"Let's live together already." Khushi said while they were lying on the bed.
"You just want your brothers to murder me." Arnav joked.
"Why is everyone so scared of them? They are progressive like that, I know they aren't against live-in relationships." Khushi rolled her eyes.
"They might not be against it, but when it comes to you, you know how they are, they literally sent you to Australia away from me once the found out we were together, if they find out we're planning to live together, they might send you to mars or something." Arnav laughed.
"Just say you've changed you mind about us living together." Khushi pouted.
"I haven't, if anything I want it more but I'm just so scared of them, I might do one thing to offend them and they will throw me out of your life."
"Heyy, it's my decision too, it's not like they will decide to get rid of you and I'd go along, I love you Arnav, we're both adults, we're ready to live together, why is that so hard to understand? At least let me talk to them and then see what they say?"
"Okay, you can try to talk to them, but as far as I've known them, I doubt they will agree."
"I know how to convince them." Khushi smirked.
"If you say so." Arnav nodded in agreement, and then just then, they were startled by the sound of the doorbell.
"Holy crap! Who's early?" Khushi jumped out of her bed trying to put on her clothes quickly so she could rush to unlock the door, it's good she had locked it by the stopper inside so her brothers couldn't get it even if they had the keys.
"Hide somewhere!" She said to Arnav who was still lying on the bed, not seeming to be worried at all.
She rushed downstairs to open the door while Arnav too got dressed quickly and then started looking around for a spot to hide.
She opened the door and found Rudra standing outside, so he was the one that came home earlier than usual, why? Did he just figure out something was fishy?
"Why did you lock the door?" He asked as he walked in and sat down on the sofa.
"Arjun went out and I also went for a date with Arnav so we sent the servants home, I came back early and I was all alone so I locked it to be safe." Khushi lied.
"I thought Arnav was here, isn't his car outside?" Rudra looked at her suspiciously as he stood up and started heading upstairs.
"What are you hiding from me Khushi?" He asked as he headed towards her bedroom.
"Nothing... he came to drop me home from the date and then the car wouldn't start, so he left it here and went to get someone to help with it." She said nervously hoping he was going to believe her.
Rudra walked into her room and looked around, he even went to the washroom to check if Arnav was still here and Khushi was lying but he didn't find him.
"Hey! Even if he was here, you don't have to be so suspicious, he's not a serial killer, chill bro." Khushi said.
"He might not be a serial killer but he's your boyfriend and I smell something fishy."
"Jeez, even if it was anything like you're thinking, we aren't kids. We're adults, do you still have to check my room just to see if I'm hiding my boyfriend somewhere? You should let me grow up and handle my life on my on!" Khushi said angrily.
Rudra stared at her silently for a moment and then nodded as he started heading downstairs again.
"You're right, you are adults. Maybe we should get you two married now so we don't have to be always spying on you." He joked.
"No! We're not even settled yet, we don't want to get married yet." Khushi said.
"Fine, no one is forcing you, it was just a suggestion." Rudra sighed as he sat down once again.
"If it's about suggestions, I have one too... How about Arnav and I live together?"
"What?" Rudra looked at her in shock, but his wasn't the only voice she heard, another one came from the entrance, she looked towards it and saw Prem standing there looking at her in shock too.
"You're out of your mind!" Prem said as he walked in angrily.
"I am not! What's wrong about me wanting to live with him?" Khushi asked.
"That's not how we do things here Khushi, if you want to live with him, get married to him or stop thinking about wanting to live with him." Rudra said.
"If I wanted to get married I would have, but we're not there yet. We still need to build our careers, get to know each other better."
"This girl has lost it completely." Prem said.
"I haven't. Why are you so against us living together?"
"So that he can use you and dump you when he's done?" Prem said.
"You disgust me sometimes Prem, and at least you shouldn't be the one saying this, you left Suman for some stupid reasons so please." Khushi rolled her eyes at him.
"Look, I get it okay, you're protective towards me, and I appreciate that but I'm grown up, I need the right to be able to make my own decisions at least. I know you want us to get married but what would you do if it doesn't work out after we're married?
Isn't it better we just live with each other, get to know each other's habits and know what we're getting into before we take a big step like marriage?" Khushi asked.
"It doesn't matter, you aren't living with him!" Prem said.
"It's my life, my decision, you can't make that decision for me!" Khushi looked at him angrily. Sometimes Prem drove her so mad, he was totally unreasonable, even with his breakup with Suman, he was so unreasonable.
"We can't make the decision for you but as your brothers we can at least Advice you right?" Rudra asked to which Khushi nodded. Why couldn't Prem be like this? Why couldn't he just stop being mad about everything and try to understand things?
"Why do you think it is right for you to live with him without any relation?" Rudra asked.
"We have a relationship Rudra, he is my boyfriend, I love him, what other reason do I need if not that?"
"You know that's not our culture Khushi."
"I know, but what's wrong about me wanting to live with him before we get married? Don't you think that would give me an insight on what I'm actually getting into? We can't know everything about a person unless we live with them, each day of our lives, and I just want that before we get married, so I can be sure that I am getting married to the right person."
"You might be right, but I am sorry, I'm still not the progressive, but I do get what you're trying to say and it makes sense, but I have always believed that a couple should only live together when they are married, that's how I was brought up, that's what our parents taught me."
"But that was what happened in their times, the times are different now, everything is changing, even people are changing. Change is the law of universe right? It will happen even if we don't want it to happen, so why can't we just try to accept it?"
"It's not easy to accept things you have always believed against."
"It is not, but it's not bad to try to accept either."
"Fine. I'll try to accept the idea of it, like I said, you're an adult now, you are responsible for your decisions, all I would ever want for you is to be happy in your life Khushi, the reasons we are so protective of you is for your safety, but you are right, things are changing and if this is what you want, I'll try to accept it.
Just talk to Arjun about it once and see what he says, he's more progressive than me in such matters, if he's ready for it then I am too." Rudra said.
"What about me? I am your brother too, doesn't my decision matter?" Prem asked.
"It does, but only if you're willing to go past your hatred or whatever your holding against Arnav and think about it with a calm mind." Khushi said.
"Fine." Prem rolled his eyes and walked away, so did Rudra. All she had to do now was to convince Arjun, if he agreed for it, then no one else would disagree, and she had a really good feeling about this, Arjun always understood her better.
"Shit! Arnav!" She said remembering that he was still hiding somewhere in her room and she had to help him get out, she quickly rushed back to her room trying to figure out how she was going to get him out of the house without her brothers noticing, if they found out what had just happened here, they were going to be totally against the live-in thing and she had just managed to convince them a bit.
It was surprising how well Rudra took the news though, he didn get angry, instead he kept and open mind and tried to listen to her, she hoped Prem would also try to understand her like that.
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