for tea
Three days had passed, she did not encounter Alfredo not that she expected it. Maybe she did, just a tad bit. The thought of him brought her a strange wave of a new emotion. The need to know about him...
"Remind me everyday!" Mila told Della at lunch. Confused, Della nodded still.
"Or you could simply set an alarm or get the injection..." Closing her work locker, Della turned to look at Mila. "Why are you taking birth control if you do not plan on..."
"Precautions, nothing wrong with being extra careful." Mila said awkwardly. She did not like this topic. It made her feel afflictive forced to face her true emotions. Her real emotions knew deep down she wanted to see him again, but no she couldn't raise her hopes up for something that would be unlikely to occur. She wanted to have sex with him again. For the past three days, all she had done was think of their night together. It brought her to a brink of an orgasm on her own just at the thought of it. The way he held her down, ferocious and rough; odd that she actually liked it. Liked being manhandled? That had never been on her list of delights. She reminisced his scent, it was a strong masculine scent that sent her on the edge. It smelt like fresh clean laundry but yet so musky. Masculine in every way, the earthy aroma did him justice. Mila would never be able to forget it. The morning after, she could smell him all over her body before she took a shower. She yearned to simply grab his clothing and get a whiff of it. Gladdened, she had not been assigned to his suite infact his whole floor. A part of her wished, another part said thank goodness. What was going on with her? Mila thought she needed to have fun, forget about it... get laid by another man. The intimidating men dressed in black suits and no collar shirt still roamed around the hotel, it confirmed that he was still around. A part of Mila was glad, another part embarrassed... why did she care..?! Was he the son of a president or royalty? No guest had ever given this
"What's going on with you Mila?" Della teased.
"...nothing why?"
"Ever since you encountered that man, you have been acting different. I thought you said you did not care enough? Infact you never care—"
"I don't, it must be that it has been a while." Mila replied sitting down on the bench. Della gave her a smirk.
"He was that good?"
"He was okay... he is annoying."
"Why do you miss him if you find him annoying..?"
"I don't!" She replied defensively. "...because.." Mila defended, folding her uniform. "He is annoying, so annoying..."
"How is he annoying?" Della laughed at her friend's odd behavior.
"I'm scared." Mila let out. Della immediately stopped laughing. Mila this anxious was something that never happened. Mila crying...? even worse that never happened. She quickly wiped her tears away, she hadn't cried in a very long time. Thankfully the other ladies had knocked off or went to their work already and the staff locker room was empty. "I don't like this." Mila said with her tears immediately streaming like a broken dam. Her lips quivered, trying to find the right words. Della gave her a hug, trying to calm her down. This was new, Mila had always been the strong unbreakable badass friend. She never needed any of Della's advise. She seemed to always have everything under control. "He d-does this to me! He makes me unsure of my feelings. Unsure of how I feel about everything. I'm scared, I'm scared... I'm scared I like it. I'm scared, I miss him. I'm scared, I feel needy. I've never needed anyone especially not a man? I'm scared because I don't know him. I'm scared of the way he makes me feel. I haven't known him for a long time but after three encounters, he occupies my mind almost everyday. I hate it. I hate it Della. I'm becoming those girls from cheesy romcoms that I hated so much. I'm becoming that... I'm pathetic, I know... I know."
"Let it all out, I'm here.." Della rubbed circles on her back. Pulling back, with her now puffy eyes, Mila frowned quick to wipe her tears away.
"He has this nice smile..." Mila giggled, tears escaping each eye yet again. "He— has these sarcastic jokes. He makes me laugh and oh God his kisses Della. I don't think I've ever had sexual chemistry with anyone the way I did with him. I want him and it scares me."
"There's nothing wrong with liking a man. He could be the one..."
"Don't be silly Della, there's no such thing as the one in this day and age of hookup and cheating culture. I've liked men but not to this point. This makes me feel as if I've become obsessed in such a short space of time. I need to be in control of my feelings and I don't exactly feel that way right now. But—" she wiped her tears dry. "I will get over this. I do not know why I'm crying either. See? Alfredo does this to me and I hate it. I probably won't see him again. I will okay. I will be fine. I was fine in the past when I slept with the devil, I was fine perfectly fine when I got rid of the child. I will be perfectly fine. This is nothing. I've come so far only for a guy, I fucked once to fuck over my feelings and clarity."
"Of course Mila." Della assured her. She did not want to say much, Mila needed someone to rant to. She didn't seem like she needed any advise. Only assurance and a shoulder to cry on. "You're the strongest woman, I know. You simply need to accept that everything you feel right now is very normal. There's nothing wrong with being the cliché main character of a romcom."
"But they're always stupid, I don't want to be stupid much less for a man I've known for less than a month."
Mila's best friend laughed. "...well alright that's fine; let's not discuss him anymore if it bothers you this much. Uhm do you ever think about..."
"About what?" Mila asked feeling better.
"Him who—" Mila stopped mid-sentence. "Oh...him..."
"Sometimes but it doesn't matter. It's just I know it was his duty to do what he did."
"It still doesn't make it right."
