Digging her fork into the corner of her brownie, Aurora slowly rose the food to her lips, letting it fall against her tongue as she indulged herself in the chocolate's taste. It crumbled in her mouth, some of it soft and luxuriant as she chewed before letting it warmly slide down her throat.
Yoongi too dug into his brownie, eating it with less elegance as he watched the orange haired male behind the counter. His hearty smile had now been replaced by a disappointing frown, and to be honest, who would blame him? The barista literally just cursed in front of the entire cafe. It would take a damaging toll on not only his, but the cafe's reputation.
Despite the embarrassing mess they'd caused, Aurora and Yoongi couldn't help but sit and eat in absolute silence, still completely dumbfounded by their discovery. The barista was no doubt an elemental.
"Well shit." Yoongi cursed, eyes still glued on the male's form, "That was almost too fucking easy, like what the heck!?"
Landing a heavy hand against the table, Aurora snapped Yoongi's attention from the barista back to herself, "Pipe down would you." she mumbled under her breath, "We don't wanna draw any more unwanted attention towards ourselves." she explained, leaning back into her chair as she continued to indulge herself in the fudge brownie.
Frowning, Yoongi wrapped a hand around his iced americano, bringing the straw to his lips as he took a long sip. He couldn't help but wonder if most, if not all the elementals were here in Seoul? It was either that, or just a strange coincidence that they'd managed to find an elemental so easily.
"What now?" Aurora sighed, placing her fork against her plate, "Should we talk to him?"
Shaking his head, Yoongi placed his drink back down against the wooden table, "Do you really think that'd work?" he scoffed, gesturing towards the barista, "Like, 'Hey dude! So you have some kind of elemental powers and now weird alien like people are gonna try and kill you so come with us?' Yeah but..." Yoongi took another long sip of his drink, "...that ain't gonna work."
Letting out a huff, Aurora turned her gaze back over to the orange haired male. Yoongi was right, there was no way he'd believe such nonsense. Besides, the male was already in a distressed state after literally causing a scene in the cafe. Aurora didn't wanna disrupt him any more then she already had. So bringing her warm cup of coffee to her lips, she pretended to forget and go about with her day.
"This is ridiculous!" A lady exclaimed from the front counter. Aurora found her eyes snapping back over to the tired barista, brows furrowing themselves together as she watched an older lady confront the male.
The lady's hand was clasped tightly around a younger child's, who was oblivious to his mother's uproar. "What's your reasoning for cursing so loudly, huh?!" she shout causing the orange haired male to flinch at the woman's slight raise in tone, "This is a professional environment and you're a being a terrible worker!" she complained, earning a look of distress from the barista as he parted his lips in thought of what to say.
From the corner of her eyes, Aurora watched as the familiar raven haired male stood up from his seat, confidently striding over to the woman and her child. His hands were slipped casually in the pockets of his loose black jeans, silver piercings and deep black eyes giving him an almost intimidating appearance as he stopped in front of the woman.
"Sorry but it was my fault." Yoongi piped up, shrugging as he caught the woman completely off guard with his calm and collected attitude. "You see, you're actually setting a bad example for your child right now." he explained, voice sill horse from the day before. Aurora could help but laugh at how intimidating Yoongi actually looked right now. Bruises, piercings, baggy clothes and an unkept appearance.
He looked like a whole ass trouble maker.
Shaking his hair from his eyes, Yoongi continued, "You should be handling this without making a scene, if you're unhappy about this, talk it over with me." he spoke bluntly, "As I said, this was my fault."
Aurora watched on as the lady froze, mouth gaping open and closed as she struggled to find her words. So tightly grabbing ahold of her child's hand, she left the store.
"Thanks." the barista spoke up, letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding.
Yoongi shrugged, "It's not a problem," he reassured, "You didn't do anything wrong, it's instinct to swear" Yoongi chuckled.
The orange haired male smiled warmly before he extended a hand, "I'm Hoseok, Jung Hoseok."
Yoongi returned the smile, finding his heart skip a beat at the male's radiance, "I'm Yoongi."
Pulling at her hair, Aurora groaned in absolute frustration, "I can't believe we just left!" she complained, sitting comfortably on her hotel bed as she turned her gaze to the ceiling, "What if we can't find him again!?"
