Under the faint lights of the train station, Seokjin slipped a hand into his suit pocket, pulling out a single pocket watch with ease. The gold glinted so casually in the light, the coolness of the metal soothing almost as he brought a finger to the small button up top, pressing down against it as the cover flipped open to reveal the clock face underneath.
"It's 2:30am." Seokjin spoke, clipping the cover back over the device before slipping the clock back into his pocket.
The group was standing on the station platform, bags hauled over their shoulders as they took in their surroundings. It was dark, their only light being the single lamp of the station buzzing as it flickered on and off, illuminating the tar at their feet. From around the station stood nothing but bushland, the trees rustling hauntingly in the soft breeze of the wind.
"Well this went bust... how do we get from here to the place?" Yoongi piped up, running a hand through his wind tousled hair with a sigh.
From beside him, Seokjin let a cheerless smile spread across his features, holding his posture upright as he turned to the group, "Don't fret, it's not too far." he spoke, raising a brow, "Maybe a 45 minute walk?"
Yoongi's eyes widened, "Forty Five Minutes!?" he exclaimed, facial expression one of absolute distain as the group strode over to the end of the station, taking a couple of shadowed steps down to a single dirt path.
Hoseok frowned in the slightest before replacing his expression with a small smile, "Lets get moving then." he spoke, adjusting his backpack over his shoulder.
Raising a single hand out in front of him, Hoseok allowed for his ability to warm at his fingertips, a slight tingle to his skin as small flames began to leap from the palm of his hand, flares entangling themselves around his outstretched fingers. The air was still and the flame barely flickered. It was steady and bright enough to relieve the darkness of their surroundings, bringing light to the dirt path at their feet.
Hoseok smiled contently at the light he could provide. Under the soft glow of the flames, Hoseok's bones were sharp, yet his skin was mellow like a peach. In the dimness, his eyes turned from soft brown to almost black, each pupil quite undetectable. It looked so different, like the group had just stepped into another era almost as they headed down the single dirt road.
Strolling beside Hoseok up front, Yoongi wondered why he never got any sleep on the train. His facial expression was cadaver like, not just droopy but lacking its usual liveliness completely, as if he'd left his spirit snuggling under the duvet. His eyelids drooped and there was a slight lolling to his head, drunk with fatigue after a session of working on his music. Even his feet barely skimmed the dirt road and altogether his limbs bore the appearance of being too heavy for him, like he was personally struggling against far more gravity than anyone else. So with a tired smirk, Yoongi channeled his ability throughout his body, letting his gravity shift into something a lot more weightless as he made his steps light against the earth.
The group continued down the narrow dirt road, pausing every so often at the sound of a wolf's echoing howl, or the ringing chirp of an owl. Whilst the path at their feet was illuminated, the trees around them were hauntingly dark, tall silhouettes surrounding them from all sides as they strolled through the bushland.
Whilst most of the group was uptight, eyes glued to the path ahead, Aurora couldn't help but let her gaze wonder to the sky above, so glorious outside the light pollution of the city.
She marvelled the pitch-black curtain draped over the sky, and the twisted, warped shapes that the stars made against the blackness. The milky speckles twirled and twisted, warped shapes that the stars made against the blackness. The milky speckles twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns, tugging at the corners of Aurora's lips in a way that almost made her smile.
It was hard to shove aside the worries corrupting her mind, but eventually, she stopped walking over the soft dirt below her feet and just... stopped thinking.
As she stared up at the sky and studied the silver glow of the moon surrounded by the light of the milky way, she felt as if she were so small, so insignificant in a universe so vast. She began to walk again, smiling with such love for the sky above her.
"Hey Jin?" Aurora spoke up, letting her eyes flicker to the male walking beside her.
The blonde haired male also had his eyes glued to the night sky, a sombre expression written over his face, "Yes Aurora?"
Licking her lips, Aurora turned her eyes back to the stars in the sky, "What's it like?" she asked, earning a slight frown from the male beside her. Aurora spoke up again, "I mean, what's it like being up there, with the stars and the planetoids."
Letting his eyes flicker over to Aurora's smaller form, Seokjin couldn't help but find himself fascinated in the sheer wonder Aurora's eyes held as the stars reflected themselves in her gaze. He'd always questioned why Aurora of all people was chosen as the collector of the elementals, but the way she looked towards the universe assured him why. He smiled softly, "It's nothing short of breathtaking." he spoke, letting his eyes flicker up to the sky once again, "We'll be travelling through space soon."
"Seriously!?" Aurora exclaimed
"Seriously." he chuckled at her enthusiasm, "How can we possibly save the universe from earth? We've gotta go where the real monster is." he spoke, raising a pointed finger towards a single smudge of light in the sky, "Andromeda."
Aurora swallowed thickly, "Woah... that sounds crazy."
Seokjin slipped his hands into the pockets of his suit jeans, "The universe is crazy itself." he shrugged, giving a slight yawn as he trudged forwards.
Time seemed to pass quite quickly after Aurora's conversation with Jin. Her eyes remained glued to the night sky as her sneakers fell upon the dirt at her feet, kicking up small rocks every so often as she headed down the road. The wind began to noticeably pick up, Hoseok's flame beginning to waver ever so slightly as he cupped it with his other hand.
"We're almost there." Seokjin suddenly announced, casually making his way to Hoseok's side up front, "The connection's growing close." he spoke, feeling a slight buzz in his head as he grew closer to the elemental.
