*Rory's POV *
I was getting closer and closer. But than that's when I saw them. It seems most of the pack are after Anna, Olaf, and Sven which is weird. I stopped looking and ran after the wolves.
*End of Rory's POV*
The wolves finally started slowing down when Sven accidentally ran into a dead end. Sven was trying to think of what to do next but, it was too late. The wolves were already surrounding them.
*Elsa's POV *
When me and Kristoff got there the wolves were surrounding them. I ran as fast as I could and used my ice powers to pull back the wolves. As me and Kristoff did my best to keep the wolves back one of the jumped at me. When the wolf jumped at me it happened to scratch me.
"Ow ow ow " I kept saying.
When Anna saw what happened she ran over to my side.
"Are you okay Elsa ?" Anna asked me
"Yeah I'm fine "
*End of Elsa's POV*
When Rory saw what happened she couldn't help but growl. She ran down there and attacked the wolf that hurt Elsa. The other wolves tried helping the wolf but failed because Rory was to Strong for them.
"Rory ?" Asked Elsa
Rory just looked at Elsa but she didn't say anything. But than Fang got up and attack Rory from behind her.
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