Hoseok's arm fell limply back to his side as he leant himself against the brick wall. Everything hurt. Every damn thing. Hoseok found himself wincing as he rose to touch his arm, there was a glistening shard of broken glass cutting through the flesh and his blood ran freely down his skin, soaking in with his cotton white t-shirt. It was heavily trickling down his arm, a bluish-purple bruise forming around it. Hoseok lightly pressed his index finger against the side, using his other hand to tug out the shard of glass, throwing it to the floor as he let out a drastic sigh.
He found himself sucking in a sharp breath as pain spiralled across his body, having to bite his lip from the pain of it all. He didn't have enough strength to process that he'd just been hit by a car, yet alone just sent a man to the floor with a shockwave of energy. He was in a loose trance, everything felt almost dreamy in his state.
"Hoseok!" a familiar voice called out. The orange haired male turned his gaze from the headlights of the parked car to the raven haired male desperately dashing towards his fallen form.
He felt his senses returning as the male reached his side, "Yoongi?" he rasped out, voice horse and sandpapery. Yoongi fell to his knees in front of the injured male, placing his pale hands against Hoseok's face as he began to examine the male,
"Fuck, you're really beat up." Yoongi muttered as he trailed his fingers gently along the small cuts that littered the side of Hoseok's face, gasping when he noticed the larger wound on Hoseok's head, "You need a hospital..." he spoke in a panic, realising that Hoseok was loosing a lot of blood, too much for anyone's liking.
"I agree." Aurora spoke up, arriving at Hoseok's side with a pained expression, "We need to get you out of here." she breathed, clutching the book of elements tightly in her grasp after it had begun to cool down. Casting her eyes to the leather book, Aurora knew that their location couldn't have been given away by Yoongi's abilities, nor opening the book. Their location was most likely given away when the book began to heat up, a signal wave of some sort that notified the enemy.
The book was dangerous. Dangerous, but their most useful tool.
"g-guys..." Hoseok spoke up, pointing a shaky finger towards two figures climbing out from the back seats of the parked car, "who... who the heck are they?"
Snapping his head in the direction of the parked car, Yoongi let out a lace of curses at the two tall and built figures approaching them. Just like the first guy they were strongly built, golden eyes piercing through the darkness of the night as they stepped before the beams of the car. Gulping, Yoongi realised that with brute strength alone, someone as little built as Hoseok and himself were no match to the men's power.
Transferring his gaze back to Hoseok's form, Yoongi watched in disapproval as the orange haired male rose unsteadily to his feet. He swayed a little before finding his balance, "I don't know what the actual hell is happening tonight but..." Hoseok shuddered, "something tells me this is really bad."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "No shit sherlock," he gestured towards the thick trail of blood trickling down the side of Hoseok's heated skin, "Look at you! You need a hospital."
Watching the men advance towards them, Aurora gnawed at the inside of her cheek, "I think we'll all be in our graves if we don't finish these guys off." she spoke, a shiver running painfully down the back of her spine as the two men slipped their weapons from their belts, bringing them to their sides in preparation to fight.
She felt a small nudge on her shoulder before her eyes flickered up to meet Yoongi's gaze of reassurance, "Don't worry." the raven haired male smiled, gesturing towards a small alley way just around the corner. "Leave everything to us, you get to safety."
Aurora let out a huff. She was never the kinda girl who liked being the damsel in distress. She liked it when a girl could put up a clear fight of her own, but she knew in this situation she was likely to just get in the way. So bringing the book of elements to her chest, she turned on her heels, mouthing a 'good luck' as she dashed to cover.
With his silver piercings catching in the dim lights of the street, Yoongi took in a deep breath. He slipped his hands from the pockets of his oversized black hoodie, raising his arms in defence as the unknown males advanced, cornering both himself and Hoseok against the brick wall. Hoseok kept his body weight against the wall as he stood alongside Yoongi, not questioning why he now had some kind of strange powers and instead focusing on the dire situation.
One of the males stopped just feet away from the pair, clicking his tongue as his reptile like eyes blinked in distaste, "Gravity and energy- huh." he breathed in a smug tone.
