into my eyes when we talked...I used to catch his stare when we didn't. He stopped sharing thoughts when he started working with his dad. I used to think it was just a stressful phase...then I guess I got used to it. Maybe they were right. Maybe he did have someone else. Or maybe we're just not meant to be -
A slight bump on her shoulder stopped her tracks. Lisa looks down to the recycled bag filled with snacks that had fallen off her hand.
"I'm sorry," A man's voice appeared and she saw him already bending down. "I'm so sorry, miss,"
With a small smile, she said the same while bending down to pick the items altogether and place them back into the bag. A hand reached out with her chocolate milk carton, and she took it with a 'thank you'. Nodding one last time after scanning around the ground, she got back up and grinned at the guy. Wearing a black cap and a mask, he stood still as if waiting for her to say something.
Lisa thought she saw a spark in his round, partly-surprised eyes, but it's hard to tell with his the shade almost covering them. She felt the stuck in the stare but she's sure it wasn't someone she'd knew. She didn't know anyone here except for Jennie and Taehyung. And Jisoo, who was interviewing her for the role she got. Feeling slightly awkward at the silence passing by, she bowed again before turning and continuing the journey back to her apartment.
That was weird. Maybe it's the snow...I've never lived through a full winter before. I hope I won't get too sensitive for being so far from home as long as I have been now!
Jungkook turned to the voice calling for his name and found his friend waving from a table not far from the entrance of the restaurant. Making his way across the packed place, he lets out a deep sigh before taking off the jacket and hanging in on the chair.
"Sorry...am I late?" Taking his cap off, he ruffled his hair slightly.
"Nahh...I just got here. He just texted me - said he'll be slightly late too. He didn't bring a jacket so he had to turn back," Jimin locked his phone away.
"Ahh...partly why I was late too! It snowed earlier than expected this year,"
"Yeah...I only watched the forecast on Mondays. It said that the first snow should come within a weeks time but it snowed today,"
"Is it? I didn't even watch anything, just thought that it's still early," He sighed a smile and gulped on the water that's already served in front of him. "Can I get the house beer, please," He said to the waiter next to him.
"Wow...you're starting early!" Jimin's eyes formed a straight line when he laughed.
"Ah...I just needed it!" He rubbed the back of his neck, recalling the brief encounter he just had.
Was I dreaming it? I'm sure I wasn't...but it's still...extremely weird. I've seen her only once before and that was how many months ago! Why was I reminded of that girl? Is it the same person? But didn't she went to Australia or something? Aishh...New Zealand! But...when she picked up her stuff just now...the profile looked exactly the same!
She even had the same bangs! But if it's not the same person...how mesmerizing were those eyes though? I thought the girl at the airport looked like a doll, and this one is the exact same - only it's more emphasized cus she was so close to me. The small pout on her plump lips - hot damn, just kill me!
"You're stressed? Is it about the club? Or Sana?"
Jungkook can't help but chuckled. "Why the hell would I be stressed about the Sana?"
"I don't know...it's only been 2 months since the break up. You were together for a long time, maybe you miss her or something?"
"A year and a half wasn't that long," He muttered briefly, recalling the so-called 'wasted time'. "No, no...it's not about her at all - that ship's sailed across way too many seas already. I just..." He sighed. "I thought I saw someone...but it's impossible,"
"What's impossible?"
"There's this girl...I saw her around 5 months ago...when I was in Thailand. I thought I just bumped into her -"
"You player - aishh...yahh!" Jimin leaned forward with a twinkle in his eyes. "She pretty?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes. "No, it's not like that...just that..." He thought carefully about what his answer should be. "You ever just look at someone...and the world just stopped for a second? Or maybe longer..." The frown on his friend's face showed that he might sound crazy. "I felt it...twice already. On the same face...or at least I think it is,"
"What - you don't know who the person was?"
He shook his head, resting his eyes on the nothingness mid air. "No...but she kinda looked the same. But it was a long time ago so -"
"Did you talk to her? Ask maybe?"
