Chapter 4 (Survivor)- Crossroads of Destiny
"Dammit!" I shout out after Peyt falls lifeless to the ground. I jump into the fray behind her, dropping my shield and sword to trade for the greatsword on my back to take a large sweeping swing at the scythe, it's cut in half before falling to the floor in pieces. I prepare myself between the unconscious lizardfolk and the animated rake staring down the edge of my sword at it. It responds by smacking against the side of my face and scraping down my neck, I'm nearly spent and extremely beat. But looking down at my new 'friend' fills me with renewed energy and I hack into it. It doubles over, still attached to itself but hardly holding on. I sidestep its swing and return a cut right down the center.
And just as swiftly as the danger rises, it falls quiet once again in this small general store. I jump into action, trying to save my friend from death. I look around frantically and on a nearby knocked over shelf lies a pack of healing kits. I grab one and rip it open to begin using its various pieces on Peyt to hold back the dark cavern of death. In the calm, the shopkeep comes out from hiding, he watches me take the healing kit off the counter and remarks slyly "I hope ye' intend on payin' fer that." How dare you!! After saving your life you expect me to pay to save my companion's? I stand and face him staring a deep hole in his face. My looming stature almost makes him piss himself. Nodding over towards his hasty coward shack he retracts his statement. "Or.... consider it paid." he takes a step back out of her way as I pass through with Peyt, now stabilized but still passed out in my arms, kneeling down to grab my dropped weapons as I pass through the back door which we came from.
I make my way back onto the street towards the tavern. I'm absolutely exhausted, we need a good night's sleep. Heading towards the tavern with Peyt in my arms, one man catches my eye as we pass, a hobbling man with a ripped shirt and 3 terrible marks across his back. Poor man, I wish I could help... We enter the tavern and the noise dies down immediately, and understandably so. We stand both out and above everyone else so it's hard to miss us. A half-orc woman at the bar greets us "Let me guess... you just came into town after helping some poor noble fellow who was kidnapped by a suit of armor and are looking for a place to stay?" She sounds totally unconvinced.
I respond: "Actually that's exactly what happened." Don't read my memories!!
"Ha ha ha I'm totally pulling your leg honey, Valden told me what you did, and you're the only goliath/lizardfolk pair I've ever seen or heard of so it's not hard to recognize you." She gives a look at the reptile in her arms. "She don't look too well. your room was already paid for, go get some rest sweety, we'll have some warm food sent your way."
"Thank you" I smile at her as she comes around the counter handing me the key, she grabs my arm and leads us around the corner.
The room is fine, a little warm, not super homey, but a good place to sleep after a short meal. I place Peyt on the bed to rest off her wounds, and get some sleep myself on my bedroll on the floor. The bright light of the morning breaking through the window severs my rest. My eyes open to an empty room, but it feels much more homey. A number of flowers decorate a circle around me, small vines crawl along the walls that were not there before. Peyt got up early apparently, how kind of her. I get up, careful not to disturb her creation around me, other than a bowl of berries I stuff in my pocket, I'm sure they'll come in handy. Her bed is empty. She shouldn't be left alone for long, and if I'm honest with myself, her company is amusing, best go find her. I head for the main room of the Rosewater Inn, searching for my friend. With a quick scan of the denizens I don't see her. Did she leave me? Before heading outside to look for her I give my thanks to the innkeep "Thank you for the room ma'am"
"Not me, thank Valdon."
I nod and head out the main door, as my eyes adjust to the morning sun I do manage to spot Peyt across the street waving at me with a smile. She holds about 6 small skewers from the same cart we got our meal from before. There's a clear division in the street forming, and just now crossing the bridge comes a small caravan, about 12 guards mounted on their horses guarding a single, ornate carriage that approaches slowly. A crowd gathers, not to see what's going on but rather going about their daily business and waiting for the roads to be cleared again. The caravan smells absolutely horrid, a stench that just wafts off them and makes most of the crowd reel back in disgust. It's so bad some of the crowd even dissipates, but I am fine, I have smelled worse in the Valu-Nelo.
As it trods along a kid jumps out into the road after a ball causing the front two guards to halt suddenly "Get out of the way kid!" his mom quickly grabs him and brings him to the side of the road. "Mayor Jeffery's coming th..." He's cut off, the entirety of the guard suddenly freezes in the middle of the road. Not like they stopped but as if they are paralyzed. Each and every one of them is only able to move their heads; they start looking around confused and scared. What's going on? I look across the road at Peyt who seems just as confused tilting her reptilian head to the side almost a full 90 degrees. The guards become more and more uncomfortable in their armor which seems to have seized up around them.
