Her body ached and she couldn't breathe more than a few seconds without coughing. She kept falling asleep and sweating into the sheets and she looked absolutely, positively, dreadful.
Bella called out of school to keep an eye on Elise, Charlie wrote her a note. They claimed it was because of the accident.
No one questioned him further.
Bella curled up next to Elise on the bed, running her hands gently through her hair as she slept. She offered water when her throat wheezed and read aloud when she didn't want to think about her condition.
Elise noticed Bella talked a lot about Edward.
Not that she minded — though she had yet to meet the "objectively handsome — I'm not admitting to anything, El — but very dismissive and kind of rude biology partner who maybe saved my life from the van?" boy who occupied Bella's thoughts.
Not that it made much of a difference. If her thoughts were anything like Elise's thoughts about the Dr. Cullen with his perfectly sculpted hands, a finger tucked under her chin, watching her ramble like she was being cute, oh, gods, if it were anything like that then Bella was an absolute goner.
A month passed since the accident and Elise felt a bit more aches and pains than before. She took more Tylenol than she'd ever taken in her life and her period was hands-down the absolute worst week of her short existence.
Jack was completely understanding of it all — not that he could argue anyway, with HIPPA, she'd be protected anyway — and always texted her get well and brought in small desserts when she managed to make it in to work.
"Sorry again," she leaned against the counter, the bags under her eyes pronounced and dark. Her head was fuzzy and light; she'd spent most of the day hacking up her terrible lung, but didn't want to spend another day surrounded by her own misery.
"Don't apologize," Jack winked, handing her a small container with a slice of carrot cake. "Just try to take it easy. I'll handle the customers, it's a busy day if you can't tell."
He nodded to the empty store an Elise snorted. Jack smiled at the sound.
"How's Bella?" He asked curiously, looking over a supply list. "She doing okay after the accident?"
Elise nodded. Jack asked that every time she worked. "Yeah, she's fine. Thank you."
"And you, love?" He asked this next, as he usually did.
Elise smiled tiredly. "'Death is the sound of distant thunder at a picnic,'" she quoted. "It's pushing for me."
His expression softened. "And your bucket list?"
Elise nearly groaned. "I wish you'd never seen that stupid list."
"It's not stupid," Jack shook his head. "You deserve to be happy. Live life while you can. Humanity is fleeting, it's best to enjoy it while you're alive to embrace it."
Elise gave him a sidelong look. There's that tone of voice again. It wasn't condescending, no, more hinting at something she hadn't the first clue of.
"Oh," Elise looked at him more thoroughly. "Is your family a cult?"
Jack blinked before bursting into laughter. "Sorry?" He asked through chuckles.
"Right, I should explain," Elise nodded. "The eye color. It's weird that none of you are related except Esme and Dr. Cullen, and yet you all have the same color eyes?"
Jack sobered up, a pensive expression on his face. "I hadn't noticed."
Elise stared at him blankly. "That's the most bullshit I've ever heard come out of your mouth."
"Truly, I hadn't."
"You didn't notice that your extremely rare eye color that literally no one else has is not only your eye color, but your brother-in-law, his foster daughter and son, and probably your wife's? That's bullshit."
Jack shrugged, pondering her words. "I suppose it is." He hmphed in thought. "Life is funny that way, isn't it."
Elise woke up in unfamiliar territory. Her eyes flickered open and she looked around, blinking the harsh lights back. Where was she?
"You're awake," a soft voice said from next to her. She squinted against the light, which was turned off a moment later, and tilted her head, spotting Dr. Cullen's worried expression. "You gave my brother quite a scare."
"I'm sorry," Elise mumbled, reaching her hands up and rubbing her eyes. "It's growing increasingly more common that I spend my day with my eyes closed."
Dr. Cullen's smiled minutely. "How do you feel? We were able to get some fluids through intubation, you weren't breathing on your own."
"Oh," Elise rubbed her throat gently. "Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm sorry for worrying him."
Dr. Cullen shook his head. "Don't be, he's alright."
Elise nodded, fiddling with a string in the hospital blanket before looking back up at he doctor. "I'm probably good to go, this is becoming a bit of a routine."
"That's alright," he watched her for a moment. "I have some tough news, it will be difficult to hear."
"Is it the cancer thing?" She looked up at him, a tired smile on her face. "Because I know. Metastatic. Stage IV Lung Cancer. Untreatable, unbeatable, and slowly sucking the life from me. I know. I have ten months left."
Something flashed across Dr. Cullen's face, but she couldn't identify what.
"Your file says your twenty, you're incredibly young to be so blasé about death."
Elise shrugged. "The alternative is wallowing in self-pity until I crash and burn. I'm better off going out with a laugh."
