The Extraterrestrail? - Part II
"What are you dumbasses standing around for?! Get him!" Their captain screams breathlessly, having dove behind a tree for cover. Taking the damage from the tanks, there are only a few soldiers left. They reluctantly charge Joel again in an attempt to rid themselves of him.
"Yes, because this worked so well the last time. Come on, then. You have to give it a go I suppose," he says aloud.
While the tanks assist Joel by firing its artillery, the soldiers' lives come to a quick end. His precisely placed shots at their shoulder and legs stagger them followed up by tossing small grenades in front of him, which explode into piercing shrapnel upon impact. With only one soldier left, he looks up at his captain in a panic. "C-Captain Gear! What do we do?"
The captain grunts in anger, instantly thrusting the gunblade into the soldier's chest for asking such a ridiculous question. He looks towards Joel with murderous intent. "You're all useless. I'll deal with this myself. Your fun ends now, Abnormal. I'm taking you in for questioning."
Joel ignores Gear's words, instead, his sight is set on the gunblade he's holding. "Don't take things that aren't yours. No way in hell you know how to use Ace, so I'll be taking her back now."
"Hmph...You can certainly try, freak."
Joel and Gear engage in an instant clash. Gear deflects the unrelenting gunfire as he flashes forward. Closing the gap, he swings the gunblade ending in a spinning overhead strike. His opponent manages to avoid the attack, but is forced back when he's hit by an unexpected boot. Joel attempts to use everything in his tool belt after just barely landing on his feet.
Grenades, flash bangs, shock nets, Joel lays it all out to stop Gear's momentum. None of that keeps him from harming Joel; however, he either dodges, deflects, or takes the blow of whatever Joel throws using this otherworldly weapon. Gear laughs loudly in amusement with each successful strike on his prey. Eventually, Joel's body can no longer withstand the constant injury, and he falls to one knee. Gear immediately kicks him a far distance away, forcing Joel to drop his weaponry. Taking heavy steps towards Joel, Gear crushes his two ray guns into pieces with ease.
"AHAHA! That all you got, Abnormal? You're all just as weak as I thought without your toys."
Joel groans, struggling to stand himself up. After a rough cough, his muddled laugh escapes him as he wipes the blood away from his lips with the sleeve of his tan coat. "Me? You should look in the mirror. My gran hits harder than you."
As Gear approaches him slowly, preparing to strike him down, the group all wake in succession to each other. Lux sits up, groaning in pain as he caresses the back of his neck. "The fuck did that basterd hit me with?"
"Ah...What the hell happened?" Jade groggily questions. Klaus, who's a short distance from her, tosses his own comment in while he lays defeated on the ground.
"Think he pulled off a one v. four..."
"We underestimated his fighting style..." Sakuro adds, sitting up from an uncomfortable position.
"You guys are finally up?! You gotta hurry! That guy's in trouble!"
"Why would we help him after what he just did?" Jade's attitude asks for her.
"That doesn't matter! He's the source of the signal and is probably about to die. I don't wanna get fired so help him, gosh darn it!"
"Heh, someone ain't eat their breakfast this morning," Lux chuckles, not having a care about his current situation. A passing giggle escapes Jade as well, who can't help but to be amused by the way Tora is addressing everyone.
"You alright in there, babe?"
"It seems the glasses lady has let herself go," Sakuro mentions. She pivots her head to look at Lux, who takes his own turn to speak.
"'Bout time you stop being a pussy. We'll help him. When I get back, we're fightin', four eyes."
"Wha?! N-No! I never-"
Tora whimpers in fear causing her to stutter her words. The last thing she wants is to feel the violent punches from a man who thinks blowing someone's head off is amusing. Gear raises Ace above him, seconds away from finishing Joel off with a vertical slash. As his arm descends in a swing, he's suddenly hit by a swift left hook from Lux. The force of the punch causes Gear to fly back, but he quickly recovers and lands on his feet. "Fucking Abnormals..." he curses under his breath.
"Get up," Lux says, turning to face Joel. Taking a step, he extends his arm out to help Joel up. Joel accepts the gesture that is anything but kind in Lux's mind, and his past opponent lifts him up to his feet. Joel rolls his shoulder blades from feeling the sting of pain only to then give Lux a thankful nod.
"Cheers. Uh, I guess an apology is in order."
"Save it. We got shit to deal with," Lux responds, easily waving off any attempts at an apology.
