ELISE WAS FEELING GREAT THE MORNING SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO MEET THE CULLENS, but as the day progressed, so too did her illness.
Taking a shower was first drain of energy. She pushed away the uncomfortable feeling and the itching of her skin, drying her hair and brushing it out as she picked out an outfit.
She knew Carlisle didn't mind what she wore but she wanted to make a good impression on at the very least Esme, knowing how important she was to him. She settled on one of Bella's long-sleeved blue shirts, and a pair of jeans that she hadn't doodled on. She slipped into comfortable shoes and even applied a light coat of makeup.
Elise just wanted to feel worthy of Carlisle's attention and affections, especially when meeting the people most important to him.
"So, when is he coming to meet us?" Charlie asked as she closed her bedroom door behind her.
"You've already met," Elise tossed back, "technically speaking."
Charlie shook his head, crossing his arms. "That doesn't count. He's not my acquaintance anymore, El, he's my little girl's boyfriend."
"Dad, chill," Elise rolled her eyes, patting his arm as she walked past him. "I'll invite him over later. We can do like...a game night or something."
"I'm not playing Monopoly," Charlie said immediately, following her into the foyer. Elise ruffled Bella's hair as she passed, her sister shooting her a look and mumbling something, heading in the opposite direction. "You can tell him that."
"Okay, Dad," Elise nodded, looking back at her father. "Any other veto's?"
"Chutes and Ladders," he sighed. "I hate that game."
Elise snorted. "Dad, I haven't played that since I was six."
"And I'm still traumatized," he countered as a knock on the door sounded. "Be good," he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Have fun."
"If I stay the night —"
"—I'll bury him in a ditch."
"Got it." Elise grinned and opened the door, revealing Carlisle — also wearing blue and she wondered if Alice had informed him of her color choice (probably) and black slacks — a polite smile on his face, and an umbrella in his hand.
"Charlie," he greeted, offering his hand. "I do hope we can become better acquainted soon."
"Elise does as Elise wants," Charlie shrugged, shaking his hand. "Don't keep her out too late, I'll kill you."
"Of course," Carlisle nodded, a hint of amusement in his eyes, but his smile only became more genuine. "Have a good evening and say hello to Bella for me."
"Yep," Charlie nodded, looking awkward.
Elise smiled at her father, taking Carlisle's hand and walking to the car as Carlisle held the umbrella over them.
"Are you feeling alright?" Carlisle asked, opening the door for her. "You seem stiff."
"I'm fine," Elise smiled at him, meeting his eyes and then leaning up, pressing a kiss to his lips. He smiled into the kiss, resting his hand on her waist softly, before she pulled away and got into the car.
Elise shut the passenger door as he walked around, folding the umbrella and putting it in the back, then slipped into the driver's seat.
"I hope you haven't eaten," Carlisle started as he pulled out of the driveway, reaching over and taking Elise's hand in his. Elise smiled softly at the action, looking down at her chipping black painted nails and his perfectly manicured hand. "Esme made you smoked salmon chowder and—"
"—Oh, heck yes!" Elise's grip tightened on his hand. "Charlie sucks at making anything and the chowder at the diner is not homemade. It's so hard to find that shit here."
Carlisle's smile widened and he pulled her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "They're all very excited to meet you," he informed her. "Properly, of course."
Elise turned her head to the side to watch Carlisle as he drove, a gentle smile on her lips. "I likes you, Cullen."
He squeezed her hand. "I adore you, Elise."
The Cullen house was exactly as presumptuous as Elise pictured it to be and she took a picture to send to Leah, who bet her they lived in a windowless manor akin to Dracula.
Leah sent back four angry face emojis.
Carlisle opened the door for her, speeding around the car to do so, and gently helped her out of the car. She took his hand and kissed his cheek.
"Come," he pulled her gently, keeping the umbrella over them. Elise leaned against him as they walked, ignoring the aching in her joints. "You're in pain," he commented. "We could've pushed this, Elise."
"No, I'm fine," she smiled up at him. "Promise. I wouldn't miss this."
He gave her a disbelieving look. "You're not leaving the sofa once we enter."
"—It is not a negotiation, sweetheart," he pressed a kiss to her head.
When they reached the front door, it opened immediately, and a beaming Alice appeared.
