Running away.
Maria's. P.O.V.
The time was almost noon when I heard a knock at the door. I went to answer it and Daisy was there with about ten other people.
"Today is the day we agreed upon my coming is it not?" Daisy said.
"It is. He's in the tree house, but the girl's are with him and I thought you said you'd come alone." I said.
"You think we'd actually just let him get away? We don't care if the girls are with him, if he can do what you say he can then I'm sure the scientists would pay a lot of money for him. if you won't help us capture him then we don't really need your help." Daisy said and with that she and all the others ran towards the tree house.
Lana's P.O.V
"Ekinu! I'm sorry! I let your secret get out. You have to run they're coming for you!" Mum yelled. I guess she really does care. She did say sorry.
At hearing those words Ekinu went into the small cabinet and pulled out the bag of money and food we had stored. He handed it to Carina who then shoved it all into her purse. I decided to cause a distraction to give us some time. Using my acting skills I started to cry and ran over to the tree house window. I saw the mob outside getting closer.
"You can't have him!" I yelled. The mob reached the bottom of the tree house and my mum's friend Daisy called up to me.
"We don't want to have to hurt you Lana. You and your sister be good girls and come down from there." Carina came over to the window too now.
"I've got the stuff packed. We'll go down and then Ekinu will follow pretending to surrender. When they think they've won easy Ekinu will shift, we jump on and escape faster than light." Carina whispered. I nodded and stepped away from the window beginning to climb down the ladder. Carina just above me clutching her purse nervously.
We reached the ground and stood near the bottom of the tree. Not too close to the crowd.
"Where's the wolf?" Daisy asked. I turned my head and called up to Ekinu.
"Come down Ekinu. We'll have to give up." I said following the plan.
Ekinu started to climb down and the mob tensed in fear. They were cautious having no idea what he's capable of.
"Here he is." I said. Then Ekinu shifted and the mob jumped back scared. Taking the chance Carina and I climbed on his back. We were gone before they could blink.
Daisy's P.O.V.
"After them! Chase them down! Somebody contact the police!" I called. One of the villagers I had brought with me went to get the police while the rest began to chase after the wolf and two girls.
"There's no use chasing them. I've seen how fast that boy can run in his wolf form. They won't be caught." Maria said and ran back into her home praying for the safety of her daughters.
People I am so sorry this is such a short chapter! I thought this was a good place to end. I will try my best to write more next time! Thanks and have a good day!
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