Ek Bridge
Chapter 3~Ek Daya-
One Bridge
~Not Edited~
*gif credits to Tumblr*
The beautiful banner is made by Meghu_die_Beste !!!! I'm so sorry I forgot to add it! BUT IS IT NOT SO BEAUTIFUL 😍
Flashback (Third P.O.V) :
"Bhabhi!! Bhabhi!! Come fast!!" A screaming voice cried slamming each door that passed by.
The lady in the black and white uniform whistled as she patrolled the halls.
"Come out, come out wherever you are." She said mimicking a child playing hide and seek.
The voice stood behind the door terrified of the footsteps the lady in the black and white uniform took. The voice shivered from the sound of the belt clanging against the lady's hand.
"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..." The lady spoke calmly in efforts to bring the voice in her control.
The voice whimpered with fear, tears forming in her eyes, her teddy bear tightly gripped amongst her chest. The voice closed its eyes in hopes for disappearance.
The footsteps began to fade and the voice opened its eyes, finally exhaling in relaxation.
"Good girls don't run away. Are you not a good girl? No...you're a bad girl...very very bad girl."
The voice began to run in panic but the lady stopped her with the whip, the voice wailed in pain. The voice fell to the ground and dropped her teddy bear, "who will help you now?"
Third Person P.O.V:
"Mansi!" Amanda said trying her best to find Mansi, who had disappeared like a ghost.
She spotted Vanesh laughing and holding Mona tightly, every action of his irked her. He hurt her friend and she couldn't do anything about it,
"Hello! Looking for me?" A guy said eating a chocolate bar.
"Who are you?" Amanda said paying the least bit attention.
"I'm...I'm the guy who sat beside you during the play...I mean speech." The guy said in vain, his ego brusted.
"Who?? Oh. Um, look I'm trying to find my friend please leave me alone." Amanda said turning her back to him.
"I can help! I know everyone! What does she look like?"
"She was sitting beside me" Amanda said rolling her eyes, "idiot." She whispered under her breath.
The guy was embarrassed but didn't lose hope, "I was too busy looking at you. My name is Prem by the way."
"I didn't ask."
"Ouch! I am hurt! Anyways what is your friend's name I can ask my security guard to find her." Prem questioned.
"Mansi." Amanda answered getting more and more worried when each second passed and there was no sign of Mansi.
"Okay! Hey! Guard! Can you make an announcement for Mansi?" Prem asked politely.
The guard nodded in agreement, "yes, sir."
"Wait, that's not a good-"
"Don't worry Manis friend, she will be right in front of you in no time." Prem said with confidence.
The guard got up to the stage, "excuse me? Can I have everyone's attention. Is there a Mansi here? Mansi umm..." the guard looked at Prem tensioly.
"What's her last name?" Prem asked Amanda who appeared uncomfortable but she realized this way the only way she could find Mansi.
"Amanda?" Vanesh said turning Amanda's attention to him.
She stared at him, speechless. How dare he say her name like they were friends? He had no right.
Mansi stared at the deadly sea again, but this time from a 40 foot high bridge. She battled with her own thoughts, no tears, no smile, her face was paralyzed. Unable to express her feelings made her want to yell on the top of her lungs and cry, keep crying until all the pain went away.
"Ma'm? Can you please get down from there?" A police officer asked calmly.
Mansi turned to him with frustration, "I am not going to jump if that's what your thinking. I just like looking at water."
"You know you can do that at a beach or even your bathtub. Just please don't stand on the edge of a slippery bridge that's 100 feet above a body of water." The police officer advised.
"It's prettier here than my bathtub. I can see the city lights." Mansi argued.
Baffled with Mansi talking to him, a police officer, he began to cry.
"Are you crying?!"
"It's just...it's my first day on the job and I did so much to get here and I really don't want someone to die on my first night." The officer sobbed.
Mansi, shaken, got away from the edge, "I am sorry! I was just...it's been rough and I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Thank you." With that he began to walk to his car.
"Um...I am pretty sure you supposed to report this 'incident' to the cops." Mansi suggested.
The officer smiled, "I'll let you go off with a warning."
Mansi awkwardly smiled, "don't ever let anyone go off with a warning when they are about to jump of a bridge. Just a tip from a citizen."
Mansi walked away quickly and for a moment she forgot about her problems and smiled at the officers naive attitude, and wondered who made him a cop.
Mansi walked along nosey cars knowing nothing about where she was going. She couldn't help but wonder about Vanesh, his speech, and Mona.
Was she supposed to forgive him? Everyone can have a second chance, but it was hard for her to forgive someone who broke her heart so effortlessly.
Her phone began to ring making her jump, the phone read "Unknown Caller" she didn't think twice and picked it up.
She recognized that voice, she could recognize it anywhere.
"Mansi please come back everyone is worried about you!"
She remained silent.
"Mansi? Mansi!? Are you there?"
Vanesh's P.O.V:
"Mansi? Mansi!? Are you there?" I questioned nervously.
Not hearing her voice made me anxious, alarmed I looked for Amanda's help.
"What makes you think she'll answer back to you?" Amanda taunted grabbing the phone from my hand.
"Honey? Tell me where you are so u can pick you up, and please don't stay quiet or I'll beat your ass." Amanda demanded through the phone making everyone else uncomfortable.
"Mansi?" Amanda panicked, "Mansi?! Are you okay?! Mansi?!"
I took the phone from Amanda wanting to know what had happened but all I heard were people telling each other to call the police. All I heard were people screaming for someone to stop the driver. All I heard was everyone. Everyone but Mansi.
Authors Note:
DUN DUN DUN!!! Oh my god I'm so mean 😂😂 anyways I wanted to update because it's my birthday 🎉 !! YAY FOR POGO WHO IS GOING TO CELEBRATE ONE YEAR DOWN UNTIL HER DEATH!!! And this is like a return gift...I think that's what it is called 😂
I felt like I should update because it's very unfair for you guys to have to wait for like 3 months! 😞😞
I have exams next week so I can't really update but I have a break coming soon so I will definitely be updating then!!! For now here is just a simple update with a twisted ending 😂😂😂 THATS HOW I ROLE!! I just throw things at you😝😝😝
If you haven't already heard I'm planning to re-open my YouTube account for trailers. I have had one but I took it off and my trailers 😂
Don't worry I still have them and I will upload them again whenever I start the channel!! I'll announce it on Instagram and on my message board so be in a lookout 👀
I know there wasn't much but did you like the chapter??
There are a lot of unanswered questions 😂 but who was the girl in the flashback??
What did you think of the lady in the black and white uniform?
What happened to Mansi (I think this one is obvious but doesn't hurt to ask)?
Also, if you were in Mansis shoes and your husband (now her ex) cheated on you, would you be able to forgive them?
I don't know if you have watched the show, Grace and Frankie, but that's what happened to the old ladies but the husbands fall in love with each other (they are gay). And that made me think why do I not feel angry at them? Is it because they are gay? That shouldn't happen because if someone did something wrong they did something wrong, right? Idk but I absolutely love love the show! It's a comedy and i highly advice it if your looking for something to watch.
What's your favorite song at the moment?? I have so many!! I love all the ADHM songs, I am listening to the Dangal song😂😂😂, and Dear Zindagi songs!!
~Pogo ❤️️
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