Elise found her more tolerable without Lauren Mallory — the girl from Newton's store — to belittle everyone around her.
Elise and Carlisle planned for dinner after he was off work, so she'd spend the majority of the day with Bella and her friends.
Apparently, they were having a winter formal, a Sadie Hawkins dance (girls ask guys, the like of which Elise boycotted with Leah because of blatant sexism, and instead went to each other's respective dances and spiked the punch, ensuring absolute chaos) and the girls wanted to shop for dresses.
By girls, it was definitely more Angela and Jessica. Elise always enjoyed getting dressed up for Prom or Homecoming when she was in high school, but Bella had always been the opposite.
Dancing, everyone in the family knew, was nothing short of hazardous for Bella. Added to the fact that she didn't have a date — and was not going to ask Mike or Tyler, she'd said numerous times to Elise — she was instead going shopping for books.
The drive to Seattle went fairly quickly, the three alternating CD's and Bella cringing at their loud, off-key singing voices.
Elise texted Leah for half the drive, slept for thirty minutes, and received a few brief, but sweet texts from Carlisle. The thought of going on a date with him made her stomach flip ten times over and she couldn't be more excited.
By the time they reached Seattle, it was nearing midday and the foursome ventured to a cute boutique selling dresses.
"I like that one," Elise commented, looking at Jessica's chosen dress. "It brings out your eyes."
Jessica beamed, her eyes catching Elise's. She ran her hands along her body. "You think Mike'll like it?"
Elise shrugged, exchanging a look with Bella. "Mike's a teenage boy. And the dress makes your tits look fabulous, so I'd say the answer is a big, fat yes."
"Perfect," Jessica thanked Elise and scurried back into the dressing room to see about another dress.
Angela came forward with another one and Elise moved her hand side-to-side. "You could look better. Try purple or green. I think you'll look better in dark colors."
"Bella?" Angela asked her friend, who was staring blankly. "What do you think?"
Before Bella could answer, Jessica came out in a pink dress. "How's this one?"
Elise moved to respond to both questions, but a group of men outside the shop started blowing kisses and making crude gestures at the girls.
Elise flipped them off with a glare as they walked. "If I was at full strength, I could take them all in a fight."
Bella rolled her eyes. "Okay, El."
"I could!" Elise exclaimed. "They all look like scrawny losers. You did ballet as a kid, Bells, but we both know Dad enrolled me in karate and boxing for a reason. Men are gross."
"Amen," Angela muttered. "Bella, you're not enjoying this much, are you?"
Bella sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just...I really wanted to go to this bookstore."
"We can head over together," Elise pointed out, standing and steadying herself as a rush of dizziness overcame her. "I wanted to stop by Gem Heaven anyway."
"Gem Heaven?" Jessica asked dubiously.
"Yeah, they sell gemstones and crystals. I wanted to grab a couple for Seth's birthday. We make necklaces each other, it's a whole thing."
"That's cute," Angela smiled softly. "Seth Clearwater, right? From the Res?"
"Yeah," Elise nodded. "We've always been close. Leah's my best friend and Seth's like the kid brother."
"She loves him more than me," Bella raised her eyebrows and stood, offering her hand to Elise, who took it graciously.
"So true, he makes me laugh more."
"I'm funny, you just don't understand my humor," Bella told her sister as they waved goodbye to the girls and headed out. She'd meet up with them later when Elise went out with Carlisle. "It's too high-level."
Elise snorted. "If by high-level, you mean so far in the sky no one can see the joke land, then sure."
Bella rolled her eyes, but fought her own smile, leaning her head on Elise's shoulder as they walked.
"You look cute," she complimented her sister after a beat. "I hope you have fun tonight."
"Me too," Elise smiled softly. "I like Carlisle. He's good, I can tell."
Bella nodded, but didn't otherwise respond. Elise groaned softly.
"Again with the vampire stuff, seriously, Bell?"
"I'll prove it. It's that or radioactive spiders."
"Radioactive—?" Elise stopped, sighing. She placed her hands on her sister's shoulders. "Isabella Swan. There is no way that the entire Cullen family is made up of secret Spider-People in their own ultra secret Spider-Man club, okay? They're human. Let it go."
