t a k e n
Ok guys i do not re-read my story so no walk of shame ok ? Do you want to check out Sansas hot boyfriend? Eh ... yeah? F O R S U R E ! enjoy
I enjoyed the good vibes of this morning. I was alone at home because my wife was at the doctor with Robin. So I turned up the radio and danced all out. Life was so good to me. Unbelievable.Just in socks and my striped short pajama I prepared lunch and get ready. This moments are the best. I always have to be shady to get the best results. Control is everything. And I always wanted everything. I just showered after breakfast and looked in the mirror. Is this all? I am having no midlife crisis or is it to early? Because I am good mid 30, wife, kid, job is going... maybe I have a lot years left. I laughed quiet and styled my wet hair with the dryer and a toothbrush in my mouth. I felt like 20 again. Damn it! Two minutes left! I was very close to slip just in my car but luckily I had good karma.
I just stopped at a florist and the the trip to work goes on.
"Good morning Mister Varys. Everything is fine?" "For sure my clients have got a lot of breakthroughs..." "Good for them." I just picked on sunflower out of my bouquet and hand it to him. His face was clearly amused. Maybe I should be friends after all this time- but where was Sansa?
I knocked at her office door. "Miss Stark? I just wondered if you've got a-" And there she stood in a charming yellow dress with big flowers at the top. Her eyes were dreamy blue and her soft red lips were smiling. A hand of a man touched her cheek first then holds her hand. But it was not mine. "Oh hey Mister Baelish! Ehm. This is Mister Petyr Baelish, he guided me yesterday. May I present you my boyfriend? Ramsay Bolton." The young handsome man approaches and took my hand very close to him and shaked it. "I've heard a lot a good about you. You're very long in this business maybe you could teach the younger generation?" Ramsay giggles. Wow. This was THE BOYFRIEND??? The barrier? Ok maybe he is a bit younger but what is so special about him? Is this what Sansa is now into? This mainstream wannabe I bet he works for some small save-whatever-company. "Pleasant to meet you, Mister Bolton." "Oh Ramsay is cool. Friends of Sansa are also my friends." Baaaaah. Friendly ass-kisser. I just smiled at both. "I just decided a bit later who is my friend after I get known to them. As long Mister Bolton is ok. I am so sorry but Sansa never told me where you met?" He strokes her hair and explains: "I just met her at my gala. At this moment she was just a student at Highschool and wanted an article for her student newspaper. We had an interview about my company leathers and feathers. Because we produce leather without any animal contents and so on. She was just as pretty and lovely as today. In the age of seventeen. Isn't it weird?" I would have preferred it if he just got hit by a car at this moment but wait. Seventeen? Just a few months after we separated? Wasn't she... sad? It was selfish I knew but why was it so easy for her to move on. "Oh nice flowers Petyr. Who is the lucky one?" I just forgot the flowers I bought for Sansa. But damn it. "Just for my office. Good vibes. You know? ... So I see you later I guess?" I just looked at Sansa the first time after her absolutely stunning boyfriend was confronting me. "Yeah. We will. See you Petyr." I just ignored the friendly goodbye from Ramsay and went straight to my room. At the walk I went into Varys. "Hey Petyr, look forward!" I just smiled again. Nuisance. In my office I kicked the bouquet in the trash and started to sort the clutter from yesterday. I started my Computer and googled Ramsay Bolton. This made me just more upset. This guy was absolutely flawless. There were pictures of them smiling, well dressed and how they looked each other... but what was my intention? Just go on like nothing happened? No, she was someone who needed trust and a shoulder to cry on. I closed the tab and checked my mails. Work was my lifesaver. While checking applications, I thought maybe this is our destiny: be friends. And with this conclusion i felt a lot better. I was a bit ashamed that I hadn't thought any second about my family. They love me. I found a old aim again: be the best at work. That's what I am good at. No interruption anymore just focusing on this. I took a new piece of paper and sketched my new concepts. Brainstorming. What do kids want? Like their parents just attention, success... and i figured out how I could compete everyone in this floor.
Someone was knocking at the door. I just realized it when the person already entered. "Petyr do you have a minute? I didn't saw you at lunch." I looked at the watch. Wow I wrote five hours nonstop. "For sure. What's up, Sansa?" I grinned at her. "I am so sorry about how you met him it's just tha-" I waved off. "Sansa, no problem. He was a really nice guy. Oh and here. You forgot your ring." She sat down in front of me and asked with a worried look: "Everything's cool with us?" "And again: we are friends. So everything will gonna be alright." Timidly she asked: "Would you like to have a coffee with me? I really want to know what happened in the last eleven years."
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