choose me
I was so close to just stay in bed the whole day but I missed my redhead already. The rest of my family was awake and welcoming me with bacon and scrambled eggs. "Oh Petyr my dear. Your head is a bit red. A bit too much beer I guess? Please can't you come home early today? We really miss you at dinner." I nodded and eat breakfast for the first time in forever with them together.
"Mister Baelish I know sometimes it's all gets a little too much but you started this project, please finish it before the next gala. I count on you." And then I just saw the back of my black suited boss. Damn it. The project. I told him that I would have finished it already. But what gala does he mean? I have to go to floor one to give the paperwork to someone who was actually too busy. Before I went searching for some worker like this I entered just quickly Sansas office. I could see her through a door gap how she was calling someone and writing a lot down. Her hair looks a bit messy and like telepathy she puts them in a high ponytail. But loose strands of hair were already falling down again. Her caller must say something satisfying because the girl gets more calmed and smiled. I closed the door carefully and strolled to floor one. My whole body seems to be light as a feather. A sparkle runs over my face. A single look at her makes me smile. I haven't felt this way for... like eleven years. Is it love... real true love ? I am end of my thirties is it normal to feel this so much? It's like every silly lovesong is about her and me. I was at the right floor and a known face meet mine. It was the handsome young man named Ramsay. "Hey Petyr, what's up? You won't believe I am your new coworker as well! Yeah. It is a surprise for Sansa. She was so sad that we don't see us so often anymore so I asked your boss if he wanted to cooperate. Great hm? But I am in a hurry so see you." It was maybe just a minute but these news echoed like a hour. My shock was even bigger after Mister Varys came and informs me about the fact that Ramsay is his new coworker. And that this new connection was his fault. After all I was still calmed. I could fight this boy, like a competition and Sansa chooses. I just have to be shady when Bolton is around.
I handed my work to a young boy who seems trustworthy and went back to my floor to check on my girl.
When my elevator arrives I saw Mister Varys stepping out of Sansas office and I stayed a bit longer at the entrance so he mustn't contact me about his 'great idea'.
"Hey Sansa? Do you have a minute?" I realized I couldn't disturb her because she just finished her notes and than stood up. "Hey Petyr I am glad that you're here. I've got good and bad messages. Which one first?" "I think I already saw the bad one this morning hanging around with Mister Varys. And I hope that he is the bad one." "Good. To raise our vibes: my project is accepted! I am allowed to present my project next month to our team." She seems very happy. I haven't mind the project but I was very proud of her. This could be her chance for life. "Gratulations! I am exited which company do you want to be your partner?" "Later okay? First we have to talk about Ramsay. I am not how to handle this situation. I just need more time to choose." I hugged her tight. This was really a lot that happens same time. "I try not to be rude ok Sansa. That you need time is totally fine but I don't want to share you at all. So ... maybe we can competing?" Slowly leaning against the desk she agreed but added: "Good. But no sex at all. This would just confuse me more ok?" My smirk makes her smile and I kissed her neck and whisperd: "For sure my Sweetling. Just in case you want I wouldn't mind your decision." My girl pushed me a bit away and giggled. "No Petyr it is not that easy."
The game has started again and I wanted to be the best player.
Like telepathy, Ramsay entered the room: "Oh hey guys, so we are all new coworker. Did you had already lunch? No? Good, because I am starving. Let's go I want to know everything that's going on." First he looks very serious but that he switches his facial expressions to frank.
Sansa seems very unhappy but I took this as an opportunity to reach my goals and impress my girl.
"So cool so you already met before? Why haven't you told me that, babe." Ramsay took a sip of his coffee, "Where have you met?" And looked at me like he was expecting a quite good lie. But our girl interrupted him: "We met in a book store." She waved her copper hair smoothly and a slight lemon perfume was in the air. Ramsay, not distracted talked to me again. "Really?! Oh my. I thought you hated reading, darling." Like hawk eyes he scanned Sansas face for any abnormalities, this time it was my turn to save the confrontation: "For sure, but she had to buy Romeo and Juliet for school. She looked so unhappy spending on such trash. That confused me and I talked to her. So all started." His facial expressions changed from serious to impressed very fast and he goes on chatting: "How amazing. But school-time, Petyr I am sorry but you've been always a bit older than her, how is friendship with this age gap even possible?" Oh he tries to trigger something. What a fool. "That's it. We just chatted then and when, but she had school and we had different life goals and lost each other." That's nearly the truth and I realized that the girl thought the same. What a pity that Ramsay wasn't more curious and changed the topic, otherwise I had lost myself in the blue eyes of his girlfriend.
"Great to gabble with old mates but I am so sorry I've got an interview with Varys and the public papers. You know presenting our new ideas and content." In the moment when his lips kissed my girl my hands cramped but my face was relaxed. "See you soon, Mister Bolton." He winks and swaggerd in the elevator. I sighed heavily. "What a annoying personality." The beauty smirks "Com'on he's really nice. Of course he gets jealous when he met my male friends." I raised an eyebrow: " friends " and added: "Ok bestie, do you have time for an old friend like me and go to the cinema. Not a lot of talking just watching. Hm?" She stands up and replies: "But not today. I've a date with someone else." And left me.
She was my heartqueen but I am not afraid to beat her joker.
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