Ambush? PFT Please.
A/n- Enjoy.
Arlo: Okay let me get this right.
You said pacing back and forth on the grass floor.
Arlo: Our home was destroyed by the mechanism.
An image of that past flashed in your head from your perspective.
Arlo: And so we ran away and sent most of our people to another dimension to keep them safe. And we wounded up in the world of twelve.
Yugo: And the Eliacube doesn't have enough energy to bring them back too.
Adamai: Yet!.
He added with an excited smile.
Quilby: In a desperate odyssey across the krozmos travelling further until we arrived here and lived in peace, but it only lasted until Orgonax one of the mechanisms hunted found us.
Quilby: it was a gruelling battle in which many of us perished in the last resort we sent our people to the other dimension.
Quilby: I don't know whether it was because I was your king or because of my injury inflicted by him.
Arlo: 'I don't know what, but something feels weird.'
Quilby: Are you trying to remember?.
He asked kinda weirdly in your opinion looking at you close more like inspecting you.
Arlo: It all comes back in small pieces Quilby I-I mean king.
Then the orange-haired one spoke up.
Dally: You should've been here earlier he already went through this.
He complained which you ignored.
Arlo: Whatever. Anyway, let's get back to our Dofus!
Yugo: To the crimson Clas Archipelago!
Small-time skip.
Soon after getting things in order were standing in front of a green portal that'll take us somewhere you didn't listen to them talking. Not before you did say goby by to your brothers Goug and Chibi.
Arlo: Hey Chibi sorry I can't stay any longer but when I come back, I'll spend all my time with you Kay.
You said to your baby brother when giggled and tried to fit your whole hand in his mouth. And Grouga who climbed on your shoulders and rubbed cheeks with you.
Arlo: 'Too cute.' mm Okay, back you go... maybe just a little longer
You said removing your hand and tickling him making him giggle cutely.
You thought handing Chibi back and Grouga flew away from you and headbutted Quilby. Then he flew back to Adamai.
Arlo: 'you don't like him do you huh? Oddly I share the same resentment. '
You thought and shrugged it off as a bad first impression and headed to Adamai before heading through the portal with the others.
Adamai: It's not fair that you get to go with Yugo on an adventure and I have to babysit.
Arlo: It's not that bad I'd say your lucky but Qilby has ordered me to look after Yugo, so I have no choice.
Adamai: Hm it's still not fair.
You chucked at his pouting expression promising to answer any questions he'll have when you come back.
Arlo: Who are we waiting for Uh? Gruel was it?.
Yugo: Pft haha it's Ruel not gruel.
Arlo: Hehe yeah I'm not used to adventuring in groups that's all.
Eva: Don't worry you'll get to know us on this adventure, Plus it'll be great to have another mind helping us.
She smiled and you smiled back.
Dally: Yeah adventures always make us closer friends. And Besides, so long as my girl leads us then it's all good. Heh.
He said leaning on her to which she shook her head smirking and walked away making him fall.
Yugo: come on let's go!.
Arlo: Alright!.
Dally: Adventure!.
Ruel: GOLD!
The three smile waving back entering the portal.
On the other side, we entered a swamp-like area less green.
Arlo: Is this the right place?.
Eva: Yes it is now here's the plan listen closely.
Arlo: OK so adventuring around then so when is the princess getting out of the bag.
Suddenly Ruel's bag begins shaking wildly.
Ruel: Huh! What the!?
And outcomes for the princess.
Amalia: I can't believe none of you came to ask me to go with you.
Yugo: what are you doing here won't your father be angry?
Eva: I sneaked her along with us.
Arlo: does this happen a lot?
You looked down asking Yugo who shrugs. And answers.
Yugo: second time.
Amalia: Alright then let's go.
Arlo: You can't be coming with us right? You're a princess.
Amalia: Please as if you can stop me.
You decided not to say anything and just follow. The Shushu map called skribble which had a face was going between walking and using (Portals)zaps cuz Dally's motion sickness.
After some walking, we come to the portal that'll lead us to the cable car that is well-used to get through the Pincher pass.
Ruel: Ah the cable car at pincher pass my grandmother used to run it and made money through it, I wonder who's running it right now.
He said smiling reminiscently of his past. Anyway, we continue to walk through and pass another portal arriving at the cliff of pincher pass on top of the cliff was the cable car building.
Once some time passes and we get close enough he speaks again.
Ruel: Oh I remember how she always waited by the window for when I always visited. I think I can still see her now.
He said as you also see someone inside the building.