"We're not forgetting what you did, though," Jade follows up, sending a somewhat threatening glare toward the vertically gifted stranger. Klaus simply shrugs the aggravation off. He raises his arms upward and completes a quick stretch.
"Eh, I needed to take a nap anyway."
"I should cut his throat right now to see how much he bleeds," Sakuro utters, intently eyeing the regions of Joel's neck.
Glancing down to his right, Joel forms a happy smile on his face when sees Ace laying on the ground. It seems as though Gear dropped it, presumably due to the might of Lux's punch. "I can't believe it." Joel reaches down and grabs Ace. Extending his arm, he swings it in complete comfortability before placing it in an empty sheath on his back. "Good to have you back, love."
"FUCKING ABNORMALS!" Everyone sets their sights towards Gear. Most parts of his face are bloody and broken. He shouts in pure anger, then turns to his right to rip a cannon arm right off a tank. "I CAN'T STAND YOU FREAKS!" he bellows to all in his immediate vicinity.
With Joel now by their side, the group engage into combat with Captain Gear. Lux and Joel head forward to commence the attack head on. While the two of them enter a skirmish with Gear at his front, Klaus and Sakuro begin attacking from the rear, with Jade firing powerful spheres of energy at his protected upper body from above.
Gear releases a shout of heightened rage in response to all the damage he's absorbing. He begins firing the tank cannon at the group, forcing them to evade the massive explosions. In addition to the constant barrage, he begins using the force of the explosions to propel himself into the sky, only to then crash down to deal a massive area of effect attack.
Launching an igniting shell at Lux, he hoped to burn him with the tank fire. Joel quickly reacts to protect Lux by flinging a small, metal octagon that expands into a beam shield that deflects the layered metal. Lux jumps at this new opportunity, he leaps into air and slams his feet into Gear's protected hand. The weight of Lux's crushing attack breaks Gear's armor clean off, also causing him to drop the cannon arm.
Joel swings Ace in a spinning strike seconds before discharging four shotgun blasts into Gear's armor after plunging the blade into a weak point. Klaus hurls three streaks of electricity and with Ichigo extended forward, Sakuro quickly follows up with a spinning lunge.
Jade conjures multiple shadow-like chains that wrap around Gear's legs and force him to his knees. Joel then leaps onto Gear's shoulders, pulls the last grenade he has from his utility belt, then drops it into an exposed area in Gear's armor. Joel hastily jumps off, and begins running in a certain direction to create distance.
"Might want to scatter, mates!"
"What did he say? Hey! Where's everybody going?" Klaus asks, barely understanding a word Joel said.
Gear lets out a yell of frustration. Death is a certainty so his ire comes from it being at the hands of those he's vowed to do away with, Abnormals. Gear suddenly explodes, the force of the explosion flinging Klaus into the sky. "Waaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaa!"
All that's left in the clearing is broken tanks, destroyed jeeps, armored cars, torn down sentries, and large craters of various sizes. The group walk up to where Gear exploded, only to see his body parts scattered about. After a moment, Klaus lands on his face behind Lux, making a loud boom on impact. "He told you to move, dumbass." Lux scoffs, shaking his head.
Klaus groans loudly while the group hears his muffled screams of pain. Joel turns to face everyone with a smile of accomplishment on his face. "Thanks for the help. Almost died there. Almost died multiple times, actually. ...Whew. Uh, who are you guys again?"
"We're here to ask you the same question," Jade replies, Lux following after her.
"We followed a signal that's coming from you."
"Signal? Ah, hell, so that's how they found me. What's going on here? Didn't think any life forms on this planet would be able to intercept my distress call."
Klaus suddenly pops up then tackles Joel. As he and Joel struggle with each other on the ground, Klaus reaches his hand out for Jade. "I got you now, motherfucker! Jade, get my extra pair of handcuffs! They're in my trunk!"
"Get the hell off of me!"
"Shut your mouth! You're gonna need some friends where you're goin'. And that's downtown!"
"Idiot." Sakuro mumbles under her breath, shaking her head in complete disappointment.
Jade sighs, then Lux grabs Klaus by the collar and lifts him up with ease. He tosses Klaus aside, who softly lands on his back.
"What are you doin'?! Don't let 'em escape!"
"Don't mind him," Jade states in a warm-hearted tone.
"Um...alright, then. Joel reluctantly stands himself up, attempting to ignore the unexpected assault. "That happened. Right, where was I?"
