13 years ago:
A/n's pov:
She didn't knew where to go.. nor she knew where she was but she kept walking. She walked until she felt the surroundings becoming darker but she didn't care about anything. Right now she was processing, trying to understand what just happened. Her parents just gave their life right in front of her. She didn't knew what was happening but she knew one thing.. there was only one thing screaming inside her mind.
It was the only thing she can think of right now. Whoever was the reason behind her parent's death. She was ready to do anything to get her revenge.
She came out of her thoughts as she felt something rustling behind the leaves.
She looked back and eyed the place suspiciously. Then she got to know where she was. None other than a dark forest covered with nothing but trees and the creepy looking red moon didn't help either.
"Who is there!" She screamed.
"I dare you to come out and stand in front of me-" soon someone's hand was pressed against her mouth preventing her from screaming.
"Stay silent you little girl" she heard a man's voice and she stayed silent.
She heard people's voices and then she understood what's going on. The people were still looking for her.
The noises slowly faded away and she pulled away from the man and eyed him suspiciously.
She couldn't really see him.His face had a mask on. But she could see his eyes.
Somewhat sharp..
He didn't look old. Maybe 20 years?
"Are you lost girl?" He asked as he looked at him and tilted his head trying to get a better view of her.
"I- I don't know.."she said and fidgeted with her fingers nervously as she walked forward as if she forgot he was still standing there.
"Hey! I am still here can't you see?" He pulled her hand as she got startled.
"Mister! Can you leave me alone? I don't know you"
She said and walked again.
"Excuse me? I just saved your life from those bad people and now you don't even thank me but talk back rudely?" He asks with a fake sad face.
"Did I say you to save me? Why did you? I didn't need it" she said and turned away.
"Are you sure you can go alone at this time? This is not a normal forest. There are many places which are restricted. Many which are dangerous and many dead ends. You look like you will end up dead by tomorrow" he said and chuckled.
"How do you know that? You live here?"she asked curiously eyeing the forest.
"I belong here. I have been living here for almost my whole life." He said and she just stayed silent.
"What happened to you tho?Look now Its not because I feel bad for you but if you die here I cannot give an answer to my boss. He will think that I had killed you and I might get horrible punishments for that" he said.
"Your boss?" She asked and walked towards him interestingly.
"Anyways..what about you?" He asks and lifts his eyebrow.
"My mom-" she suddenly remembers what happened and slowly starts to tear up.
"Hey..are you okay?" He slowly bends down to her level Worried about the mysterious little stranger.
"They were killed"she said and cries more.
"This is not a good you trust me enough and come with me? I promise I will take care of you" he asks. Sincerity visible in his eyes.
She just nodded. Something about him made her feel protected. And she trusted him.
"What's your name?" She asked wiping her tears as he held her hand.
"Quihe" he said as he started walking with her hand in hand.
In the living room~
A/n's pov~
???:"So?Did you forget me?"
He asked.
" could I?I am not as cruel as you to be forgetting the feelings and emotions I have for my friends..and the ones whom I trusted the most, Quihe.."y/n said.
" learnt to speak back huh?" He said as they glared at each other.
"Fuck you! Its been 11 years! What the fuck were you doing all this time?" She asked loudly startling the shit out of him as he chuckled softly.
"Trust me it wasn't an easy task to find you" he said and reached his arms out for her as she hugged him tight.
"So was it you who sent the video to me? The pendrive,the photograph?" She asked after breaking the hug.
"Yep.I sent it to your step-father as I didn't knew where you live. Then I tracked the address he sent it to and then finally here I am." He said.
As she just nodded.
"I gotta go now..I will keep visiting you sometimes as I got to know where you live now. I didn't inform boss that I came here still he will kill me now.."he said and got up.
"Fine take care..bye" she said and waved him goodbye.
Y/n's Pov~
I was sleeping peacefully..well not any longer I guess.
I frown as I look over my phone as it rings continuously. I lift the call and talk irritated with the person who called me early morning at 7:00.
"Yah!I am sleeping who the fuc-"
"Don't swear early at the morning y/n" I hear the voice and gasp as I sit up straight. All my sleep flying away. As the person chuckles softly.
"T-Tae I- umm..why are you calling early at the morning.?" I asked awkward and embaressed
"I didn't actually wanna disturb you too but.. I wanted to let you know that we have a trip remember? aren't you coming?" He asked. As I mind slowly processed what's happening.
Oh no,I totally forgot..
"Did I tell I was coming-" I got cut off by him.
"Get ready we are coming to pick you up in 15 minutes" he said and hanged up on me.
"Yah! Wait ugh!!" I got down from my bed as I start running here and there packing up everything.
I get ready and got out of my dormitory and stood outside waiting for the boys to arrive. I find them coming on a huge ass car and stop front of me as the window opens. Revealing a smiling jimin. Oh! How I wish I could squish his face.
"Good morning!"he said cheerfully as everyone came outside and I scanned them.
"Morning!" I said.
"Get in! Lets go to the university its 8:00 and we need to reach there In 30 minutes." Namjoon said and I nodded getting Inside their car.
"Did you sleep well" tae asked and smirked as I look at him and roll my eyes.
"I was,untill someone woke me up" I said and look at my side as I find Yoongi sleeping.
Well..not surprised.
It took us 20 minutes to reach the University as I took a small nap and reached our classmates.
They were all gathered outside waiting for the instructions and the buses to arrive.
I spot Nayeon standing quietly in the corner.
"Guys wait for me I am going to Nayeon" I say as they nod.
I turn away and go to her. Well almost until I tripped on someone's feet and almost fell.
???:Wow...looks like this trip will be so much fun huh.?
I turn and face the person as a sigh left my lips.
I didn't want to see this face early morning before maybe some joyful moments.
Heyy guys I guess I will be updating every 3 weeks or so..but Atleast once a month I promise.
Anyways vote and comment it will mean a lot to me!
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