"Thank you miss." Seokjin smiled, features all the more ethereal under the soft neon glow of the ticket booth lights. Reaching out a single hand, Seokjin took ahold of five paper train tickets, the last of the night in fact.
With his hair parted neatly to one side of his forehead, Seokjin turned towards the rest of the group, clad in his usual expensive attire as he held out the paper, "Here's our tickets for the trip." he chirped, eager to hurry up and get on with the three hour train ride. After staying cooped up in Seokjin's office all day the group had arrived relatively late to the station, time now going on eleven o'clock at night as the moon began to rise high in the sky, stars snuffed out by the light pollution of the city.
Taking a step forwards, Aurora took a ticket into her hands, pinching it between her fingers as she let her eyes flicker over the words. She frowned, twisting her lips as she slipped into thought, "I've never heard of this place before. It's out so far from any populated areas." she commented, noticing that where they were going was nothing short of deserted.
With a backpack slung lazily over his shoulder, Jimin came to her side, taking a quick look at Aurora's ticket, "It is." Jimin spoke, lips falling into a firm line before he continued, "But whose to judge someone on their living choices?" he smiled, adjusting his back pack a little before turning back towards the group with Aurora.
The platform at this late hour looked like a murder scene before the crime. There was no-one here but them, standing patiently on the edge of the platform as they awaited their train. From the side, Aurora stared into the black of the night, watching from a distance as red blinking lights began to grow closer, an announcement ringing over the station that the train was arriving.
The quiet was almost chilling, the night of the city almost exhilarating as she stood on the platform. She held her hand out to feel for the movement of air that came as the train pushed along, sweeping her hair from her shoulders and sending the material of her t-shirt ruffling in the wind. She shouldn't of been this close to the edge, but it wasn't like a busy day where someone could easily knock her over.
"Stand back would you." a male voice spoke up from behind, fingers pinching loosely against her cotton shirt and pulling her slightly further back from the edge of the platform.
Aurora spun on her heels, facing the male behind her with wide eyes. "Jimin... it's fine." she chuckled, "don't be so paranoid."
He rolled his eyes, "Whatever."
As Aurora stood facing the male, the train rolled up behind her, sending her into a fit of contagious laugher as the force of the train swept up a strong gust of air, sending her hair into a wild mess as she tried to hold it off her face. Her voice was muted by the sound of the train rolling against the tracks until it came to a stop. Her smile was wide, her giggling like a melodic tune to Jimin's ears as he stood before her, failing to fix his own hair that also got tousled in the wind.
"Lets go!" she grinned, gesturing for the blonde to follow her inside as she found their correct car number.
Placing a hand against the outside of the train, Aurora supported herself as she jumped inside, an old musky smell consuming her senses as she shuffled down the carpeted isle. By first glance Aurora could already tell this was an older train, one meant for longer journeys. On each side were a row of twin seats, each set with an airplane style tray table for eating or leisurely activities such as drawing, studies or computer work.
Letting her eyes fall to her ticket, Aurora scanned the seat numbers, "9 C, 10 C.... here- 11 C." she spoke, finding the two seats in row C with ease.
Slipping her backpack off her shoulder, Aurora took it into her grasp, standing on her tippy toes as she slid it onto the overhead baggage rack. From beside her, Jimin did the same, sliding his baggage on top before sliding into the row first, taking the window seat whilst Aurora sat on the row.
Behind them, Jin took up his own row, not finding it lonely, but rather spacious as he kept to himself, tired after a full day in the office. He cast his lidded eyes out the window, listening as the train released itself from it's breaks, pulling away from the station. The dim lights filtering through the film of dust on the plate-glass windows was soon to vanish as they left the platform, heading northbound for their destination.
In the row beside Aurora and Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi were seated. Yoongi had taken the window whilst Hoseok had no problem in taking the isle seat, leaning an elbow against the armrest as he let out a small yawn, finding his eyes growing tired.
Turning his attention to the raven haired male beside him, Hoseok's eyes grew slightly wide at the sight of Yoongi digging around in his bag, slipping out a decent sized laptop and a tangled mess of different coloured chords and hard drives. "You brought your entire computer?" Hoseok piped up, raised voice slightly hushed to respect the sleeping passengers.
