*Y/N Pov*
I was sleeping until I heard a voice.
???: "Y/N, It's time to wake up. It's time to start training."
I open my eyes and see Akame looking at me. I sit up and stretch.
Y/N: "Morning sis."
Akame: "You know it's not morning right?"
Y/N: "What?"
Akame: "It's 2 pm. Guess you really did need that rest."
Y/N: "My bad, didn't know I would be out for this long.
Akame: "It's alright Y/N. I left some food on the table for you."
Y/N: "Thanks."
I get up and eat, then I go take a shower and head to the living room where Akame was.
Akame: "Are you ready?"
Y/N: "Yeah."
Akame: "Alright then follow me."
We leave my house and I follow her. We end up in front of a building and she opens the door. It was empty inside.
Y/N: "Uhhh where are we?"
Akame: "Oh this is the place where I trained my Quirk."
Y/N: "But there isn't anything in here..."
Akame: "There is upstairs."
Y/N: "But why nothing on this floor?"
Akame: "Does that really matter right now? Listen what I want you to try to do is Rewrite yourself."
I think about Rewriting my senses to see if it would help.
Akame: "So... Did it work?"
Y/N: "Maybe?"
Akame: "What did you try Rewriting?"
Y/N: "My senses."
Akame: "Okay let me try something than."
After she said that she tried to hit me. She was fast but I was able to dodge still. How the hell?
Akame: "Seems like it did work."
Y/N: "You can tell by me just dodging?"
Akame: "Well you wouldn't have been able to dodge if you didn't Rewrite yourself. Do you feel weird at all?"
Y/N: "Yeah kinda."
Akame: "Try Rewriting something else."
I think about Rewriting my strength. I feel very weird now.
Y/N: "How am I going to test out my strength now?"
Akame: "You chose strength? Hmmm I guess you could try punching the wall."
Y/N: "Are you sure?"
Akame: "Yeah it's fine. Don't use your other Quirk."
I walk up to the wall and punch it. I was shocked to see that I punched a big hole in it.
Y/N: Ahh sorry about that! Didn't know I would punch a hole in the wall!"
Akame: "It's fine I can pay for it."
Y/N: "What was that wall made out of?"
Akame: "Brick. A lot of it."
Y/N: "And I just punched right through it...?"
Akame: "Yup! Seems like you really do have two Quirks."
Y/N: "I think I should take a break with that. I feel very weird after that."
Akame: "That's fine, we need to find out how to break that seal for the elements anyways."
Y/N: "Yeah..."
It's been a few days and we still didn't know what to do about the elements. We were heading to Hosu since we heard shit was going down there. We split up and search around for a bit. I look at my phone to see that Midoriya sent his location. I start to go there until I hear someone say my name from a dark alley. I walk towards it.
???: "Y/N."
I walk closer to the sound as I see someone come towards me.
Malos: "Wow you actually decided to come over here. Thought you would just ignore it at first."
I look next to him and see my sister unconscious. She looks to be extremely injured.
Y/N: "The hell did you do to her?!"
Malos: "Oh her? Thought I would say hi to her but she didn't want to do it back. Now though I have you where I want you! The last time we met I was supposed to bring you back alive. This time I'm going to kill you!"
Y/N: "You bastard... I'll kill you!"
Malos: "What the hell is with that ice surrounding you?!"
I look down to see ice. Maybe it's a new element. I would have thought Todoroki was here at first but no. That is my doing.
Malos: "It's just like the last time! You had a new element the last time and it's the same this time!"
I freeze his legs in place and start to walk towards him.
Malos: "Do you really think this will keep me here?"
He broke out of the ice quickly and punched me back a bit. I looked at him and ran at him to punch him but he dodged and punched me through a wall.
Malos: "I told you I was going to kill you! No one is around to help you!"
He goes to look into the building but I was instantly behind him and lit my hand fire and punched him in the back sending him flying into the building.
Y/N: "I also said I was going to kill you."
He comes out and charges at me only for me to send ice at him and he jumps back. I jump at him sending ice at him that he kept dodging. Once I got close to him he kicked me in the gut sending me flying back. Then I heard the voice.
*Y/N's Mind*
Other Y/N: "You having fun? It looks like you are just getting kicked around."
Y/N: "Shut up!"
Other Y/N: "Come on~! Let me take control~! I know you want power~!"
Y/N: "No. I don't want it."
Other Y/N: "Huh? What do you mean no?!"
Y/N: "I can win this on my own. I don't need you."
Other Y/N: "If you really think you can do this alone then have fun~! If you are in trouble than just let me take control~!"
*Y/N Pov*
Malos is walking towards me as I get up.
Malos: "I thought you would be stronger. I guess not! It's time to end this!"
Y/N: "I agree!"
I create a ice sword and stab him through the stomach. He starts to scream and goes to punch me but I easily dodge thanks to Rewriting my senses before. I create a dark ball and slam it into his stomach and he gets sent flying almost out of the alley. I sent my location to the others as I see Malos walking towards me.