Rolling his eyes, Yoongi peeled himself away from the open window, wind entangling itself through his tousled hair as he turned towards Aurora, "We'll find him again." he spoke, "He'd have regular shifts in the cafe, and there's a high chance he lives in the area." he explained, reassuring Aurora as her eyes fell from the ceiling and back to the raven haired male.
She sighed, "I guess you're right."
"Besides," Yoongi breathed, leaning up against the window frame as he cast his eyes to the view, "As long as we keep undercover, there's nothing to stress over."
Letting her expression fall, Aurora scoffed, "We've still gotta save the universe, idiot." she spoke, sliding herself off the bed and kneeling to the floor. Brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she slipped her arms underneath the mattress of the bed, grunting a little as she tugged the elemental book out from underneath the mass. "few." she breathed, "it's still here."
Yoongi frowned, "Why are you taking the book out?" he asked, a little concerned as Aurora let her fingers glide along the golden engravings on the front cover.
"I'm conflicted." she confessed, crossing her legs as she sat on the carpeted floor, back resting against the wooden bed frame. "Sometimes pages with new information form... we really do need to read it." she explained, earning a raised brow from Yoongi as he moved away from the open window, taking a seat beside Aurora as he too cast his eyes to the book. "But we don't know if opening the book gives away our location yet." she spoke grimly.
"Lets just keep it shut." Yoongi suggested, "If we're found without opening the book, we know that this book has nothing to do with giving away our location. It could be a number of things!" he exclaimed, counting on his fingers, "It could be the use of our powers, close proximity, the book heating up, us discovering the use of our elemental abilities... heck- it could seriously be anything!" he finished, running a hand stressfully through his hair.
"You're right." she sighed, clasping the book tightly in her grasp, "But still... I'm gonna keep it on me from now on, you know, just incase." she explained, earning a nod of approval from Yoongi. "I'll see if it heats up around Hoseok if we cross paths again."
"Good idea." Yoongi spoke as he stretched his arms above his head, "At least we're now aware of the signs that someone is an ability holder." he yawned, "But not so much on how to find one." he frowned realising that although they knew how to identify someone as an elemental, they still had no clue on how to seek one out. If they ended up doing nothing except sitting back and waiting for the elementals to come to them, it would be a huge waste of time. "I think you should carry the book in your hands whenever we're out." Yoongi suggested.
There was a moment of silence before Aurora spoke up, "Seriously?"
"Seriously." Yoongi confirmed, "It's risky, but if the book really does heat up around an elemental, it would be our best chance at gathering them."
Sighing, Aurora faced the male, "I mean- you've got a good point." she spoke, eyes falling back down to the book clasped in her hands. Even though carrying the book out in the open raised the chances of her damaging or loosing it, Yoongi had a good point. If the book remained safely in her backpack, she wouldn't be able to tell if it were heating up or not. If she carried it in her hands however, she'd be able to pinpoint the moment they walked past an elemental, making the process a lot easier for the both of them. After all, it wasn't just themselves they were saving. It was everything in all of existence.
"Anyways..." Yoongi piped up, standing to his feet, "If we're gonna be staying here for a while, lets get some groceries." Yoongi suggested, slipping out his wallet from the pocket of his jeans, "I also might need a few changes of cheap clothes." he sighed, earning a laugh from Aurora.
"Alright." she smiled, "Lets head out."
As Aurora and Yoongi strode over the pavement, the sun began to slip below the horizon. Far away Aurora could see the rays of the sun hitting softly against the tips of the city buildings, a radiant sight as the sky transformed into hues of peach.
Yoongi found his lips creeping into the smallest of smiles as a cool breeze of afternoon air swept though the street, toying around with Yoongi's hair and leaving it in a tousled mess. "This is nice." he smiled, closing his eyes as he felt the air against his skin.
"What is?" Aurora piped up from beside him, eyes still cast over the setting sun.
"You know... not having any university assignments to worry about." he stated, turning his eyes to the female beside him.
Tucking her loose strands of hair behind her ears, Aurora frowned, "Isn't saving the universe more stressful than school?" She questioned, clutching the book of elements tightly in her grasp as she shivered from the cold afternoon air.
Yoongi sighed, "You've got a point, but for some reason, university just seems more stressful for me."
