The Exiled Tribesman - Part II
Lux leaves the training room for a long walk before finally returning to the estate. By then it's night out. Walking inside from the hallway area, he motions his head upward in greeting when Jade walks by. She responds with the same, never breaking her stride towards the stairs.
With a specific person in mind, Lux decides to take his Blackcell out, scanning through his contacts, eventually making a choice to call Vern. He places his Blackcell up to his ear and awaits an answer. Without hearing a ring, Vern answers the call and speaks in a formal tone.
"Lux. I was just thinking of you. Curious how you called me during my thought."
"'Ey, you never know. I might have somebody watching you," Lux exclaims. Vern chuckles, enjoying what he now knows to be Lux's playfulness.
"What can I do for you?"
"You eat anythin' today?"
"Hm. I have not. Not anything fulfilling, rather. I can only assume you have a place in mind, yes?"
"Yeah, I do. You tryna go or what?"
"But of course. I am very curious about the establishment that has caught your eye. I shall meet you at the estate."
After Vern hangs up, Lux decides to wait for him near the front porch outside. A short time passes, before he finally sees Vern approaching him from the darkness. "Yo."
"Lead the way, my friend."
"Try not to drop anything on the way there."
"I will try my best. Though, there are no guarantees."
Lux escorts Vern to the entrance of Gastro's. Once they've arrived, Lux walks in behind Vern. Deciding where to sit, the two of them slide into the same booth he and Klaus occupied last time. Some Abnormals stare at Vern with less than subtle and surprising faces as he and Lux make themselves comfortable in the space provided.
Lux sits on the far side, and Vern on the side nearest to the door. Vern elegantly crosses his legs, glancing around in pure curiosity. "Simply marvelous. I enjoy this sort of retro design. I'm glad to know you are fond of it as well."
"Didn't expect it to be so chill, honestly. Came here with Klaus last time. Figured I'd make this my spot."
"I am happy that you've found a place that gives you comfort. It's something sorely needed for those who live the lives we lead."
It takes a short while until Lux and Vern see Bailey approach their booth. With a warm and welcoming smile, she greets the two of them. Vern may not notice it, but Lux does. He can clearly see that her face and neck have been recently bruised, not originating from the last time when Lux and Klaus rescued her.
"Good evening, gentlemen. My name is Bailey and I'll take care of you- O-Oh!"
"Ah, so this is where you found work. Good evening, Bailey. Lovely to see you again," the Ethereal leader greets with a smile. She begins to sway nervously as she stammers on her words. "M-Matthias! H-Hi. You too! I never thought you'd be- Ahem! I'll be your server for tonight. What can I get you?"
"I'll have my usual," Lux states, comfortably leaning back in his spot.
"A-And you, sir?"
"I'll have what the gentleman in front of me is having. And a glass of water if you'll please."
"Two Gastro Specials, one Fastbender, and one water, coming right up. May I interest you both with appetizers?" she inquires, ensuring to keep eye contact. Lux nods, confirming the order.
"Yeah, surprise us."
"Alright. I'll be right back with the appetizers," Bailey states before almost skipping off towards the back. Vern keeps his smile. He angles his head to send his attention toward his parallel in the booth.
"She's a nice one, wouldn't you say?"
"Uh-huh. Better not drop my food from all those nerves."
"Yes, that would be quite unfortunate," Vern chuckles in response to Lux's bluntness.
A few male Abnormals walk up to the booth to greet Vern and shake his hand. After they leave, Bailey returns with a small tray of cheese squares. She places the tray down on the table then nods. "I'll be back with your order."
Vern takes a small toothpick, sticks it in one of the many flavors of cheeses in front of him, and lifts it up. "Ah. I am quite fond of white cheese," he declares, gently placing the cheese square into his mouth. He slowly starts to chew, allowing himself to savor the taste. "Mm, this is very good. Won't you try one?"
"'Ight, I'll try the cheese." Lux takes a small toothpick, sticks it into a small white cheese square. After lifting it, Lux tosses the square into his mouth, beginning to make a dissatisfied face as he begins to chew. "...What the fuck is this?"
"It is our appetizer. Did you not tell her to surprise you?"
"I'm surprised. Surprised this shit tasted so bad."
"More for me, I suppose." Vern says, deciding to enjoy the rest of the appetizers to himself. After some time, Bailey once again returns to the booth with two food trays.
"Here's your order," she confirms, placing each tray in front of Lux and Vern followed by their drinks down beside them. Afterwards, she takes the empty appetizer tray and Vern thanks her.
"Thank you, Bailey."
"You're very welcome, sir. Enjoy the rest of your night," she politely returns before disappearing into the back. Lux starts eating his burger creating a mess of mustard and ketchup. Vern follows suit, contrasting his acquaintance in the way he eats. He grabs a knife and fork to cut small pieces of his burger to eat in tiny sections.
