─────── 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝟑𝟎 ───────
Becca found it really unusual, and frustrating to a point, that Hari seemed to be avoiding her at all costs.
"See what I mean?" she groaned in frustration as Hari completely ignored her when she tried to say hi.
"Yeah I do," Shen Jiyeon, a mutual friend of the two, said. "Well, she's definitely avoiding."
"No shit," Becca rolled her eyes, pulling at her hair.
Jiyeon watched her, grabbing her hand away. "Stop doing that, you're going to be bald in a hot minute."
"I can't help it, Ji, it's really annoying me."
"Have you tried asking her about it?" Jiyeon suggested.
"Like she won't just ignore me again?"
Jiyeon sighed, "Bitch, well you can at least try... Just find the right moment."
"I guess you're right."
Everyone around quietened down, making them turn to the stage to see why.
Mr. Shin stood behind a mic, getting ready for his speech.
"Ahem, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen."
"Good afternoon," the crowd replied in unison.
"First of all it's a pleasure to have you here. It's been a year since I've last been at Pendulin and it's great to see the same old faces and some new ones. It's an honor for me to introduce to you today my company, Shin&Co's latest sponsor, who is none other than Choi Daehyun, head president of Dreams entertainment!"
Everyone clapped as Mr. Choi joined the stage, Mr. Shin taking a step to the side for him. He cleared his throat into the mic, "Hello everyone. As Mr. Shin has already mentioned this partnership is such an honor both ways and Dreams looks forward to working with you. Thank you!"
His speech was short but nonetheless earned him the same amount of cheers and claps.
Hari's father took to the mic again, "And now that we have that out of the way, let the dances commence."
The gazebo began filling up with bodies, people coupling up to dance together.
Slow jazz music began playing, loud conversations dying down to intimate whispers and giggles.
It was mostly the married couple that were dancing along with teenagers and their significant others. Riki was going to ask Aera, however she was nowhere to be seen.
"Where the hell is she?" he muttered, looking around. Seeing that she was nowhere outside, he decided to check inside the building.
Riki pushed the glass door open, stepping into the hall. He walked into the reception, looking to the south end where there were ordered tables set up.
Surely he spotted the small figure dressed in a baby pink dress sitting at the far end and rushed to her.
"Aera?" he called out, approaching closer.
Riki was taken aback when he crouched down beside her and saw her face.
Her cheeks were extremely red and pupils dilated.
"What did you do?" he asked, shaking the sides of her shoulders.
No reply.
He shook her shoulders harshly. "What did you do? Tell me?" Riki was angry, shaking her even more. "Do you want to fucking die?!"
Aera looked into his eyes, blinking slowly. "Kind of."
The two words made him stop. He stared at her blankly, feeling guilt gnawing at his insides.
Grabbing the back of her head, he pulled her closer to his chest. "Sorry."
On the other side of the walls, Becca was on the hunt for Hari. And it didn't take her long to spot the girl dancing with the son of a rich businessman.
She strode up to them, pulling Hari away.
"Uh- Becca what are you doing?" Hari asked, glancing over at her dad who was frowning.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
Hari stuttered looking around. The boy gave her a 'what' look to which Hari responded to a reassuring smile. She turned back to Becca, "Look Becs, now is not the time for this. Can you not see I'm busy."
"Leave him. Dance with me instead."
Hair looked pissed, "No I can't! My dad is watching. Do you know who he is?!"
"I don't care!" she spat.
"Well I do," Hari took a step closer. "I can't let my father down Becca."
"You should go," Hari declared. Becca's face dropped in incredulousness.
"I said you should go. Leave me alone."
Becca fought back the tears, "Fine."
And with that she ran away, further into the gardens and nearer to the woods.
Hari watched, lips quivering before getting a hold of herself and plastering on a fake smile.
She turned back to the guy, "Sorry for that. Now, where were we?"
Much later, Becca reached the small pond in the woods and sat on a fallen branch on the floor. She grabbed the nearest pebble to her and threw it hard into the water.
She couldn't believe Hari did that to her and she couldn't help but think why. She had a hunch but feared for the worst that it was correct.
Everything seemed calm until Becca began hearing loud rustles. She spontaneously stood up, looking around the trees.
The sounds got louder and closer.
Her eyes widened when someone emerged from the foliage.
As all the guests were leaving, Mr. Shin took the chance to talk to his daughter.
"Hari," he called out.
"Hm, yeah?"
"That thing earlier today, with Choi Becca- what was that about?"
Hari exhaled sharply, "Nothing father, she was just telling me something."
"And she got so upset about it, she ran away?" her father cocked his eyebrows.
"Yeah," Hari lied adamantly. "It's a project and she's really stressed."
Even if Mr. Shin knew Hari was lying, he decided not to say anything. "Hmm, well I don't want the two of you to be on bad terms. So try and help her out if you can."
Hari grabbed her bag, nodding. "Will do father."
"Do you come down here often?" Becca asked.
Jiu, the girl that appeared from the trees, nodded. "Yeah, I like to cool my head here. It's a quiet place from all the chaos outside. What about you?"
"No," Becca shook her head. "I think this is my first time alone."
"Can I ask why you're here?"
Becca shrugged, "Same as you, I need to cool my head too I guess."
Jiu nodded understandingly before beginning to fish around in her purse.
She pulled out a small box, taking out a sheet of pills.
"What are those?" Becca turned her head.
"My medicine," Jiu explained, popping one pill out of the foil cover and into her palm. She grabbed the water bottle she placed on the floor, opening the cap.
Becca caught a glimpse of the name of the pills.
After a really long day, Aera was feeling better. She was snuggled into bed, watching Mean Girls on the wall-mounted TV.
She picked up her phone, looking at the caller ID.
Grabbing the remote on her bedside table, she paused the film.
"Hello," she greeted the phone after picking it up.
It was her uncle, who had some news for her. "Aera, sorry for not calling earlier."
"It's ok, don't worry about it. But have you found out what it was?"
"I was working on it yesterday and it was a bit difficult to recognize at first but after a bit of research I think I got it."
Aera sat up excitedly, "Oh yeah? What is it?"
"Pernambuco wood."
She frowned, "What's it used in?"
"A lot of things really.. But the most common would be violin bows."
Aera blinked, lost in thought. "What?" she mumbled under her breath.
this chapter reveals a lottt😆
also i smell an ending very near-
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