15: Beginning of the end
Steve was the first to break the silence. "Thor, you helped create this?"
"I've had a vision." Replied the God, helping Ruby to her feet as she continued to stare at the creature. "A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its centre is that." The Gem inside the visions head began to glow brighter as Thor pointed towards it. Ruby walked around the Vision carefully until she was beside Crystal and the twins once more.
"What, the gem?"
"It's the mind stone." Thor answered Bruce's question. "It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Captain Rogers frowned.
"The why would you bring it to-"
"Because Stark is right."
"Oh, it's defiantly the end times." Doctor Banner sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron."
"Not alone." The Vision added, turning to each person individually.
"Why does your 'vision' sound like JARVIS?"
"We, we." Stark stuttered for a few moments, walking around the red skinned creature several times. "Reconfigured JARVIS' matrix to create something new."
"I think I've had my filling of new." Steve countered, his eyes flicking to the Twins and the Duo for a few moments until the vision spoke again.
"You think I'm a child of Ultron?"
"You're not?" Questioned Crystal softly.
"I'm not Ultron. I'm not JARVIS. I am, I am."
"We looked inside your head." Wanda cut in, taking a step forward.
"We saw annihilation." Ruby added.
"Look again."
"Yeah." Mr Barton spoke, shaking his head. "Their seal of approval means jack to me."
"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side-"
"Is it?" Questioned Captain America, raising an eyebrow. "Are you? On our side?"
"I don't think it's that simple."
"Well it better get real simple real soon." Clint deadpanned.
"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't, he will end it all." The Vision explained.
"What's he waiting for?" Tony asked.
"Sokovia. He's got Nat there too."
"If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be.."
"What will you do?" The vision looked around at everyone who all stared at him expectingly.
"I don't know about everyone else but if you turn on any of us I won't hesitate to rip that stone from your head." Mimic suddenly spoke up, smirking slightly at the shocked expressions that's passed over the Avengers faces. However the vision spoke once more before anyone else could reply.
"I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go."
Without so much of a thought Vision picked up Thor's hammer from the ground and held it out to the God, dropping it into his hands before walking away. Silence fell once more as the group watched in surprise. "Right." This shook his head, patting Stark's shoulder as he followed the red skinned male. "Well done."
"Three minuets." Steve then ordered. "Get what you need." Everyone nodded and made their way through the halls of the Avengers tower to get ready. The four enhanced all walked into the same room that the Captain had directed them to before hurrying off himself. Crystal and Ruby watched him go in silence. Without a word the four fell into an embrace, holding each other close for several seconds. Each released a small breath before pulling away.
Instantly the Twins began to prepare themselves for the upcoming battle, The Duo already suited up after the train fight with their second former boss. "In less than a week we've changed sides twice." Crystal sighed, turning to face the other blonde in the room. "I just want to go home Ruby." A single tear escaped from her green eyes, sliding slowly down her check until it hit the floor silently. Sighing the elder blonde embraced the younger, holding her tight as more tears began to fall.
"We all do." Wanda sighed.
"But we no longer have a place to call home, none of us do." Pietro joined in, pulling Crystal into his own hug as Ruby released her. "But as long as we stay together we are okay."
"Maybe when this is over we will have somewhere to call home?" Wanda suggested hopefully, eyeing Ruby as she made her way to the small window in the room. "Maybe we won't be seen as the bad guys anymore."
"Maybe." The blue eyed female echoed, her eyes cast down to the outside of the tower. Just then Clint appeared in the door way, his eyes flicking between all four young people.
"Ready to go?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. The archer was still skeptical about trusting them, they had been part of HYDRA not too long ago and then with Ultron. However, he knew without their help they wouldn't be able to stop Ultron once and for all. Three out of four nodded, leaving the room to meet the others on the jet. Clint stared at the remaining enhanced in the room who spoke up.
"Please, protect them." She spoke, turning her head until her blue eyes landed on the assassin.
"Please look after Pietro, Wanda and Crystal."
"What about you?"
"I've done so many more horrible things in my life Clint. More than the three of them combined. They don't deserve to die."
"And you do?"
"Death is one of the things I am not scared of, however losing them three, that's a different story. I can protect them to the best of my ability but I feel that will be in vain in this fight. So please, will you help me protect them?" The pleading in Ruby's voice startled Agent Barton but he nodded none the less, watching as she gave a small smile in return before hurrying off to find the three people she couldn't live without.
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