Aurora jumped off the train, landing her feet against the platform of the station. Slung over her shoulder was her backpack as she tightened her grip on the strap, turning her head left and right as she searched for the others. Beside her, Hoseok and Jungkook also scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces.
The station was flooded with people on their way to work, pushing past them carelessly. Aurora found herself swaying on her feet a couple of times before a larger man shoved into her shoulder, causing her to loose her footing. Behind her, Jungkook grabbed a hold of her shoulders, stabilising her.
"Thanks Jungkook-" she paused as she turned to face him. His gloved hands squeezed harder against her arms, and his face was ridged with fear. Aurora could feel his slight tremble as he drew in deep breaths. "Kook?" she spoke softly, removing his hands from her arms, but not letting go of the male as she faced him completely. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." he spat, adams apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. Reaching for his gloves, he pulled them on more securely, taking an extra measure by shoving his hands into the pockets of his oversized hoodie. "I just haven't seen so many people before..." he confessed, almost shrinking into himself as people brushed past him.
Hoseok also sensed Jungkook's fear... taking a hold of the male's arm as he guided Jungkook through the crowd. Aurora led the way, weaving her way past the mass of city commuters as she made her way to a less crowded spot. It seemed like another person had the same idea, because Aurora was quick to let a smile spread across her face as she spotted a familiar raven haired male.
"Yoongi!" She chirped.
With his bulky headphones resting around his shoulders, Yoongi slipped a hand lazily into the pocket of his jeans, holding his bag with the other. Shaking his hair from his eyes, Yoongi gave a soft smile as Aurora approached him, followed by both Hoseok and Jungkook as they too emerged from the crowd.
"Thank God." Yoongi chuckled lowly, looking down on Aurora's smaller form, "I thought we'd all get separated."
Running a hand through his orange hair, Hoseok let out a huff, "We've still gotta find Jin and-- oh! There they are!" Hoseok grinned, watching as both Seokjin and Jimin emerged from the crowd side by side.
"Nice." Yoongi hummed, sweeping his backpack over his shoulder as the final members of the group joined them.
Jimin let out a grunt, "God, I forget how awful the city is sometimes."
Beside him, Seokjin snickered, "Wait until we get to Andromeda."
Rolling his eyes, Jimin let out a groan, "Don't remind me."
Eyes drifting over to Aurora, Seokjin gave a tight lipped smile, "Alright," he spoke up, gaining everyones attention, "Where's the library you visited?"
Placing a finger against her lip, Aurora sunk into thought, "It's near my university. Probably a good twenty minute walk from here?"
Yoongi rose his brows, "I know which one you mean... you visited there often?"
"Only sometimes." Aurora replied
Yoongi frowned, "I was there a lot, but I never came across the book of elements surprisingly."
Hoseok shrugged, "Maybe you weren't looking hard enough?"
"Shut up Hoseok." Yoongi grumbled, cocking his head in the direction of the station's exit. "Lets go, I'll lead the way."
It was safe to say Jungkook felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest the moment they arrived in the library. The crowds of busy city goers had thinned out, and now Jungkook could muster up enough courage to slide his gloved hands out from his pockets.
There was barely a sound in the library. The only noise being the slow ticking of the wall clock as people scribbled pen against paper or flicked through the pages of their books. Jungkook found his gaze drifting off as he observed the way people moved from bookshelf to bookshelf, examining each and every spine as they pondered in place. He hadn't been a part of society for years, so suddenly jumping back into it came as a shock.
In front of Jungkook, the group began to make their way over to the front counter. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, Aurora turned to Seokjin, "There's six of us now..." she began to speak, letting out a small huff as she stuck out her lower lip, "I don't think all of us should confront her all at once."
"Fair point." Seokjin replied, running a hand through his wind swept hair. His caramel coloured eyes drifted over the group, and for a second, Aurora realised just how normal Seokjin appeared for a man from another galaxy... heck- even Yoongi looked more alien-like then he did.
Seokjin's gaze paused over Jimin, "Aurora, myself and Jimin will talk to Jude." He paused, the slightest of smirks working its way to his plump lips, "I think having Jimin as an unawakened elemental might have its perks for a while."
