I opened the door and saw that the kitchen light was on. I set my bag down and slowly walked into the hall. "Shota?" I called out. A scarf wrapped around me tightly and dragged me into the living room. I winced from the pain in my ribs, they still hadn't healed all the way.
"Kanna what the hell were you thinking?!" Shota glared at me. "You know how dangerous it was for you to take on the Hero Killer?"
"Okay we are doing this now," I said under my breath. "Of course I know it was dangerous and I know I'm lucky to be alive. I just couldn't sit back knowing my friends were in danger."
"You could have been killed," Shota said releasing me from the scarf. "Not to mention you broke the law. If they hadn't given the credit to Endeavor your career as a pro would be over before it began."
I hung my head in shame, "I know. I'm really sorry Shota. I know I messed up." Before I knew it he pulled me close to him and gave me a hug.
"When I got the call you were in the hospital I feared the worst. When they said you fought the Hero Killer I was sure that they were calling to tell me you were dead." His voice cracked like he was trying to control his emotions. "Because why would that villain let a high school girl live, after she got in his way? I was so scared that you weren't coming home," Shota said holding me tight. Tears began to run down my cheeks. I didn't even realize he would be more worried than angry.
I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest. "I'm sorry Shota. I'm so sorry."
He pulled away and wiped my tears, "just try not to worry me okay?"
I gave him a smile, "I'll try not to."
After we had dinner and I told him all the things I learned, including my new move. He asked me where my costume was and I told him Endeavor had me send it off early to have the holes repaired. He was slightly disappointed that I didn't work on my earth quirk but seemed alright with my fire progress. I also told him how I stood up for Todoroki.
"Endeavor wants you to what?" Shota nearly spat out his tea when I told him.
"Yea, I guess he thinks we would make a good couple," I laughed. "I don't really know though, like Todoroki is nice and all."
Shota looked incredibly annoyed but he just brushed it off. Shortly after he sent me to bed, something about tomorrow being an exciting day. That usually meant a test or something. Hopefully I would be able to participate since my ribs were still healing.
The next day I walked into class and saw Sero and Kirishima laughing at someone. I peeked around them and saw that they were making fun of Bakugo's hair. Somehow it was laying flat instead of his normal spiky hair.
"Shut up!" Bakugo yelled which made them laugh harder.
"How did you even manage that?" Sero said between bursts of laughter.
"It won't go back," Bakugo huffed. "It just got used to being like this."
As I passed I said, "Bakugo your hair looks really good. You should wear it like that more!"
That only made Kirishima and Sero laugh harder. "Shut up you damn Snowflake!" Bakugo shouted. "Keep laughing and I'll kill you idiots!"
I shook my head and sat down in my seat. "I see you managed to survive," Todoroki said from next to me.
"Oh yea," I scratched my head. "Shota was more worried than mad."
"I can see that," Todoroki said as Iida and Midoriya joined us.
The rest of the class was talking about their internships. Asui helped take out some smugglers and Jiro helped with a rescue operation. It seemed like everyone learned something from their time with the pros. Uraraka was in a whole different mood, like she was ready to take down anyone.
"The ones who had the most instructive, and traumatic are those four," Kaminari pointed to where we were.
"That's right you guys took on the Hero Killer," Kirishima said finally done messing with Bakugo.
"It's luck that Endeavor saved you guys," Sero said. "That's the number two for ya."
"Yep, Endeavor saved us," Todoroki nodded. We had to keep the whole ordeal to ourselves if we didn't want to be in trouble.
"I saw on the news they think that the Hero Killer is connected to the League of Villains," Ojiro said. "It would have been really bad if he showed up at the USJ."
"Sure he's scary, but there is a video going around showing his tenacity and his one track mind. It's kinda cool," Kaminari said.
"Kaminari!" Midoriya snapped at him.
"Oh crap, Iida I'm sorry," Kaminari said quickly covering his mouth.
"It's okay," Iida said. "I can see how people would think he's cool after all he is a man of conviction. However his convictions have led him to believe that society needs a purge. No matter his motives that's just wrong. I will correct my course and walk the path of a true hero so that way no one has to suffer the way I have. Now take your seats class is about to begin!"
After the morning classes were over we headed to lunch. I was walking with Midoriya when All Might and Detective Tsukauchi came walking towards us. I recognized the detective from some of the times he worked with Shota so I gave them both a quick wave. I expected them to pass up but they stopped in front of us.