"So, who the fuck were you before all this shit?" Lux suddenly asks while wharfing down on his food.
"Hm. A good question. You could say I was a nobody. I was but a young man, born into a prominent family with his path already set for him."
"What path was that?"
"My father was in the Aebreron military at first. He soon transferred over to the Jeogen military. Quite a time before the Federation was formed. Like his pere and grand-pere before him, he simply continued the traditional ways of the family. I joined the Jeogen military when I was young, but eventually felt it wasn't for me, so I left. My father disagreed with my decision, of course, and it created a rift in our relationship."
"What about your moms? You ain't got any siblings?"
"My mother and sister passed away a long time ago, I'm afraid."
"Damm. Sorry to hear that."
"It is quite alright. That was many years ago. I've done my share of grieving. I would be a fool to let that affect me now."
"I get you. Your pops still alive?"
"Yes, I believe he is. Although, I have no idea of his whereabouts. We haven't spoken in years."
"He's the one who turned you in?"
"Oui. He hated what I was and could not accept the gift that was bestowed upon me."
"Must've really pissed you off, huh?"
"Non. I understood where he was coming from. Humans often try to kill or dispose of that which they fear or are unable to comprehend. In fact, I appreciated his decision. I would much rather be thrown in jail, even if the chances of escaping are minuscule, then to be put down like an animal. Would you say you agree with that statement?"
"Can't say. Ain't never been afraid of dying while I've been doing this, but Silver Cloud wasn't exactly a five star resort."
"Hm. Yes, a fine answer. I appreciate your effort in getting to know me, Lux."
"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you the same question."
"Who were you before Lux Halcyon came into existence?"
"...Who was I?" He asks aloud, repeating the question as he finishes his food. Chuckling, he takes a napkin to his right and begins wiping his hands. "Just some kid always causing trouble."
"Yes. I can see that."
"Hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Do not worry your mind over my words. Please, continue."
"Was part of a small family. My pops, my moms, and...and my older brother."
"What were they like?"
"Pops was a drunk after he lost his shield. Same with my mom after she lost her construction job. She got a buncha shit and left us when we were young. My brother was the one who took care of me most of the time."
"Are any of them still alive?"
"Dunno about my mom and pops. Haven't seen 'em in years, even after Annihilation. As for my brother..."
"Hm. I'm sorry for your loss. From your tone of voice it sounds as though the two of you were very close."
"Yeah, we were. Only person who gave a shit about me in this fucked up world. But shit happens, ya know? He's gone now as much as I don't want him to be. Ain't nothing I can do about it."
"Taking it in stride. I admire that. Thank you for trusting me with this personal information, Lux."
"Whatever. Let's talk about something else, yeah? I'm done with the doom and gloom."
Lux and Vern spend the rest of their time eating and talking about light subjects. After they're finished, Vern slides out of the booth and stands up. "I believe I will retire for the night."
"'Ight," Lux causally replies. Vern nods then pulls out cash from his wallet and places the amount they owe on the table. "Thank you for the pleasant night."
"Don't fall and break your neck on the way home."
Vern has a half-smile plastered across his face at the joke as he walks out of the establishment. Moments after his departure, Lux looks down at a napkin that seems to have a message written into it: 'Meet me in the back alley once you're finished' He groans and he slides out of the booth, releasing a burp as he stands up and stretches. "Might as well go now."
Lux walks towards the exit doors leaving Gastro's. Nonchalantly walking into the back alley, his hands in his pockets. He notices Bailey standing nervously near a dumpster, waiting for someone to show up. "Guess you didn't learn your lesson from last time."
"Ah!" Bailey becomes startled, raising her hands up in fear. Once she realizes it's Lux, she lowers them, feeling much better knowing it's him. "O-Oh, it's you."
"Yeah. Me. There a reason we're back here? If it's sex you want, I won't decline the offer."
"You heard what I said. Get on your knees, lady."
Lux snickers. As it grew into an amusement, he chortled. He leans against a humid stone wall. "I'm fucking with you. For real though, why are we back here?"
"I just wanted to thank you for what you did. I couldn't really say it before and I didn't think I was going to see you again."
"Uh, you do know we're in a floating city out in the middle of the ocean, right?"
"H-Huh? Oh, yes, I'm aware..."
"Was that it? A thank you? I'm out."
"W-Wait! I know this may be weird but do you want to come over to my apartment...? I-I'm not a killer or anything."
"That wasn't exactly my first thought. Fuck it. How far is it?"
"I-It's only a short walk from here."
"Yeah. So move before I change my mind."
"Oh, u-um, okay, follow me," she says, waving her hand to usher Lux to follow her out onto the sidewalk. "S-So um...I never got your name."
