Once we landed we headed to the hotel to drop off our things. Along the way we could see the various sights and attractions. Todoroki and I were both eager to see all the different things I-Expo had to offer. Everywhere we went we had to be scanned as a part of the security system. The island was on the same level of security as the Tartarus prison, where they keep the most dangerous criminals.
When we got to the hotel Todoroki checked us in and we were shown to our room. I was a typical hotel room but there was only one bed. We both agreed that this wouldn't be an issue since we shared on the night before. Once we got settled I called Shota to let him know we made it.
"Hey Shichi," Todoroki said just before we headed out. "Did you bring formal clothes for tonight's party?"
"I brought a dress but I don't know how formal it is," I said biting my lip. I should have gone shopping but I couldn't find the time.
"Well I told my mom and sister how you were coming with me," Todoroki scratched his head, slightly blushing. "They thought I should bring a formal outfit for you."
He opened his bag and pulled out a gorgeous blue and gold dress. The bodice was dappled in gold beads with a gold ribbon around the waist. "This is beautiful," I gasped running my hands over the silk material. "Thank you so much, Todoroki."
My gratitude made him blush more, "I hope it fits you. You and Fuyumi look about the same size."
"I'm sure it'll be fine," I smiled at him. I laid the dress out on the bed. "Shall we go check out the expo?"
"Sure," Todoroki gave me a soft smile as we headed out the door.
Since we were in our hero costumes I kept my goggles around my neck with my hood down. I figured we wouldn't need to fight so I could relax a little. As we walked we saw a machine blowing music notes of every color into the air. We wandered into an exhibit where they were showing off new support equipment. There were so many things to look at it felt like we might end up missing something. We moved around from exhibit to exhibit, taking our time and seeing everything we could. Everyone was looking around and it reminded me of a festival. Todoroki seemed enthralled with the sights as well.
A short distance away we heard some explosions and decided to investigate. We were led to a faux villain attack course. "Wanna try?" Todoroki asked me.
"Sure," I said and we went inside.
"Alright miss whenever you are ready," the announcer lady said.
"Right," I nodded. I noticed two waterfalls on either side of the course. Activating my water quirk I pulled the water over the course, destroying all the villains in the process.
"Wow we have a new record!" The announcer said. "With a high score of 14 seconds!"
"What the hell!" An angry voice shouted from behind me. "You damn Snowflake!"
I turned around and saw Bakugo flying right at me. "Oh hey," I said side stepping, letting him fly passed me.
"My turn," Todoroki said unleashing a wall of ice.
"Woah we have a new winner of 13 seconds!" The announcer said.
"You IcyHot Bastard!" Bakugo yelled. "What are you two doing here?!"
"Ah crap," Kirishima jumped down from the stands and ran over to us. "Hey Shichi, Todoroki."
"Start talking damn it!" Bakugo raged.
"We are here representing Endeavor's agency," Todoroki said ignoring Bakugo.
"What about you guys?" I asked Kirishima as we moved aside for the next person.
"Bakugo got invited from winning the sports festival so I tagged along," Kirishima explained.
As we walked we saw that some of our other classmates were here as well. "Hey Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Jiro, and Momo!" I said greeting them. I saw a blond girl standing with them that I didn't recognize. They all greeted me in turn as well.
"Hi I'm Melissa Shield!" She said holding her hand out.
"Kanna Shichi, nice to meet you," I replied. "Are you by any chance related to David Shield?" He was a support tech inventor, and one of the best at that.
"Yea, he's my father!" Melissa beamed. "Do you attend UA as well, Kanna?"
"Yep," I nodded. "I hope to become a hero someday."
"That's great," Melissa said.
"Shichi's dad is the pro hero Eraserhead, he's also our homeroom teacher," Uraraka said.
"Oh I've heard of him," Melissa said. "He's a stealth hero right?"
"Yep," I nodded. "So Uraraka, Jiro what are you two doing here? I'm assuming Iida and Momo are here because of their families."
"That's correct!" Iida said. "I was the only one from my family who could attend unfortunately."
"Momo had two extra tickets so we played rock, paper, scissors for them," Jiro explained. "Uraraka and I were the ones who won."
"The other girls are here," Momo said. "They just won't be able to attend the party."
"Kaminari is here too. Apparently he got a job on the island," Midoriya said. "Maybe he can attend the party."
"Speaking of," Todoroki cut in. "We should probably head back and get ready for it."
"Okay, I'll catch you guys later!" I waved as we headed back.
We changed out of our hero costumes and I took a quick shower. Once I was done Todoroki went in. Iida sent me a text requesting that Todoroki and I meet them in lobby seven in the central tower at 6:30pm. I confirmed as I dried myself off and proceeded to get dressed. Todoroki also brought light blue tights and blue shoes to match the dress. Both were sitting on the bed next to the dress. I pulled it on but I began to struggle with the zipper on the back. I tried reaching it but it wouldn't budge once it was in my middle back.
"Do you need help?" Todoroki said behind me. He was dressed in a pair of grey slacks and a blue dress shirt.
"Yes please," I blushed. He had already seen my tattoo before and some of the scars on my back, but it was still embarrassing.