"I couldn't. She doesn't even know me - I just saw her that one time and she weren't even looking at me. What could I ask?"
"Maybe something along the line of 'hey, have you ever been to Thailand?' just to start with?"
"Wouldn't that sound like a stalker?" He sighed a laugh. "It's just...aishh...maybe I'm just tired. My mind's probably playing tricks on me -"
"Sorry I'm late!" A voice came from behind him and Jungkook looked up to find the guy smiling widely to Jimin. Why does he look like another anime character - what's with all these crazy, unrealistically beautiful-looking people suddenly showing up in my life??
The friend got up and he followed through. "Ahh...no worries! Kook, this is Kim Taehyung,"
So this is the guy I've been talking to on the phone since last week! "Jeon Jungkook," He extended one hand and nodded slightly when Taehyung shook it. Taking their seat, Jimin started introducing him as a close friend to Taehyung - talking about how they knew each other and the earlier suggestion to get in touch.
"We used to go to school together. I went off to college and he went to study abroad. Then he met a girl and he forgot where he came from," Jimin rolled his eyes as he gave a backstory of the friendship with Kim Taehyung.
"It sounded like I betrayed a whole country - why do you say it like that?" Taehyung laughed. "But yes, I furthered my studies in Los Angeles. And yes," He emphasized while glaring at Jimin. "I met my wife there. We got married once I graduated and I've been staying in New Zealand since -"
"New Zealand?" Jungkook can't help himself. Is this another trick - am I supposed to be reminded of that girl after all this time? Why? Why today??
"Yeah...we traveled from time to time cus my family's here, and we just recently moved to Seoul for good...at least for now,"
This is too much of a coincidence...where was she flying to again? "If you don't mind me asking, Taehyung-ssi..."
"Just Tae. You don't have to be so formal. Anyone who's a close friend of Chim here is a friend of mine," The guy said politely.
Jungkook nodded with a small smile. "Tae...if you don't mind me asking, which city were you staying in New Zealand?"
"Oh...Auckland! It's a little town called Waimauku...where the vineyards are. Have you been there?"
Auckland - yes! That's where she went! Fuck...how small is this world... "Ahh...no...I just wondered...always wanted to visit -"
"You should! It's a beautiful place. Our house is a little on the rural side of town...but it's nice. But Auckland - or any parts of New Zealand for that matter - is really scenic. Doesn't matter which area you wanted to go, it's always picture-worthy,"
Is his wife...could the world be much smaller? "And your wife," He cleared his throat, suddenly feeling a little nervous. "Is she a local there?"
"No, no, she's Korean. They just migrated there - she grew up there. Her mom has a few homestays...fields of vineyards and orchards. If you wanna visit one day, you can just call me! I'll hook you up on the accommodations -"
A Korean...the girl didn't look like a Korean though. No...she looked out of this world, too beautiful -
"Has your wife ever been to Thailand - maybe around 5, 6 months ago?" The question not only surprised himself, but also Taehyung and especially Jimin - who's now frowning at him with eyes that said 'that is so inappropriate - why the fuck are you mentioning Thailand - are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting??'.
Yeah...it's definitely between the three!
"No...not that I know of -"
"Maybe she went for a holiday without you?" Now it's 'stop it - stop it - stop it!'. Jungkook knew the question is uncalled for, but he really can't help it. The thuds in his chest had been growing louder and louder since he looked into the girl's eyes earlier, and he just needed to know.
"I think I can recall sleeping next to her 5 months ago, Jungkook-ssi,"
"Kook...just Kook," He laughed awkwardly as Taehyung's frown got deeper. Okay...calm down...it's definitely not his wife. It's someone else. Thank God - wait, stop this! "I'm sorry. I just...that was random, I know! I knew someone who went to Auckland before - well, not really - I just thought it might be the same person,"
"Her name's Kim Jennie...my wife. Is it the same?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow, looking slightly irritated...or maybe amused.
"Ahh..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't really know her name..."