Yoongi let out a scoff, opening his laptop and pressing down against the on button until the keyboard lit up, "Shut up... I've got a life to live other then being an elemental." he began to utter, plugging in a few chords as he began to set up, "I produce music, there's no way some end of the world bullshit can get in the way of that." he spoke harshly, taking his noise cancelling headphones into his grasp, slipping them over his head as they covered his ears, slightly positioned on an angle to avoid some of his piercings.
Taken aback by Yoongi's words, Hoseok decided to let the male be, taking out his own earphones and slipping them into his ears. Still curious however, Hoseok wouldn't hesitate to send over a glance every now and then, momentarily watching Yoongi work away.
The male was concentrated, sharp feline eyes narrowed as his orbs reflected the computer screen. His raven hair was slightly shaken over his forehead, a few strands falling softly over his eyes. Every now and then Hoseok would catch Yoongi push his hair back a little, pale porcelain skin illuminated by the bright white light of his computer screen, everything else shadowed by the darkness of the train. With his nail between his teeth, Yoongi clicked around with the mouse, raising a brow as he shot Hoseok a questioning look.
In an instant, Hoseok's eyes went wide, the orange haired male turning on his side away from Yoongi as he faced the isle instead. He figured he was just overly tired and started to stare, so letting his heavy lids fall shut, Hoseok drifted off into a slumber, lips parted as his breathing slowed into something peaceful.
From the other row, Aurora had taken out the book of elements, figuring that Jimin was now asleep against the window and deciding to pass the time.
Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Aurora placed her hand against the cover, slightly fidgeting with the fraying gold lettering before opening it up, frowning when she noticed that a new entry had been formed, one with an unusual heading. The ink looked fresh, so did the page, so without wasting much time, Aurora brought the book to her chest, getting up from her seat and sliding out into the isle of the train.
Shuffling to the row behind her, Aurora let out a sigh of relief when she caught Jin still seated up properly, eyes cast out the window, the male was well awake. So with slow movements, Aurora slipped in beside the male, catching his attention almost immediately as Seokjin turned to face her.
"Hey." she spoke soothingly, voice hushed in the silence of the train.
With tired eyes, Jin returned the greeting, "Hi."
Aurora gulped, setting down one of the tray tables to place the book of elements against it. "A new page has formed." she spoke bluntly, cutting right to the chase.
From beside her, Jin's lidded eyes were now wide, a hand running itself through his hair as he parted his lips in awe, "Really?" he spoke unsurely, voice wavering in the slightest before he gestured to the book, "show me."
Placing a hand against the worn out cream pages of the book, Aurora flipped through the pages of writing, stopping when she reached the last filled in page, eyes settling on the bold black heading.
"Originals..." Jin read aloud, eyes glued to the word on the page.
It was almost as if the usually calm male had hit a wall, attention focused on nothing but the page in front of him. His voice had a slight hint of fear, skin falling slightly pale as he peeled his gaze off the page, reaching out a hand and placing it against the paper, covering the writing from view. Aurora rose a brow as the blonde turned towards her, "Do you mind if we um... save that one for later?" he spoke, trying to conceal his disturbance, but Aurora could tell the male was biting against the inside of his cheek.
"Sure..." she spoke softly, brows still furrowed as she closed the book against the tray table.
She paused for a moment, hand still placed against the book. Come to think of it, she hadn't been paying as much attention to the book lately, figuring that it was only needed at first to identify elementals. Biting down on her lower lip, Aurora rose her eyes to meet with Jin's, "I know it's made for me... but I feel like it'll be a lot better kept in your hands." she smiled, catching Jin off guard as she slid it towards him, "Besides... I don't need it to find the elementals anymore when I've got you." she chuckled, figuring that reading about these things was almost intrusive on someone like Seokjin who had already lived everything that was being told.
Hesitating at first, Seokjin took the book into his grasp, holding it to his chest. There was a certain sense of warmth, a fullness of soul and breath of kindness from Aurora, so with the smallest of smiles, Jin rose a hand, placing it against the girl's head as he slightly ruffled her hair, "Thank you." he spoke sincerely, "I mean it."
Returning the smile, Aurora gave a slight bow, slipping out from the seat beside the male before heading back to her own.