Bella rolled her eyes, an irritated look crossing her face. "There's your store," she nodded to a corner store a few blocks down from the boutique. "I'll walk to mine, okay?"
"Bella, you understand how crazy it is, right?"
Bella rolled her eyes, waving at her sister. "See you, El."
Bella walked off, leaving Elise hovering in front of the crystal shop. She watched her sister for a moment, feeling mildly annoyed by the younger girl's reaction, before entering the shop.
"Elise!" A voice called cheerfully as she entered. Smiling, Elise rushed up to the girl.
"Hey, Bree!" She greeted cheerfully. Bree Tanner was much younger than Elise, and Bella, but her mother owned the family shop and therefore Bree spent most of her days helping out or spending time in the store.
Elise had been going there since her first few months in college, and aside from her family, Bree and her mother were the first people to learn of Elise's condition.
"I haven't seen you in so long," Bree cried out, pulling Elise into a hug. "Literally get whatever you want, I just missed you."
"I missed you too, kiddo," Elise ruffled the girl's hair, pulling back and grabbing a moonstone and tanzanite from the shelf in front of the counter. "How's school? You still crushing on that guy, what's his name, like, Milo or something?"
"Riley," Bree corrected with a light blush. "He's a senior now, and the other day, we bumped into each other. He's so pretty."
Elise laughed at the dreamy look in Bree's eyes. "You'll get him one day, babes," Elise smiled, handing Bree her card for the payment. "Speaking of, guess who has a date tonight?"
Bree's face lit up and she dropped the card on the counter. "No shit, you're lying!"
"I'm not," Elise laughed, shaking her head. "His name is Carlisle, he's the doctor in Forks, he's really hot and totally into the cancer shtick."
"Wow," Bree commented before a grin overtook her face. "Do you think being near death is a kink for him or something? Like, oh man, cancer's incurable, but I can fix her with my hot Doctor skills."
Elise snorted. "Yeah, because I'm totally fixable."
"You were messed up before the cancer," Bree winked, handing her the bag and leaning on her hand over the counter. "Aw," she smiled softly. "I'm so excited for you, Elise. You deserve to have fun. What're you guys doing?"
Elise shrugged. "I don't know, actually."
"He's probably going to kill you," Bree shrugged. "Four hours away from your hometown in a big city. You're dead, babe."
"Damn," Elise fought a smile. "Play Ha Ha, You're Dead at my funeral, okay? Leah said she'll do a karaoke session with only N-Sync songs, but I need some angst."
Bree laughed. "As long as we play Let the Bodies Hit the Floor when we out your body in the ground."
Elise cackled. "Yes, Bree!" She grinned, before her face softened a fraction. "I'm going to miss you. If you can miss people when you die."
Bree looked down, fiddling with the rings on her finger. "You're like the sister I didn't know I needed," Bree confessed softly. "I already miss you and you're just a text away. I don't..." she swallowed, biting her lip. "I'm gonna miss you a lots Elise."
Elise nodded, blinking back tears. "Please don't make me cry, I wore makeup for my date with Carlisle."
"You're not aiming for the raccoon thing, then?" Bree joked.
"Not particularly," Elise shook her head with a small smile. She reached over the counter and took Bree's hand in her own. "I love you, Bree, okay? In case I don't get another chance to say it in person. You made these last three years amazing. You're going to make someone so happy one day, whether that be Riley or someone else entirely. You're going to live a long, happy, perfect life. And I will watch over you and totally haunt you and when you have kids, I'll become their imaginary friend and make you think there's a demon."
"Awesome," Bree grinned, wiping her tears with her free hand. "That's my dream."
"Great," Elise lightly brushed her own cheeks, trying not to cry. "I'll see you around, okay?" She said with a watery smile. It still felt strange: saying goodbye to people she loved with the knowledge she may truly never see them again.
Would Bree think of her? Would she miss her? Would Carlisle?
Another smile and Elise left the store, flicking open her phone to see a call from the man. She smiled softly and held it to her ear.
"No, this is Patrick."
Carlisle chuckled. "Another reference I can't fully comprehend."
"Don't worry," Elise replied back. "I'll show you every piece of media I adore and in turn you can be handsome and make me delicious dinners. I feel like you know how to cook."
"I'm better in a surgical ward than I am a kitchen, I assure you."