Yoongi scoffed, "Asshole one and asshole two, huh." he remarked, earning a chuckle from the orange haired male behind him. The man on the other hand looked unimpressed, tightening his strong vice like grip on the metallic weapon at his side.
"Oh, so we're playing it that way, are we?" he spoke lowly, raising his weapon and aiming for Yoongi's now frozen form.
He should've just kept his cocky mouth shut, because now he found himself routed in place and frozen with fear. He wasn't confident in his own abilities, doubted them actually. He'd only used them once, and it was only for a brief moment that he had complete control over his actions. Yoongi's deep black orbs widened as the male hovered his finger over the trigger.
There was a silence... and then the buzzing of energy. The noise cut through the quite, catching Yoongi's upmost attention. It wasn't coming from the mad man in front of him, but the orange haired male behind him. With the extension of Hoseok's hand, a flicker of light and energy danced around Hoseok's arm, a golden glow before the male sent the light forwards.
It twirled through the air, the heat almost unbearable as it ploughed straight into the first man. He let out a cry in pain, digging his nails into his skin before he fell to the concrete pavement below him, dropping his metallic weapon. Bringing his hands to his face, it was safe to say Hoseok was in a complete state of shock as he watched white light extend from his fingertips.
Yoongi found himself freezing up for a split second before quickly dashing towards the man's fallen form, snatching the metallic weapon off the ground and aiming it directly at the second dangerous man. To any passers by, the scene looked like a famous stand off between men, weapons both raised as they communicated through harsh stares. Narrowing his sharp feline eyes, Yoongi watched as the man's finger began to edge itself towards the trigger, closing in with each millisecond that passed. So with one swift movement, Yoongi allowed his element to consume him.
It was an odd feeling, a burning sensation as his power flowed through his veins. Shaking his midnight black hair from his eyes, Yoongi swept his hand from left to right, sucking in a breath as the man before him was swooped off his sturdy feet. The man shot to the side like a rag doll, crash landing against the parked car with an awful crunch of his bones.
Yoongi dropped his arm limply to his side as he turned back to face Hoseok. The orange haired male sent a look of surprise at Yoongi's actions before his skin began to noticeably pale. Dashing out from around the corner, Aurora sped to Hoseok's side, ready to catch the stumbling male. But Yoongi beat her to it, extending his slim arms as he caught onto Hoseok's falling form.
Aurora and Yoongi were finally allowed to the door, brown and dull like all the others. "This is his," the nurse smiled kindly, opening the door for the pair to step inside. As they shuffled into the hospital room, the nurse closed the door behind them, allowing for Yoongi and Aurora to face Hoseok alone.
The male lay there peacefully, half lidded eyes cast to the plain white ceiling in boredom as he matched his breathing to the beeping of the machines. His fluffy orange hair was sprawled over the pillow he rested upon, a small patch on the side of his head as an indicator of the events that had occurred. The sound of the heart monitor seemed all the more loud in the dull silence of the room as Hoseok cast his eyes to the door, softly smiling through chapped lips, "Hey." he rasped out, sitting up a little to face the pair.
Yoongi was first to walk to his side, pulling up a plastic chair and taking a seat beside the bed. Aurora followed from behind as she scanned the room. An old TV set hung from the ceiling, a window giving her a view of the world below. In the corner were two chairs, frayed with wear and tear. It was a typical hospital room, sparse and functional. "Hey Hoseok." she smiled faintly, sitting herself dejectedly beside Yoongi.
"How are you holding up?" Yoongi asked, soft gaze falling over Hoseok's weakened state. The male was hooked up to an IV, blood being transfused into his body.
Hoseok let out a tired sigh, "I'm doing pretty well- I'm..." he let his eyes fall to his hands as he paused, taking in a breath of air, "to be honest with you... I'm actually quite confused." he confessed, "I saw you Yoongi." he piped up, eyes meeting with the raven haired male's, "I saw you used some kind of weird ability." Both Yoongi and Aurora's eyes widened in disbelief as Hoseok spread his fingers, a visible bright white surge of energy dancing in the palm of his hand, "It looks like I've got something like that too." he chuckled, face illuminated by the light, "Maybe I've gone mad."
