Soma and I hadn't spoken about what happened at the party and why I didn't inform him about it, which was four days ago. He hadn't even said a lot to me. He avoided making eye contacts with me, and only gave me direct answers when I asked him questions. I wanted to ask him if he was offended with me, but I also wasn't ready to explain myself to him, so I remained quiet.
My whole family had gone inside, while the sleepover I was hosting was already on. It was gossip time and we were all dropping any latest news we knew. "Can you remember Toke in commercial class?" Alimah asked, making all of us nod in reply. "She and Terry are dating. It's a secret relationship."
I gasped in shock. "Really? Toke shakara, dating Terry social?" I asked in slight disbelief
"Toke that said she can never date anyone who isn't as classy and introverted as Daniel in art class is," Aisha said in between her laughter.
"Sometimes, you girls spit things that don't make sense, to be very honest." All our heads turned to Soma's direction. He shrugged and looked away from us. I could see his head veins popping. I immediately knew he was angry about something, which made my face fall. I could literally feel pains in my chest.
"Cinmisola is pregnant," Adijah interrupted the few seconds of silence we had sunk into.
For the first few minutes, the information didn't sink in. But then, it all of a sudden sank in, hitting me like a freight train. "You say what?" I asked with my eyes wide open.
Alimah and Aisha glared at Adijah angrily, before Aisha said, "I thought we said we aren't going to tell them yet?"
"I just couldn't help keeping it from them anymore," Adijah tried to defend herself.
"I knew since," Soma said up, making my head turn to his direction abruptly.
My brows furrowed as I asked, "And you didn't tell me?"
He simply shrugged and didn't reply. I sighed as I placed my hands on my forehead. "You also knew?" I turned to ask Science who had been silent since we began gossip time. He simply nodded his head, which sent me into a wave of pain and anger. "I guess I'm the outcast in this friendship. Everyone has to hide something they know from me," I said angrily as I stood up and walked out of the sitting room where we were and went to my room to grab my phone, heading straight to the passage to press it. I didn't know what and what I wanted to do on my phone, but I simply wanted to get my mind off things. I began to feel a deep rush or depression and loneliness, as I felt the strong urge to cry. My eyes had begun to itch and tickle a little as my tears threatened to come out. I felt so left out and out of the friendship, it was like we had squads within our squad and it was hurting me badly. I could feel my eyes tear up as tears blurred my sight, making me turn off my phone and shut my eyes tight, letting the tears roll down. I didn't want anyone to know I was crying, so I kept it silent.
After a couple of seconds of crying, I let myself calm down as I felt my throbbing forehead. It was really hot and I was sure I looked horrific, so I felt it was best I called it a night and went to my room. But, immediately I stood up, I was met with Science who was leaning on the sitting room door frame, watching me. I felt uneasy under his pity stare, which made me quickly turn away and want to run into my room even more desperately. "Wait," he said in a calm voice as his right hand gently grabbed my shoulder. My hands began to shake as it itched to push his hands away, so I would not feel vulnerable. But, I had been there for Science countless of time, it wasn't going to be fair if I didn't let him be there for me once. "Soma won't -" I instantly walked forward a little, letting his hands slide off my body. He immediately got the hint and corrected himself, "Okay, no more talking about him."
Deep down, I wanted us to talk about him. All about him, but I also didn't want us to, which was pretty messed up. I was pretty messed up. I turned to look at Science and smiled, assuring him it was fine.
He nodded as he pulled me back and sat me down on the chair I was sitting on. "If not for the death of Art, I'd have never been really close to you, like we are today," he said with a warm smile as he pulled a chair and sat down opposite me. "May her soul rest in perfect peace." His smile widened, which showed he had really accepted her death and had decided to live with it. But for the parents' part, I didn't know. "Ever since I joined the squad, I've been nothing but happy. I might not always be with you guys, but the time I spend with you guys is always one of the best and happiest. You guys are funny and understanding, and sometimes annoying," he said with a smile, making me smile also. I understood that very well, I could be very annoying sometimes and I knew it. He cleared his throat and continued, "And, the friendship I admire the most, is that of Soma and yourself." He didn't give me any space to get pissed and stand up, as I had already calmed down and he was giving me this stare that made me not want to be angry. "I mean if I had what you guys have, I'll be the happiest man on earth. But then, fights are bound to happen. In fact, most friendships get better after series of fights, and they get best after the greatest of fight. Because fights help you to know the person more. It helps you know the person's likes and dislikes, fears and strengths. Sometimes, the fights are for the better not for the bad and, forgiveness is always important. In fact, it is the most important thing after every fights or argument." He paused and gave me the 'do you understand me' look, making me nod. "And also, never let your best friend feel left out in your life. Communicate with them. Especially the ones who have always been there for you. Soma felt so hurt when you called him that night. He was shocked that you had left for another party, and was more hurt when he found out it was the people who hurt Art that you went to hang out with. He told me that he felt so far away from you, and he had also noticed that you've been a little bit distant from him, even if you tried to act okay. He said that he wondered why you wouldn't communicate with him, even if you knew he loved when you communicated with him and kept him updated. He was really hurt and didn't stop talking about it whenever he had the chance." He gently placed his right hand on mine, which was resting on my right lap, giving me a really warm look as he said, "Go talk to him. He wants to talk to you. You were the first person he wanted to tell about Cinmisola, since he knew how much your mom compared you to her. But, as soon as he remembered what happened, he was back to zero and decided not to tell you anymore. So, please go talk to him. He misses his bestie so badly and I'm sure you do too." I nodded gently as I felt all form of guilt run through my body. "So, are you going now or-"
"I'll go now," I interrupted him, making him smile as he nodded affirmatively. I stood up and started walking toward the sitting room, while Science followed gently behind me. They were all looking toward the sitting room door when I walked in. it was obvious they were waiting for Science's result and approach outcome.
"We're sorry," Aisha quickly spoke out for the triplet.
"You're never an outcast and will always be one of us," Alimah added, while Adijah simply nodded and smiled.
I smiled at all of them. "Its fine, as long as it doesn't happen again. I really hate being the last person to find out about something you all already know. Its pretty annoying," I explained to them, making them nod with a smile. I turned to look at Soma, who tried to quickly look away. I smiled to myself as I said, "Soma, can I have a moment with you?" He looked at me with a feigned surprised look at he pointed towards himself. I nodded and replied, "Yes you." He stood up, while I led the way and led us to the passage. I took him to where Science and I had sat down. I sat down on the chair Science used, while he used mine. "I'm sorry," were the first words that left my mouth as I tried to look him in the eyes. He didn't reply him, which made me a little bit reluctant and making me become skeptical about the whole communication thing. I started considering using WhatsApp, since I was bolder on social media. But, he was there and I had to try to make him talk, so I continued, "I know I have been a little distant and you do not like it, but I had my reason. First, I didn't want to bother you with my problems, since you probably have yours."
"What are you saying? Are you listening to yourself?" Soma asked slightly angry.
I knew I sounded silly but, still rode on. "I can hear myself but-"
I didn't get to finish my sentence, before he cut me off and said, "But nothing. Ella, I've always been there for you, and your problems are always mine. No matter what. You can never bother me."
"All?" I asked with a smile.
He still had a slight frown on as he said, "Of course everything. All, all of it."
I smiled and chuckled, then asked, "Even my sex life, periods, and..." I gave him a funny look, making him finally smile.
"Yes, those too," he joked.
I laughed as I placed my hands on his shoulder and said in slight seriousness, "I'll try."
He simply nodded with a smile.
"Alright then, let's go back to the sitting room and see a movie," I suggested as I stood up, making him follow suit.
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