Chapter 1
Elora POV
Elena had gotten the great idea of putting me in the same room as Stefan for dinner.. just the three of us and Bonnie.
"So how was New York?" Asked Elena after a while of no one talking.
"Good." I said simply playing with my food.
"Where did you get that ring? It's beautiful." Said Elena looking at my ring bringing Stefen's attention to it.
"It is beautiful.. where did you get it?" He asked and I glared at him.
"A friend.. gave it to me." I said with a little hesitation and I gritted my teeth.
"Really? Who would give something like that away?" Asked Elena looking at the ring and I looked at her.
"Can we drop the subject Elena? I'm really not in the mood to touch this." I said and she sighed.
"Why don't you like Stefen?" She asked after some time and I almost laugh but instead smiled.
"Because he has secrets little sis.. secrets that I would prefer you not to know." I whispered to myself but Stefen heard it as his eyes widen.
"I'll get it." I said hearing the door bell and walked to the door opening it just for my breathing to stop at the person I saw.
"Bonnie said you were having dinner so we-" I cut her off in my head as I stared at him and he looked at me his eyes widen.
"Elora who's at the door?" I heard Elena but she was walking to me.
"No.. leave! What the hell are you doing here?!" I said freaking out Elena not noticing any of it.
"Let me ex-" He said with a worried expression on his face as he took a step forward.
"I heard enough that night Damon!" I said tears in my eyes.
"No you didn't! Elora come back here!" He said as I shook my head at him shaking.
"What's wrong?" We heard Stefen ask.
"Elena please let me in.." Said Damon almost pleading.
"No.. don't." Said Stefen and for once I agreed.
"Don't let him in Elena please." I whispered but it was too late she had already let him in and he was following me to the kitchen.
"Stop following me!" I whispered yell and he took my hand.
"Listen to me El please." He said, I could hear desperation in his voice and tears fell from my eyes and I shook my head.
"Haven't you done enough already? Did you really have to come here and torture me as well? Torture me more? Tell me, Damon, was it just a game to you?" I asked him barely as a whisper tears in my eyes and my heart beating fast.
"I had no idea you were gonna be here.. El you weren't and you aren't a game.. I'm sorry." He said putting his hand on my face and I cried.
"Sorry won't cut it Damon.. now leave.. leave me alone don't come even close to my family." I said biting my lip.
"You seemed to be just fine with my brother." He said now kinda mad at me and I glared at him.
"If by fine you mean wanting to leave the room because of you then yes.. because of everything I know about him.. I swear if any of you hurt my sister or my family I will kill you." I said and he smirked.
"And how do you plan to do that darling?" He asked pinning me to a wall and my ring activated pushing him away hitting the floor.
"The hell?!" He said looking at me as my breathing got a bit heavier.
"With the gift you left me as a good bye.. stay away Damon." I said walking out of the kitchen and into my room but not before hearing an 'I'm sorry' from him.
~Time Skip~
Damon POV
"What the hell was that about?!" Asked Stefen as the only thing I wanted was to go to my room or go out and kill someone.. though the later choice seems tempting.. something in me is telling me that doing so was just going to make it worse for me.
"You don't get to come here and ruin everything after all I've done!" He said yet again yelling.
"She didn't seem to like you anyway." I said heading up stairs.
"Yeah and now that I know you were involved I understand why! How much does she even know about us?!" He yelled and I flinched a little at all the memories I had with her.. now thinking back, why would I ever do that? Why would I do what I did..? Oh yeah I was jealous.. jealous that I had left her heart broken and her best friend who had a crush on her ever since I met her was the one to come to her aid.. that the little witch actually won.
"Are you even listening to me?!" I heard Stefen and I looked at him.
"Hmm did you say something?" I asked sarcastic before walking upstairs again.
"Her ring." He said and I flinched a little.. not even I was sure how powerful that ring really was.
"What is that ring? It seems to have some kind of power in it and something tells me you know." He said and I looked at him with a smirk half way up the stairs.
"You're right I may know something about it.. but not all of it." I said before going up stairs and into my room drinking my sorrows away like I'm sure she was right about now.
She left her house about half an hour later after our little encounter claiming that she had a meeting with a guy named 'Ty' just seeing or hearing her with another guy's making my blood boil!
Why would she do this to me?! I mean this was all her fault, right? If she hadn't kissed him then the boy wouldn't be dead.. if she hadn't been in that bar that night I wouldn't have met her, she wouldn't be...
What the hell am I thinking?! This is all my fault! I should've stayed away from a freaking 14 year old! But no! Being Damon Salvatore I had to know what the fuck was attracting me to her.. I asked her to be my girlfriend on her 15th birthday and took her virginity that same day..
She fell for me, she did everything for me.. I stayed with her.. I trusted her.. and for some reason I never had the urge to compel her, to control her.. I enjoyed even when she got mad at me and tell me no.. we could just have sex and make up I would even let her win the argument sometimes.. she never judged me.. not when I told her what I was, not when I told her everything about me, my past, what happened with Stefen who Stefen was, not because I was dating a 15 year old girl when I was more than a 150 years old. Nothing, she just accepted it.. but now she hates me all because of witch boy and my fucking jealousy..
"Stefen!" I heard from downstairs and knew it was Elena.
"What's wrong?" He asked her kinda worried.
"No one knows where Elora is since she left.. Tyler doesn't know where she is because they never met up." I heard and I ran downstairs and out the door knowing where she'd be.
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