More than a few seconds went by with the two of them staring weirdly at him before he clapped his hands together and said, "Now let's talk about the liquors shipment!"
"Lili," Jisoo stopped by her desk. "Are you not going out for lunch?"
She laughed at the insisting nickname given by the elder. It's already 2 months since she started working and hearing the name, but she's still not used to it.
"I'm waiting for a friend, Jisoo-nim,"
"Oo...a boy friend?" Jisoo whispered scandalously, forcing giggles out of her.
"No...she's a friend. I came to Korea with her,"
"Lisa!" Right on cue, Jennie's voice appeared. Lisa stretched her neck to find the girl waving from the sliding door of the office.
She's so loud...thank God no one else's here to hear the echo!
"Hi unnie!" Her smile widened and she saved the edited photo before grabbing her bag.
"Unnie?" Jisoo crossed her arms. She nodded and took the steps forward.
"Are you not going out for lunch, Jisoo-nim?" She asked as both of them reached Jennie and her puffy, pink cheeks.
"I told you to call me 'unnie' before -" Why does it sound like she's sulking? The frown on Jisoo's face had her worried. When she looked at Jennie, she noticed another frown. Am I in trouble? For what??
"Ahh...I'm sorry...Jisoo unnie. Are you not going out for lunch?"
"I wanted to ask you out for it...but since you already made plans -"
Well...this is awkward... "You can come along!" The words spurted out because she felt bad. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Jennie whirling around to face her - most probably upset that she just invited a stranger into their weekly catch-up session.
"Unnie, this is Jisoo unnie - my superior. She's the Head of Creative here," She explained with hopeful eyes, praying that Jennie will understand why she needed to be nice. "Jisoo unnie, this is Jennie unnie. I used to stay with her in New Zealand. She moved to Seoul and brought me along,"
"Ahh...hello, Jennie unnie,"
Jennie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You look older than me, why are you calling me 'unnie'?"
"Woah..." It's Jisoo's turn to let out a sarcastic laugh. "Let me grab my purse and we'll see who's deserving of that 'unnie',"
Are...they...serious? They're really gonna start the introduction...fighting over honorifics?? Lisa pursed her lips - ignoring the obvious death glare coming from her side while Jisoo went into her room. This is gonna be an interesting lunch!
I need to get a new place quick!
The rules were simple. Her current definition of 'home' is a room with an attached bathroom, a kitchen where she can heat up her food (no cooking allowed), and a small portion of a compartment in the fridge - with a red tape lined across to emphasize where her stuff belongs. Her monthly payment consists of these rules and she can't be picky about it.
She hadn't been particularly in favor of the little space and freedom given, but none would make her complain a single thing until the knocks started appearing. Her landlord's new boyfriend had been a frequent visitor since 2 weeks ago and it's making her uncomfortable. Not only is the guy keep giving her weird, smiling glances - he's also been knocking on her door at every single passes. It's partly irritating...but mostly scary.
Lisa froze again when she heard one knock. In times like these, she really misses the familiar environment of her home back in Thailand. She misses her parents so much and felt like the once-a-week check-in video call wasn't enough. She wanted to cry to her mother and feel safe in her father's hug. She wanted to tell them that she's scared being alone all this while...and the prospects of her ending up alone.
But she can't do any of that. All she can do is keep smiling to the screen of her phone whenever their faces appeared. It's to not worry them. It's a way to tell them that she's doing just fine despite what happened. That she's moving forward and is doing much better elsewhere. They seemed to look and feel good about it every time.
It's better for them this way. They won't have to face the bitter truth to the family...to the neighbors and friends. They won't have anything to feel embarrassed of. No one needs to know how I feel inside. Everyone should be happy with their lives...that's how the world works, right?
And what about me? How do I get to be happy? Well, for one, she wanted to run out of the door, but she's scared that she'll get pulled back in with a worse scenario. I can't call Jennie unnie...she'll drag me out and into her apartment again. She'll probably drag what's-his-name to the police station too! I guess...I'll just have to wait it out.