"Oh, hi," Elise grinned. "Nice to meet you officially. You're still hot. Dammit." She sighed, shaking her head. "I didn't wanna say that aloud."
Carlisle chuckled behind her and they entered the home. He tucked the umbrella aside and Elise looked around. Jack and Esme were standing in the kitchen, a large, muscular man — who she was fairly sure was Emmett — stood next to a stunning blonde woman — Rosalie, by Carlisle and Bella's description — and Edward. In the back near the stairs was another man, with loose blonde curls and a contemplative look on his face.
"Your house is so big," Elise grinned at Carlisle, looking around the massive home. A wall full of windows, dark wooden walls, modern furniture and a sleek, very high-end television. "I love it."
"Thank you, dear," Esme beamed. "I'm Esme, it's so nice to officially meet you."
"You too," Elise grinned, waving at her. "How crazy is it that our names start and end with the same letter?"
Jack snorted. "You never change, Swan."
"Jack, you lied to me, so, you get negative points here," she quipped, pointing at her friend. He shook his head with a laugh as Carlisle placed a hand on Elise's back.
Alice squealed, grabbing Elise's hand. "You're as cute as I remember. This is Jasper," she pointed to the man by the stairs, "and Emmett, and Rosalie."
"Nice to meet you guys," Elise waved.
"So are you gonna turn into a vampire or what?" Emmett asked. "'Cause, you know, you're dying."
"I hadn't noticed," Elise hummed. "Thank you for the intellectual observation."
"Sure thing," he grinned back at her, taking a seat on the sofa, pulling Rose down to him.
"I made you smoked salmon chowder—"
"—Oh, yeah!" Elise brightened, moving past Carlisle and Alice to the kitchen. "Forget the boyfriend, I will happily take this dinner."
Esme grinned, serving it for her and Elise took a seat. "This is gonna be weird. You should put a show on or something to diffuse the awkward tension."
"It's only awkward because you're awkward," Edward commented.
"Dude, I would not comment on awkward, you have a thing for my sister," Elise replied dryly, blowing steam on the chowder. "Did any of you guys live during the Wild West?"
"I did," Jack nodded. "And Jasper's from the South, but more in the Civil War."
"Oh, cool," Elise took a bite of her food, looking at Jasper as Emmett started up the television for a game. "Did you meet Lincoln? That guy's a real douche."
"He stopped the war," Edward pointed out with a frown. "Ended slavery."
Elise rolled her eyes. "Haven't you been alive a hundred years? Educate yourself on systematic racism and white superiority capitalizing on the suffrage of other races."
A beat.
Then Carlisle kissed her head, taking a seat next to her with a book.
"Are you reading?" She asked in bewilderment. "This is the weirdest meet-the-family."
"I have to focus on something else, or Edward will see things I don't wish him to."
Elise blushed at his words, looking down at her bowl and a guffaw from Emmett made her cheeks flush further.
"Look at that, she has more personality than Edward's got in his finger," Rosalie commented from the sofa, looking at a magazine. "I always knew Carlisle would find someone funnier than him."
"Carlisle's not funny," Jasper shook his head, glancing from his foster father to Elise. "Emmett's funny."
"Correct," Emmett nodded, then swore at the game. "Jasper, get over here, I need help."
"They're mean to you," Elise pointed out, glancing to Carlisle, eating another bite. He looked up from his book, eyes softening.
"I've learned to tune them out. All I hear now is your heartbeat."
Elise swooned a bit, smile soft on her face and she leaned forward, kissing his cheek. He grazed her cheek with his finger at the motion, then pulled away, allowing her to eat again.
"I'm going to vomit," Edward remarked, face contorted in disgust. "This is revolting."
"Your face is revolting."
Emmett laughed again. "I love this girl," he chortled, sending her a cheeky, dimpled grin.
Elise smiled at Edward conspiratorially. "Careful, Eddie, they might like me more and I'll join the family instead of you."
"Ha, ha," Edward replied dryly. "You're hilarious."
"Considering you lack all humor, I'm surprised you noticed."
Carlisle covered his laugh with a small cough, which only drew the other's attention.
"I'm sorry," he shook his head, smile tugging at his lips, his hand finding the top of Elise's chair, fingers grazing her back. "I have to laugh, I don't find it humorous."
