~Maibah's POV~
BloodRose's warning scared me. I- We can't loose her.
A voice snapped me out of my thinking. "Maibah. Why have you called us here?" Kuzax asked.
I looked at BloosRose for guidance.
"A girl, she works for the dark queen. Her name was Celentia. She told me we all have a two weeks to surrender all us elementals or.... we die, your army dies, your allies die.... you get the just," BloodRose told them.
"Well..... Let's train," Kuzax said.
"You're not gonna turn us in?" Aneal asked.
"Never," Zaluc said, "I'd rather die then let you go back there."
"Well now that's settled. Training sessions everyday, three hours a day," Kuzax said.
I nodded in agreement.
I walked over to BloodRose so we could train.
~My (BloodRose's) POV~
I saw Maibah walk towards me.
"Ready to train?" I asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be," he responded.
We walked over to the archery range in the warrior camp. I shot about forty arrows and only two missed.
"Nice job," Maibah said.
Afterwards we did one on one combat. I'm not good at that so he won.
~Two hours later~
I sat down on my bed exhausted when Kuzax came in.
"Hello," he said sitting next to me.
"What is it?"
"I need advice..."
"Ok, shoot," I said.
"I really like this girl and she has the most beautiful features ever.... I wanted to ask her to be my lover but...." he trailed off.
"It' Jinx," I said.
"Ummm, yes. What should I do?" He asked.
"Tell her how you feel!" I stated, "She has to like you. It's obvious..."
"You think so?"
"I know so. Go get em' tiger!" I said as he ran the direction to Jinx's room.
"What was that?" Maibah asked as he came in.
"*scream*! DOES ANYONE KNOCK ANYMORE???" I yelled/asked.
"Yes but....."
"But what?" I was worried now....
He sat next to me.
"Do you love Kuzax?" he asked.
"What? NO!" I told him.
"But what was-"
I cut him off. "I gave him relationship advice. Ok... Why do you ask anyway?"
"C-curious...?" he shrugged.
He was nervous. But at what? "Are you ok?" I asked.
"W-what I-i'm f-fine...."
I put my hand on his shoulder. "You can tell me...."
In a second Maibah kissed me.....
"Uhhhh.... I'm so sorry! I didn-"
"Shut up..." I said.
"Shut up!" I told him.
I heard Jinx screaming with glee."He did it.."
"Who did what?" Maibah asked.
"Kuzax... He finally told Jinx he loves her," I smiled.
"Can I have my turn?" Maibah asked.
"For what?" I asked.
"To tell you, I love you..." he blushed and smiled.
"Ugh... Your smile's so cute," I kissed him.
"Is that a yes to be my lover?" he asked with a smirk.
"That's pushing the limit," I smiled and we laughed, "Of course."
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