"Young Shichi do you mind having lunch with us?" All Might asked.
I blinked in surprise before turning to Midoriya and Todoroki. "Am I in trouble?"
"No nothing like that," the detective said reassuring me and my friends. "We just want to ask you something."
"Okay, I'll catch you guys later." I waved to my friends before following them to the break room. I sat down and All Might poured me a cup of tea. "Is this about the Hero Killer?" I asked after thanking him.
"No," All Might shook his head. "We have some questions about the lab."
"Oh," I was surprised at his comment.
"You see the lab you were at specialized in quirk research and development," Tsukauchi said. "While they seemed legal and fine on the surface, it wasn't until you that the police realized they were testing on humans."
"I see," I said taking a deep breath. "So what do you need from me?"
"Well, the Nomu seem to be altered people. They have been given multiple quirks and because of it they have turned into mindless puppets." All Might explained. "Do you know of any other subjects at the lab?"
"No," I shook my head. "They kept me isolated, so if there were other subjects I never saw them."
"What about the people who worked there?" Tsukauchi asked jotting down notes.
"There were two assistants there to deal with my wounds, feeding, and cleaning me," I said listing the people off the top of my head. "Then there was the man with the baton and the woman with the clipboard. The man would be the one to deliver my punishments and the woman took notes on my progress and the different tests they would have me do."
"Anyone else?" All Might asked almost like they knew something I didn't.
"There was one other, the Director," I said with a shaky voice. "He visited me from time to time."
"What can you tell us about him?" All Might leaned forward.
"I never actually saw his face. They would keep me blindfolded when he was in front of me and I was only permitted to take it off when he was in the viewing area. I do remember his voice, it was calm and cold and a bit pretentious, almost like he knew everything. I was more afraid of him than anyone else at that place," I said carefully choosing my words.
"Did he ever mention what they were doing?" The detective asked.
"No," I shook my head. "He said I was an important tool, a weapon, one that will bring about a new world and an end to One For All. I never understood what that meant though."
All Might and Tsukauchi shared a look before turning back to me. "Anything else?"
"No, whenever he visited he kept it brief. There were only a few times that he actually talked to me," I said trying to remember.
"What about your quirk?" All Might asked.
"My quirk?" I tilted my head not understanding his question.
"Was there anything strange about it?" All Might rephrased.
"I don't think so," I tapped my chin. "I was still really young when it developed so I don't really remember. I just remember they would test each one as it manifested."
"The elements appeared individually?" Tsukauchi asked looking up from his notes.
"Yea I think so," I nodded. "Isn't that normal?"
"I'm not sure yet to be honest," he shook his head. "We are going to look more into your incident and at the Director."
"Isn't it likely he died in the collapse?" I asked.
"No," All Might said. "That was seven years ago and he survived. I believe, based on what you told us, that he is the villain All For One. I faced him five years ago and I thought I won but now I'm not so sure."
"All For One?" I asked. I had never heard that name before. "Are you sure that they are the same?"
"It's a good possibility," All Might nodded.
"Well you beat him before so you can just beat him again right?" I asked. I could feel the fear creeping up, that voice was still in my head and in my dreams.
All Might looked sad for a moment before looking up at the clock. "Oh look at the time, class is going to start soon. Sorry we kept you for so long."
"It's okay," I said surprised at his sudden change of tone. "I hope I was able to help with your investigation."
"You were more than helpful," the detective took my hand. "If we find anything more from your incident we will let you know."
"Thanks," I said before heading back to class. I ate a quick sandwich realizing that I hadn't actually eaten while I was with them.
I walked back into the classroom, my mind racing from the information All Might told me. What worried me was how quickly All Might changed the subject. Was All For One really that powerful that he could intimidate the number one hero? Was this person leading the League of Villains? I had many unanswered questions. As we changed into our costumes for basic hero training I thought about One For All. I figured I would ask Midoriya if he knew of any hero by that name.
Today's class was led by All Might he explained how we were going to be doing a rescue training race. "Sir, how come we aren't at the USJ?" Iida asked. He was in his gym clothes since his costume was still being repaired. I was glad that I sent mine off early because it was good as new.
"Because, we are having a race," All Might said. "The USJ is for disaster rescues. This is field gamma, it's a dense spread of factories that wind together making a sort of maze." He explained. "You will be split into four teams of five. I will send a distress signal from somewhere inside. You all will start at the border and the first one to reach me wins. Just try and keep the destruction to a minimum." He looked directly at Bakugo.