He watched her for a moment before looking away, the air thicker now. It was always like this. People found out she had cancer and things because much more solemn and depressing.
"Your son, Edward," she grabbed his attention again. "Can you make him decide to be Bella's friend or not be Bella's friend? It's driving her crazy having to deal with his whiplash emotions."
Dr. Cullen smiled softly. "I'll speak with him, but Edward is very stubborn."
"So's Bella," Elise shook her head. "Am I good to go soon? Bella's making lasagna tonight and I really don't want to miss it."
Dr. Cullen nodded. "Of course. Your clothes are in that bag," he gestured to a bag at the end of the bed. "Just take it easy. Would you like us to call your father or sister to pick you up?"
Elise shook her head. "I can walk. Bella's in school and Dad's working."
His eyebrows raised. "Absolutely not, I'll make you stay here until they're off."
"You can't detain me, I haven't done anything wrong."
He chuckled. "This is a hospital, Elise, but we'll keep you here for as long as your health pertains it. How about this," he glanced at the clock on the wall. "I'm off in half an hour, I can take you home."
Elise looked him over. "That's very kind of you, Doc."
"Please," he shook his head a fraction. "Call me Carlisle. I have a feeling I'll be seeing you in here more often."
Carlisle. He was offering her first name basis?
Her gaze met his and her heart stuttered again, embarrassingly on the heart monitor and she closed her eyes.
"Pretend I'm not hooked into a heart monitor," she grimaced. "This is incredibly awkward."
Carlisle laughed lightly at her words. "What heart monitor?"
She opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Thanks. Are you sure you're okay with the ride? I don't want to take you out of your way."
He waved it off. "Absolutely. It's no problem. You don't live far from me."
"I'm going to assume you know where the sherif lives like everyone else."
He smiled again. "Guilty." He nodded to her clothes. "I can meet you in the waiting room in half an hour, alright?"
"Thank you again, Carlisle."
"Of course."
The car ride wasn't as awkward as Elise thought it would be. Carlisle had the radio on low and his driving was far less clunky than Bella's.
That probably and more to do with the much newer car as opposed to her driving skills.
"What were you studying in school?" Carlisle asked after a few minutes of silence. "Before you came home."
"Psychology," Elise explained. "I was looking into behavioral psychology. Originally, I thought it would be cool to go to medical school," she shook her head with wide eyes. "But I'm not great with blood, so I decided against that. And then I was thinking forensic psychology, because how cool would it be to take down criminals by understanding how they operate?" She shook her head, giving him a look. "First class they showed a crime scene and I almost puked. So it was behavioral psychology for me."
He nodded in thought, a small smile on his face as he glanced to her in the passenger seat. "What made you think of the medical field and psychology?"
Elise shrugged. "I want to help people. My mom died when I was ten, car accident, nothing could've been done, but I," she sighed softly. "I had this stupid notion as a kid that if I'd known more I could've helped her. She was literally in Massachusetts, there's no way I could've, but it was just something that pushed me I guess. And then I realized I hate everything to do with blood or gore and instead focused on the mind. People are complex and everyone's different but everyone needs help in some way or another. It seems like a good step."
He was quiet for a moment, taking in her words. "Did you finish school?"
Elise shook her head, glancing out the window. "No, I, em, I ended up in the hospital for something unrelated and when I was there, they diagnosed me. Everything flipped on it's head. I didn't stand a chance."
"I'm sorry," he looked to her again, sympathy in his eyes. "No one deserves cancer, it's hard and painful. For everyone."
Elise nodded. "Yeah, it sucks." She looked to him again. "Sorry for the morose conversation."
Carlisle shook his head a fraction. "Don't be sorry. It's hard to put a mask all the time. I'm sure it causes you more exhaustion than otherwise." His hand clenched around the steering wheel. "If you ever need anything, I'm here."
"What, you study psychology too?"
That handsome smile was back on his face and he nodded. "In another life. But I'm offering less as a doctor and more as a friend."
"Friends, already?" She teased. "I feel like that's morally grey, you being my doctor and all."
Carlisle titled his head a fraction. "I'll only be your doctor when you occasionally faint. And, besides," he looked over at her with a small smirk. "You'll be dead in a year anyway, so what's the harm?"
Elise gasped before breaking into a small laugh. "Wow, Carlisle Cullen, who knew you had it in you."
"It comes on occasion."
They pulled up to the Swan residence and Carlisle parked the car.
"Have a good evening, Elise, be careful."
"Thank you," she smiled softly. "Seriously. Thanks." She opened the door and exited the car. "Drive safe."
He waved with a smile as she closed the door and headed to the front door, pulling out her keys and unlocking it, slipping into the foyer as his car backed out.
God rest her soul, she was smitten.
short chapter and not my best, but lots of Carlisle content hehehe
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