Chuckling, Aurora peeled her eyes away from the sky, smiling at Yoongi, "Or it might just be because you're so overly stressed about saving the universe, that you feel so carefree." Yoongi found himself chuckling at the truth in Aurora's words. The thought of saving the entire universe just felt so overbearing, he felt almost completely numb to the idea of it. It's like when you know something's gonna to hit you in the face, but for some reason you freeze up and become oddly calm in the moment.
Turning his eyes to the concrete pavement, Yoongi watched his worn out sneakers as he walked forwards. Aurora on the other hand kept her eyes ahead as they rounded the corner of a busy city street, grabbing Yoongi by the sleeve and dragging him in the right direction. "Yoongi, pay attention would y-" she paused, stopping in her tracks, "hang on." she breathed, noticeably freezing up.
Tuning in once again, Yoongi gave a look of concern, "What's wrong-"
"-the book." she spoke bluntly, wide eyes falling to the book of elements still clasped tightly in her petite hands, "It's heating up." she gulped, sucking in a sharp breath of cold air as she gestured for Yoongi to follow.
Completely dumbfounded, he followed Aurora down the busy streets.
With each step she took forwards, she picked up her pace, more so focusing on the book's heat than the people around her. "Let me feel," Yoongi piped up, realising Aurora's face was beginning to crinkle in pain. Slowing herself down, Aurora allowed for Yoongi to touch the leather surface of the book, but to the male's absolute surprise, "I can't feel anything." he frowned, touching different places on the book in confusion, "It feels normal?"
Raising a brow, Aurora turned her eyes to the male, "It's definitely burning," she spoke, "It's starting to make my hands tingle."
Twisting his lips, Yoongi shook his head, shoving his hands back into the pockets of his oversized hoodie, "Nope, I feel nothing."
"Do you feel heat at all?" Aurora asked, remembering that Yoongi didn't feel the cold.
He nod, the soft glow of the sun's final rays illuminating his pale porcelain skin, "I definitely feel heat." he confirmed.
"Then..." Aurora bit down on her lower lip, "The book must seriously be made for me." she mumbled. It was obvious now, if Yoongi couldn't feel the book's heat then the book was either bonded to Aurora, or was specifically made for her.
The pair decided to walk further down the pavement, streetlights beginning to flicker on as the night began to slowly approach, the last golden rays of the setting sun disappearing behind the city skyscrapers. The book only continued to burn, so at some point Yoongi decided to take the book off of Aurora, deciding he didn't wish to see the female suffer from any third degree burns.
Rounding another corner, Aurora let her fingers brush lightly against the book clutched tightly in Yoongi's pale arms. She flinched at the hot touch, "We're definitely getting closer." she spoke up, striding down the streets.
Soon enough, music began to fill the air. A lively tempo echoing through the city street and elevating the spirits of passers by. Raising a brow, Yoongi gestured towards a crowed that had gathered around, "Lets check it out." he spoke, a strange wave of energy washing over him as he found himself drawn to the street performance.
Strolling up to the cheering crowd, Yoongi tried to push past the gathering of people in an attempt to see the performance, but it was no use. There were at least a hundred people watching, bathing in the dim light of the streetlights as they nod their heads to the music, some cheering on whilst others sung along to the tune. In one last desperate attempt, Yoongi let one hand slip loose from the book, taking Aurora by the hand.
With intertwined fingers, Yoongi pushed his way through the riled up crowd, apologising here and there when he nudged someone too hard or stepped on someone's foot. After a few seconds of pushing, Yoongi and Aurora slipped their way to the front, music all the more loud as they absorbed the performance piece before them.
It was safe to say Yoongi's jaw dropped at the unexpected sight, eyes widening in disbelief. Heart keeping in time with the drums, music pumping through his veins was Jung Hoseok. The orange haired male was nothing like the barista they'd met earlier that morning. He was no longer in his tidy button up shirt, but instead in a loosely fit white cotton shirt accompanied by baggy black pants. His fiery hair was a tousled mess, falling over his chestnut coloured eyes as a cocky smirk made its way to the male's face. Nothing like the soft and gentle smile they'd been greeted with in the cafe.
Yoongi gulped,
Hoseok was a badass street dancer.