"You look sick. Are you okay?" Jisoo asked once they're done with the lunch orders.
"Yeah...I just couldn't sleep well last night," She answered tiredly. "I've been scrolling through my phone a lot, trying to find a room to rent,"
"You're moving? Why?"
Someone should know in case something happens, right? It'll take a few weeks - months even before I get a new place. Who knows what'll happen along the way!
Lisa leaned forward. "Unnie, if something bad happens to me...can you tell my parents that I've been well? Like, the happiest I've ever been,"
"What - why? Yahh...don't be weird with me!" Jisoo eyed her a glare.
"Just in case...if anything happens, it's the landlord's boyfriend. His name is Mark. I don't know his last name -"
"You're scaring me, Lili! Just tell me what's going on!"
She would've laughed if it wasn't because she's tired and scared. "He's always around...it makes me uncomfortable. He keeps knocking on my door - like, one or two at most. It's creepy,"
"He harassed you?? Aishh...these type of men think they can do whatever the hell they want!" Jisoo clenched her teeth in anger. "Leave early today. Pack your stuff and I'll pick you up at six. You can stay at my place,"
"Oh, no -" That's not what I want! "No, no, unnie. I don't wanna intrude,"
"You're not. I have a spare bedroom -"
"You have a husband, unnie. It'll be uncomfortable -"
"Uncomfortable for who? Jin's rarely home anyways. He spends more time at the hotel than at home,"
The way Jisoo sounded was so casual that Lisa wondered if the statement weren't supposed to mean anything more than what was said. The elder never spoke much about her marriage, but to hear this made her feel like a concern is needed.
Was there a problem with her husband? Another reason why married life is not for me. There's always a problem...one worked too hard...one has to start a completely new life at a foreign place...one has someone else...aishh I really shouldn't read too much into it -
"Don't misunderstand me. I like to point it out, especially in front of him. He gets really annoyed, but he'd get super sweet after he hears it. It's good for me, and what's good for me will benefit him," She winked and Lisa laughed out loud. How the hell could she switch it up so fast??
"Please don't start talking about your sex life. I'll never be able to call you 'unnie' ever again,"
"It's...fun - that's all I can say -"
Lisa taped both ears with her palms - laughing with embarrassment that her cheeks started to feel warm.
"We like to experiment...a lot -"
"Yahh unnie!!" Her face and stomach are starting to hurt and Lisa had to hush her laughter when she noticed a few people from other tables glancing at them.
"What?" Jisoo laughed along, thankfully. She thought she'd look crazy until there's company! "I'm a happy wife! I don't need to be embarrassed about it!"
"Okay, but maybe just be a happy wife that keeps things to herself,"
"That's no fun! Trust me - if you're getting good sex, you'd wanna brag about it. Either in words or on your face - either way, make sure people can see it!" The genuinely innocent nods tears her up. I swear this unnie gets funnier by the day!
"Ahh...is that why you're so pretty all the time?"
"Good sex glows you up. You should try it. It does wonders to your complexion," Jisoo smirked with triumph.
"Aishh...I'll just get a sun-tan for the rest of my life then,"
"Nahh...I don't believe a single bit that no one's tried to take you out! When's the last time you looked into the mirror? Did you not notice the guys in the office checking you out or are you just acting blind?"
Her laughter slowly died down - her lips replaced with a straight line after. It's a sensitive subject to get into, and she didn't expect it to come out this soon. No one knew...let's keep it that way.
"You're adorable, Lili...and maybe too nice. I know too little and I also know that there must be a reason why that is. But I trust you. I'm not gonna probe into your love life, not unless you volunteered yourself. So for now, I'll only tell you that...the time will come when you'll meet someone who'll break those walls and bring you to that place where you wanted to go. Then you'll realize, everything has always been in its perfect order,"
Lisa swallowed the rising of a sob. Looking down to her fidgeting fingers, she could hear the hopeful prayer in her chest. Winter is almost ending...will my heart finally change with the season?
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