Yoongi shook his head, "You haven't gone mad... it's just- well, it's complicated." he breathed.
Aurora gave a knowing look to Yoongi as she reached into her backpack, unzipping the middle pocket as she pulled out a familiar leather book. The book of elements. "This may all sound odd at first," she sighed, clutching the book tightly in her grasp as she stared at the golden lettering, "But trust me, it's real," she spoke, extending the book towards the male.
With his IV still connected to his arm, Yoongi took the book from Aurora, handing it to Hoseok who placed it carefully on his lap. The room fell into silence as he brought his fingers to the cover, opening the book and letting his eyes flitter along the words on the page. Aurora and Yoongi collectively held their breaths as Hoseok scanned through the epilogue, his normal expression falling into something indescribable.
"I-I can't." Hoseok stuttered, closing the book and pushing it off his lap, "This is way too hard to believe, and even if it's all true... why didn't I know about this sooner?" he spoke, voice still dry from lack of fluids.
Taking the book from Hoseok's lap, Yoongi bit down on his bottom lip, "You have a birthmark, right?" he asked, earning a nod from the orange haired male.
"Yeah..." he breathed, turning so that Yoongi could see the back of his neck, "Right here," he spoke, gesturing towards the marking, "The only reason I've believed in anything supernatural is because I was born with a strange sun marking on the back of my neck. Weird right?" he said, turning back to face Yoongi.
The raven haired male chuckled, "Nope," he turned his head to the side, lifting his hair to reveal the marking behind his ear, "Not at all." he smiled, earning a surprised stare from Hoseok.
Hoseok's eyes widened, "I guess that means we've been chosen since birth," he realised, running a tired hand through his tousled hair, "And there's meant to be seven people born like this?"
Aurora nod, tucking her hair behind her ears, "Yeah, as far as I know anyway."
Hoseok's lips twisted into a frown, "It's still pretty hard to believe, but I don't doubt that you're telling the truth." he muttered, recalling how Yoongi's ability made this whole situation all the more believable. "You must be the Gravity elemental then?" he commented, gesturing towards Yoongi.
The raven haired male nod, "Yeah." he confirmed, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, "I found out just the other night, and Aurora here only learnt about the elements of reality a couple of days ago."
Aurora chuckled, eyes crinkling as she smiled, "I guess we're all in the same boat then."
With Aurora's words, Hoseok felt all the more at ease. He wasn't the only person clueless, all of them were trying to understand what was happening to not only themselves, but the universe as a whole. If the universe did in fact choose the elementals, then Hoseok knew they chose correctly, because even with everything he'd been through, he wasn't the kinda guy to abandon the universe.
"Oh yeah!" Aurora piped up, "I almost forgot,"
Slipping a hand into the pocket of her jeans, she pulled out a single silver chained anklet. Extending a hand, Hoseok took it into his grasp, holding the piece of jewellery in his palm. That was when he noticed a small sun pendant attached to the chain, "What's this?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
Yoongi gestured towards his crescent shaped moon piercing, "It kinda just appeared once I gained control over my element." he explained, twirling the earring around his finger, "It looks like you got an anklet."
Taking a moment to examine the silverware, Hoseok kicked the blanket from his legs, using his incredible flexibility to stretch his arms down to his feet. Slowly and carefully, Hoseok wrapped the chain around his ankle, a perfect and comfortable fit. "Nice," he smiled, moving his foot backwards and forwards.
"So..." Aurora spoked up, crossing her legs in her seat, "In order to save the universe, I have to gather the seven elements of reality." she said sternly, "Will you, Hoseok, barer energy, help us try and save the universe?" she asked, crossing her fingers in her lap as she nervously jittered her leg up and down.
Hoseok found himself chuckling at the girl's nervous state before he gave a warm smile of reassurance,
"Of course I will."
{Author Note}
I just realised that Hoseok has orange hair in every single one of my books ahaha. I guess I just really like the colour on him.
Update soon xox
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