Arlo: Uh Ruel I don't know her, but I think U can see her too.
Ruel: What are you talking about?
He asked and Yugo pointed to the window.
Ruel: GAH! No Nana is it you!?
Nana: Oh well if it isn't little Ruel do you have any money?
Arlo: she's a Gold digger!
Amalia: well it looks like she's related.
She said as Ruel ran to the window. Saying how he and his family thought she had been dead for years.
Arlo: Wait if Ruel is old then how old is her Nana?
As they were talking Dally went to rest by the cable car but got tacked by her pet mole almost knocking him into the sea.
Nana: You don't touch my machine unless you're going to pay!.
Nana: so my dear what brings you dear
She asked and Eva spoke answering.
Eva: we want to reach crimson claw, so we were hoping to borrow your cable car.
She looked shocked at her answer.
Ruel: Us Stroud doesn't like to use the word borrow. We prefer to say rented or lease.
Amalia: It's your grandmother surely she won't make us pay right?.
Arlo: Isn't the point of a family to be there for one another
Even though it looked like the cable car could fall at any moment it was still working, so we had to pay, but the price was insane! Three hundred kamas per person!.
Ruel: It's useless she's greedy like a pig.
Eva: hoe selfish can you be you know it's a 30 walk this will save us plenty of time.
Amalia: you are selfish you know that just for that I'm praying for everyone except you.
She said taking out a pouch filled with Kamas. We all got the first-class treatment besides Ruel. She gets in the peddling seat and the cable car begins moving.
Nana: ladies and gentlemen the weather is clear, so we should arrive in approximately 30 minutes please sit back and enjoy the view.
Arlo: wow.
You said looking out the window the view of the ocean beach was a site worth 300 kamas.
Amalia: beautiful.
Yugo nodded in agreement as he also watched.
Arlo: what was that?
You ran to see six figures landing down on the cable car.
Amalia: Oh great more of these guys?
Eva: let's just hope they're not like the black crow.
She said to which Dally smiled and pumped his fists.
Dally: there's six of the great that's one for each of us.
Suddenly the door opens to show the leader who calls himself Ligoris and his five henchmen.
Ligoris: Well Nana it's been a while hast it.
He said taking out a small knife
Arlo: 'this is not their day '
Nana: what are you doing here Ligoris I have a deal with your chief!.
Ligoris: oh you haven't heard the chief is dead.
He said smiling as his henchmen repeated after him.
Henchmen: the chief is dead the chief is dead.
Nana grunts asking what they want making ligoris giggle before laughing wildly.
Ligoris: everything! I want it all your Kamas that cable car all! If you hand it all over calmly then.
Nana: Like hell we are.
She yells and jumps in the air with her mole they begin fusing?
Arlo: what the heck is that.
Ligoris: what is that thing!.
Ruel: ahem that "thing" is my grandmother. And you're making her do things she's too old for.
Dally: alright a fight!
Eva: It's time to teach them a lesson
Amalia: well make you regret ever coming here
Yugo: Yeah!
You all got into fighting poses and brawled it out with them. Eventually, they escaped and decided to cut the cable making you all fall into the sea below.
Amalia: what are we going to do there on flying mounts!
Suddenly Ruel opened a hatch to the ceiling.
Ruel: Yous are coming up with me my Nana was always prepared, so we have a little surprise for them.
On top of the cable car, Nana pulls a lever and mounts a machine gun turret!. Firing at those flying assholes. Evangelyne is shooting at them with a crossbow. She gets grabbed by one of the mounts slipping off the roof she calls for Dally's help and he jumps down to catch her. While at the same time knocking off a rider and using the mount to fly back up.
As for you were zapped behind each rider and kicked them off landing on the roof the only one left was their leader.
Ligoris: I won't be fooled by those little magic tricks.
You were about to blast him out of the sky right before Yugo spoke.
Yugo: I'll take care of this!
He said and began opening portals climbing up to him eventually he appeared behind him and drove his mount to dive into the cable car.
Arlo: He can't create any long-distance portal?
Little time skip after the battle.
After their defeat and capture, you went back down to the building.
Eva: Thanks to our bandit friends we'll be saving a lot of time with their mounts.
Amalia: Maybe we'll have time to relax along the way.
She said as You all rode off with the flying mount well they did, but you didn't ride one as you were both dragon and Eliatrope you grew your wings and flew with them.
Arlo: Overall not a bad start though I'd like a bit more action than common bandits.
A/n- I hope you enjoyed this.
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