Chapter 12- Confession.
Once again as the Uchiha stared at her hypnotizing emerald orbs, he was stunned, amazed and attracted. Why is he so addicted to her eyes anyway? He didn't know, no one knows. It's just, he had this feeling where he could feel his stomach doing backflips. Is that even possible? And he's heart started to beat again, as if it's trying to escape..
She called his name again, and how he loves it when he heard her pronouncing it. Like a music into his ear. What the hell? He thought as she tugged his sleeves.
"What?" He managed to make his voice tough and cold, in order to hide this feeling he was feeling right now. Yet, the pinkette didn't even meet his gaze. All she did was stare worriedly at nothing clutching Sasuke's sleeves while biting her lower lip.
"Sasuke-kun, I have something to tell you." She started, and there she goes again adding suffix into his name. "Remember the time I told you that I think I like you? Well, maybe I did. Maybe I did like you, maybe I did fall for you."
He was shock, stunned and somewhat relief. But he didn't make any move, just letting her continue. And this time, he'll forget about Itachi, the rocks that bounded them from going out, the fact that they are all alone without nothing. And also her, she'll forget that she's the almighty cherry blossom. A tough agent working for Konoha, who accomplished many missions before. Caught criminals before. Killed persons before.
They will forget everything, put everything aside. And will put this crazy little called love at the front lines.
"I fell in love with you Sasuke-kun. I love you already. The time we spent together before. The time when you pinned me down and I saw your eyes, the time that you told me to trust you. And I did right? I did trust you. The time whem you let me in you house, and you lend me your clothes. Where I could smell your scent and I can't help but feel so...better."
"For once, when I'm with you I feel free, lightened, better. Your soft lips on mine, your warmth that enveloped me before. I loved it Sasuke-kun, I love you."
Her eyes glimmering, filled with tears threatening to fall. Sasuke averted her gaze look down on the ground. A small smile started to form on his lips, he let out a chuckle which startled the woman. She opened her mouth to ask but was stopped when his lips crashed into her again. He smiled as she relaxed into his kiss and lean closer to deepen it.
It was a very passionate kiss, a soft one, much better than the last time. And in this kiss, is where they pour everything. Words of love that can't be spoken, feelings that cannot be comprehend.
Sasuke was the one to break the kiss, then he lifted his hands to cup her cheeks. Then said, "let's get married after this, alright?"
And this time, the pinkette never felt so happy before. She was glad she confessed, and glad that she can finally make him happy.
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