I could feel his eyes looking but he didn't say anything. He zipped up the dress and I turned around. "You look really good in that," He said. "I'm glad it fits."
"Me too," I nodded. "I'm going to finish up real quick."
"Alright," Todoroki said as I grabbed my make up bag.
I put on a light amount of makeup. Just some light pink eyeshadow, a thin line of eyeliner and mascara. For my hair I let the waves and curls fall over my shoulders while I braided a crown around my head. For the finishing touch I put on a light color of lip gloss. When I exited the bathroom Todoroki was putting on his shoes. His blazer and tie already on.
"You look really good," I said aloud.
"So do you," Todoroki said as I slipped on the heels. "Shall we?"
"Yes," I said stepping in front of him. "I imagine Iida will get annoyed if we are late."
"Well he is the class rep," Todoroki chuckled.
We met in the lobby seven where Iida and Kaminari were already waiting. "Woah Shichi you look really nice!" Kaminari said, he was wearing a waiter outfit.
"I agree," Iida said, he too was dressed in a nice suit. "You both look very formal."
"Thanks," I blushed. "Where are the others?"
"They should be coming soon," Kaminari said. "Hopefully Melissa is with them." He turned a shade of pink at the thought of the blonde girl.
The elevator came up displaying Izuku Midoriya. "Sorry I'm late!" He said as he stepped out.
Shortly after Momo, Uraraka, and Jiro showed up. All three of them were wearing cute dresses. Uraraka explained that they had borrowed clothes from Momo. "Where are Kirishima and Bakugo?" She asked looking around.
"They aren't here yet," Todoroki said.
The elevator dinged again and Melissa came running out. She was too was dressed very nice. Kaminari mumbled something about her beauty being like an angel's. I shook my head and giggled at him. Iida tried reaching Kirishima and Bakugo but neither of them were answering.
"They are ignoring me!" Iida exclaimed.
"I'm sure they are coming," I said trying to ease his frustration.
"Shall we head to the party?" Melissa asked.
Suddenly the alarms went off and an announcement played over the loud-speaker, "a bomb has been found on the island. The security system will now put the island on lockdown."
"I don't have any signal," Todoroki said looking at his phone.
"The elevator isn't working as well," Jiro said pushing the button.
"This is strange," Melissa tapped her chin. "This isn't the protocol for when explosives are discovered."
"Let's head to the party," Midoriya said. "That's where we will find All Might and the other pros. Maybe they know something."
"We can take the stairs," Melissa showed us to the emergency staircase. "It'll at least get us close."
We went down to where the party was. We were one floor up but we could see down into the room. Midoriya and I went to look while Jiro used her earphone jack to listen in. We looked down and saw All Might wrapped in a capture device. Scanning the room we saw the other pros were captured as well.
"Midoriya, Shichi this is bad," Jiro said looking up at us.
We went back into the staircase with the others and Jiro told us what she heard. "All Might said that villains have secured the tower using the security system. They are using that to keep everyone on the island as a hostage, including the heroes. He told us to get away from here."
"We should listen to All Might and escape," Iida said.
"I agree," Momo said. "We are still students."
"Maybe we can get out and find help," Kaminari said. "We should be able to find heroes on the outside."
Melissa spoke up, "that won't be very easy. The security is on the same level as the Tartarus prison."
"Then we just wait," kaminari shrugged.
"So we just do nothing?" I asked shaking my head.
"We should do something," Jiro said agreeing with me.
"We are trying to be pros after all," Todoroki said.
"We don't have licenses," Momo pointed out.
"We should at least try!" I exclaimed.
"Shichi, Todoroki you both know the consequences," Iida started before Midoriya cut him off.
"I want to help," he said with determined eyes. "We don't have to fight the villains. We just need to find a way to free All Might and the others."
"I know where the security systems are," Melissa said. "We should be able to reset the security we just need to stay off their radar. We haven't been discovered yet so that means they don't know how the system works."
"We can avoid fighting," Midoriya said. "As soon as All Might and the others are free they can help take on the villains."
"I want to help," Uraraka finally spoke up.
"Me too," I nodded.
"I'm in too," Jiro said determined.
"Same here," Todoroki agreed.
"I will help as well but, if things go too far then it's over," Iida said and we agreed to his terms.
"In that case I'm in!" Momo said agreeing with Iida.
"Might as well help then too," Kaminari said brushing his hair back.
"Melissa you should stay here," Midoriya said. "Since you don't have a quirk you could be in danger."
"I don't suppose any of you know how to restart the system?" Melissa asked rhetorically. "I'm coming too."
Quirkless or not I had to smile at her courage. Midoriya went to alert All Might that we were going to help them. When he came back we made our ascend up the stairs. Melissa told us that the system was at the top of the tower on the 100th floor. When we hit floor 50 I had to kick my shoes off. I ripped the feet of my tights off so wouldn't slip on the stairs.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked Melissa as I caught up. She was dragging behind a little. "I can use my air quick to help push you."
"No save your strength, Kanna," Melissa said tugging her heels off. "I'll be okay."