Her eyes flickered past Jimin and out the window, gaze glued to the moon drifting further from its orbit, but still beautiful none the less. The scenery passed in a blur, the occasional suburban light illuminating the inside of the train as she began to let her eyes fall closed, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
With her eyes still shut, Aurora began to stir at the feeling of a hand gently shaking her shoulder, a soothing voice calling her name as she slipped out of her dreamlike state.
"Aurora~" he spoke against, voice melodic to her ears as she let out a yawn, bringing a hand to her mouth as she did so. Groaning, Aurora slowly opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times as she adjusted to the lights now switched on inside the car of the train. Her vision slowly adjusted, white leaving and making way for the colours to seep through.
"Hmm?" She mumbled, rubbing at her eyes as she finally sat up properly in her seat. Eyes still lidded she turned her head to the side, looking slightly up at the male standing over her seat.
Hoseok smiled down upon her, letting out a small chuckle as he watched her groggily lean back in her chair. "We're ten minutes from the stop... best if you get your stuff together." he spoke slowly, making sure the tired female heard each and every one of his words.
Aurora finally felt the tiredness begin to leave her, "Oh... thanks."
Hoseok rose a brow, "Also, you better wake up that guy too," he uttered, pointing past Aurora's shoulder to the blonde haired male still sleeping against the window. "He's been sleeping the entire trip." he snorted, giving a small wave as he turned back to his own seat, gathering his belongings alongside Yoongi.
Turning her gaze to the sleeping male beside her, Aurora found herself momentarily pausing, admiring how peaceful Jimin looked in his sleep. His plump lips were slightly parted, his hair falling softly over his eyes only drawing more attention to how feminine his features were. She almost didn't want to wake him, but sadly, it had to be done sooner or later.
With a tired sigh, Aurora snatched a pen from her tray table, shaking her head as she poked Jimin on the shoulder with the end of the pen. She would've shaken the male awake herself, but she still wasn't able to touch the nature bearer.
"Jimin?" she spoke softly, wondering if she'd have to try again if her voice was to low for him to hear. But to her upmost surprise, the male was quick to begin to stir, slowly sitting up in his seat as he let out a tired yawn.
Stretching his arms high above his head, Jimin's eyes flickered open, gaze landing over Aurora, "Oh, hey..." he greeted, usually smooth voice a little husky from sleep.
"We're almost there, just letting you know." Aurora chuckled.
"Thanks." Jimin replied, running a hand through his mess of hair as he sat for a moment.
Three hours had passed easily, the group now awake and steadily packing up any belongings they took out from their bags. Although still late at night, Aurora could tell just by looking out the window that they were surrounded by bushland, trees silhouetted in the almost non-existent light of the moon.
Ears perking up, Aurora smiled as the train announcement for the next stop crackled over the car. She stumbled slightly as the train began to slow down, breaks beginning to skid to a stop as she reached overhead to grab her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder before moving aside to allow for Jimin to slip out from his seat.
From the row behind, Jin let out a drastic sigh, dramatically stretching his arms over head, "It's been a while since I travelled... I could've traveled to the end of this solar system in that amount of time!" he exclaimed.
"Oh shut up, stop boasting." Yoongi grumbled. With circles under his eyes, it was easy to tell Yoongi had stayed wide awake the entire trip, computer held against his chest and headphones hung around his shoulders making it evident what he'd been up to.
From beside him, Hoseok nudged him on the shoulder, "you're just jealous."
Brows knitting together, Yoongi clenched his teeth, "No I ain't."
"Okay!" Aurora cut in, silencing the group of rowdy males as the train began to slow, "Remember we ain't here to bicker..." she spoke, stumbling forwards slightly as the train came to a halt at the station, "We're one step closer to saving the universe." she spoke confidently, tightening her hold on the strap of her backpack,
"Lets go find this elemental."
{Author Note}
That was a freakishly long chapter... like wow. But I'm really happy with it, I think the book needed a moment of slow pacing before the upcoming storm.
I seriously can't believe we're only at chapter twenty... but I guess each chapter is pretty long. To put it in comparison, my chapters for 'The Survivors' were about 1000-1500 words each, where as for this book they're usually 2000-3500 words lol.
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