"What are you looking at me for?" Bakugo growled.
"I think you know why," Tsu said.
"Alright, the first group will be Iida, Ojiro, Midoriya, Sero, and Ashido," All Might said leading them into the field.
The class began to chatter about who they thought would win. "Shichi are you okay?" Todoroki asked.
"Yea I'm fine, I just have something on my mind," I said shaking my head. "Should Iida be playing with his injury?"
"He said he was fine," Todoroki shrugged.
"I think Midoriya is at a real disadvantage," Jiro said.
"Yea he can't do anything without getting hurt," Kaminari chimed in.
"I think Sero will win this," Kirishima said.
"Deku will be last," Bakugo said cooly.
"I don't think so," I shrugged. "Midoriya has a good chance of winning."
Bakugo snorted and turned his head to the screen. "I have a good feeling about Iida," Uraraka said.
As soon as they started it seemed Sero was going to be the winner. He was swinging from the pipes using his tape. He was in the lead until a green blur passed him. Midoriya was jumping from pipe to pipe at amazing speed.
"Wow he's jumping around just like," Tsu said before she was cut off.
"Just like Bakugo!" Uraraka said equally surprised as well.
"He kinda moves like you too Shichi," Kirishima said. "You and Bakugo have similar moves right?"
"I guess," I said. I never really thought about it, but he was right both of us tried to move around quickly, not staying in one spot for too long.
"That damn nerd," Bakugo said through his teeth, clearly upset at Midoriya's progress.
While it seemed Midoriya was going to win he misstepped and fell to the ground. In the end Sero won the race. Next up was me, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Kirishima, and Asui. I pulled my goggles on and prepared for the signal. I wanted to win this just as much as everyone else. Glancing around I knew I had an advantage, with my air quirk and my balance I could do this.
As soon as the signal went off I leapt into the air, landing on one of the pipes. I sprinted forward with my air quirk pushing me. Behind me I heard explosions as Bakugo tried to catch up. I jumped over an alley and landed on another pipe and continued running.
"I'm going to destroy you, Snowflake!" Bakugo yelled. He was right on my tail.
"Try and keep up!" I called over my shoulder which only made him more mad. He was coming straight for me.
"You are so dead!' Bakugo yelled.
I shook my head and ran. If he was so busy paying attention to me he probably wasn't looking at his surroundings. I took a sharp left and leapt onto a building. I saw a cluster of pipes in front of me. This was the most direct path to All Might but it was also make for a nice snare. There was a small gap between the pipes that I could fit through. Without hesitating I dove headfirst into the gap. When I came out on the other side I planted my hands and flipped over.
BOOM! Bakugo blasted his way through the pipes. "Like that was going to stop me!" He shouted.
"What happened to keeping the damage to a minimum?" I called to him as I jumped across the gap, onto another pipe.
"Keep smack talking Snowflake!" Bakugo snarled breaking through the last pipes.
We were almost to All Might, I jumped putting extra air into my jump. I looked below me to find All Might waiting. I pushed off a pipe and landed right next to him. "Heh, I win," I smirked as Bakugo landed just after I did.
"God damn it!" Bakugo swore.
"Well done young Shichi!" All Might praised me. "Seems you learned more from your internship as well!"
"Oh yea I suppose," I scratched my cheek.
"Your quick thinking helped you win," All Might said giving me a thumbs up.
"Thanks," I blushed slightly.
The other teams took their turns and as we headed back to the classroom to change, Kirishima walked next to me. "You are really competitive aren't you?" He asked flashing me a toothy grin.
"Yea I suppose so," I replied. "I just really want to do well."
"That makes sense," Kirishima laughed. "I noticed you push yourself harder with Bakugo and Todoroki."
"That's because both of them are really strong and I want to make sure I'm keeping up with them," I said. The two of them were reaching for the top and I didn't want to be left behind.
A couple days passed and classes went back to normal. "Morning," Shota said coming into class. "Summer break is coming up, however it doesn't make sense to take a whole month off. We will be having a training camp in the woods."
"A training camp!" "That means s'mores, curry, and stories!" "This will be so fun!" The class began chattering.
"Quiet down," Shota interrupted them, "anyone who doesn't pass the final exam will stay here and have summer school hell."