Jimin's brows furrowed, "What do you mean by that?" he uttered, pestered by the idea of being used.
Seokjin continued to explain, "You don't radiate enough elemental energy for anyone to pick up on unless they're an elemental themselves." he spoke, moving closer towards the shorter male, "Jude won't feel threatened, because she won't sense any power coming from you... and when we make it to Andromeda, lets just say it'll be easier for you to get around."
Aurora wanted to ask what Jin meant by that... but she decided to save that question for later.
Standing beside Jungkook, Hoseok placed his hands against his hips, "We'll leave you guys to it then." he smiled, wrapping an arm around Yoongi's shoulders, and hesitantly taking a hold of the fabric of Jungkook's hoodie as he led them away, down towards the fiction section of the library in hopes of being entertained.
Running a hand through his ashy hair, Jimin cocked his head in the direction of the front desk, "Lets hurry and meet her then... the quicker we cooperate, the faster we find that 'k.n' guy." he said, leading both Seokjin and Aurora towards the lady behind the desk.
As Aurora neared the woman she was quick to recognise her as the lady who had served her before. She was still hiding under the disguise of an older women, a wrinkled hand clicking away at the computer mouse as her eyes were glued to her screen.
As the three of them approached the desk, Seokjin was quick to clear his throat, straightening himself up as he gained the lady's attention. Aurora expected some kind of subtle exchange of information, but what they got was entirely different.
The lady locked her gaze with Seokjin's, eyes growing wide as she shot out of her seat. And just like before, Aurora noticed the lights suddenly begin to dim, any noise being washed away as the librarian stood tall.
It was dark, but somehow the four of them remained bright as the librarian began to shift once again.
Aurora's lips parted in absolute awe as the old lady began to glow, wrinkles fading as her skin began to respond as if someone had just turned back the clock. Streaks of black began trailing up her hair before all of it was a striking black, shimmering mysteriously under the dim light. Her eyes faded into deep purple orbs, lips regaining their lively colour and skin receiving a caramel glow.
The lady looked young again.
Aurora found herself flinching the moment the young women landed her hands against the desk, eyes as vast and deep as space starring into Seokjin's, "I can't believe it..." she began, voice raising a little as she kept her gaze on the elemental, "You're alive!" she chocked on her own breath, words falling into a stutter as her gaze fell to the desk, "Oh God," she said, drawing in a shaky breath as tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes, "Thank heavens, I thought you had perished along with the other elementals!" she exclaimed, her tears now rolling down her cheeks.
Seokjin gave the warmest and kindest of all smiles as he reached a hand forwards, tenderly brushing away the tears that littered the girl's face with his thumb. He tucked her hair behind her ears, tilting her chin to meet with his gaze, "It's alright, Jude. I'm still here."
The girl didn't hesitate to leap forwards, leaning over the desk that separated them as she wrapped her arms around him, embracing him in a hug, "What happened!?" she shout, not caring that her voice was raised as she continued to speak, "I've seen the universe thrive for billions of years, and yet something terrible happened not too long ago!" She pulled herself away from Seokjin, pinching the bridge of her nose as she paced backwards and forwards behind her desk, "It started with the element of energy... I could no longer feel his presence. Then Gravity dropped out too!" she bellowed.
Aurora watched as the girl began to visibly shake. Her expression softened, Aurora knew that this girl was more then just the keeper of the universe's secrets... she was a friend to all the elementals. Aurora couldn't even fathom how heartbreaking it would be to loose a friend she had known for billions of years.
Jude continued to speak, "After that, Nature dropped out alongside Life, Ether soon followed..." her words trailed off into a mere whisper as she drew in another unsteady breath, calming herself as she spoke in a softer tone. "That's when time also dropped out." She spoke, her eyes locking with Seokjin's as she stopped pacing. "Jin... where in the Galaxies have you been all these years?"
Her words were loving, her expressions gentle as she faced the bearer of time. Aurora found herself also turning to face him, but her breath soon hitched in her throat, lips parting in awe at the man's expression.
Seokjin had never appeared so hurt.