"Alright," I nodded and we continued to run up the stairs.
As soon as we hit floor 80 we met our first problem. The path was blocked. "Let's just go through here," Kaminari said reaching for the door handle.
"Wait!" Melissa said trying to stop him but it was too late he opened the door. "Now the villains know we are here, but there should be another staircase on this floor."
We exited the staircase and began running down the hall. From behind us the metal gates began to close. "Up ahead!" I called seeing the gates closing in front of us as well.
"Todoroki!" Midoriya yelled. Todoroki nodded and sent a blast of ice stopping the gate from closing all the way.
"My turn," Iida said charging his engines. He jumped in between the gap and smashed open a door on the other side.
"Shichi, help me get everyone to the other side," Uraraka said touching Momo on the shoulder.
"Okay," I activated my air quirk and flew her to the other side of the barrier. Uraraka and I did this for everyone. Uraraka floated herself up and I used my air to boost myself.
The room we entered was filled with various trees and plants. Waterfalls came down from the ceiling. "What is this place?" Midoriya asked as we made our way through.
"This is a plant factory," Melissa explained. "Here they test how quirks affect plants."
"Guys, the elevator is coming up," Jiro pointed out.
"Everyone hide!" Iida ordered. We clustered together, hidden in the bushes.
"Can't we just take the elevator?" Kaminari asked.
"No, only authorized people can," Melissa shook her head.
"It's here," Momo whispered.
Two villains stepped out of the elevator. I couldn't get a good look at them but one was tall and skinny and the other was short and round. We sat nervously waiting for them to leave. It felt like ages until they started talking.
"We see you, you dumb kids," the tall villain said.
We looked at each other, "what should we do?" I whispered to Midoriya.
"The hell did you say to me?" I whipped my head around and saw Bakugo and Kirishima approaching the villains.
"Hey calm down," Kirishima said stepping in front of him. "Do you think you can tell us where the party is? We are a bit lost."
"You kids really are dumb," the tall villain said as his hands expanded into fans. As he went to attack them I sent a burst of air knocking Kirishima and Bakugo to the side while Todoroki made a nice wall between them and the villains.
"What the hell Snowflake?!" Bakugo snapped at me.
"You guys get out of here!" Todoroki said using his ice to lift us to the second floor of the factory. I jumped down, landing next to him. "Shichi get out of here."
"No i'm gonna stay and help," I frowned. "The four of us can handle this."
"Fine," Todoroki nodded as the villain began to make his way through the ice.
"Shichi, Todoroki what's going on?" Kirishima asked.
"Villains have taken over the tower," I said quickly. I lurched back as the short villain transformed into a large purple monster.
"Where did you kids come from?" The fan villain asked, preparing another attack.
"That's none of your concern," I glared. "Surrender."
"You are a bold one aren't you?" The villain laughed.
The purple villain rushed at bakugo but Kirishima jumped in the way. He quickly hardened himself but the force of the attack sent him flying into a wall. "Kirishima!" Bakugo yelled. He turned his attention to the purple villain and made explosions from him palms.
Todoroki ran to take on the fan villain leaving Bakugo and I with the purple monster. I activated my water quirk, pulling from the waterfall. "Steam Burst!" I yelled overheating the water. A steamy fog hit the purple villain and he cried out from the heat.
"I don't need your help you damn Snowflake!" Bakugo yelled jumping over me and blasting the villain.
A sudden burst of air cut through us, narrowly hitting Bakugo and I. The purple villain grabbed Bakugo and charged away leaving me facing the fan villain. I used my earth quirk to take over the tree roots, forming whips. As I went to attack he swiped and the roots exploded. The villain smirked at my futile attempt. I reached out for dirt and tossed it at him, trying to blind him. He swiped again and the wind blew away my dirt.
"He can displace matter!" Todoroki shouted forming an ice wall between us. He sent a burst of fire at the villain, to distract him.
"Howitzer Impact!" Bauko yelled his finishing move, blasting the purple villain.
"You little brat!" The fan villain swiped at Bakugo. He quickly changed his course and narrowly avoided the attack. "What's this stuff?" the villain asked looking down at his hand.
"That's my sweat," Bakugo grinned. "It has a nitroglycerin substance."
At that Todoroki sent fire at the villain. When it met the sweat it exploded. The villain staggered back and I used the tree roots to wrap him up tight. The purple villain was unconscious from Bakugo's earlier attack.
"Hey guys?" Kirishima called. We ran over and he was stuck in the wall. "Can you help me out?"
"Just turn your quirk off idiot," Bakugo said.
"Oh right," Kirishima said. His skin went back to normal and he was freed from the wall.
"Hey," Bakugo growled. "Thanks."
"No problem, man," Kirishima grinned.
"We should go meet up with the others," I said tying my hair back into a ponytail.
"First we need some information," Kirishima said. Todoroki and I proceeded to tell them everything that has been going on. "So we just need to get to the top floor?" He asked after we were done.
"Pretty much," Todoroki nodded.
The elevator opened again but this time a bunch of security bots came pouring out. "First we should deal with this," I groaned preparing to fight again.
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