*Midoriya Pov*
We just got done dealing with the hero killer and were with the pros. I hear my phone go off and go take it out when I notice Todoroki do the same.
Midoriya: "Todoroki you got that too?"
Todoroki: " Yeah. It's Y/N's location and it's not far from here. I know we aren't in good shape to fight but I think we should still go."
Midoriya: "I was thinking the same thing."
Tenya: "If you two are going then I'll go as well."
*Y/N Pov*
He get's closer and stops.
Malos: "Well now I'm surprised you did this much to me."
He pulls something out and puts it over his stomach. Just like that his wound was healed somehow.
Y/N: "How the fuck?!"
Malos: "I know a person that can create healing stones."
He rushes at me and sends a bunch of punches at me that I dodge. While I was dodging I see Midoriya, Todoroki, and Tenya at the end of the alley watching. Next thing I knew Malos kicked me in the side of my head and sent me through a wall again.
Malos: "Hahahaha look Y/N! Your friends even came to watch you die!"
Midoriya: "We have to help him!"
Y/N: "DON'T!"
I come out of the wall with blood coming down my head.
Y/N: "I can handle this."
I summon shadow spikes on ground after him and he jumps up. I quickly get above him and kick him back down. Lucky for him the spikes were gone but he cracked the ground from the impact.
I landed and coughed some blood.
Tenya: "Y/N!"
Y/N: "It's fine! I've only used it twice!"
I can't afford to use it again. He starts to get up but I freeze his lower half.
Y/N: "Where do you think you are going? I'm not done with you."
Todoroki: "What the..."
I walk up to him and create another ice sword and go to stab him in the stomach but he grabs it before it would stab him again. He crushes it and goes to punch me at incredible speed but I still move my head out of the way and I punch him in the face. I knocked him out with that punch.
Y/N: "Finally..."
The others come up to me.
Midoriya: "Y/N are you okay?"
Y/N: "Honestly, I'm not sure."
Todoroki: "What do you mean?"
Y/N: "Look..."
I point over to my sister and they look.
Tenya: "What happened?!"
Y/N: "I heard my name being called from here so I came over here and found them. He hurt her. I want to kill him for it but that won't help anything."
I walk over to her and pick her up and carry her out of the alley and see pro hero's.
Endeavor: "What happened here?"
Y/N: "There is a villain over there knocked out. Take him."
Gran Torino: "Did you fight him?"
Y/N: "Yes..."
Native: "Those injuries! Are you okay?!"
Y/N: "Don't worry about me. Just please get my sister to a hospital..."
I hand my sister to him. I start to walk forward a bit only to stop and cough some blood.
Gran Torino: "We should get him to a hospital as well!"
After I hear him say that I collapse.
I wake up and see that I'm in a hospital bed.
Doctor: "It's good to see you awake."
Y/N: "How long have I been out for?"
Doctor: "Not for very long. Around 8 hours."
I go to get up.
Doctor: "What do you think you are doing?! You are seriously hurt right now!"
Y/N: "I don't care! I need to see my sister..."
I stand up and go to walk out. I get to the door and open it and see my classmates.
Yaoyorozu: "Y/N what are you doing out of the bed?!"
Everyone: "WHAT?!"
Y/N: "Can you people keep it down and move out of my way?"
Doctor: "I think you should lay down for a bit longer."
Y/N: "Shut the fuck up."
Mina: "Y/N what is wrong with you right now?!"
Kirishima: "Yeah man this isn't how you usually act."
Y/N: "Get out of my way."
Ochaco: "Y/N why are you acting like this?!"
Y/N: "..."
I summon some electricity around me and some fire to tell them to move or else. Then I feel my feet get frozen to the floor.
Todoroki: "Sorry Y/N but this is for your own good."
I quickly melt the ice and look at them.
Midoriya: "Y/N?"
Mina: "Y/N it's because we are your friends and we care about you. We don't want you to hurt yourself anymore!"
Y/N: "Just please move."
Shoji: "Why do you want us to move? Can you explain that first?"
Y/N: "I just want to go see my sister okay?"
Yaoyorozu: "Y/N you don't even know where her room is."
Y/N: "I'll go find out."
Denki: "How about we go with you? You know, so you don't collapse or anything on the way."
Y/N: "Fine."
We go and find out what room my sister is in and we go to it. I open the door and see my sister still unconscious. I walk up to her with a chair and sit next to her.
Y/N: *Starts Crying* "I'm sorry sis... I c-couldn't protect you or help you from being attacked from him. I-I didn't want to lose anymore of my family so I thought I had to protect you. I'm pathetic... If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been attacked! Just please wake up soon..."
Everybody: "Y/N..."
A/N: END OF CHAPTER/PAGE. Over 1800 words. It's like how the saying goes. Nice things don't always happen to nice people. That's how it's like for Y/N.
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