Ooh you just got burned
Ezra pov
We were training. Like always I may say. The wind blew my short locks of navy blue hair in the air. I may have become hot so i needed some wind. (You'll learn more about it later) Kanan just thought a storm was coming. "Focus Ezra. Your distracted!" Kanan yelled at me. I winced then smirked. "No I'm on fire!" I said. He sighed. He does that a lot! Is it me? "We're done for the day hit the showers." He said. I just realized I was dripping sweat. 'Can't smell worse than I did on the streets' I thought. I ran into the ghost for my very necessary shower. Honestly I hate water. Well I mean it's alright. But I love fire. That's my birth element so I guess that's why I love it and hate water. It so puts me out. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water and hopped in. But I..... Slipped. Dangit! Dang, Kanan can't you remember to put the soap up. It would be very aweful if the futures greatest Jedi master died because of slipping on the soap! I groan. I let it go.(comment it you thought of the song😂) I turned the water from the faucet and redirected it onto the soap. And used the wind to turn the water steaming hot. Soon there was nothing left of it. 'Wait a second!' I thought. 'Probably should've used it first.' I said upset at my stupidity. I just used the liquid. When my was over I smelled brand new. Well, as good as a teenaged boy can smell. I went to my room to get an early start on sleep. I was exhausted. I skipped dinner and as soon as my head hit the pillow thing I was out. The force was not In my favor tonight. Nightmare. Surprise surprise.
I was on lothal. My home planet. I saw the inquisitor. Great! Just what I needed. What's he going to say this time."join the darkside or die" or am I lucky to get "there is much anger in you lothrat!" He looked at me with those death glaring eyes. "There is so much anger in you lothrat!" He said. Nailed it! "I think I've figured something out. Have you told your crew yet? How they gave their lives for you. A stupid 12 year old at the time. What has it been 3 years since they've died?" He taunted me. I growled. No one disrespects my old team. No one! He charged at me before I could reach my lightsaber. He stabbed me. (End)
I woke up in cold sweat. My bed was drenched in sweat and burn marks everywhere. 'Calm down Ezra. You'll only make it worse. Control it. It does not control you.' I thought. ( sry bold thing keeps breaking maybe I can...got it) I used some air and turned it to wind with ease. Redirecting it on the wet bed. 'Can't have the crew worry or think I peed my bed.' I thought. "Ezra training time." Kanan yelled. "Coming" I yelled back. I hope nothing goes wrong this time.
But my fear came true!
Hey guys hope you liked chapter 1. I have one request. Plz in comments or whatever never say"o.k." It's just a... It brings back memories. Enough funny parts or no?
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