Blader couldn't wait for the day to be over so he could discuss the overheard meeting between the gods with Skalfi and Wolfsted. Through the remaining training sessions, he was tense and he could tell they both were, too. None of them did their usual best.
Vandri, Sodull, and Erik chatted like nothing was wrong at dinner, but Blader couldn't bring himself to contribute to the conversation. Wolfsted absently threw in a comment here and there, but Skalfi didn't even try to look at all engaged. She just stared at her plate as she chewed mechanically, her eyes distant.
As the recruits headed back to their barracks, Blader, Skalfi, and Wolfsted dropped a little behind their friends so that they entered the assembly room behind them. While Vandri, Sodull, and Erik headed off to their usual spot by the fireplace, Wolfsted pulled the other two after him into an empty corner.
"We have to talk about this," he hissed. "But we can't tell the others."
Blader shook his head. "No, we can't. Not yet, anyway. If there are repercussions for overhearing that meeting, we don't want Vandri, Sodull, and Erik getting punished simply for knowing what we did."
"Or them telling on us," Wolfsted said pragmatically. "That's why I didn't want to tell them. I don't trust them, not that much."
"You both have points," Skalfi said. "But what Vidar said – is it possible there are other conspirators from the Dyr Gunar plot?"
"Probably," Wolfsted said. "I feel like no plot is ever truly put down. There are always those who get away. Gunar was einherjar, he would have had tons of contacts and ways of communicating with people. It could be anyone."
"I really hope this doesn't prompt another Vanir hunt," Skalfi said crossly.
Blader glanced at her. "The High King doesn't allow executions without proof," he said quietly.
"There are other punishments besides execution," Skalfi pointed out. "Besides, Vanir hunts don't exactly play by those rules. It's ruled by fear, and fear only."
Blader nodded. Skalfi did have a point. In the years following the death of Dyr Gunar, there were several high profile cases where people were brought under suspicion for being allied with the Wolf King, but there had been no concrete proof of treason, only circumstantial, and they hadn't been convicted. Nevertheless, their lives had been ruined after the accusations.
"So what do we do?" Wolfsted asked.
"Nothing," Blader said. "We ourselves cannot do anything. Not yet, anyway. We're not einherjar quite yet."
"Besides," Skalfi put in. "You heard Vidar. Dyr Gunar never possessed the power to control the wolves, just attract them. This, these attacks, are caused by control. If Gunar never had that power, how can one of his followers just take up the mantle and make all this happen? There is another reason for this, something else behind this. It's not just the Dyr Gunar plot, it can't be."
"That doesn't make it better," Wolfsted told her. "In fact, it makes it worse."
Skalfi shrugged.
"I'll talk to my Valkyrie about this," Blader said. "Perhaps she has some insight."
Wolfsted and Skalfi both gave Blader a skeptical look. "Your Valkyrie?" Wolfsted repeated. "Why? Don't do that! Won't that just get us all into trouble? We could be discharged, or imprisoned, or worse! They might tie us to a rock in a cave, I heard they still do that." When Skalfi gave Wolfsted a dubious glance, he nodded vigorously. "I know the gods deny it, but who knows? Perhaps they'd do it to us. Maybe we'd bring it back into style."
"We're just eavesdroppers," Skalfi told him. "Not spies. Judging by the circumstances for the rock punishment, we haven't merited it. But Blader, I don't know what you're looking to solve by telling your Valkyrie. I wouldn't tell Deila, not a word."
"No me my Valkyrie," Wolfsted chipped in.
Blader considered that for a moment. "I don't know. But she might know how to handle this information."
Skalfi shook her head. "You're risking everything if you tell her. She'll find out eventually through her order. Better that way than through us."
Wolfsted was nodding, so Blader conceded. "Fine, I won't tell her."
"Thank you," Wolfsted sighed. "All right, so let's just act normal around the others and hope death isn't imminent."
Blader shook his head as Skalfi rolled her eyes. Then she cocked her head, looking at Wolfsted. "Why did you go to the root nest in the first place?" Skalfi asked. "It was like you knew, like you knew there was something going on."
Wolfsted frowned absently. "I grew up in Aldri, Skalfi. I know everything that's going on before others do. It's a sixth sense we have. We hunt people who do not want to be found. You develop the ability to tell when things are being hidden."
Skalfi gave Blader a disbelieving look. Can you believe this?
If he doesn't want to talk about it, let it go, Blader thought, telling her Drop it with his eyes.
Skalfi sighed but didn't say anything further on the subject, and the three recruits headed over to rejoin their friends.
Training escalated, the last week filled with demonstrations of the skills they had learned over the past two months. On Freyjadagr, everyone ran through their last training sessions. The Baldordagr before the Reenactment was a day off, allowing the recruits time to consult with their Valkyries, take their final assessment, and prepare for the trial.
Blader headed over to the Valkyrie hall early in the morning to find Loqé pacing around the small office assigned to her. When she saw Blader, she instantly perked up, a grin coming to her face. "Blader! How's everything going? Are you ready for the Reenactment?"
"I believe so," he said. "Any last things I need to know, or do?"
Loqé thought for a minute. "Make sure your weapons are in top shape," she advised. "You should probably take some time today to prepare yourself mentally. You are basically about to go into battle, on Manidagr. But tomorrow is the formal celebration, so make sure your final preparation is done today. Let's see...after attending to your physical and mental assessment, you'll be ready, so spend today how you want to."