"Ah," Elise grinned. "We'll make do."
He was quiet for a moment and then, "I'm almost there, would you like me to pick you up anywhere particular?"
"I'm at this shop called Gem Heaven. Right outside. How far are you from downtown?"
"Not even five minutes, sweetheart."
"Well, that's a relief," Elise coughed, tucking the phone against her shoulder. "It's a bit chilly."
"Are you wearing a coat?"
"Of course, I'm not a moron."
"My mistake."
"Ouch!" Elise laughed. "I'm wounded, Doctor Cullen, who knew someone so handsome could be so cruel?"
"Apologies, my lovely little lady," he replied easily, his words making her blush. "However shall I make it up to you?"
"I may rescind a need for forgiveness if the date goes well tonight."
"Oh," Carlisle breathed out a laugh. "In that case, I do hope I meet your standards."
As he finished the sentence, a red mustang pulled up in front of Elise and her eyes widened. She walked up to it and peeked inside.
Carlisle laughed through the phone. "Are you going to stand there all night, Elise?"
Elise closed the phone but before she could get in, the driver door opened and he walked around the car.
"This is your car." She stated.
"Astute observation," he grinned as he made his way around the car. His smile softened and he reached a hand over, brushing back a piece of her hair. "You look beautiful."
Elise blushed. "Thank you."
He kept his hand on her cheek for a moment, staring at her. "So beautiful."
Her blush deepened and he pulled his hand back, turning to the car and opening the passenger door.
"My lady," he gestured for her to enter and she smiled gently.
"Thank you," she said softly, slightly flustered by his old-fashioned mannerisms. She wasn't exactly sure how to handle them.
He was at the driver's side a moment later, sitting down gracefully and looking over at her.
"Did you have a nice time with your sister today?" He made conversation as he drove from the spot.
She fought back nerves that flooded her suddenly and nodded. "Yeah, her friends are cute. They're all dress shopping for a dance coming up."
A handsome smile found Carlisle's face. "Alice has been talking about it. I can't keep her from a dance. I think it's the only thing she enjoys about school."
Elise blushed at the thought of his daughter. "Did she...?" She trailed off, feeling awkward for getting flustered over her the first time they met.
Carlisle laughed, looking over at her. "She told me you asked for her hand in marriage, yes. Should I be worried?" His teasing grin and tone of voice relaxed her and she shrugged.
"She's seventeen, so no, but you're a rich, slightly older man, so if you drop dead and I end up marrying the daughter, don't say I didn't warn you."
He laughed again, nodding. "Fair enough." He glanced in her direction, a discernible softness in his gaze that made her stomach somersault.
"Why are you taking me out?" Elise blurted, grimacing at how it sounded. She rubbed her temple lightly. "Sorry, that sounds really self-conscious, I'm not — I mean, I like you, so I'm happy we're going out but, Carlisle, I have cancer. I'll be dead in less than a year. Why are you doing this? Is it like a pity thing? Do you feel bad for me? Am I like some sort of doctor Pro-Bono thing but in the dating department? An easy lay? I'm not, by the way, well, I could be, wow, I'm saying a lot of words."
Carlisle hummed but didn't say anything. That worried her. He drove for a few minutes longer until he reached a stretch of parking lot and a group of white buildings.
He parked the car and shifted in his seat to face her.
"Elise," he said softly, his honey voice sending unwilling shivers down her spine. He looked over her face softly, but not pityingly. "Why did you agree to this date?"
Elise blinked, brushing back a lock of hair behind her ear. "Because I figure if I'm going to have a hot date before I die, might as well go out with the hottest guy I've quite literally ever met."
An amused smile toyed at the corners of his mouth.
"You're so precious," he whispered, as though his mouth moved before his mind caught up. Her eyes widened but he continued before she could speak, his voice as gentle as his gaze.
"I enjoy your company and your humor and your mind. You've consumed my thoughts, Elise. I would take one magnificent day with you over never knowing you at all. I asked you on a date because I hope to bring you half as much happiness as you've already provided me. I ensure you, my desires are of purely selfish inclinations."
"That's a lot for a first date," Elise smirked, looking away as though to hide her blush. "You talk big words."