"I-I-I can't move!!"
"What the fuck is going on!"
"Help! Quick help!" Their screams continue growing. Something really isn't right. I ready my sword and shield in the crowd for whatever comes my way. The guards continue freaking out in place and the gathering starts to disperse as people get scared. Then a booming voice fills the road echoing off the distant buildings. "Everyone stay calm, this will be over soon, our 'wonderful' mayor is just getting what's coming to him." 2 barrels near the sides of the road burst open, out of one comes flying a sword and bow floating in the air, the other closer to my side bursts with a floating sword and 3 bows, the bows immediately draw an arrow back aiming at the guards and fly up to the tops of trees. The swords swing themselves over to the paralyzed guards and freeze, not moving. Great... more animated objects.
Another figure comes bounding around a corner sprinting straight for the carriage. It's a fully clad armored man? Machine? More animated armor? With 2 large horns protruding from the helmet/head, I'm not entirely sure which it is. At this point I realize I have to do something, so I push past the pedestrians and run up to one of the floating swords swinging at it with my own. It flies to the side away from his neck and turns towards me. Peyt also jumps into action trying to hit the other sword on the other side of the road which in turn opens her arm. One of the frozen guards manages to shout "25 gold to anyone who helps protect the mayor and put down this rabble!" Searing pain shoots down my back as an arrow stabs into me, the sword I just hit tries to use my reeling in pain to its advantage and swings at me but my shield is ready enough to block it.
A barrage of arrows comes shooting down all over the place as the area erupts into a warzone, all of the denizens who were watching nearby are vanishing, looking for anywhere to hide. A handful of figures remain to help while the horned figure runs straight at the carriage between the horses. Pulling myself together I'm suddenly reinvigorated as Peyt comes running in behind me from the other sword, I try to hit the one in front of me once again but it's too nimble
Dammit, this is not going well. Another arrow flies over my shoulder from behind me and the sword slashes over my head, I'm barely hanging on here. Just then a different bow from atop a tree comes FLYING down and smashes into the sword in front of me which shatters from the impact.
The bow 'limps' away slowly, very hurt. Then the area directly around me begins filling with fog, I can't see a thing. I hear maybe 7 footsteps outside the fog plus me and Peyt, maybe we are saved. One of the horses is shot in the side, rears up, and runs down the road out of range, nearly knocking me over. A guard calls out on the other side of the cart saying"OI!! HELP!! He's grabbin' the mayor!" I shrug it off, more focused on staying alive now. An interesting woman with slightly glowing skin comes rushing into the fog cloud "We're here to help" she says. "Good" I say, trying to free Peyt from the dangerous sword tailing her, I miss and it stabs right into my leg, pulling back to defend itself from more attack.
Peyt kneels to the ground and magically pulls a number of roots and vines from the ground around the cart trying to entangle anyone on the other side of it. Good thinking! Another figure sprints into the fog, this time a hooded tiefling man wielding a bow. I raise my sword to hit the one chasing Peyt again but I'm thrown off by the scream of the new woman behind me calling out from an arrow in her forearm. The same booming voice fills the whole clearing once again "FUCK THAT HURT!! I'll deal with you later." More arrows fill the air skittering on the cobblestones beneath our feet and I try to hit it again but it's so hard to see. DIE ALREADY!! Peyt also swings at it and it whips around against her face slashing her chin open, she falls down once again unconscious.
The tiefling draws some shortswords and dices it to pieces, though it's still hanging on by some invisible thread, I swing once again at it but the fog has made my hand wet and it slips out, flying onto the ground, I shift around and grab it real fast right as Peyt suddenly and surprisingly wakes up and runs out of the fog. The tiefling slices the sword to bits once again as it falls lifeless to the ground. The fog soon after begins to disappear down the street lies the remains of 3 bows scattered around 2 other figures, one really small, one relatively large, throwing what looks like stones up at another bow. I turn towards the last one up in a tree and fixate on it, sprinting at it while it fires twice over my shoulder, I throw my axes while trying to climb the tree and they go wildly into the bush.
Reaching the bow in the tree it tries to shoot me point blank but I grab it and slice the string, it falls lifeless out of the tree. I quickly jump to the ground landing in a roll and sprint towards where the other 5 have gathered together shooting and throwing stones at the last bow which keeps firing down at them until a barrage of arrows are returned by the guards who are now moving once again.