"He's lying," Alice chirped up and Carlisle sent her a look. "She's funny."
Edward rolled his eyes. "I'm going for a hunt."
"He's going to pout," Rosalie corrected. "It's all he's good at."
"Oh, take that, Eddie."
"Take that Eddie," Edward mocked in annoyance and Carlisle raised his eyebrows, looking between the pair with a strange expression.
"Elise," Esme cleared her throat. "Tell us about yourself."
Elise looked to the kind woman, nodding. "Sure," she relented, taking her attention from teasing Edward. "Ask away," she added, taking another spoonful of her soup.
"You and your father are close, right?" She asked kindly, and Elise nodded, softening at the mention of Charlie.
"Yeah, it was just us for a long time, but Bella's my sister and we're close too."
"Bella," Rosalie commented in annoyance and Elise looked at her, eyes hardening a bit. She wanted to like Carlisle's family but she wouldn't take slander against her own.
Sensing her tension, a hand gently stroked the back of Elise's head, and she clenched her jaw, letting the comment slide.
Her anger dissipated a moment later and she frowned, glancing to Jasper, who was looking anywhere but at her.
"You sneaky little rat," she mumbled under her breath and the few chuckles in the room assured her the brief tension had melted.
"Come on," Carlisle stood, smiling softly to Esme and handing her Elise's empty bowl, which she took. "I'll show you around."
"If we start banging, everyone cover your ears," Elise joked as she took his hand, standing. "Just saying."
"Oh, that's gross," Edward grimaced at the images in her mind. "Stop it, Elise."
"I'm just gonna do it harder."
"Oh, lord," he shook his head, walking to the back door. "I'm — I cannot stay here for that."
"Coward," Emmett spoke up. "Just plug your ears man."
"And my thoughts?"
"Close 'em, that's what I do."
"Did you just admit your head is empty?" Elise inquired with a snort.
"Absolutely," Alice nodded, coming back from down the hall. Elise hadn't even noticed her leave. "He is what we call, a pretty face."
"I'll take it," Emmett nodded. "Rose calls me a himbo for the ladies, whatever the fuck that means."
"Language, Emmett," Esme chastised lightly.
"Come on," Carlisle took her with an amused look, letting the family continue teasing one another. "They like you."
"Think so?" She asked curiously as they headed into his office.
"Yes," he nodded. "They didn't scrutinize you, simply let everyone be." At her hesitation, he smiled softly. "This room is soundproof, don't worry."
"Oh, kinky, you gonna rail me on your desk, doctor?"
"Don't tempt me, sweetheart," Carlisle's eyes flickered a bit with something she hadn't seen before. He leaned back against the desk. "Come here."
Elise closed the distance, wrapping her arms around his middle. "Yes?"
"My pretty girl," he trailed his fingers along her hips, grazing her skin. "Thank you for meeting my family. You understand I expect nothing from you in terms of them, or in terms of vampirism—"
"—I don't wanna talk about that right now," she cut him off, heart racing a bit. She hadn't decided what she was comfortable with. Eternity outliving people she loved seemed terrible, never having a pet, watching the earth devolve and be forced to stand in the background.
Or die in pain from her illness. Enter the abyss, and feel nothing from then on.
But she hated the idea of leaving Carlisle alone, existing in torment because she couldn't choose to live.
It was such an abhorrently selfish decision she had to make for a selfless man.
"Alright," Carlisle nodded, tightening his hands on her hips. "Not to worry, darling. We can talk about anything you'd like."
"If I got a cat, would you watch it for me?"
"Of course."
Elise blinked in surprise. "Really? You're a Vegetarian vampire and—"
"—My love, I'd kill if you asked me to. Of course I'd watch your cat."
Elise's heart flipped at his words and a surprised look crossed her face. "You're a healer, Carlisle."
"Nothing in this world matters more to me than you," he replied softly. "Whatever you want, you have it."
And it was then that Elise made her decision.
my gooddddddddd you guys beg for this story bahahahaha hopefully you liked this chapter??? idk anyways some of it was inspired by someone i'm talking too rahhhhhhh he's so Carlisle Cullen coded rahhhhhhhh okay love yall
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