Chapter 11- Arazia
Skye's account leaves me shocked and shaken. Emma and I usually get along, but even I agree that Emma is acting really weird right now. I shake myself and prepare for the conversation as I walk down the hall, looking for Emma as I finish eating a piece of French toast.
"Hey, Emma!" I call out once I see her. She ignores me, and I watch in horror as Hox and Emma squeeze in between the wall and outside lockers, and envelop each other in a slow, long kiss.
I run.
I run back to the cafeteria, and sit down at the table with a huff. They look at me expectantly, but I stay silent for the rest of breakfast. Then, Skye and I drop off our trays and head to Language Arts.
As the teacher collects our mythology assignments, Skye leans over and whispers, "What happened with Emma?"
Ignoring her, I hand the teacher a stunning myth and shining analysis, stalling for time. I really, desperately, don't want to be the one to relay the awkward information. Skye pesters me all throughout the class, until finally, I push away my notes, and write her a note saying, 'I didn't get to talk to her. She was in a busy conversation with Hox's lips.'
The look on Skye's face makes me burst out a laugh, then a blush as everyone turns to me. Thankfully, Mrs. Stewart, the language arts, and my favorite, teacher, saves me by continuing to lecture on dangling and misplaced modifiers in grammar.
"What! The! Heck!" Skye whispers hoarsely.
"I know," I murmur back.
Skye and I jump out of the classroom as soon as the bell rings, and immediately run into Emma. She has a dazed, dreamy look on her face, but as soon as she sees us, Emma's face turns hard.
"Ugh, you two again. Hello, Ms. Mouth-breather and Ms. Mouth-breather" Emma snarkily remarks.
"Nah," I reply, trying to indiscreetly hold back Skye in her fury.
"You, you, worthy of defenestration lack of honorificabilitudinatatibus pompous worm faced snob head camel turd egotistical narcissistic discombobulated troglodyte!!"
Emma rolls her eyes and walks away, towards Hox.
"Come on, let's go. She's not worth it," I say to Skye.
Reluctantly, Skye relaxes, and we make our way through the corridors to math class. Normally, I yawn all throughout math, but today we are working with equations, which I adore. We go through our academic classes like normal, until free hour. As we head back to our dorm, Axe catches me in the hallway.
"Want to go, maybe... on another date?" he enquires with a nervous smile.
"Sure," I respond.
This time, we grab a frisbee from the recreation room, and spend the hour catching and throwing a bright pink frisbee around in the outside fields on a fun double date with Archer and Skye. The sun shines down on the swaying tall grass, as birds swoop and chirp, and laughter fills the whole academy.
We all walked together down to the mess hall, laughing and joking. Axe slips his hand into mine, and, only slightly blushing, I hold on. We all grab lunch and head to our table, as we shift our conversation to our favorite shows.
"I absolutely love Sherlock!" I comment.
"Oh, really? I watch that too! That's so cool!" Archer says.
"Who's your favorite character?" I ask him.
"Oh, definitely Mycroft! And you?" He replies.
"Detective Inspector Gavin!" I giggle.
"You mean Jeff?" Archer responds with a smirk.
"No, I mean Graham!" I grin wildly.
"Who the hecky heck heck is that?" Skye asks with a befuddled look. "Which one is his name, for Pete's sake?"
"It's a running joke in the show," Archer explains.
We continue this topic all throughout lunch, until we drop off our trays. Axe drops the news about a test in Power Training class. He explains that every once in awhile, the academy tests us to upgrade our power status.
We enter the huge room, and stand in a line for roll call. I stare longingly at the obstacle course, a training center that I've been working hard in getting better at. Once they finish roll call, we get in our training groups, but Emma and Hox are nowhere to be found.
"Where are they?" Archer wonders aloud.
Axe groaned. "I can't believe he actually did it."
"What?" I ask anxiously. Whatever it is, it can't be good.
"Hox was talking about skipping class to hang out with Emma. I thought he was just joking. That jerk!" Axe puts on a mask of fury, but, for some reason, my instincts tell me he's pleased. Why would Axe be happy? Why would he fake anger? I eye him with curiosity, but before I can ask, Archer goes to ask an instructor what to do. We aren't suppose to start training unless everybody from our group is present.
After the instructor nicknamed Slimeball gives us permission to train, I bound towards the obstacle course, warming up for the test. Energy courses through my body as a dodge fireballs and shoot out beams of water. The remaining people in my group are my favorite. We work together seamlessly, covering, defending, and attacking.
Finally, Slimeball comes over to assess us. He does an individual test, fighting us on our own. I easily fly away from his oncoming goo-balls, and when he says to attack, I shoot out thin, ultra-powerful streams of water that are as painful as fire. Finally, I drench him and drive him to the ground with a mini-waterfall, controlled to hit only him. Slimeball gives me a thumbs up, and a massive grin spreads across my face.
Skye, Archer and Axe all do amazing as well, although I can't help but notice Skye aced it a bit more than the two guys. None of us talk about it, but I feel as though Skye and I have more skill and control over our powers. No, wait, it's not the control that is supreme, it's almost like the ferocity and danger of our powers are what soar above the others.
We wait for Slimeball to give us our new tags, and Skye and I are advanced up two levels. I feel excited to have reached level 7. Skye asks Archer about the normal advancement through levels. He responds with a worried look that I'm starting to get used to, the look of a person when they notice Skye's and my advanced powers. Archer talks about how normally, it takes two tests to advance one level. Skye and I advanced two levels with one test.
After class is over, I head back to the dorm. I have a slight headache, so I climb in bed, worrying about my advanced powers. What is wrong with me, I think. I'm so weird, I'm different even by mutant standards. Even through my worries, anxieties and thoughts, the day's wear and tear comes crashing down. Slowly, like a hawk's feather, I float, slowly into the sweet, blissful oblivion of sleep.
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