5: Making progress
"Dammit Pietro!" Crystal growled as she was thrown to the floor once more. It had been two months since the two blondes had been put in charge of training the twins and the four enhanced had bonded almost instantly. They bounced off once another perfectly and could fight off a group of HYDRA guards for training no problem together. Strucker often observed their sessions, watching closely as his latest experiments adapted to their new lifestyle.
Ruby watched from the side as the green eyed female and blue eyed male sparred against one another, landing the same amount of blows as their opponent. Her arms were folded tightly over her chest, her ankles crossed and body leant against the wall behind her. Wanda stood next to the blue eyed girl, her own brown eyes watching her brother and new found friend train before her. "He's getting better." The younger twin noted, turning to face Ruby who shifted her gaze to meet Wanda's.
"You both are."
"Then why don't I feel like I am." Miss Jackson sighed and pushed herself off the wall, walking over to the brunette and holding her shoulders tightly .
"You've only been at this for two months Wanda, you won't be able to see yourself progress as much as you can see Pietro." Miss Maximoff fluttered her eyelashes slightly. "And you have to remember you don't need to rely on this as much as he does, you're powerful without knowing hand to hand combat. Sure Pietro can crash into people at high speeds but that isn't enough to always take them out, at least you can manipulate their minds and tear them up from inside."
"I can hear you."
"That's the idea roadrunner." Crystal and Wanda chuckled. "But seriously, you're doing so well, both of you."
"I just feel like-"
"You aren't letting us down." Crystal interrupted quickly as she flipped midair to avoid another blow from the blue and silver clad male sparring her. "So don't say that." The green eyed girl grabbed her sparring partner by his collar and pulled him backwards until he was beside his sister. "Neither of you are letting us down. Don't forget we've been at this for years, we've become accustom to how everything works, enhanced or not." Suddenly the metal door at the end of the room swung open and slammed loudly into the wall beside it.
The four enhanced turned to face the corridor where three armed guards stood with Baron Strucker in the centre. In perfect harmony they entered the room, standing to attention as Strucker approached The Duo and Twins. "Mimic, Glimmer."
"How are the Twins doing? You've missed your daily reports on them four days in a row." Although his voice was calm the two blondes could sense a hint of anger and annoyance behind their leaders words.
"They're making excellent progress." Ruby replied curtly, stepping forward slightly. "And we apologise for the reports, we haven't had time to write them up." Baron hummed before clicking his fingers, causing one of the guards to walk forward and seize the seventeen year old by her throat. Wanda and Crystal gasped silently while Pietro stared at the scene in shock. Seconds later the armoured male threw the female to the side, her body impacting the stone wall heavily.
Crystal hurried over to her best friends side as she struggled to her hands and knees. "Now don't act like that Miss Jackson, I know very well you heal quickly." Ruby growled lowly as Crystal's wings were grabbed tightly. The sixteen year old lost her footing as she was pulling backwards and thrown into another wall, just behind the twins who stood in fear and surprise. "You too Miss Evans."
"What are you doing?" Pietro finally spoke.
"Why are you hurting them?" Wanda questioned in horror as the Duo were picked up again and thrown into one another violently.
"You haven't told them what happens when you fail me?" Strucker questioned, towering over the blondes who lay groaning on the floor as pain racked through their bodies.
"They aren't going to fail you." Crystal ground out, her body aching as it tried to heal quickly. "You aren't going to hurt them anymore." Another guard walked over, only to be quickly stopped by red hexes wrapping around his arms and legs, pinning him in place. While Wanda kept one of the guards trapped Pietro sped around the room and hit the other two, sending them spiralling to the floor beside the blue and green eyed females.
Mr Strucker watched silently, a smirk making its way across his face. His eyes lit up at the way the twins worked to help the Duo, the way their abilities seemed to be stronger than when they had first received them. "Progress does seem to be going well." He admitted as Ruby pulled herself and Crystal up to stand once more. "I'm quiet impressed. You are dismissed for the day." With that the four men waltzed from the room, the metal door closing behind them.
"Are you okay?" Wanda questioned, hurrying over to the younger pair and taking their hands gently.
"We're okay Wanda." Miss Evans assured.
"Yeah, we aren't as dainty as we look, you should know that by now." Miss Jackson added. "Now how about we head back to our room and relax for a bit, take the opportunity before Strucker changes his mind." The trio nodded and followed the mimic out of the training room and down the concert hallways of the HYDRA facility.
"Is he impressed?" Pietro asked after several moments of silence.
"As impressed as Strucker can get." Crystal answered. "You two are his pride and joy."
"What about you two?"
"We've been here a lot longer, he's bored with us. The only reason we're still alive is because we know too much and we're too strong to kill. He needs us even if he won't admit it."
"How long have you been here?" Curiosity was heavy in Wanda's voice. "You always say it's been a long time but never say how long."
"Is all our life a better answer?"
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