Adjusting the cuffs of his suit jacket, Seokjin sucked in a breath of cold air. The elevator chimed, halting to a stop before the wide metal doors slid open, making way for the blonde CEO to step out from the small space, striding confidently with his head held high directly into his private office. The room was spacious, occupying the corner of the building with floor-to-ceiling windows giving him views in two directions: Fifth Avenue to the east which showed a clear view of Hoseok's cafe in the distance, and a view to the north a few blocks down being Aurora and Yoongi's apartment complex. The two remaining walls contained a door, a low bookshelf and a single oil painting - a vase of flowers by Vincent van Gogh.
Flattening his still slightly tousled hair, Seokjin tried his best to look presentable entering the office, only to be greeted by the drab 'Good afternoons' of his staff. He could tell they were less pleased to see him then the tax man. So trying to lighten the sour mood, Seokjin told a joke, he always did when he entered the office, but this time none of them even laughed. He sank a little inside his suit and sweat began to blossom under his attire as he realised that they'd be even less pleased when he informed them of his leave. So with a sigh, he waved them off with assignments one by one, seeing them out the door before heading over to his cluttered desk, leaning up against the glass surface before his office phone began to ring.
"Here we go." he groaned, wondering why he ever took such a demanding job as a publishing company CEO in the first place. To be honest, it was more of a job he saw an acquaintance of his being good at.
Running a hand through his now messily styled hair, Seokjin picked up a pen in one hand whilst answering the phone with the other, resting the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he began to quickly take notes for the day, giving out instructions every so often to workers entering through the office doors.
"Yes... yes I need todays copies on my desk pronto!" he exclaimed, quickly sliding a couple of notes across the desk and taking them into his hands, "No don't tell me you can't get them until tomorrow, I need them no later then mid afternoon today!" he commanded, licking his thumb as he began to flick through his documents, "No- yes... I have business to tend to this month so I need to make sure everything is good before I le-" Seokjin paused at the sight of his secretary entering through his office doors, clad in a tight fitting pencil skirt as she carried a plate full of muffins with an uneasy smile.
Seokjin rolled his eyes, lowering the phone and covering it with a hand, "Mam, I'm sorry but I'm allergic to strawberry flavouring, can you switch it out for vanilla?" he explained, earning a wide eyed stare from the female before she quickly turned on her heels and dashed out the door.
Shaking his head, Seokjin rose the phone back up to his ear, "Sorry-" he uttered, picking up a new stack of documents, "You were saying?" as he began to slide a pen towards him, he gave a nod of satisfaction, "Yes, my desk today, pronto." he breathed, quickly ending the call as soon as he knew it was right to do so.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Seokjin collapsed into his office chair, casting his eyes out the northern window. He could tell that the sun was beginning its decent from the middle of the sky down towards the west, rain clouds beginning to gather once again over head. It was almost mid afternoon yet the blonde still had a mountain load of work to organise.
Slumping back into his chair, Seokjin scrunched his hair between his hands. Of course there was the option of just ditching the company all together, it's not like he'd be seeing it any time soon, but yet again, he had too much empathy towards the workers to leave their jobs at risk.
Leaning an elbow against his desk, Seokjin found his eyes drooping until the doors to his office opened once again, the same lady strutting into his office with a fresh plate of vanilla cupcakes, each frosted with angelic blue icing. He smiled with sincerity as she placed the plate against his office table, clearing some documents in the process, "Ahh, thank you." he grinned, waving her out before taking one into his grasp.
Peeling back the blue coloured patty paper, Seokjin was quick to take a bite of the cake, humming as the rich flavour of vanilla tingled against his tastebuds. With his other hand, he slid his laptop over towards him, opening up the device before typing in his four letter password with a sigh. "Why am I running a publishing company of all things!?" he muttered, taking another bite of his cupcake with a frown, some of the crumbs landing against his keyboard. "This is something he would do... not me." he murmured, letting his hand momentarily slide off the key board.
