"This is why you shouldn't party when your have an early shift.." Mila complained. Patricia had stayed over at Mila's apartment for the night. It was comforting to get home and seeing her there. It seemed she had not gotten any the night before. Mila practically spent less time at her own place because it felt lonely. Della and Leo's place was more homey. "Who fucking makes these schedules because I feel like I haven't had a day off in like forever!"
"Please, you're making my head hurt." Patricia complained, Mila only scrawled at her reaction. Della would have been a little more supportive, she thought.
"How was it?" Patricia asked making herself comfortable on the kitchen counter. Mila rolled her eyes, not liking the way feeling she got when she thought about it. Making sure to apply concealer on her neck using the microwave mirror, already running late. Everything just seemed so rushed and she did not have a second to just breath. Knowing she had to pass by a pharmacy on her way to work made her feel even more aggravated. The worst of it all, she felt sore. Walking with thighs rubbing against each other in a dress after being thoroughly fucked the night before, had to be a curse but the thought of the things they did together made her crave for it more. Her dildo's could never give her the shuddering climaxes that he had made her reach with so much intensity and intimacy. Mila was aware that even though she constantly called it fucking, that was not what he did. It started off that way but the small moments when it became slow and sensual, his eyes staring at her face for her reaction. Her eyes would be closed shut and as soon as she opened them they would bore into his grey orbs. Her heart hammered in those little moments, she convinced herself... it was just nerves or her body was too blown to function properly. The scorpion tattoo on his neck that went up to behind his left ear, had to be the sexiest thing she had ever seen. He had other small significant tattoos here and there but that caught his eye. He had this lopsided smile that made her question if she really hated the male species like she claimed. His body was ridiculously mouthwatering. The scars, made him seem so much more manly, she wanted to know the story behind them. There was this aura about him that came off as authoritative, controlling and spoiled rich. Mila imagined that he came from some extremely wealthy family or he owned some big company... maybe he made the Tesla's? or some shit like that. His Mexican accent was thick and she could spot it from a mile away that he was proudly Mexican.
She hated that he kept occupying her mind... it had crossed her mind that he resided at the same hotel she worked as a housekeeper. Maybe he checked out, maybe he booked it just for their fun. There were many things she felt she needed to do but she just couldn't remember them.
Oh right, feed the cat! She remembered. It got really lonely, having a cat around really made her feel more comfortable in her own space. Simba was the definition of lazy, he snuggled and slept all day everyday... Mila envied the comfort Simba had while she had to be up early for work. He could be playful when he wanted to, very vocal with purr's when annoyed. He could also be annoying. Accidentally scratched Mila too many times. Mila absolutely loved the fact that he cleaned up after himself. She would have had a dog but she preferred an independent clean munchkin. Simba did not like to be bothered and loved his own space but surprisingly there were nights were Mila cried herself to sleep after having a nightmare about 'him', Simba could always sense discomfort and would be quick to climb up the bed and snuggle up with Mila even if she didn't want to. She always ended up laughing at his persistency.
"Have you seen Simba anywhere?" Mila questioned kneeling on every corner to check on all his usual spots. Patricia only chortled, she could never get used to the name Simba.
"That thing scared the shit out of me last night..."
Mila smiled. "Yeah, his eyes can be really creepy in the dark." He also has grey eyes, Mila immediately felt disgusted with herself, why was she thinking about him, goodness gracious!
"Was he that bad, that you don't even want to talk about it?" Patricia smirked, dark circles under her eyes, she really looked like a whole different person without make up.
"He was into that whole 'daddy' kink." Mila let out still searching for Simba. Her place was a very small studio apartment, her bed was practically two meters away from her kitchen. He had to be here somewhere, she thought to herself.
"I know you absolutely hate that shit, did you tell him to go fuck himself because you would—"
"I let her him do it." Mila interrupted.
"You did not." Patricia gasped.
"I did, you were right uhm it's kinda nice with uhm the right person.."
"The right person??" Patricia laughed. "How is he the right person? You won't ever see his ass again. You sound so cringe right now. I can't wait to tell Ignacio the shit you're spewing. I thought you didn't even like him? Do you like him? Okay he must have been really good then..."
"It was nice, that's all." She shrugged. Deciding she would just put Simba's treats all around so he could come out. He did, snuggling up on her lap. Unfortunately she had to leave for work. It was almost 7 am and she only started her shift at half seven. Quickly running down the dingy stairs of her building because yet again the elevator was not working. Everyone had given up on it ever working, it would surely be a miracle. Besides she stayed on the fifth floor, going down wasn't so bad but going up was a struggle.
She greeted the few people she knew, on her way to check on her mail. There was nothing much except the Rent was going up again. She hissed under her breath, how does the rent go up when they don't even maintain the building or at-least fix the fucking elevator. Mila had this conversation with her neighbor Mrs. Martinez who stay on the same floor with her two cute boys who were walking right behind them as they spoke in their mother tongue. Complaining, was usually one of the conversations they shared. She sometimes stayed with the two boys when Mrs. Martinez had to work overtime. Mila admired her as a single mother and never once asked about the father. She understood the pain of not wanting to speak about a person who hurt you or answering questions that made you uncomfortable.
Her bestfriend Della was one of the people she admired being a single mother and all. Mila had to constantly remind herself that getting rid of that monster's child was for the best. When she saw pregnant women or anything related to kids, she always wondered how old the baby could have been by now. Ten/eleven and ready for middle school like Mrs. Martinez son, Jared. As the Pharmacy came into view she bid the family of three goodbye, six year old Hugo running after his mom and brother in the busy streets of New York. Mila turned to check on her phone to busy herself while in the line for the Pharmacy. Annoyed because the people in front of her had baskets... she would be late for work.
This was the simple life she had made for herself away from her family and the place that only brought nothing but a painful cycle of horrible memories. She constantly asked herself why it had to be her? Would her life been different if she had not been ripped off her innocence? Everything about her past only brought her tears but she had to blink them away because she was in a room full of people. She hadn't cried in a while, maybe she would do that later with Simba's comfort.
I'm editing Judas Kiss, so this story won't be the same as the chapters you once read in Judas Kiss, a little different. Also, Simba means Strength in an African language called Shona.
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