20: Cheating death
All three woman gasped, their eyes wide as they stared at the male. His eyes were still closed, his breathing uneven and sharp. "Pietro?" Wanda asked tentatively, her hands traveling from her twins arm to his face, carefully brushing her fingers over his cheeks. He seemed to hear her voice, turning his head slightly and nuzzling into her hand ever so meekly.
"Oh my God." Crystal gasped, watching as the male reacted positively to his sisters touch and voice. Seconds later his head shifted once more, turning towards Crystal as if putting her voice to a spot around him. Clint, the doctors and the nurses all stood mesmerised at Mr Maximoff, he was alive and responding.
"You're an idiot roadrunner." Mumbled Ruby, moving herself until she stood beside Crystal. "An absolute idiot, who runs into the direct line of fire?" She placed her hands on the bed beside him as Crystal took his hand once more. The three girls watched with smiles as their brother and friend began to move, shifting his body slightly with a groan. Doctors crowded around the bed to watch as Pietro fluttered his eyes open, his blue eyes squinted as they looked at the dull grey ceiling above him.
"You didn't see that coming?" His voice was strained but loud enough for the other three enhanced to hear. Within seconds he received a short slap and giggle off Crystal, a kiss on the forehead from Wanda and a small shoulder squeeze from Ruby. Agent Barton watched with a small smile as the girls began talking to Pietro softly as the doctors and nurses checked his vital signs while also trying to discuss an explanation for his miraculous revival.
"It's impossible, he was dead, he bled out." A Doctor muttered, walking behind Ruby and eyeing the male suspiciously. "He shouldn't have come back from that. You can't cheat death like that." Mimic's eyebrow shot up, her head turning to face the speaking doctor.
"It's like magic." A nurse whispered.
"What did you say?" The seventeen year old demanded, eyeing the doctor carefully.
"You can't cheat death like that, it's impossible." He answered, stepping back in confusion from the young woman.
"Cheat death, cheat death." The blonde repeated, her eyes scrunched up. "You can cheat death!"
"Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. And down will come baby, cradle and all." Strucker watched silently as the small seven year old girl walked in circles singing, her voice echoing around the small contained room she was stuck in. Her soft blonde hair was pulled into a single braid. The white dress covering her body swayed softly around her knees and bare feet hitting the floor silently.
"Baby is drowsing, cozy and fair. Mother sits near, in her rocking chair. Forward and back, the cradle she swings. And though baby sleeps, he hears what she sings." Sitting on the only bed in the concert room was another young girl around the age of six. Her body was adorned also in a pure white, knee length dress. Curly blonde hair was pulled into two similar pigtails as her green eyes watched the other girl sing and walk around.
"Rock-a-bye baby, do not you fear. Never mind baby, mother is near. Wee little fingers, eyes shut tight. Now sound asleep, until morning light." As the song came to a haunting end the blue eyed girl stopped, facing the two way mirror that stood on the left side of the room. Strucker stared at the small girl, locking eyes with her as if she could see him from the other side of the mirror. Slowly the door to the right of the room opened, revealing a young man, no older that eighteen.
Both girls turned to face him, a frown etched on their faces. He ignored the elder girl, walking straight towards the green eyed female on the bed. "Touch her and it'll be the last thing you do." The braided girl growled, stepping forward, daring him to move closer to her friend. He did, his arms reaching out until they locked around the smaller girls waist. Instantly chaos broke lose, the green eyed girl kicking and screaming while the girl with blue eyes stepped forward and locked her hands around one of his legs.
A gasp escaped the young man's mouth, his grip releasing the crying girl and going around his neck. Air began squeezing itself from his lungs, his heart speeding up to dangerous levels, almost bursting from his chest. Then he dropped heavily to the floor, causing the blue eyed girl to release her hold on his leg and walk towards her friend who clung to her quickly. Two armed guards and Strucker then entered the room. "I warned him."
"I know Ruby, I know." Ruby narrowed her eyes slightly but kept her mouth shut.
"What happened to him?" A guard spoke, feeling the young man for a pulse only to come up empty.
"Miss Jackson here killed him."
"And Miss Evans is going to bring him back to life."
"That is what they are here for, to become unstoppable forces, to become my very own Ying and Yang. One can kill our enemies at close range combat while while the other can revive out men. That is their purpose in this world."
"But that's playing with, cheating death!" The second guard exclaimed, eyeing the seven and six year carefully.
"That it is." Strucker chuckled, smiling at the little girls. "That it is."
"We were made to play death, Crystal was made to cheat it." Everyone stared at the seventeen year old as she spoke. "It's in our DNA, it's what we were created to do. That's what Strucker used us for, that's why he was so persistent to keep us close. We can literally control life and death."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Wanda questioned, eyeing the two carefully as Crystal frowned at her friend in confusion.
"Yeah, what are you on about Ruby?" The green eyed girl questioned.
"Crystal you have the power of Resurrection, you can bring people to life with one touch when you think about it." Ruby explained.
"What about you?" Clint questioned, folding his arms.
"I'm her opposite, I'm a death inducer. I can kill people with a single touch when provoked enough."
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