"Who the fuck are you?" Lux inquires in his own way.
"Names Joel. Joel Caineman. I had to make an emergency landing here about three weeks ago. Took me a while until I could get communications working again. And when I did, well...all of this happened."
"He admits it, then. He is from the brave frontier we call space," Sakuro chimes in from behind Lux.
"I'm not really sure what to say to that, so I'm going to do the amicable thing and just start off by telling you our names. I'm Jade. Asshole who tried to tear your head off is Lux. Big headed bee on the ground is Klaus and this is Sakuro."
"I'm watching you real close you alien. I won't let you take my friends!" Klaus shouts in another voice.
"Do you bleed red I wonder...?" Sakuro asks, still subtly glaring at Joel's throat.
" guys seem like a nice bunch," Joel states, lightly scratching his nape as he lets out a laugh.
"Those blue skins that attacked you are part of the Anti-Abnormal Federation," Lux exclaims. "Probably wanted whatever was makin' that signal of yours."
"Anti-Abnormal Federation, huh...? So this planet already has its hands full, seems like." Joel releases a deep sigh as he glances back at his dismantled ship in the distance. "She's done for. It's not even the main ship I crashed landed in, it's technically an escape pod. I've been trying to hide from this Federation for a while. They took the goddamm station too."
"Station?" Jade questions with a puzzled look on her face.
"It's a lot to explain." Joel crosses his arms, unfurling another heavy sigh from his bloodied lips. What am I gonna do now?"
"Ain't that obvious?" Lux's words cut deep into the foundation of Joel's thoughts, breaking him out of a temporary trance.
"Look, we're hires for a group called the Ethereals that's tryna take on the blue skins. From what you're sayin', they've got some shit that's yours. You join us for a while, do some work, get paid, and get your shit back."
"Hm. That isn't exactly a bad deal. Especially now, considering I can't leave the planet without my ship."
"Ain't no time for thinkin'. Yes or no. I only got paid to find the source, not keep it alive. Shit doesn't matter to me either way."
Joel grips his chin, pointing his eyes towards the ground in thought. After a short moment, he nods to himself, accepting Lux's offer. "Alright. I'll join you mates for a while. If you don't mind, of course."
"Told you I don't give a shit either way. I'm goin' back to the sub. It ain't too far from here to the coast. Don't take too long meeting us there."
Lux casually slides his hands in his pockets as he walks off. Klaus stands up then quickly salutes before walking off beside Lux. "Welcome aboard, sailor."
"Uh...Thanks, mate."
"It's nice to meet you, spaceman. Brother has spoken and I will not object his decision." Sakuro sheathes Ichigo then walks off to catch up with Lux and Klaus.
"I didn't understand a word of that."
"Don't worry. You aren't the only one. Nice to have you, Joel. It'd be best if you prepare for living with us."
"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"
Jade walks off without saying anything else as Joel follows behind, a confused look plastered on his face. The group take the submarine returning to Atlacall. Upon docking at the submarine port, Vern is waiting upon their exit from the metal underwater wonder. Dawson in tandem with a few other Ethereal soldiers behind them. In order of one member walking behind or in front of each other along the platform until they're directly in front of the two who seem glad to see their safe return.
"Welcome back. I assume the mission went well?" Vern respectfully inquires.
"Federation didn't get shit if that's what you're askin'," Lux quickly responds. Vern instantly notices an extra person has joined their entourage. He glances at Joel with expressionless eyes, promptly walking over to him with his hands behind his back.
"Ah, bonjour. Who might you be?"
"Names Joel. Lux offered for me to join his motley crew of hires. I accepted."
"Hm. I see." Vern extends his right hand out for Joel to shake which is met with a firm grip. "Matthias Vern is my name. You may call me Vern if you so choose. I trust Lux's judgment and ability, however, should you do anything to compromise our work here, I will not hesitate to eliminate you. With that being said, I do hope we can get to know each other more in spite of that."
"Uh...Likewise, I guess."
"Very good. I hope you enjoy your stay. Dawson."
Vern, Dawson and the Ethereal soldiers walk off to leave the port. The newcomer does an about face to stand to see the group with a perplexed look about him. "Who was that?"
"He's the leader of all this," Jade replies, her hand paving the way for the sights around everyone.
"Don't tell me you got scared," Lux teases, tapping Joel's arm with the back of his hand.
"I'm too old to be scared. Just a little confused is all, mate."
"Huh? What are you fifty or some shit?"