Gnawing at the inside of his cheek, Seokjin let his shoulders slump as he lent back in his chair, eyes cast out the window as he drifted off into thought. The golden rays of the almost snuffed out sun cast themselves in through the office window, relaxing the blonde as they warmed at his skin.
Feeling content, Seokjin began to feel his eyes fall shut but a sharp tingle running down the back of his spine jolted him back up in his seat. The male lurched forwards in his chair, catching himself by grabbing a hold of the arm rests. His breathing came in short spurts, eyes wide as his gaze locked itself to his lap. "An elemental?!" he shout, silently cursing to himself for being so loud as he leant back in his chair, regulating his breathing, "No, maybe it's just one of the trio..." he couldn't help but feel his mouth go dry, "or what if?"
Clenching his teeth, Seokjin decided that his instincts shouldn't be ignored, shooting up from his office chair with urgency. Snatching his coat from his table, Seokjin swept it over his shoulder, striding over to the doors of his office and pushing them open with force.
Passing a group of workers, Seokjin gave them a small wave, "Excuse me for a moment," he spoke, continuing on down the hall as he felt the connection of the elemental begin to weaken... Pause time? No... Seokjin new that if this were a new elemental, the male might freak out if time suddenly stopped.
So dashing downstairs and to the exit of his company building, Seokjin pushed past the swinging glass doors, loosening his tie as he stepped outside in the bustling streets, people brushing against his shoulders every so often or bumping into him.
He'd felt it, it was so close but the trail was now so weak he didn't feel the connection anymore.
Running a hand through his hair, he cursed under his breath,
"Thanks for helping Hoseok." Yoongi spoke, leaning against his now sealed up window.
Both Yoongi and Aurora had decided to not leave Yoongi's apartment vacant just yet, deciding to first place a tarp over the open window to avoid any freak weather from wrecking any of the male's musical gear on the inside. Finding out Hoseok was practically free, the pair decided to call over the energy bearer to give them a hand in pinning it up.
Hoseok simply waved a hand dismissively, "It ain't a problem." he smiled, cocking a head in the direction of the broken glass, Hoseok was quick to comment on the sight, "Looks like you had quite the fight." he spoke, wrapping his hands around his form. Unlike Yoongi who stood in a t-shirt and jeans, Hoseok had thrown on an oversized hoodie. The male practically drowned himself in warm clothing, the earth's temperature a few degrees lower then what it usually was. For average people like Aurora, a simple jacket would suffice, but for Hoseok, it felt like he was suddenly in the dead of winter.
Frowning, Yoongi was quick to reply, "Believe it or not, half of this was from me and half from the actual alien dude." he chuckled, recalling back to when he was shot at by an energy blast, the impact so close to the side of his head that his ear drum ended up bursting.
Standing across from him, Hoseok pointed a finger towards the male's neck, "Is that where you got hurt?" he breathed, adams apple bobbing in his throat when he realised he maybe shouldn't of pried.
But Yoongi didn't seem to phased, simply giving a shrug, "Yeah, it was quite the struggle."
Hoseok nod, "I can tell. I remember when I met you in the cafe, you looked like a total wreck!" he laughed, a bright toothy smile making its way over his face. Yoongi couldn't help but feel himself grow weak at the male's expression, his feelings from the cafe still lingering in his mind as he spoke to the sunny male.
As if the smile was contagious, Yoongi caught onto it, "Believe it or not it was the morning after that battle, so everything was still fresh."
Hoseok sighed, letting out a breath of air to calm himself, "Ahh, I see."
Cutting the conversation short, Aurora emerged from the hallway, "That should be good enough." she chirped, dusting off her hands before bending down and picking up her backpack.
Yoongi grinned, pushing himself away from the wall as he slipped his apartment key out from his pocket, "Great, thanks for the help guys." he praised, ushering the pair outside of his apartment before shutting the door, sliding the key into the handle and locking up the apartment for good.