Yoongi watched on in amusement as Hoseok's movements flowed with mind-blowing proximity, taking away the breaths of every person in the crowd. Hoseok's soul had become one with the music, a bright smile on his face as he unleashed his emotions into his dance. It was filled with so much energy, so much power and radiance. The louder the crowd, the better the performance it seemed as the orange haired male moved like an electrical current. "He's incredible." Yoongi breathed, doll like lips parted in awe.
Aurora found herself lost in a trance as her eyes glued themselves to Hoseok's performance. She'd never seen something so uplifting before and soon found herself wanting to join him on the dance floor. There was no doubt about it. Jung Hoseok shone brightest in a crowd.
Smiling at the sight, Aurora listened as the soundtrack ended. Still smiling brightly, Hoseok wiped the sweat from his forehead, taking his almost empty water bottle into his grasp as the crowd applauded him for his captivating performance.
"This confirms it." Yoongi spoke up, gesturing towards the book clutched in his hands, "The book detects when an elemental is near." he confirmed, watching as Hoseok began to unplug his phone from the speaker, packing up for the evening.
"Lets go talk to him," Aurora suggested.
She was about to head towards the worn out male, but was disrupted by the horrendous sound of tires skidding along fresh asphalt. Aurora's smile fell from her face the moment screams began to echo through the city street. People began to break out into desperate sprints, all dashing away from the roar of a car engine growing louder and louder with each passing second.
Yoongi was first to be blinded by the headlights as the car ran off the road and purposely onto the city street. With his heart pounding heavily against his ribcage, Yoongi snatched Aurora's hand into his own, tugging her out of the vehicles way as it launched forwards. "MOVE!" he bellowed, dragging Aurora's frozen form out of the way, just in time before the car skid past where they'd been standing.
Yoongi found himself taking a breather, making sure Aurora was okay before he turned his gaze back to the scene.
That was the moment Yoongi's heart sunk, a wave of nausea washing over his panicked state as he cast his gaze to the dance floor. "Oh no..." he breathed. The raven haired male seemingly went on pause as his eyes landed on Hoseok's form. The male was laying unresponsively against the cold concrete pavement, a thick trail of warm blood entangling itself within the male's orange hair after he'd been clipped by the front of the car.
Taking a moment to come too, Hoseok's distorted view slowly came into focus. It was the kind of night that was now dark and bleak, the kind of night were it felt like a blanket of darkness had been wrapped over the earth, blocking out any forms of light. Sucking in a painful breath of air, Hoseok grunted as he pushed himself slowly up off of the cement. His head began to throb, vision slightly blurred in his state of dizziness as he sat himself up against the near by brick wall. Bringing his fingers to his forehead, Hoseok felt the trickle of blood before he saw it, bringing his hand away and letting his gaze fall over the red substance on his skin.
All Hoseok could seem to make out ahead was the blinding lights of the parked car before him, watching as a mysterious male jumped out from the front drivers seat, shutting the door behind him and strolling over towards his injured form. With blood trailing down his face, Hoseok felt cold all over, he hardly had enough time to breathe as frosty swirls of air swept towards him.
The male's silhouetted form came to a stop in front of Hoseok, "Time's up." he heard the man chuckle, something so horrid to Hoseok's ringing ears.
Yoongi and Aurora both exchanged terrified glances as they realised who'd managed to find Hoseok. It was those men. Those alien like males who had hunted them down the just night before.
Cursing under his breath, Yoongi shoved the book of elements into Aurora's hands, quickly pushing his way through the panicked crowd and sprinting towards Hoseok's fallen form.
Aurora on the other hand found her lips parting as the back of Hoseok's neck began to glow. She watched on as the alien like man rose a familiar metallic weapon towards the dazed male's chest, smirking as he was quick to try and pull down on the trigger. However, instead of a familiar beam of heat shooting down the barrel. Something else happened entirely.
Quickly raising a shaking hand, Hoseok's skin began to glow, a radiance of warm colours surrounding the sunny male. The alien like man took a step back, cursing to himself before raising his weapon once more. With a pained expression, Hoseok forced his arm forwards sending out an incredible force of light and energy, sweeping the mad man from his feet and sending him to the floor in one swift motion.
Aurora's eyes widened,
{Author Note}
Two members down and five to go! I knew you'd all guess Hoseok was energy, he's the perfect guy for the role!
I know there are a lot of my readers who like to make fan arts of my books... if you'd like to submit one you're always welcome xox
Update tomorrow xox
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