The guards now burst into action around me, some to make sure the mayor is alright, and a few others to attend to the others who helped in the chaos. Now getting a good look at them there's the hooded tiefling, glowing woman, Peyt of course, a small and unconscious boy that looks way too young to be fighting like this, and a young... goliath. Still towering over the rest he boasts a dozen different belts and bags covering his person, he wears a shield but the quarterstaff at his side doesn't seem to have been used much. His face is quite young, bald, and covered in blue tribal tattoos similar to mine. I haven't seen another goliath down here. The small boy is taken onto the back of a horse and given a potion to wake him up. The rest of the group is silently lead towards the mayor's office at the top of the hill. "Peyt, you feeling okay?" I look at her while we walk escorted by the guards, also keeping a keen eye on the surroundings for the horned figure.
"Yes!! Survivor is thankness!!"
"Good." After reaching the manor the carriage pulls in front of the front door and the guards post around us in a semicircle. The captain of the guard opens the door to the carriage and a very unpleasant looking man hobbles out. A rotund, well dressed, middle aged human with an egg shaped face and brown spiked hair, he is obviously very pissed and pays no mind to his saviors. He passes straight through the small crowd of attendees straight into the manor. I just hear him exclaim his grievances to the captain "I want him FOUND... whoever it is! Get rid of him by any means. I'm disgusted and humiliated, do it or I'll find somo..." and he trails off inside. The six of us stand here somewhat awkwardly for a few minutes in silence. A guard coughs, another one sniffles, Peyt eats a bug, and a bird tweets all before the captain returns once again with a deep sigh. "Will you all please come with me?" We look at each other and follow behind through the lobby into a small room with a long table and many chairs, we each file in and sit down with the captain then he begins to speak.
"I'm Captain Molison. I lead the guard here in Evercast, first of all on behalf of everyone in the town: Thank you. Now in regards to the reward I promised I must admit, I don't have control of the treasury here, that's the mayor. Who is focused on keeping this town safe and reluctant to fork out so much money in a time of duress." The tiefling shifts uncomfortably and the others already look peeved. "BUT, I was able to convince him to give it regardless, but there's a catch." He waits for a response.
"Go on" I say.
"That man in the horned armor has attacked before with animated weapons, armors, equipment. Whoever it is: It needs to come to an end. I can give you the 25 gold now but you have to promise that you will find this devil and bring him to justice. There's been an 800g bounty placed on him. It's yours once he's apprehended. I'll give you all some time to mull it over." He stands up and walks out of the room. Once the door opens he grabs a large bag of gold and drops it on the table before leaving. We sit in silence for a moment before the young goliath speaks first. "Uuuuhhh, so I'm Tinkerer." The tiefling begins chuckling which turns into a laugh.
"Did I miss something funny?" I remark.
"If you guys expect me to go through with this deal then yes, it's hysterical actually. One of us is in her own world" pointing at Peyt. "three of us almost died. And two of the six of us are ACTUAL children."
"I promise you I can take care of myself" The youngest one says, no more than 14. The tiefling just continues chuckling.
"This is a complete joke." He stands up out of his chair. "You guys can have our split, we're out of here. Come Navirah." The glowing woman stays seated for a moment before slowly responding.
"Tiamus, I think this is a good cause and we can do it. This group is a bit stronger than you're giving them credit for. Plus the gold is really good too." He seems stunned, surprised that she thought differently.
"This is a very bad idea." He shakes his head.
"Looks like we got a job Peyt." She smiles back at me, probably barely paying mind to the conversation but paying more attention to the paintings adorning the wall. I continue: "So we know Peyt, Tinkerer, Tiamus was it? And Navirah? I'm Survivor, and who is the young one in question?" I nod to each of the persons as they are named before looking at the boy.
"Call me Saemon." He says, barely sitting above the edge of the table.
"Yay, now we are best friends" Tiamus remarks sarcastically with an eye roll.
"Quite the 'tude on that one." Tinkerer says.
"Now THAT was funny" I giggle slightly. He rolls his eyes in response. "Don't worry you will be rid of us once we find this 'horned devil.'" I take the bag of gold and count out my 25 pieces to place in my pocket. Each of the others eventually do the same. "Once we leave we should meet up again tomorrow, I'm sure we're all exhausted and could use the rest." I lean back and knock on the door behind me while the others finish divvying up their gold. The captain dips his head back in momentarily "Empty bag means you took the job. Excellent, if you need any resources, reach out to me."
"Thank you, will do, sir." Saemon remarks before everyone stands and begins heading out.