Adjusting the straps of his backpack, Yoongi led the group down the stairs of the complex, down the concrete and around to the exit, "Lets head back to your place." Yoongi spoke, turning towards Hoseok, "Jimin's probably all finished up by now. Not sure about Seokjin." he finished, sliding his house key back into his pocket.
Giving a nod, Aurora agreed, "Lets do that." she smiled, turning towards the exit of the apartment complex.
The clouds had now snuffed out any remainders of sunlight, the sky falling grey as the earth gave way to the rains, sweet drops falling from the sky. The pitter patter soothed the trio's ears as the rain fell upon the streets, footpaths almost shining underfoot as people passed by with an array of colourful umbrellas.
Hoseok chuckled, "Good thing we're prepared this time around." he spoke, wiggling his brows as he pulled out a single rainbow umbrella, sliding it open and hovering it over head. From beside him, Yoongi pulled out a plain black umbrella, and lastly, Aurora slipped out a clear umbrella, finding it satisfying how she could witness the raindrops landing against the plastic of her umbrella, rolling down the side and falling past her to the pavement.
So with confidence, the trio stepped out from the exit of the apartment complex, minding their footing against the emerging puddles on the street as they strolled back around to Hoseok's cafe.
Water splashed up at their feet and the changing direction of the wind tugged their weak umbrellas as they made their way back. Tightening his hold on the metal, Hoseok began to feel the effects of the changing weather, cold beginning to prick at his skin as he suppressed his violent shivers.
From beside him, Yoongi was quick to catch on, gaze flickering over to the orange haired male every so often to check on his state, until Yoongi took a gentle hold of Hoseok's hoodie, bringing the male closer to his side in an attempt to warm the male in the slightest.
Yoongi rolled his eyes.
Ironic how the bearer of energy and heat could get so cold.
Peeping her head past Hoseok and over to Yoongi, Aurora placed a hand over her mouth, muffling her laugher as she recalled Yoongi's sexual orientation. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of Yoongi tugging Hoseok to his side, the way the raven haired male's eyes wandered anywhere but Hoseok's was nothing short of simply adorable.
Content with the way things were moving, Aurora let her gaze settle back upfront, gaining a small spring in her step as they began to near the street of the cafe. A smile crept its way across her face but was quick to be wiped by the sound of a shout from up ahead, the busy crowds on the street yelping and stumbling outwards as a single hooded figure pushed his way down the middle.
Aurora froze up as the man pushed people left and right, not even muttering a simple, 'excuse me' or 'sorry' as he dashed down the rain washed street. His movements were rushed and desperate as he sprint away from what appeared to be an angry shop keeper.
Lost in a daze, Aurora wasn't surprised when the male began to close in, wasting no time in pushing in between herself and Hoseok, sending them both stumbling to either side as the hooded figure continued to sprint away.
Dropping her umbrella to the floor, Aurora found herself quickly falling breathless, clutching a hand against her chest as her body went tight. Just as painful as the last time, a rush of electrical currents surged under her skin, burning through her arms and throbbing against her veins as she gasped for a breath of air. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her teeth as she waited for the electric shock to pass. It was excruciating, almost growing worse and worse with each element she touched. Her first contact with Yoongi felt like nothing more then a small zap, Hoseok's felt like a burn from an oven, Seokjin's felt like a full blown electric shock... but this one... this one felt like her heart was on the verge of cardiac arrest, like her whole body was on fire.
With tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, Aurora was quick to regain her composure, taking her umbrella back into her grasp as she wiped the water from her eyes. Her heart however was beating loudly in her chest at the realisation she'd just come to.
Pushing past the distressed crowd, Yoongi and Hoseok made it back to her side. Teeth grinding together, Yoongi turned backwards towards the hooded figure dashing down the street in the distance, "Idiot!" Yoongi cursed, shaking his head in disbelief before turning to Aurora's shaken form, "You okay? Did he hurt you?"
Aurora could barely think straight, thoughts clouding her ability to process the situation, "Um... guys." she breathed, gaining the pair's upmost attention at her wavering voice.
She swallowed thickly, pointing down the crowd behind them,
"I think that was an elemental."
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