He paused and sighed. "My Galaxy was destroyed... I never used the stone after that." He cast his gaze onto the ground and his eyes darkened. He glanced back up at Jude, "To be honest... I thought I was the only one left." His voice sounded more pained then anything. And that's when Aurora realised everyone's selfishness. Whilst the rest of them were complaining about their everyday lives being disrupted by their newly found elemental duties, they had failed to take Seokjin's feelings into account. He had lost everything. Everyone. His entire foundation of existence was gone. Yet they still had the audacity to think he had it good.
Jude gave a sad smile, letting out a troubled laugh, "I thought so too." she sniffled, wiping her tears from her eyes, "But now you're here... and Namjoon's alive too."
Jimin's eyes grew wide as he leant over the desk, "So you know where he is!?"
Jude frowned, "Who are you?"
Seokjin chuckled, stepping aside, "Jude, meet Jimin. The universe's new bearer of Nature." he introduced, feeling no need to introduce Aurora seeing as Jude already knew the girl.
With a raised brow, Jude slowly made her way around the desk. Jimin noticed the glorious way she strode, how her steps mimicked that of a fairy, so light and blissful as she almost floated across the ground. Sweeping her hair over her shoulders, Jude leant in closely towards Jimin, startling him as she began to examine him. Jimin swore he couldn't breathe the moment she brushed a hand along the side of his face, touching at his hair, and lifting his arms to examine them.
"Interesting." She muttered, taking a step back, allowing for Jimin to place a hand against his chest as he let out a breath.
Seokjin placed a hand against his hip, "Interesting indeed..."
By this stage, Jimin was about to have a heart attack as both Jude and Seokjin locked their eyes onto him.
Jude let out a breath, "We've never been in enough danger so that anyone of us would die, so I guess there's never been a reincarnation until now." she began to explain, conversing with Seokjin as she took a step back, "He's the same height as Terra was... similar build, even though Terra was female."
Jimin chocked on his saliva, "Wait- I'm the reincarnation of a girl!!?"
Jude didn't feel the need to answer his question as she continued, "He's quite handsome, but still has feminine characteristics which I find interesting, his elemental marking is in the same spot as hers was too."
"I noticed the same thing." Seokjin added, finding it amusing how Jimin was now flustered.
Aurora stepped forwards, finally speaking, "So the elementals weren't all male?"
"No." Jude gave a sombre smile, leaning against her desk, "The elements of Nature and Gravity were female."
Aurora couldn't help but hum in acknowledgement. She always thought there was something feminine about Yoongi too. The way his body was noticeably more slender then most men, he didn't have broad shoulders or muscle... and his face was soft, jawline not boxy but more narrow. "Cute." she mumbled under her breath, but judging by Jimin's reaction, she new the male had overheard her.
Jude turned her attention to Aurora, "You've done well, Aurora." she smiled sincerely, taking Aurora's hands into her own as she gave a slight bow, "Namjoon gave me this book, and he entrusted me with his location." She glanced over at Seokjin whilst still talking to Aurora, "He told me that if ever the collector of the elementals should be found, that I would share this secret of his... but I guess was hesitant when I first met you." she confessed, eyes drifting to the floor, "I knew you were the collector, but I wanted evidence, and now that I've seen Seokjin in person, I know you're really her... you're the collector." Aurora felt Jude squeeze her hand in reassurance. "This information is for you, and whether or not you seek him out or not is your choice."
Jude drew in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she fell into silence. Her grip on Aurora's hand grew weaker, her breath slowing as her eyelids crinkled.
Abruptly, her eyes shot open and Aurora found herself almost pulling away. They were no longer purple, but now swirling with a deep red. Her expression had changed entirely, this was no longer Jude... it was someone else.
She began to speak, "Local is earth, spinning under Orion's touch." she paused before she continued, "Above or below, you may see a different side of his beauty... but only at one place does he shine the brightest."
She paused one last time, and Aurora swore she saw the flash of a raven haired man, a smirk making its way across his lips,
"I'll see you by the heart of that place... Aurora."
{Author Note}
I really wanna see if any of you figure out where Namjoon is according to the riddle... I worded it so that it was doable ahaha xox
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