"If so, I must find out why he looks so young. The blood sacrifice of others perhaps...?" Sakuro asks, her head tilted to the side.
"I'm, uh, between twenty-five and thirty-five...?"
"Bullshit that's old. You're about to hit your prime."
"How would you know? You're nineteen," Jade interjects. Annoyed with her words, narrows his eyes, sending her a glare that she's seen all too many times before.
"And? We goin' back to the house or what?"
"Yeah, sure," Joel agrees. "I'm pretty curious about what it looks like."
After a long but peaceful walk, they finally make their way to Kenvale. Klaus opens the door for everyone to walk inside. As Joel is stepping into the interior, he glances around in interest as everyone enters the main area. "Not bad. I like the design."
"There's plenty of rooms upstairs for you to choose from," Jade begins. "You can basically just pick any that are empty."
"Gotta bunch of space too, so don't go bothering me while I'm eating or sleepin'," Lux declares in an oddly threatening way to Joel. A smile somehow creeps its way on Joel's face, replying to Lux's comment without any judgment.
"Got it. Anything else?"
"Nah, that's pretty much it. We'll tell ya if and when we got work. Other than that, do what you want."
"And don't snatch our bodies," Klaus adds in.
"Yeah, whatever. That too." Jade sighs, annoyed by Klaus's comment. Joel nods, thankful for the small tour.
"I'll try not to. I appreciate all this. Thanks."
"You're one of us now, so we don't need your thanks," Lux replies. "Anyways, I need a smoke."
As he walks towards the balcony area, Sakuro silently follows behind him with Ichi on her shoulder. Jade, Klaus and Joel walk upstairs, with Joel soon settling into the room next to Klaus' while Klaus and Jade take showers in their rooms.
Back outside in the balcony area, Lux begins smoking while he sits down comfortably on one of the sofas. Sakuro and Ichi climb onto the sofa next to him, and the three of them quietly look out into the city in the distance.
Gusts of gentle wind blow as a cool night makes its way into Atlacall. Jade and Klaus slide open the balcony doors and step outside over to Lux and Sakuro. Jade sits next to Lux while Klaus sits adjacent to Sakuro and Ichi. As Klaus begins to feed Ichi small treats while he slowly pets his head, Jade joins in smoking along with Lux. "Today was...interesting," she led the start of the group conversation.
"That's a word for it," Lux responds, heaving a cloud of smoke from his mouth.
"I have a new entry in my dairy." Klaus deepens his voice as he motions his hand into an arc. "Fulger and Company: Space Adventures."
"We ain't even going to space, so that makes no sense."
"If you think about it, we're already in space."
"How are you all able to think properly around him?" Sakuro asks, shaking her head. Jade redirects the subject back to its original place in the form of another question.
"Speaking of. You guys think he's really from another planet? He looks like us. Abnormals, I mean. We can even understand him or the other way around. Isn't that weird?"
"The real question is why isn't he green, gray or blue," Klaus exclaims. Despite how Sakuro feels about Klaus' thought process, she nods, reinforcing the wonder of what exactly Joel is.
"I have been wondering the same thing."
"Y'all watch too many movies," Lux interjects. "I don't give a shit where he's from, he's with us now. He can talk if he wants to."
"Guess you have a point there. Still, it's a crazy thought," Jade relinquishes her need to continue speaking about Joel.
"I still think he's here to take our brains and eat it to gain more information about this planet," Klaus states, leaning back into the cushion.
"I thought you said he was going to snatch our bodies, babe."
"That too. It's all in the same categories you see?"
"No. I don't."
"That's 'cause you ain't woke, Jade. Wake up. Wake up and smell the roses. Feel the burn of the sun and its juices."
"Or I could tell you to shut up for using the word juices like that."
"A poor choice my lady. Er, my manly friend."
Lux chuckles in amusement at the change in Jade's attitude. She doesn't hesitate to grab one of the pillows in her chair and fling them at Klaus' face. "Oof!"
"Excellent throw, Jade," Sakuro congratulates her friend.
"You're lucky I rarely like using my powers unless we're fighting."
"Throwing the pillow is just as bad..." Klaus mumbles as the small pillow slides off his face. After a moment, the group hears the balcony doors slide open. When Jade looks back and sees Joel walking out, she motions her head upward in greeting as a response.
"Yo. Did you get settled alright in there?"
"I did. Thanks for asking. Do you all mind?"