Carlisle grinned at her remark, reaching his hand over the cab and holding it palm-up towards her. She glanced down at his hand and then his encouraging expression. He nodded to his hand and she slowly reached her own to his. He intertwined their fingers and held her hand firmly.
"I am content to spend every minute with you, darling. No matter how long that stretch of time may be."
"Because I'm totally adorable and irresistibly witty?"
"Precisely," he squeezed her hand gently. "Now, if you'd like to begin our date, I think you'll find it quite entertaining."
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow and he nodded, letting go of her hand and turning off the car.
He opened the door and when she moved to open hers, he spoke up. "Don't even think about it, you're with a gentleman. I'll treat my lady as she deserves."
Elise blushed as he walked around the car and opened her door as well. He offered his hand to her and she grasped it gently, allowing him to help her from the car before he dropped it again.
"You don't have to do that," she told him with a slight eye roll, though she secretly loved it. She felt like a character from one of her romance novels. "It's just a door."
He smiled down at her, a fond look in his gaze she felt supremely undeserving of.
"It's a sentiment, Elise, and I will take every opportunity to sweep you off your feet."
Elise look away, fighting a smile, but he tucked a finger beneath her chin and made her look up at him.
"Don't ever feel abashed in my presence, I want to spoil you. That smile is my reward."
Elise bit her lip as a deep blush followed her smile. "You're very romantic."
"It's one of my many virtues."
"I see modesty is one you lack."
Carlisle grinned. "Elise Swan, you bring out in the worst in me."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"It may very well be," his smile softened and a furrow between his brows worried for a second, but it was gone a moment later. He reached down, entangling his hand in hers. "Come, I have to woo you now."
"You've been doing very well so far," she leaned against him as they walked.
The nerves she'd felt before had dissipated, replaced instead by a calmness she wasn't sure she'd felt before. As though she'd known him for years and he this wasn't, in fact, their first date.
"Well that's good to know," he smiled down at her. "I was worried I wouldn't score any points with you before the reveal."
"It's a surprise, Elise."
"You're full of those, aren't you?"
He laughed, squeezing her hand. "I have to keep you intrigued, don't I?"
The walk to their destination was rather short and Elise realized soon enough they were at the planetarium.
"What're we doing here?" She asked with a small frown.
"You should experience everything in life, Elise, and I don't know what comes after death," he paused, reminiscing something she wasn't privy to, "but I think you might like to see the universe before it takes you from me."
Elise looked at him with a soft smile. "You want to show me the universe?"
Carlisle nodded, a gentle gaze in his eyes that made her feel like she'd burst in two. "Darling, I would take you to every city in every country if we had the time. But I think the stars are an acceptable second."
Elise could've sworn her heart stopped at his words. For a first date — he was particularly forward and confessional, but at the same time, she'd be dead soon, so where was the harm in rushing into a relationship?
"Then show me the stars, Carlisle."
He tugged her gently into the building, flicking on a light as they passed. She noticed the lack of staff and eyed him curiously.
"I know a few people," he winked at her. "Come," he walked her upstairs to a large set of double doors and ushered her inside, his hand resting delicately on her lower back.
Upon entering, she was greeted with constellations and shooting stars and planets. Her heart stuttered in her chest when he stood next to her, gazing at her instead of the panorama above them. The dome stretched around the room and she spun in a soft circle, looking around in awe.
"It's beautiful," she breathed out.
He watched her softly, a small smile on his face when she turned back around to face him.
"I know it's just a show, but..." she looked up again. "Somehow it feels real, like the universe is looking at me, and I'm looking back at it."
"That's a nice sentiment."
She looked at him again, his pale figure and golden eyes almost ethereal against the darkness and dimly lit view of the stars.
He was incredible.
"I really like you," she breathed out. "That's fucking scary."
Carlisle moved closer to her, closing the few steps between them.
"I really like you too, Elise." He cupped her face gently in his palm and she leaned into it. "And I find you and this feeling, absolutely remarkable."
She looked up at him, their eyes on each other, and her heart clenched at the thought of losing him. Of leaving him behind.
Because here, in this moment, under the impenetrable gaze of false stars and constellations, they were cocooned in their own crevice of the universe.
Here, in Carlisle's arms, Elise felt eternal.
was going to make them kiss but he's a gentleman
Also is this cute???? Idk even
Hope you liked :)
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