Fall Maiden
*Y/N's POV*
We arrived at Ozpin's office and walked in. Ozpin looking at me and smiling.
Ozpin: "It's good to see you made it, Y/N."
Y/N: "I'm not here for small talk, Ozpin."
He stopped smiling and looked serious.
Inori: "Y/N, stop being rude!"
I walked closer to Ozpin, putting my hand up in front of Inori.
Y/N: "I want information."
Ozpin sighed.
Ozpin: "I know you do."
He gets up from his chair, and begins walking towards the elevator.
Ozpin: "Follow me, I have something to show you."
I quietly walked back into the elevator, the three of us in it. He pressed some buttons and we began descending. As we kept descending, I began to sense something... It's really faint, but it's there.
Ozpin: "Would you believe me if I told you there's magic in this world?"
Y/N: "Sure, there was magic in that other world I was in, right Inori?"
Inori: "Yes, there was."
Ozpin: "That makes things easier."
I walked closer to the door, that thing I'm sensing is getting closer...
Ozpin: "I see, it seems you've taken notice."
Inori: "Notice of what?"
Y/N: "..."
The elevator stopped and the door open, revealing a long, giant hallway. I began running down it.
Inori: "Y/N!"
Ozpin: "He's gonna find out what he's sensing."
I kept running until I made it to what I've been sensing. To be honest, I sensed something strange as soon as I got to this school.
Who the hell? What is going on here and what is it that I'm sensing from her...? I began to reach my hand towards her, but then heard someone say my name.
Inori: "Y/N! Why did you... Who is that...?"
Ozpin walked up next to me and looked at the girl.
Ozpin: "This is Amber, she is the fall maiden."
Y/N: "Fall maiden?"
Maiden? Too familiar...
Y/N: "You still have to explain why you're here."
Akame: "Oh, right. This has to do with your clone. That you trusted. He is the reason you are here as well."
Y/N: "What?"
Akame: "He put that book into Haru's room and told Haru to give it to you as a gift. His plan was to get rid of you, so he could begin his main plan. To destroy everything. He knew he couldn't beat you."
Y/N: "That little fucker. Well, that still doesn't really explain how you got here."
Akame: "Well, I saw him with the book on the ground and he was quietly laughing to himself. He turned around and saw me and asked what I was doing. He was trying to act as if he was you, which didn't really work. I asked him what he did and he quickly grabbed the book and turned to a page and well, here I am."
Y/N: "That doesn't make much sense... I got summoned here because I'm one of the five heroes, but you aren't one of the heroes."
Akame: "Yeah, found out that he opened a page that was for the Lost Maiden."
Y/N: "Lost Maiden?"
Akame: "Even I don't know what it means, but I guess that's my role."
*End of Flashback*
Ozpin: "She was attacked, and the attacker took half of the fall maiden's powers."
Inori: "Is she going to be okay?"
Ozpin: "Well, she's being kept in there so she doesn't pass away. But, I fear that will happen anyways soon."
Y/N: "Why're you showing me this?"
Ozpin: "Because I trust you with knowing this, and I would like your help with it as well."
Y/N: "Help?"
Ozpin: "With finding her attacker. We cannot let the attacker get the rest of the fall maiden's power."
Y/N: "How am I supposed to help with this? We don't know where or who her attacker is."
Ozpin: "You sense the fall maiden's power, correct?"
Y/N: "I guess so, I sensed something coming from her, I just couldn't tell what it was."
Ozpin: "Then, if you were to ever come close to her attacker, you should be able to sense the fall maiden's power coming from them."
Inori: "That makes sense."
Y/N: "And if I don't want to?"
Inori: "Y/N?!"
Ozpin: "Then, I'm not sure what we will do. I do have an idea for the next person to be the fall maiden."
Y/N: "Who is it?"
Ozpin: "Pyrrha Nikos."
She's just a student, Ozpin.
Y/N: "Fine, I'll help find the attacker. I'm the only one that can anyways."
Ozpin: "Thank you, Y/N."
Y/N: "Is there no way to save this girl?"
Ozpin: "No, not that we know of."
Y/N: "Can you open the life support pod?"
Ozpin: "Open it...? She will die if I do that."
Y/N: "Do you trust me?"
Ozpin: "I... I do."
Y/N: "Just open it when I say to."
I felt someone tap my shoulder.
Inori: "What're you planning?"
Y/N: "You'll see."
I closed my eye's and focused...
I place my hand over the keyhole of the cell door and unlocked it. I opened it and stepped out of the way for Ash. She slowly walked in, the cell room looked like hell... There was blood on the floor. A wolf demi-human, just like Ash, on the floor with blood on them... This was recent.
Ash: "Aurora...?"
