Chapter 5 (Navirah)- Leads to Nowhere
He's mad at me.... Tiamus stormed off before the rest of the group left, apparently we aren't done for the evening. I follow in tow all the way to our room at the inn, the world around me slides by invisibly while I'm lost in thought of how he will respond. Tiamus slams the door shut behind them, his jaw clenched in frustration. "What has gotten into you, Navirah?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Do you have any idea how reckless you're being? I am not as keen on getting us killed as THEY might be, but what has gotten into YOU to make you second guess this suicide mission?" His stare pierces deep into my soul, which pains me more than the arrow wound in my leg with a tidal wave of guilt both towards him and our recent escapades. I can't keep dragging him into my emotional messes. "I...." It's hard to get the words out with a heavy heart full of regret. I can't ignore the call to make things right, either. Though his endearing patience for my answer is welcome. "I can't stand the dirty work we have been doing. The blacksmith was right," my gaze drops to the floor, shoulders slumped in defeat. "I can't stand the thought of causing any more harm," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need to make things right, to balance the scales somehow."" he sighs. "Then give some money to the poor, don't put our lives in danger for it."
My gaze doesn't return to his eyes, embarrassed. Looking to comfort me he finally takes down his hood, puts a hand on my chin, and moves my face to look him in the eyes. I forgot how entrancing they were, a very light blue in extreme contrast to his crimson skin. He has two large horns coming out from his forehead lying on top of jet black, slicked hair. His square jaw and short cut chinstrap beard are to die for. It's disappointing that he hides these features under a cloak. Time resumes when he opens his lips with a painful sigh. "I will get us through this safely but you HAVE to trust my judgment. If this goes south we're leaving the circus behind." I nod. "Good, let's get some rest." He kisses me on the forehead and we rest, we've been sharing a bed most nights To save gold right? But this night he's turned away from me so of course I don't sleep well, tossing and turning all night, the thought of waking him only makes it worse.
Tiamus wakes us up rather early to get a headstart on the others. With no words shared we quickly eat breakfast and return to the scene of yesterday's debacle. Taking our time to scan the surrounding area it's confirmed. Nothing remains, not even the crates. However I manage to spot a cone shaped metal object in one of the trees, after pointing it out Tiamus quickly climbs up and grabs it and deduces: this must be where he was projecting his voice from. We drop the chunk of metal as the rest of the group approaches from the Inn. "Nice of you to join us." Tiamus says harshly.
"Thanks for waiting for us" The Goliath woman, Survivor remarks. Those two are not going to stop going at it. Before Tiamus makes it worse I jump in:
"We already searched the scene, there's nothing here. Someone took the weapons already, I wonder if the townguard has them."
"Peyt gots some! I grabbed thems last night" The lizardfolk responds.
"You have some of the floating things we fought yesterday?" Survivor tries to clarify while Peyt nods ferociously and goes into her bag pulling out 2 pieces of a sword and the crumbled string and wood of a bow.
"At least she's good for something, let's take a look" Tiamus remarks. A quick glance and I notice a symbol on the swords that I recognize: a particular 'H&T', the same symbol on the blacksmith's sign. Pointing to it I reveal to the group.
"This is the blacksmith's. He might remember who he sold these to or how they were animated." The rest of the group seems to have no better idea and agrees. So we all head down the street to Hammer and Tales. While we walk I barely notice: that same beggar is back, huddled by himself in an alleyway between Goldbeard Misc. and what appears to be some sort of library. I pay him no mind and continue with the group Poor guy. Aaron isn't outside today. Saemon, Peyt, and Survivor wait outside, but Tinkerer seems to really want to come with Tiamus and I inside. Aaron sits behind the counter working on paperwork of some sort. "What brings you i.... Nevermind you can leave" he says, changing his demeanor once laying eyes on Tiamus.
"I told you last time it was just business!" he responds laughing.
"Not GOOD business."
"Bah, this time we're here for some good, you'd be proud dad."
Tinkerer cuts Tiamus off. "We're trying to figure out what happened to the mayor's carriage. Please don't let your petty rivalry, whatever it's for, get in the way of justice."
Aaron sighs. "What should I care if the mayor's luxury cruise is waylaid?"
"Got a problem with him?" Tinkerer continues.
"Everyone does, I'm just glad SOMEONE had the guts to stand up to his barbarism." he sighs. "I'll help you nonetheless, since at least two of you seem to have good intentions. What do you need?"
He holds up the sword pieces. "They used some sort of magic to animate these weapons, a few swords and some bows. Each of them are marked, this IS your signature isn't it?." He points to the 'H&T.' "Do you have any idea how they may have come to life? Or who you sold them to?"
"You're mighty lucky, I definitely remember." Wow, that was easy! "Unsavory fella, came in with a floating walking stick, lives out of town a ways, probably a day or so. He's a hermit who rarely comes into town. His name is Lisle. Not sure why he would care to be rid of the mayor though."
"Good to know, thank you"
"Don't mention it, let me know if you need anything else, I'll do what I can for two of you. The third can mooch off my kindness to others." He says pointedly at Tiamus.
"There's 6 of us now" Tinkerer mentions, though I'm not so sure Aaron cared.