Time passed and we entered the final week of June. Finals were only one week away. Kaminari and Ashido began panicking because they were behind on studying. We knew there would be a written exam as well as a practical. While we didn't know the details of the exam we figured the written would be a compilation of everything we learned over the term.
"I'm so gonna fail!" Kaminari groaned.
"I'm sure you guys will be fine!" Midoriya said trying to reassure them.
"I don't see how you could, I mean you have been in class," Todoroki shrugged.
"If you want I could tutor you," Momo offered them. "At least for the written part, I'm not so sure about the practical." Jiro, Sero, and Ojiro came up asking for her help as well.
When lunch time came Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and I all sat together. "Hey do you guys want to do a study session at my place this weekend?" I asked them.
"It would be good to work together," Midoriya rubbed his chin.
"I'm sure we can all help each other!" Uraraka chimed. "I know there are somethings I need help with."
"Sounds good to me," Todoroki nodded.
"Alright then I too will join!" Iida said approvingly. "Will Mr. Aizawa be okay with it?"
"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine," I shrugged. "Midoriya has been over before and he was okay with it."
"I wonder what they are going to have us do for the practical though," Uraraka said. "Has Mr. Aizawa mentioned anything about it to you, Shichi?"
"Of course not," I laughed. "He doesn't tell me these sort of things. He said he won't give me an unfair advantage, plus he knows I'll just end up telling you guys."
"That does make sen-" Midoriya started before he was hit on the head by a tray.
"Sorry I didn't see you there," a blonde haired boy smirked.
"You are Monoma from class B right?" Iida asked. "You should watch where you are going!"
"I heard you guys ran into the Hero Killer," Monoma said ignoring Iida. "I guess the sports festival wasn't enough for you guys. You just needed even more attention huh? It seems that looking for attention is starting to get dangerous. One of these days we are all gonna get caught up in your antics."
Suddenly a girl smacked him upside the head knocking him down. "That's not funny, you heard what happened to Iida. I'm sorry about him." She said shaking her head at Monoma.
"You're Kendo right?" I asked, remembering her from the sports fest.
"Yep," she smiled. "Between us I heard that for the practical we will be fighting robots."
"Where did you hear that?" Uraraka asked.
"One of the older students told me," Kendo said dragging Monoma away.
After class we told the other students what Kendo told us. Kaminari and Ashido were more than thrilled. "Hmph, it doesn't matter if its people or robots I'd still win." Bakugo said confidently. "Deku stop pissing me off with all your stunts. I'm going to crush you in the exam. Same goes for you Shichi, Todoroki." With that declaration he left the room.
"It's been awhile since we've seen Bakugo so serious," Kirishima said. I nodded in agreement, but that was also the first time Bakugo used my actual name.
Sunday morning Iida was the first one to arrive shortly followed by the others. I made them all tea and we sat down at the table and started going through each subject. It seemed like we all had an area that were good at and one that we struggled with. So we helped each other and came up with ways to remember stuff for the test.
"Kanna I'm going to go get lunch do you want anything?" Shota asked walking out of his room. He saw us all sitting at the table and stared for a solid moment, "what are you all doing here?"
"Oh yea I forgot to tell you," I quickly stood up. "We are having a study session for the exam."
"I guess that's fine," Shota said after what seemed like forever. "I expect to see you all pass."
"Yes sir!" Uraraka, Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki all said together.
Finally the day of the exam arrived. The written was pretty easy and I was glad that we had the study session. When it came to the practical we changed into our costumes and headed outside. There were eight teachers standing in front of us, including Shota.
"Alright, let's go over the exam," Shota said. I noticed that his scarf was rustling. "I'm assuming you have a vague idea on what's going to happen."
"We are fighting robots!" Kaminari and Ashido cheered.
Suddenly Principle Nezu popped out of Shota's scarf. "Nope, there has been a revision to the test. From now on we will be focusing on battles against flesh and blood opponents." He explained, climbing down. "It's critical that our teaching simulates practical experience."
"That's right," Shota said. "You will be paired up and you will be fighting one of the teachers. Your pairs and teachers have already been decided. First up, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, you two will be fighting me. Next Midoriya and Bakugo will be fighting."
"Me!" All Might said appearing before us. Midoriya and Bakugo had one hell of a challenge not only working together but also they were going against All Might. They went over the rest of the pairings before finally coming to me.
"Finally Shichi and Uraraka will be up against me," Thirteen said stepping forward. "I hope you have what it takes."
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