"What do you like?" "Oh but I asked you so I pay." "Sansa, I am a gentleman. I pay." The sweet smell of bloody hot coffee was very relaxing. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. "One doubled espresso and..." "Cappuccino" "... a Cappuccino and two lemon cakes."
"After all this time you remembered my favorite cake?" "Not a big deal, literally you smell like it." The girl blushed. "So Petyr, what happened?" "First good things or bad ones?" "The truth."
"I am sixteen! I can decide who I love, not my parents! And if you think you ignorance can stop me... no way! I love you...forever." "I know sweetling, I just wanted you to know that there... I can not simply.... Ok let me say... Bugger it. I love you too." And I kissed her like it was our last kiss.. but who know. My hands wandered under her shirt and touched every centimeter of her lovely skin. Sansa moaned and took of my shirt. She pressed my in the direction of her big bed. "Wait sweetie, you parents are thinking that we separated in this moment-" My girl just stopped my speech by kissing me. "Petyr, then make me scream." I pulled her closer and smacked her booty. "I hate you!" Surprised I looked at her but she just goes on stripping and I realized what her intention was. "But Sansa, I have to do it!" And whisperd in her ear quietly :"Don't stop." While she screamed: "You can't command me!" she unbottoned my pants. "I am an adult. You are... just a girl." My girl tweaked me. Ouch! "That's not fair. And now Mister Baelish shut up."
"And what's now? I can't go now... your parents..." "I go first okay? And act a bit. Then you sneak out." She pulled her shirt and pants on and kissed me like goodbye. I really sneaked out but I never met her again. The plot twist was that her parents planned to move and I was an idiot, thinking that maybe that's the sign of 'god' that here is our end. And I don't answered any of her messages because so it it easier for her. Not really for her just for me. And after all this time I started to become much colder. I finished university and started working. There was one more moment were I met her at a party just few months later. At this moment I started dating Lysa. And very drunken I explained to her very rough that I don't want to see her even again. I was really depressed after this a long time. Lysa helped me finding myself again but I wasn't Petyr anymore. Lysa was a great friend, maybe sometimes very naive but she was reliable. After some years we split up because I had a flashback of Sansa and she couldn't stand it. The coldest night in November she came back to me, crying she was pregnant of a one night stand and I was like : "Let us be a family." That's how had our comeback. I was not angry about her mistakes, I just needed someone who really wanted me and would never hurt me. This seems stupid but I knew Lysa loves me from the bottom of her heart and however she was my best friend. In april we visit the eastcoast and I asked her if she wanted to be my wife. Sad background story is that this was more a professional idea because my company was searching for someone in a higher position and being married is a good attribute in a toy-company. Years later she asked me : "Petyr? Will you can even forget her forever and love me unconditionally?" "There is a lot time between now and never so, I always loved you Lysa." This wasn't really a lie... I love her... as a friend.
That's how life's going. But I didn't told Sansa the heartbroken-parts. And added a few funny stories from University and so on.
"Wow and then you had time to manage your job as well?" She looks so innocent. "And how's 'bout you? Life's good?" She explained a bit about her education and how she met Ramsay and her family. I could listen to hear for years. After that we discussed about some gossip. "Sansa I am so sorry but I have to go on with work. We can chat tomorrow again if you like." I turned and wanted to take the elevator upstairs but suddenly she jogged to me and asked: "Sorry if I am annoying but have you time after work? I have maybe a breakthrough and you are an expert and also my friend, could you maybe have a closer look at it?" This could be the first step for our new friendship. I acted like I was really busy and looked at my calendar but complied. Luckily Lysa was busy at work so I needn't explain why i hang around with my ex. "Good is 19:00 okay?" "Oh but so late... I need to call my wife. Just inform her otherwise she will be very worried."
"Hey Honey what's up?" "Hey Lys, well I met a old friend at work and we want to exchange business ideas... I come back a bit later, okay?" "Damn, Petyr you are a grown man you don't need to inform me about everything. Just please drive safely home. Ok sweetheart, have fun, love you." "Love you too. See you soon."
"Do you know any good pubs here?" I guided her to my favorite Irish bar and ordered two good beers. "So let me hear, what's your good idea?" We talked about five minutes about job and than she added : "Oh this was OUR song, how creepy." Our eyes met. We were both blushing because of alcohol and the raising temperature of the bar. "Do you wanna dance? Just as friends?" She tooks my hands and leads us to the full floor. We danced and talked about old times and after our song we go on. I was a good dancer so we could dance together no matter what type of music and rhythm. "I am not as young as you just a short break please." We laughed and Sansa called me a Oldtimer and I wasn't mad about it. Far after 22:00 we left the local together and walked through the streets watching the traffic lights. The girl holds my arm and we felt the cold air blowing through our hair. The city was so quiet at night but I wasn't scared. "Hey Petyr? Are you brave enough for visiting the graveyard?" My first thought was : that is disrespectful! But all I said was: "Nice idea! What could possibly go wrong?"
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