From beside him, Hoseok frowned, skin almost glowing under the flame in his hand, "Are you sure?" he spoke, pausing before he continued, "We're literally just getting further and further into the forest." he commented, taking note along the way at how the path began to narrow.
Seokjin gave a nod, "Positive." he confirmed, sliding his hands out from his pockets, "And judging by all of this... I think I might know what ability this elemental has."
Before Aurora could part her lips to speak, Jimin was quick to cut her off, dragging his feet to a standstill, "Hang on for one second." he spoke lowly, catching the groups attention as they too came to a standstill under the night sky. Jimin sucked in a sharp breath, "As quickly as we're trying to gather the elements... I don't think we should just barge in on someone right now." he began to explain, digging a hand into the side of his backpack as he pulled out his phone. Pressing a thumb against the home button, the screen lit up, illuminating his soft features as he furrowed his brows, "It's 3:27am... shouldn't we wait until dawn at least?" he suggested, sending the group into thought at his words.
Jimin had a good point, it wouldn't be very smart of them to go knocking on someone's door at three o'clock in the morning.
Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, Yoongi let out a huff, "But where genius?" he spoke up, "We're surrounded by bush? Wanna sleep in a tree?"
"No need." Seokjin interrupted, stepping between the group. Letting his backpack slide off his shoulder, he dropped it to the dirt, bringing a hand to the cuffs of his suit jacket as he rolled up his sleeves. The marking of the time bearer revealed itself, "I'll get us to dawn in a second." he uttered, gesturing for everyone to remain calm as he traced a finger against the hour hand of his marking.
Watching from afar, Aurora's eyes grew wide as the male's marking began to glow a bright white, a mystical sight as Jin held a hand over his arm, turning the symbol clockwise with narrowed eyes.
And that's when it happened. The group couldn't help but let their gaze travel to the sky as the stars began to spin with the earth, clouds flying across the sky with speed as Jin sent the universe into a small time jump. From around them the trees rustled, birds flying almost triple speed across the forest as the night gave way to the morning, the sun peeking over the horizon, its golden rays peeking through the branches of the forest and warming at their skin.
Satisfied that the sun had risen, Jin took a hand away from his marking, sliding his sleeve back over his arm. Dusting off his hands, Jin gave a proud smile, holding his head high, "Easy." he spoke smugly, earning wide eyed stares from the group standing around him.
"Woah..." Jimin sounded, running a hand through his hair as he pulled at his roots, "that's such a lucky ability."
Jin shrugged, picking his backpack off the floor and swinging it over his shoulder with ease, "Maybe in this setting, but it's not as good in combat as yours is."
Jimin rose a brow, "How so?"
Under the golden hour of the sun, Seokjin's skin was all the more golden, "Fast forwarding time in a battle is useless, and reversing time in a battle is dangerous as it can bring fallen opposing enemies back from an injury." he began to explain, eyes flickering down to the ring around his finger, small purple stone glistening in the light of day, "It's good for things like prediction and healing... not so much combat." he frowned.
Licking his lips, Jimin scratched a hand against his head, "Oh... that makes sense." he spoke, watching as Jin began to head off once again.
Before Jimin could start to walk again he was interrupted by a breath against his ear, Aurora standing on her tippy toes as she whispered, "Between you and me... he's still the best fighter I've seen." she chuckled softly, strolling past Jimin and following Jin down the dirt road with a slight skip in her step.
Jimin shook his head with a laugh, "I'd like to see that."
"Lets go!" Seokjin spoke from up front, ushering everyone towards him, "It's just down this road."
The mountain path grew wide where the soil was soft and then narrow in the rocky passes. There were times it was barely there at all, no more than a mild disturbance in the dirt. But it began to lead upwards to a small clearing, the only destination the five of them could keep in mind as they trudged forwards through the bushland.
And that's when they saw it. Making their way over one final crest, the group collectively let out a sigh of relief at the sight of a clearing in the midst of the forest, a single cottage standing in the centre of the soft grass and tree roots.
The small cottage was perched on the plain near the woods, so old and poor that it was surprising how it was still standing. And yet it seemed alive and welcoming, a warm ribbon of smoke rising from the old chimney. The walls were made of the same wood and the door was clearly stone, so old that it was a wonder how it didn't cave in. The cottage was the only thing there, not other houses around it, it would've looked abandoned if it weren't for the smoke.
Stepping into the clearing, the grass was soft underfoot, no pathway leading to the door but instead a single rusted sign with the bold words, 'Keep out' painted in bright red paint. The sight made Hoseok shudder, realising that whoever lived here didn't like visitors very much.
"Um... guys." Hoseok spoke up, stopping the group from heading towards the front door just yet, "I think Aurora should maybe head to the door herself," he pointed towards the keep out sign, "This person is pretty isolated and still puts up a sign to keep people out, I don't think it's a good idea to greet them as a group." he pointed out, earning a nod of agreement from Seokjin.
"I agree... we can just stand by incase." He turned towards Aurora, "Are you okay with that?"
Giving a small smile she gave a quick thumbs up, "I'm fine with it." she chirped, tightening her hold on the straps of her backpack as she shooed the boys off into the forest, the group hiding behind a couple of trees as she herself tread over towards the entrance of the cottage.
She could feel her throat begin to go dry as she played with the hem of her t-shirt. Her nerves were all of a sudden beginning to run high, but she stood before the door with confidence, raising a small fist,
And giving a knock on the door.
{Author Note}
I almost completely forgot to update this book ahhh that's so bad. But at least we're getting to the next kinda arc of the story! Stay tuned and don't forget to give a vote xox
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