A New Goal
*Y/N's POV*
Y/N: "So, they're letting you stay here at beacon?"
Inori and I were sitting at a lunch table with team rwby, eating lunch. Someone was missing... Ruby.
Inori: "Yeah, Professor Ozpin put me on your team."
Y/N: "I see."
I saw Blake staring at me. I mean, she does know some of the truth. She knows what happened to Inori. But... Does she really have to stare at me...? Especially now?
Yang: "You two seem close."
Inori: "Oh! I guess you could say that!"
Y/N: "Mhm."
Yang: "Are you two, by chance... dating?"
Inori: "What?! No!"
I shook my head. It's always something about dating...
Inori: "We've just traveled with each other for a good amount of time..."
Weiss: "Really?"
Inori: "Yeah! There was this one time, where this bunny chewed into Y/N's arm! It was obvious it was going to attack him!"
WBY: "A bunny...?"
Y/N: "Do we have to talk about that time...?"
Inori: "Yes."
A piece of food went flying by my head and landed in Yang's mouth. Wouldn't have been happy if it hit me...
Inori: "If you didn't let your guard down--"
Y/N: "It wouldn't have bit me. I've heard about this way too many times."
Inori: "You still haven't--"
Y/N: "Learned from it. I know..."
Don't remind me...
Yang: "You two are on another level!"
Yang began laughing. Somethings still are bothering me...
Inori just explained everything that happened before us meeting up again. Leaving some questions to be asked.
Y/N: "If you came through that portal with Ash, where is she?"
Inori: "That's the thing, I didn't see her on this side..."
Y/N: "Maybe you both appeared at different places. She could be here, we just have to find her."
Inori: "Maybe..."
Y/N: "What about Silva?"
Inori: "What about him?"
Y/N: "Has he spoke to at all? Recently?"
Inori: "No... I think he's gone now..."
Y/N: "Hmm..."
I don't think so. I think he's still there, just not talking. Is he hiding something from all of us?
Y/N: "Well, if he says anything ever again, let me know."
Inori: "Got it"
Y/N: "Also, I'm happy you're alive and all. But, I'm not happy that you guys came to this world."
Inori: "Wait what? Why?"
Y/N: "The hell did I tell you back in the other world? That there would be point where you two would have to protect that world and I'll be back in my world. Instead, you two came here, and got separated some how. Now we have to find Ash."
Inori: "I'm sorry..."
I sigh.
Y/N: "It's whatever now. What has happened, happened for a reason. We'll go searching for her as soon as possible."
Inori: "Right, but don't you go to this school?"
Y/N: "This isn't my world, not my school. I will leave this school whenever. They told me they would help me find a way back, so that's the only reason I'm here."
Inori: "I see."
*End of Flashback*
I snapped out of it as soon as I saw a huge folder slam the table in front of me.
Ruby: "Sister, friends, Weiss!"
Weiss: "Hey!"
Ruby: "Fourscore and seven minutes ago, I had a dream!"
Yang: "This oughta be good."
Y/N: "Oh, great..."
Ruby: "That the six of us as a team, can have the most--"
Y/N: "And I've lost interest."
I stood up and started walking away."
Ruby: "But..."
Y/N: "Let's go, Inori!"
Inori: "R-Right..."
I heard Inori apologize to them and quickly rush to my side.
Inori: "What's wrong?"
Y/N: "I've grown tired of waiting on Ozpin. I'm gonna do things my way now."
We walked out of the cafeteria, and made our ways to the courtyard.
Inori: "Where are we going?"
Ozpin: "Into Vale, correct?"
We turned around and saw Ozpin.
Y/N: "Man of the hour, any updates?"
Ozpin: "Everything is in your room."
Y/N: "Anything else?"
Ozpin: "What other response are you looking for?"
Y/N: "Any updates about a way back to my world?"
Ozpin: "Not yet, it would be more helpful if we could see that portal you came through again, study it further."
I grit my teeth.
Y/N: "Of course, always something to hinder everything."
Ozpin: "Any other questions?"
Y/N: "Who... Who the hell is Salem? And why is she interested in me?"
I saw Ozpin tense up, his expression darkened.
Ozpin: "She... Let's go to my--"
There was a loud bang sound and I looked up and saw Yang flying up in the air... The hell are they doing...
Ozpin: "I--"
Y/N: "Go take care of that. Call me when you can talk to me."
Ozpin: "Right, take care of yourself until then."
Y/N: "Yeah."
I turned and began walking towards the bullhead.
Inori: "Salem...?"
Inori entered the bullhead with me.
Y/N: "I'm going after Salem, whoever she is. I'm hoping Ash didn't end up near Salem, or that Old Bastard. That's the new goal we have."
Inori: "Are you sure it's a good idea to leave already?"
We were out drinking some tea at a restaurant.
Y/N: "As I said, I've grown tired of waiting on Ozpin."
Inori: "What's happened to you?"
Y/N: "What are you talking about?"
Inori: "You seem really impatient. Very irritable as well."
Y/N: "I have been away from my world for so long by this point, I don't know if it's okay or not! Of course I'm impatient! Of course I'm irritable! Everyone there could be hurt or killed!"
I stood up and left the money on the table. I walked out of the restaurant. I heard Inori follow me out.
Y/N: "And now, I have to find Ash and make sure she's safe! Because you both thought it would be a good idea to follow me to this world, even after I said you both would have to protect that one!"
Inori flinched.
Inori: "We came here to help you and to make sure you were okay!"
Y/N: "As you can see, I am fine! So--"
I heard my scroll go off. I sighed and took it out, seeing that Ozpin was calling me. I answered the call.
Y/N: "Yes, Ozpin?"
Ozpin: "Everything has been taking care of, please come to my office so we can discuss somethings."
Y/N: "Fine, I'll be there in a bit."
I hung up and began walking towards beacon.
Inori: "Now we're heading back...?"
Y/N: "Let's see what he wants to talk about. Depending on what it is, I'll stay and talk."
A/N: It's been quite a while but I finally have the motivation to write again! Over 1000 Words!
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