"Halcyon, Lux. Flip the two."
"Lux Halcyon?"
"Damm, youse a smart one."
"O-Oh, thanks."
He continues to follow Bailey. They eventually walk into a small community containing tall apartment complexes. They continue into one of the complexes where Bailey opens the entry door. "I-I live on the third floor."
"My ears are working in case you were curious. Keep goin'. I'm following."
There are many narrow hallways and staircases leading to different places, with an elevator at the end of the left hallway. The floors and ceilings are the same dirt brown color, with small lights dangling from it. Lux and Bailey walk up the stone stairs towards the third floor. Once they've made it to the correct floor, they stride down yet another narrow hallway, where Bailey finally stops at the second to last door at the end. "This is it."
Unlocking her door with a small key she pulls out from her pocket, she gives the door a nudge so they can enter. The apartment itself is pretty spacious. Besides the small, white marble floor area where you can place your shoes, the entire floor of the apartment is a dim gray carpet. To the immediate left, is a small kitchen table with three wooden chairs. The table itself has nothing on it except a tiny cloth in its center, along with chairs having soft cushions.
A few steps past the kitchen table, is a cramped, yet simultaneously wide kitchen, with a solid, white marble floor and a matching counter on the far right side. Across from the kitchen, is a small-scale living room. There's a lengthy gray couch with two black stands on each side of it, and two gray bean bags in front of it.
The couch and the bean bags are all facing a fairly sized mounted TV with a similar sized stand under it. Beside the living room, is a sliding glass door leading into a comfy balcony area. In the far back, past the kitchen and living room, is a hallway with four doors. Two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small space for a washer and dryer. Bailey takes off her shoes, places them down, then walks forward as she speaks to Lux. "U-Um, can I get you anything? I have juice in the fridge."
"Does it have alcohol in it?"
"I don't think so."
"Then I'm good."
"A-Alright." Bailey walks into the kitchen. Lux walks up to its counter and leans against it as he faces forward.
"You wanna tell me why I'm really here?"
"U-Um..." Bailey sighs as she lowers her head in shame. "D-Do you remember those guys from before?"
"There's probably only three of 'em now. What about it?"
"Well, they came by again while I was working. They said I was crazy...Called me all these names. They said that they know where I live, so, I-I..."
"'Ight, stop talking," Lux's voice immediately commands. Bailey quickly shuts her lips, feeling a ping of nervousness throughout her body. "I'll stay here tonight, since that's why you brought me here. Two things."
"One, you tell me why they want to fuck with you so badly. And two, get me some cigarettes. I ran out."
"So talk."
"I, u-um...You promise you won't judge me?"
"Do I look like I care about what you do in your spare time? Talk."
"W-Well..when I first got here, I didn't really have anyone. My family...they all passed away. I was afraid to find a job, or even go out at times. When I finally got the courage, I applied at Gastro's and started working there. One day, the four of them came in and said they were interested in me. We hung out a lot, a-and...I thought they actually liked me. Then...they asked me to have oral sex with the same time. A-And I agreed..."
Bailey places her hands over her face as she begins to cry. That shameful feeling was so deeply overwhelming, she couldn't bear for Lux to look at her, afraid of what he might think. "I-I know what you're going to say. I'm a slut. I don't know why I did it...No one has ever liked me before..."
"Nah, I get it," he responds calmly. Bailey slowly moves her hands away, gazing at Lux in shock with her puffy eyes.
"Shit happens. People do shit that they'll probably regret. What you don't get is that it's in the past now. It's done. Ain't no point in tryna tear yourself up over it. Think about what you did, acknowledge it, then move the fuck on. It's hard to fit in, so find the people that allow you to be you. But that doesn't mean you have to do things you don't wanna do, understand?"
"Yes. I-I understand..."
"Good. Now stop with the waterworks. I can't take it when women cry."
"I-I'm sorry."
"I don't wanna hear that shit either. I told you what I wanted, now you're gonna return the favor. Get yourself ready and go to bed. I'll be out here."
Bailey quickly walks over to the other side of the counter with a relieved smile on her face, wrapping Lux a tight hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
"Yeah, yeah. Get off me," he replies. Bailey backs away from the hug, then kisses Lux's cheek to show her thanks.
She walks past Lux, stepping into her room on the far left side of the hallway. She doesn't fully close her door, only cracking it so that she can see Lux from an angle on her bed. He shakes his head as he sits against the wall next to her door.
"The things I do..." He mumbles to himself as he leans his head against the wall while turning his body in an attempt to find a comfortable sleeping position. He finds one, then crosses his arms. After many hours of watching the ceiling and the night sky through her balcony door go by, he finally decides to close his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.
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