"Wait... hold up for one second." Yoongi fretted, hands slamming down firmly against the dinning room table. The sudden noise shocked everyones attention towards him, even Hoseok who was quick to turn off the stove and stumble out from the kitchen. Yoongi's usually sharp feline eyes had now grown wide, "You know this k.n guy!?"
It was safe to say, everyone was taken aback by the sudden news. Everyone freezing up in their place as they turned their attention towards the bearer of time. Letting out a tired sigh, Seokjin remained un-phased as he spoke up, "Yep, a bloody bastard he is." he uttered, rubbing his fingers against his temples as he continued, "Worst person alive, I wanna just strangle the magic out of him-"
"Wait..." Aurora piped up, listening closely to Jin's proclamation, "I thought you said that this was a good thing?"
"It is..." Seokjin began, removing his hands from his temples, "he's another elemental."
"Seriously!?" Hoseok choked, completely forgetting about the pancakes resting on the stove as he stumbled further out into the dinning room.
"Seriously." Seokjin confirmed, "And my guess, is he still has his stone."
Taking his words into thought, Aurora sucked in a breath, "You mean-"
"He's probably the one who's channeling out energy to save your galaxy." he spoke, eyes drooping a little. Bringing a hand to his head, Seokjin scrunched his hair between his fingers, "The dumb bastard, he's wasting his abilities."
"So he's an original?" Yoongi vowed, arms now crossed firmly over his chest as he leant back into his chair. From afar Hoseok was quick to head back into the kitchen, making sure breakfast was not burnt as he began to plate up.
Still seated in the dinning room, Seokjin's shoulders slumped as he pressed his lips into a thin line, "Yep, just like me." he paused, falling into a troublesome expression before he continued, "Looks like it was just the two of us that survived. And thank god he kept his stone."
"If you don't mind me asking..." Jimin spoke up, a little set back on the conversation due to his lack of knowledge on the issue, "What's his ability?" he asked, eyes cast over to Seokjin.
"One of the more powerful ones... that's all I'll say." He finished, letting his eyes fall shut as he placed a steady hand against the open book of elements, closing the leather cover with a thud. Dust stirred with the impact as the book slammed shut, and without hesitation, Seokjin was quick to push the book away, sliding it over to the far corner of the dinning room table.
It was blatantly obvious to everyone in the room that Seokjin found something about the situation troublesome. Apparently this 'k.n.' guy was their luck, the elemental currently responsible for keeping the milky way galaxy alive. However, the male was so defensive, secretive almost about the male.
Before the room could fall into silence, Hoseok reemerged from the kitchen, clenching his teeth together as he carefully balanced two plates of fluffy buttermilk pancakes in his hands. The intoxicating aroma filled the room, the lingering of vanilla soothing the elementals that sat patiently around the table.
Slowly and carefully, Hoseok slid the two stacks onto the centre of the dinning room table. The hot steam rising from the pair tickled at Aurora's nose as she lent forwards in her chair, sweet scent catching her off guard as she gazed down upon it with sparkling eyes, "This looks delicious!" she chirped, waiting as Hoseok quickly dashed back into the kitchen, grabbing five plates from the bench before heading back into the dinning room.
Letting out a small chuckle, Hoseok broke into a smile, "I half own the cafe downstairs," with slow movements, he placed a plate in front of each person before taking a seat himself, "Of course I know how to make pancakes." he boasted, shaking his head with a small chuckle as he reached in for a couple of pancakes.
In turn, everyone took from the stack of pancakes, making their own stack amongst their plates. Whilst some people slathered theirs with butter, others doused theirs with maple syrup, watching as the sticky substance absorbed itself into the buttermilk, the lighter colour deepening into something golden.
"I haven't eaten this well in ages." Yoongi announced, words slightly muffled by the bite he took of his breakfast.
From beside him, Jimin nod his head, "Honestly," he placed a forkful of pancakes into his mouth, humming in delight as it melted on his tongue, sliding warmly down his throat, "Same here." Jimin spoke, utensils clinking against his plate as he began to realise he'd almost finished the entire plate.
Watching on, Hoseok was slow to eat, eyes wavering over Seokjin's still stern expression. The blonde still appeared as if he had a lot to discuss, so clearing his throat, Hoseok took the pleasant atmosphere as an opportunity to spark the conversation. "Okay then..." he sighed, "what next?" he urged, pressing his lips together as everyone turned to face him, "We've got three more elementals to gather." he took another mouthful of breakfast, "It's best if we get a move on quickly."
From the other end of the table, Seokjin placed down his cutlery, placing his hands squeezed together against the table, "Lets start with the elemental out in the country side." he breathed, looking quite sombre in his expression, tired almost. "The other guy wonders a lot, so we can just deal with him later." he finished, gazing up towards the rest of the group.
"Sure." Hoseok replied, raising a brow, "How do we get there?"
Eyes growing wide, Seokjin gulped, "Um... I only know the location."
Letting out a small snicker, Hoseok lent over to the side, sliding his phone out from the pocket of his sweatpants. Pressing a finger against the home button, the screen lit up, illuminating his soft features as he broke out into a grin, "Google maps it is." he announced, sliding his finger across the screen a couple of times before letting his eyes flicker up from the phone, "Address?" he asked, raising a brow as he waited for Seokjin's reply.