"Make yourself at home," she replies in a welcoming tone. Joel nods in appreciation. He sits in the gap between Sakuro and Jade, then leans back in comfort.
"Nice view. You all come out here a lot?"
"Yeah. Mostly, we just sit out here and chill."
"I like counting how many lights there are in the distance. It brings me joy," Sakuro adds, a smirk running across her face.
"Bet you do a lotta probing in your spare time, huh?" Klaus asks in yet another silly voice.
"You'd be surprised how many times that's been asked of me." Joel lets out a chortle before resting his arm around the back of the sofa.
"I know we keep getting on Klaus about this, but you got a spaceship or somethin' around here?" Lux inquires.
"I do have a ship, but it isn't what you think it looks like. It's actually pretty small compared to the ships on Machina Lobe."
"Who in the what's it?"
"Oh, right. I'm on a different planet. For some reason, I'd almost forgotten. Um, in simple terms, it's where I'm from. My hometown so to speak."
"I won't lie, you have a really nice ass for an alien," Klaus says, completely ignoring Joel's explanation. "Got any brothers?"
"I do, actually. I'm the oldest of five, me included."
"Damm. Four younger brothers?" Jade chimes in. To her, it's not often you meet someone with a big family. Especially one with all sons.
"Where were they at? Ain't see anybody else in that forest," Lux adds, blowing another cloud from his lips.
Joel's face drops. A mixture of sadness and concern molds his gaze as he looks out into the distance. "I...don't know if I'm being honest. We got separated, I guess the word would be in your understanding. That's why I sent out the distress call in the first place. I thought they landed here too, but...obviously, they didn't."
"That's why you need your shit back from the blue skins, yeah?"
"That's right. I've got to find them. But for now, I'll get comfortable with living here."
"You're not getting any complaints from us," Jade states in a reassuring tone.
"I appreciate that, love."
"I would like to ask the space man a question, Brother."
"Yo, Sakuro got somethin' to ask ya. Go ahead."
"You are Abnormal, yes? What can you do exactly?"
"She wants to know what your powers are."
"My powers...?"
"You're Abnormal, aren't you? We talked about this shit on the sub."
"Oh, well, I'm not really sure how I got these uh, powers. But to give you an explanation from my point of view, I guess, you could say I can transfer my consciousness to powered machinery. At least, that's what I collected from testing it out. Actually, it's how I was able to control all of my security simultaneously."
"How the hell does even that work?"
"Uh, I guess you could say I'm a walking virus? Honestly, I'm not sure if that's even the correct term. I haven't been able to control specific technology and whatnot. Just machinery as far as I can tell. What about you all? I only saw a little bit of what you can do."
"Do you want us to get all technical?" Lux asks.
"It's best explained that way, so I would say yeah."
"I volunteer to go first."
"Take 'em away, Klaus," Lux says with a wave of his hand.
"Alright, so picture this. You gotta box and pencil, right? But the pencil can move faster than you can say wow. It can electrocute things and it can go into power lines that have electricity in it."
"Woah, that pencil has a pretty cool power," Joel expressed, simultaneously surprised by the possibilities of these so-called powers and curious to hear everyone else's.
"It isn't better than me, though. I'd beat the shit out of that pencil. Matter of fact, I better not see that pencil's face around here."
"Well, alrighty, then. I think that's a fair warning for the pencil."
"I'll go next," Jade volunteers. "My body produces anti-matter which I can use to create or fire specific substances or forms of that same energy. I like to use chains and my sickle most of the time, though. Oh, and I can also fly and go through walls for some reason."
"Interesting. And Antimatter? I've heard of that before. How have I heard of that before? So many questions...the first being how are you alive?"
Jade shrugs after blowing smoke out of her mouth. "Good question. Can't answer it, though. Think that's a lot, wait until you hear about his power. Joel glances over at Lux, awaiting his response. Taking his time, Lux ejects a cloud of smoke from his lips before speaking.
"I'll tell you Sakuro's first since you can't understand her. From what she told me, she can control blood flow in someone's body, and she can take your blood by usin' that weird ass fox sword. Shit sounds simple, but she could probably kill all of us right now if she wanted too."
"That is an accurate description, Brother. And a very true statement."
"She ain't doin' that shit to me though, so the rest of you are fucked."
"That is also a true statement," she says with a nod. Joel chuckles, unfazed by Lux's explanation.
"Well, that's a nice thought. And what about you?"