" Follow the northern road out of town and take the second right, it will lead you to the hovel." he says on our way out.
After reconvening with the 3 who waited outside I listen to Tinkerer explain. "We're all resolved to go check it out right?" Tiamus shakes his head but before he interrupts I confirm. "Yes, let's go." We all take off on the road, but remaining in our respective duos, we get strung out on the road as we travel. The first two hours were walked in silence but my internal thoughts were screaming the entire time. I FINALLY worked up the courage to talk to him. "Tiamus... thank you for doing this for me."
"Please say something, I can't do this if you're constantly mad at me."
"Let's just get this over with s...." He's cut off by a very loud buzzing and I barely notice before a swarm of MASSIVE wasps come flying out of the trees, we all quickly jump into action except Tiamus who doesn't particularly care much at first. 5 Giant wasps all swarm around Survivor trying to pierce and jab at her with 6 inch stingers. She is able to dodge most of their advances but definitely appears overwhelmed. Saemon comes rushing up behind her "Sorry Survivor this is going to hurt" He raises his hands in front of him together and mutters "ignis mans" immediately fire comes rushing out of his hands burning most of the wasps to a crisp, the others are quickly picked off by the group. Peyt trots over to her trying to use her hands for healing but Survivor pushes her off "Save it for someone else, I'll be fine."
The day comes to a close on the road, still and quiet. We opt for some early rest in order to reach the hermit's house by sunrise. Tiamus arranges our sleeping spots a bit farther from the group than I'd prefer, but I go with it nonetheless. However, solitude proves restless and sleep evades me., Tiamus on the other hand passes out almost immediately.
Deciding to use this unfortunate awake time productively, I approach the rest of the group gathered around a fire kindled by Tinkerer, who somehow managed to find a field full of wild potatoes for roasting over the fire. As I draw near, the smell attacks my stomach prompting a growl. Simultaneously the young goliath offers a smaller one to me as Saemon greets me with a jab at Tiamus before I have the chance to respond. "Can't sleep with the grouch?"
I pause for a moment to scowl at him with disapproval. "I was just looking for some company." I pause to acknowledge Tink's potato "Thank you" before continuing "He's not allbad when you really get to know him."
Survivor interjects from behind her waterskin, "You can learn a lot from how someone treats strangers," she remarks, as her waterskin drops down she leans forward onto her knees staring into the fire nonchalantly. Her presence and demeanor makes my brain skip a step, a prolonged answer causes her gaze to shift back to me. I can feel my body becoming nervous, she intimidates me, A LOT.
"I-i-if you knew how strangers have... treated HIM, you might understand his defensiveness." They remain silent, not knowing how to respond for a few seconds. Peyt even furls her lips to show it made a lot of sense to her... somehow.
"How did you get tangled up with Tiamus anyways? You don't seem all that aligned." Saemon inquires, a book splayed out in his hands.
"It's a long story." I respond, hoping to deflect.
"It's a long night." He says without hesitation, countering with a smirk. Dang, he's clever.
I relent with a heavy sigh "Fine... Through a series of....unfortunate events, I found myself traveling the long road, alone. But my 'luck' took a darker turn when I was kidnapped by some rather unsavory types. Tiamus came in at the nick of time and saved me from the pigs." The story is relived in my mind and gives shivers up my spine.
"Tiamus like Survivor!" Peyt chimes in. "She saved Peyt!! So in much common!!"
"Me and the Tiefling are nothing alike Peyt. I saved you because you deserve better. HE saved Navirah because she's a pretty face" I understand why she said it this way but it still upsets me, he's not who they think he is.
With a tinge of bitterness I correct her statement: "Just give him a chance, once you get past the surface he's sweet, you'll see."
"We'll see." Survivor remarks coolly.
"I'm sure you've had your fair share of rough first impressions, Survivor, what's your story?" I ask, trying to move the uncomfortable conversation in a more preferable direction.
"Perhaps another time," she replies cryptically. "But I would like to hear about Saemon instead." He looks up from his book momentarily as if caught in a crime.
"No thanks. I don't do story time." I can't help but snicker at the irony, earning a scowl in return.
"Fair" she says before tossing a log on the fire.
"Fine, I'll be the only open one." With that, I bid the group goodnight and return to Tiamus's side to rest for the journey ahead.
As the night takes my dreary eyes. I'm found floating in the pitch black of a dreamy abyss torn between tranquility and apprehension staring into nothing. My mind is clouded, terrified of the unknown stretching on forever before me. Suddenly I feel a heat growing behind me, long tendrils of pure light string off into my field of view. My anticipation grows and I'm whisked around against my will to face it. Before me stands a massive figure hundreds of feet tall looking down at me, blinding and impeeding, yet it... feels like home, it's eerily safe and comforting. I'm embraced by the tendrils of light, pulled close to the figure looming over me.
Out of the corner of my eye another wisp of energy catches my eye. This time one of a darker, more sinister shape. Still wrapped, the light shining from behind me, I turn to see... Tiamus? Behind him rises a demonic figure of pure darkness, with red glowing eyes and flaming horns rising hundreds of feet in contrast to the light behind me. What is he doing here!?
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