From across the table, Seokjin couldn't help but give an eye roll, "Just give me the phone." he muttered, extending a hand over the table as he ushered for Hoseok to pass over the device. Without hesitation, Hoseok passed over his phone, watching as Seokjin took it into his grasp. With his lips twisted into a frown, Seokjin swiped his finger across the screen a couple of times before pinching in on the map, "Here." he spoke, handing the device back over to the orange haired male.
Hoseok smiled, "Alrighty then." He chirped eyes scanning over the screen. The location Seokjin had zoomed in on was no where near any noticeable landmarks. The terrain was rugged, bushland surrounding the dot from all sides. Letting his eyes drift up to the navigation bar, Hoseok gulped, "It's three hours by train."
Jimin frowned, dropping his utensils to his plate, "Why not take a car?"
Weaving his hand through his hair, Hoseok let out a sigh, "I want food along the way, leg room you know?" he began to explain, feeling somewhat selfish until he remembered, "Seokjin's got a car, but I doubt he wants to use it for a long ass trip."
Shrugging, Seokjin lent back in his chair, "Yeah, pretty much."
Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, Aurora spoke up, "Alright, when do we get moving?"
Rubbing a hand against the back of his neck, Seokjin straightened himself up in his seat, "Lets go tonight." he uttered, "Everyone needs to pack, we won't be returning here until after we save the universe. There's no need to."
Yoongi's eyes dropped to his lap, "I see."
From beside him, Aurora pursed her lips, "Well, I guess we can split up today." she murmered, turning towards the raven haired male beside her, "Yoongi and I live in the same apartment complex, we can go together and stash up for the trip." she grinned, giving a quick thumbs up to the male.
Yoongi replied with a low chuckle, running a hand through his hair, "Fine by me." he spoke, lips twitching into the smallest of smiles as he recalled back to when it was just himself and Aurora.
Before the group could fall into silence, Jimin spoke up, "I'll dash home, I live down the street anyways." he stated, sliding out from the dinning room table before slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
Giving a nod of approval, Seokjin slid out from his seat, standing to his feet with a sombre smile, "I'm gonna head into work," he began, swiftly sliding his phone out from his pocket to check the notifications flashing over his screen, "I've got a morning conference and then I'll put in some leave." he explained, "My driver's outside."
Leaving the table last, Hoseok began to clear the plates, "I'll stay here then." he smiled, beginning to tidy up. "Meet back here this afternoon at three."
Pinching the key in-between his fingers, Yoongi slid the metal into the door handle, fidgeting with the lock a little as his tongue poked out from the corner of his lips in concentration. "Come on..." he murmured, brows furrowing a little as he placed a hand against the door handle. His expression brightened when a satisfying click could be heard, signalling to him that the door had unlocked.
Gaze flickering down to the female beside him, Yoongi cocked his head towards the entrance, "Lets do this quickly." he spoke, a hint of uneasiness laced throughout his deep voice as he twisted the handle, pushing open the door with a small creak.
Aurora followed Yoongi inside, breath momentarily catching in her throat as her eyes were quick to lock onto the broken window, shards of glass slightly sparkling in the morning light of the sun, reflecting the clouds as the pieces lay idle by the window. The blinds were slightly burnt, moving ever so slightly in the soft breeze that channeled itself through the broken window. Aurora couldn't help but smile, relishing the way the cold air would brush against her skin, sending her hair sweeping off her shoulders as she faced the window frame.
Yoongi however, was straight to work, pacing around his apartment and snatching things off the carpeted floor, stuffing them into his backpack. In nothing but loose pants and a black t-shirt, it appeared Yoongi was quite a simple person, not needing half as much as Aurora had already packed.
Quietly, Aurora tucked her hair behind her ears, shuffling over towards the wall and taking a seat against the floor. Placing her hands in her lap, Aurora watched on as the male went from room to room, his multiple silver earrings sometimes catching on the light as he bent down to collect things or turned his head. The male was a perfect mixture of dark and light, his hair falling softly over his eyes reminding her of the shadows of the moon whilst his skin was bright, pale like the brighter side.
Loosing herself in a trance, Aurora almost didn't notice Yoongi beginning to zip up his bag. "I'm ready" she yawned, bringing a hand up to her mouth, "Are you?" she mumbled, tiredly rubbing a hand against her eyes.
Swinging his bag over his shoulder, Yoongi gave a small nod, "Yeah, I'm good to head out." he replied, gesturing for Aurora to stand back to her feet and join him as they began to head towards the front door.
Letting out a tired sigh, Yoongi ran a hand against his key board by the entrance, fingers running up and down the black and white keys as he let his eyes rest over the instrument for a moment.
Noticing the male's state, Aurora cleared her throat, "Were you into music?"
Eyes darting towards her, Yoongi snapped out of his daze, letting his fingers slide off the keyboard, "Yeah," he chuckled sadly, "My dream was to become a producer."
Frowning, Aurora placed a hand against his shoulder, "I'm sure you can still work towards that dream when we're back."
Yoongi let his lips fall into a line,
"I sure hope so."
{Author Note}
I've finally decided to go into the field of Graphic Design! I'm going to start my studies next year which means endless free time until then woop woop!
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