"My body emits a nuclear wave of energy twenty-four/seven. I learned how to control it- you're welcome by the way- so that it blows the heads and bodies off of any fuckers who can't handle it. I use it for fighting too."
"So if you were to say, amplify this wave right now, what would happen?"
Lux laughs at the thought. He loves seeing someone's brain matter scattered across the ground. "Probably all the weak ass Abnormals here would go like this." He motions his hands, unfolding them as he mimics an explosion sound.
Joel's eyes widen, thinking about the destruction Lux has stored into his body. Jade smirks, catching a glance of Joel's facial expression as she fires a thin streak of smoke from her mouth. "Told you. There's Tora too, but she isn't here right now."
"Who's Tora? I don't recall anyone else that was out there with the rest of you."
"She's nobody you wanna talk to for a long time, that's for sure," Lux exclaims.
"She is also a very loud woman," Sakuro adds in near silence.
"She's got mind powers. It's too boring to talk about."
"If you say so. It sounds like you're really fond of her but are a bit reluctant to admit it."
"Babe, you have no idea."
Soon enough, the group hears the doors to the balcony suddenly slide open, followed by a noticeable giggle of excitement. "I'm hoooome!"
"Speak of the devil," Lux heaves out with a sigh. Klaus takes one of the pillows beside him and lifts it over his head to provide cover.
"If she asks, Klaus Fulgur died in a plane crash," he says with a whisper. Sakuro elects to sit completely still, hoping the unnatural posing will be enough to be ignored.
"If you don't move, she can't see you," she murmurs. Jade laughs at the reaction of the other's, glancing back at Tora with a warm smile on her face.
"Hey, you."
"Heya, everyone!" Tora steps up to the sofa area, a combination of happiness and relief spreads throughout her face. "YAY! I'm so excited! I didn't get fired and Matthias told me you guys found something interesting from the grove! So where is it? Is it a ship? Is it a giant killer robot?! Come on, you gotta tell me!"
"You tryna die tonight?" Lux says, glancing at Sakuro with a blank expression on his face.
"I am unafraid of death."
"I think I'm the man you're looking for," Joel responds, raising his hand as he chuckles.
"Wah! Who in the blazes are you?! What's with that accent?!"
"How'd she forget already...?" Sakuro inquires, her head tilting from the confusion.
"Uh, I'm the "source" you keep referring to. Names Joel. It's nice to meet you. You're Tora, I'm assuming? Heard a lot of good things about you."
"I knew aliens weren't green...! In your face, Klaus! Heh heh heh- ahem! Yes, I'm Tora. Nice to meet you too!" Tora sits comfortably on Jade's lap, then glances over at Joel to get a clear look at him. "But you do look...pretty human for an alien. Do you have some sorta technology to hide your true identity? And where'd you get your coat?"
"Oh, this? Well, this is my mum's trench-coat. I suppose I would look pretty weird in it, huh?"
"Uh, no! I'm sorry! You look fine! I mean you look alright! I wasn't tryna be mean or anything!"
"Don't worry about it. We're all good, love."
"Whew, thank goodness."
With that, the group enjoys the rest of the night talking amongst each other. Sharing past experiences some may find amusing. Joel even joined in telling the group and what the world of Machina Lobe is like, as well as tossing in bits and pieces about his life.
In an unanimous decision, the group decides it's time to rest for the night after some time passes. Joel goes to his room to sleep while Lux, Klaus, Jade, Tora, and Sakuro all gather in Lux's room. Sakuro and Ichi comfortably lay on their mat to sleep for the night, Lux lays down on the right side of his bed like always, Klaus lays down next to him, and Jade and Tora lay down together to cuddle on the left side of the bed. "Night guys!" Tora expresses in her usual chipper tone.
"Shut up and go to sleep," Lux's voice orders from his side of the bed.
"Don't listen to him," Jade reassures. "Night, Tora."
"You can shut up too."
"Excuse me? I'll fuck you up."
"I'm right across the street. Come on over and do somethin'."
"Mom, dad, stop fightin'. Everybody just shut up and go to sleep!"
Silence covers them like a blanket, though, only momentarily due to Klaus's outburst, Lux and Jade once again move to get into comfortable positions while still throwing insults at each other with Lux serving first. "Fat thighs," he says without remorse.
"Wide ass forehead," she replies. Silence once again fills the room after Lux and Jade's bickering. Everyone eventually rests their eyes, all drifting away into slumber.
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