There was no response. Ash put her hand on Aurora's shoulder. They must have been good friends at some point. Was Ash...
Ash: "Aurora... Please..."
Ash began crying... I walked over to Ash and placed my hand on her shoulder.
Y/N: "I'm sorry... But..."
I heard footsteps and turned my head and saw Naofumi and the others.
Naofumi: "The hell?"
Y/N: "Ash, can you back up for a second?"
Ash: "Wh--"
Y/N: "Please, just do it."
Ash got up and stepped back. I crouched down next to Aurora and placed my hand on their neck. There was still a pulse, but barely. They were on deaths door. I took my hand away from their neck and placed it in front of their face. I've never tried this and it might not even work. But, I have to attempt it.
Inori: "What are you doing?"
A white glow came from my hand and I saw some of the wounds on Aurora go away. I was able to heal them. I don't know if this is the light element...
Y/N: "Attempting to heal them. If--"
I felt a sudden jolt of pain go through out my body and gritted my teeth and continued to heal Aurora. I stopped healing them when I heard a grunt. I stood up and stepped to the side, but, I stumbled a bit and fell against the wall. I coughed up some blood, but kept myself standing. I felt someone grab my arm and it was Inori.
Inori: "That wasn't the..."
Y/N: "No, it wasn't the light element... It was something close to it though... I gave them some of my life."
*End of Flashback*
I have to keep my quirk under control... I took a deep breath.
Y/N: "Elemental Eclipse!"
I saw a flash of gold come from me and felt the power coming from myself. It worked.
Ozpin: "Hm? Black and silver hair, one eye is silver and the other is blood red?"
Y/N: "Open it."
I saw the pod begin opening, when it opened all the way, I put my hand in front of Amber's face and focused on healing her.
Ozpin: "What is he doing?"
Inori: "I... I think I saw him do this before, but it was different..."
Ozpin: "Different? How so?"
Inori: "He didn't use Elemental Eclipse, all he did was place his hand in front of someone that was very close to dying, and healed them. But..."
I grunted, feeling pain course throughout my body.
Ozpin: "But?"
Inori: "He gives some of his life in return of healing them."
I heard someone else grunt, I looked at Amber and saw her eye's begin opening.
Ozpin: "It's working..."
I stopped healing her and the powers of Elemental Eclipse went away. I dropped to one leg and started coughing blood out onto the floor.
Amber: "Wh... Where am I?"
Ozpin: "Welcome back, Amber."
Inori came to my side. I stopped coughing blood.
Amber: "P-Professor Ozpin...?"
Ozpin: "I will explain things, but first."
I felt a hand on my right shoulder.
Ozpin: "Are you okay?"
I wiped the blood from my mouth and stood up slowly.
Y/N: "Y-Yeah... I'll be fine."
Amber: "Who are those two...?"
Ozpin: "This is Y/N L/N."
He pointed at me.
Ozpin: "And this is Inori L/N."
Forgot about her having the same last name as me...
Ozpin: "Y/N here just saved your life, healed you up."
Amber looked me in the eyes.
Amber: "You... You healed me...?"
Y/N: "I did."
Amber: "T-Thank you..."
I gave her a thumbs up.
Amber: "P-Professor Ozpin, the fall--"
Ozpin: "I know, that's why we have you in there. Y/N is able to sense the maiden's powers. He will find out who took... Who took half of the fall maiden's powers?"
Amber: "I... I don't remember... It's hazy..."
Ozpin: "That's fine, I'm sure in time it'll come to you. For now, he will try to find that person."
Y/N: "She'll need to rest more."
Ozpin: "Right, there is a secret room down here that she can stay in."
Y/N: "You still haven't explained to me--"
Ozpin: "I will get back to you later on it."
I nodded my head.
Y/N: "I'll trust that you'll take care of her, and we can leave."
Ozpin: "Yes, that would be nice for you, wouldn't it?"
Y/N: "It would be."
Ozpin: "This elevator only comes down here from my office, I can't call it down here from here."
Y/N: "So we have to wait?"
Ozpin: "It won't take long. Just go wait by the elevator and I'll be there shortly."
Y/N: "Alright. Let's go Inori."
Inori: "Okay..."
We both made our way back to the elevator and waited. Inori was being very quiet. Probably know why.
Inori: "Why...?"
Y/N: "I did it to save her life. She has an important role in this world."
Inori: "But... It hurts you! You'll end up dying sooner!"
Y/N: "That'll end up happening anyways."
Inori: "What are you--"
Y/N: "Not now... We can talk about this at some other point. Let's just be ready for tomorrow."
A/N: I wasn't planning for the fall maiden to be healed, kinda just came to me as I was writing. Over 1600 Words!
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