Tiamus and Navirah disappear down the street quickly while the rest of us take our time leaving the manor. Out of curiosity I can't help but ask. "So, aren't you boys a little young to be jumping into a fight like that? Saemon, where are your parents? Tinkerer, why are you not with your tribe?" We walk and talk together back towards the inn.
"We had some... disagreements, I'm on my own for the better now." Tinkerer says before opening the way for Saemon.
"You don't have to worry about me, no clue where my parents are though. Don't need 'em" I shake my head in disagreement but let it go.
"I won't argue. Tinkerer, what tribe?"
"Also doesn't matter, they are inconsequential."
"Very well."
"What about you Peyt, where are you from, curious creature?" Saemon says.
Peyt, who is currently chowing down on the morsels she bought earlier, responds through a mouthful of mystery meat: "Peyt is from the fun place! Zoe sent me here!"
"I'm going to pretend that made sense to me." he responds more confused than before. I add on:
"I picked her up in a field yesterday, some farmer was trying to kill her, not sure who 'Zoe' is or the 'fun place.'" Peyt seems too distracted to clarify. At this point we reach the inn once again, "We'll meet out here in the morning, get some good rest boys." They agree and I let them go their own way to their rooms while I take this opportunity of solitude to follow up on a lead.
My travels have taken me far and wide in search for any information. A single thread in the tapestry covering my past brought me here to the inn of Evercast. A simple name, muttered silently to possibly be entwined, "Do you know a 'Trellin'?" I say, between my memories to the innkeep. Anticipation grows in my stomach building quickly, stoked by rage in the furnaces of revenge.
"I don't, but someone in the back might, I can ask?" She says.
"Please do" I say before she disappears into the aforementioned 'back.'
However, before she returns another voice beside me calls upon my attention by answering "I know Trellin. Who's askin?" I look over to see a shorter human man with long brown hair and bushy beard sipping on a drink.
"Call me a concerned citizen who needs to ask him a question." I face his direction and lean on the counter towards him.
"What's in it for me?" he asks smugly.
"I don't break your teeth" I cross my arms and start to walk over towards him, he reels back throwing his hands in front of his face, almost falling out of his seat.
"Alright, alright no need for violence, I'll take you." He stands up straight out of his barstool, downs the drink, straightens his clothes, and begins walking out. "Let's go."
I follow closely behind as he leads me a few streets north into the residential side of town. One house, right at the end of an already empty street stands alone as if isolated, and he leads me directly to its front door. "This is where Trellin lives, don't ever say I didn't do nothin' for ya, I'm out of here before it gets ugly." I let him leave and stare at the front door. This could be it, the questions I need answered could be right behind this door. It takes me a second to work through the emotions but finally I bang on the door and scream out "Trellin! TRELLIN!" I wait a moment and hear nothing so I bang again, **BANG BANG BANG** "TRELLIN!!" again with no response. After nothing happens for a few minutes I begin to lose hope, just as I'm about to turn around and walk away the door cracks open, a dwarven man with a long white beard, bushy eyebrows, and a face full of hatred and disgust opens the door, his eyes straining from the light behind me. "What, what, what! What do you wa..."
He's cut off, before he has the chance to let out any more grievances, I'm already on him. My fist contacts his jaw and the world comes to a slow around me while my onslaught ensues. With each swing he nearly falls over but his momentum backwards into the house keeps him on his feet as I follow inside. Through a torrent of teeth and blood I keep pressing the attack, his face already unrecognizable from before. He falls to the floor and I stand over him continuing my assault until the moment his choking on his own swollen tongue snaps me back to reality. He lay lifeless on the floor, only interrupted by spotty breaths gasping for air behind a throat full of gore. I step to the side of his twitching body. "I know you're still alive over there" I manage to let out before leaning on the wall next to him and sliding to the floor placing my elbows on my knees and massaging my knuckles together.
"You're going to listen to me real closely while you try not to suffocate on your own filth. And if you answer my questions before you go blue, I might even help you survive this." He coughs in response and manages another breath. "Good we're in agreement." I grab from my pocket, a folded piece of fabric bearing the blue bear paw I've been searching for. "Who does this belong to?" I lean over and lift one of his swollen eyelids waving the fabric in front of it. "Tick tock" He starts groaning as if trying to answer but not able to get the words out. "Come on you can do it" I lean an elbow right into his stomach and through the pain he manages "...Ice...B...Bea...r... D...D...Dwa..." he passes out from the pain. I'm not getting anything else from him, but 'Icebear Dwarves' is closer than I've been in the past year to knowing what happened. I take one of the berries Peyt gave me this morning and shove it down his throat, then leave him there on the brink of death.
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