"I don't like to think about him much less dwell on such. I do not want to know anything about him either not his name, not his current life or anything. I'd be damned if I entertained any of those thoughts. He ruined my life." Mila smiled, even with the hurt she was feeling. "I was so happy Della. I used to be so happy and innocent. I saw the best in everyone, the best in the world. I thought I had my whole life ahead of me. I thought I'd grow up and be some big successful woman, get married and have kids. I'd visit my parents—" she smiled imagining. "With my kids. Attend church, buy a home close to my parents and brothers. All the good wholesome stuff, well that's fucked because I turned into a hoe. As far as I know, i have been with every type of man. In search for what? I don't know. I really don't know. That man ruined me, my family never treated me the same again, they wanted me and my curse gone... sent me off to any family member willing to take me in. Anyways here I am. Life turned out great actually, pretty sure I'm cursed still. Nothing good ever happens to me." Mila laughed. Della was only saddened. She could see the pain Mila tried to hide in her laugh and sarcastic jokes about the most serious events of her life.
"You're doing well for yourself Mila. I'm proud of you! You have an apartment, a job, you—"
"It's okay Della, I'm now fine. I should get going before it gets dark." That's what Mila always did, sweep everything under the carpet until she was hoarding a mountain of dilemma. "Thank you for this."
"Look, I just thought you'd feel much better if you confronted him. If you spoke—"
"Are you kiddin me? Do I look like I'd risk putting my family in danger. Why would I look for him... why would I want to confront the son of the most notorious man in Mexico. No, thank you."
"Yeah, I'm sorry... I did not think that through."
"It's fine, doubt he'd remember me anyways besides I don't want to know him. There's a reason why I've avoided asking questions or searching on the internet about his current life."
"I understand, I'm sorry... I brought it up. I will buy you a falafel burger as a treat?"
Mila grinned, just like that; she was happy again.
Entering her building with her take aways. She greeted the security on the front desk. He greeted her back.
"Someone's Happy?" He teased. "Was toilet scrubbing better today?"
"Got my falafel burger and I'm gonna have a beer right after what's there not to be happy about." Mila replied mockingly. The African-American man shook his head. His neat dread locs styled to perfection. This was a part time job for him, he needed to pay up his student loans. In the time that he had worked there, him and Mila had become really good friends. Mila had the ability to befriend anyone. They spent most of their time talking about their shit jobs but the difference was Jordan had dreams and aspirations, Mila didn't; she was comfortable in her misery pay check to paycheck life. "But you still won't allow me to take you out on a falafel date?"
"Just give up already Jordan, if you were older than me then perhaps I'd give you a chance." Jordan laughed, that was always her response always. Turning to look around. "Hey, the elevator is working?"
"You bet!"
"Who would've thought..."
"There's a new owner. Hopefully he pays me the chunks, I deserve."
"Why would anyone want to buy this dingy—"
"You ask him, he went— oh there he is..." just like that, Mila's heart suddenly picked up. His eyes met eyes almost immediately. Dressed in a black Armani Collezioni Single-Breasted suit, hair sleek back. His dark hair had a way of making his grey eyes brighter than they were. A woman followed behind him as he was speaking to three men with helmet and dark green work suits.
"I want a new one installed by the end of the month." Alfredo told them even though his eyes were in Mila.
"They only needed to be oiled up there certainly won't be any need for that."
"Are you sure? It doesn't look appealing still."
"It needs a few touches here and there. We could replace the old buttons with more modern one's as well as the lighting and so on but that's another cost.."
"No problem, get that done will you? How long would that take? Give me a realistic estimate?"
"With four elevator technicians it could be a day or two. We will work as fast as we can. Our company provides the best services and you will be impressed sir."
Looking at Mila, Alfredo smiled. "I like you, I like you a lot. Good job. Portia round up the budget with them while I speak to a fellow tenant. Don't forget the maintenance fee..."
"Of course Alpha." His assistant replied. She had landed the day before. When Alfredo has informed her that he'd be buying more property in New York, extending his father's real estate business.
Mila wanted to rush towards the stairs instead. She was quick to say good bye to Jordan who wasn't listening either with one AirPod in, Kanye West had just released an album and he was the biggest fan Mila knew.
"Mila!" Alfredo pinned her against the wall, stopping her from running off. Luckily, the stairs were closed off from everyone else. No one could see them except if someone was coming down the stairs. Mila felt panicked, not again... she said to herself as his strong addictive cologne took her breath away.
"Hi?" She muttered awkwardly. "Odd seeing you here."
"Business." He replied.
"I see."
Not saying any words, they stared at each other intensely. His hand moved from her waist to her bum. He loved the shape and feel of it. She was so perfect in his eyes. Mila swallowed a lump that had developed in her throat.
"Can I come up... when I'm done. For tea that is...?"
"For tea?" Mila questioned a little stunned she almost stuttered. His hand continued to trace her meanders. Being at such close proximity with someone she had been thinking about these past few days proved to be hard. He was hard, she could feel it.
"Yes, for tea?" He replied gruffly.
"I'd love that." She replied, at this point they were both aware they would not be having any tea. Hearing footsteps they immediately detangled from each other. Flabbergasted Mila greeted the people who had passed her, and ran up the stairs to bath, shave, whatever.
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