"A walk," Blader said. "You and me, outside the walls if they'll let us, but within the settlement if they won't." When she gave him an odd look, he added, "After all, I won't see you for a while and you are my friend."
"All right," Loqé said, giving him a slight smile. "Let's get your assessment out of the way, then."
Blader passed both sections of the assessment. He had thrived under the rigorous training regimen of Vigrid and was much stronger now than he had been before. It was only when he left the assessment area that he realized he was truly an adult now. At eighteen and in the military, he was an adult, on his own.
He didn't know whether he liked that or not.
Loqé was able to pull some strings to get them permission to walk outside of Vigrid and the two ducked out through the gates, waving to the gatekeeper. Blader sighed, stretching his arms out and breathing in the fresh air. It always felt different, being outside the walls.
"How have you been?" Blader asked, glancing at Loqé. Although he tried to see her every Soldagr, their visits tended to be brief and they hadn't talked much since arriving in Asgard.
Loqé sighed, gazing up at the sky as they walked. "It's been a bit strange, honestly, being in Vigrid, but I'm glad I was able to come. Some of the older Valkyries have been giving me advice on how to manage the einherjar."
"What happens after the Reenactment, if I survive?" Blader asked.
"You are assigned to a unit," she said, pursing her lips. "I remain your liaison between you and the Valkyries. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be working closely with you or even see you often. Once you're with your unit, I'm only called in if there's a problem or you're being assigned to a special operation."
"What happens to you if I don't survive?"
"I go back to Njordesden," she said quietly. "I either take my place as Recruiter or I am moved elsewhere in the order."
They walked in silence for a bit, Blader struggling to figure out how to phrase his next question. He wanted to ask Loqé about the wolves without mentioning the eavesdropping he, Skalfi, and Wolfsted had done, but he also wanted to see if he could tempt any information she might have about the wolves out of her. He glanced at the towering walls of Asgard as he thought, the stones shining with a faint golden hue.
I'll be able to go inside tomorrow, for the celebration.
"Loqé," Blader eventually brought up, keeping his voice steady and casual. "Did you ever hear anything about the wolf attacks that happened, back in Tyrmanadr? You said at the time they happened all over Njordesden."
Loqé was quiet for a moment, her eyes downcast, before she glanced over at Blader. "We heard they happened across Midgard, but we don't know anything further."
Blader nodded. "I wonder if this has anything to do with Dyr Gunar?"
Loqé froze. "He's dead."
"Perhaps a follower," Blader suggested, his heart sinking as he wondered if he'd given away too much. "He was called the Wolf King, was he not?"
The Valkyrie didn't seem to hear him; she just stared straight ahead. "Loqé?" Blader said gently after a long moment of silence. He carefully touched her shoulder, eyes narrowing in concern. "Loqé, are you all right?"
Loqé took a deep, shuddery breath. "So this is why," she said softly. "This is why Deila wouldn't speak to me these past couple of days, why I've been suddenly shunned by the others."
Blader frowned. "What? Why?"
Her eyes widened, as if she'd just realized she'd spoken aloud. "Nothing," she said. "It's nothing, Blader."
"Why are they shunning you? Why?" Blader pressed. What has she done to deserve that?
"It's complicated," Loqé said lamely. "And I don't feel like talking about it."
"Can you, perhaps, report that behavior to someone, a superior?" Blader asked. "Loqé, they shouldn't be allowed to do that."
"I can take care of myself!" Loqé snapped, jerking away from Blader's hand. Every muscle in her body rang with tension as her eyes flickered about, her fight or flight reaction activated.
Blader stepped back. "I mean no insult."
"I know," she said. "They have every reason not to trust me."
"What have you done?" Blader queried, keeping his tone low and neutral. "Why shouldn't they trust you?"
Loqé seemed torn and for a moment was silent. Then she seemed to make a decision and began to walk forward, very quickly. Blader had to jog to catch up to her.
"Because I am Dyr Gunar's daughter." The words came fast and low, her voice filled with pain and anger.
They kept walking, very quickly, as Blader attempted to process that information. He couldn't think of anything to say. "You are?" he said after a long pause.
Loqé nodded, eyes darting around. "You cannot tell anyone, not your comrades, and never your family. Only the Valkyrie and those higher up among the einherjar know, besides the gods."
"You really are Dyr Gunar's daughter?"
Loqé nodded again. "Swear to me."
"I won't tell," Blader said. "But you know I can't swear that, Loqé. Not until I know the whole story."
"I'm his daughter," Loqé said bitterly. "My mother was a Valkyrie. She became Fallen, joined Gunar in his plot. She chose treason and love over her oath, her loyalty. Her name was Saga."
Blader stayed quiet as Loqé paused, her eyes angry and her fists clenched as she kept up a fast pace. "She lived for about a year, the longest a Fallen has ever survived. The only reason for her long survival was because she was allied with Gunar. After the Battle of Folr Wood, she and Gunar were both killed, and the Valkyries took me in. It's been discovered that the children of Valkyries have the magic, and they're strong in it. I've been a Valkyrie for my entire life. Unlike most of us, I never knew a family, never knew parents."
Blader suddenly remembered Loqé's attraction to his own family and the way she had looked at them, the last time she had been at the Thrym farm. He tried to imagine growing up without his parents, without Ivan, Hilda, or Freyja. What he ended up with was a bleak life that seemed to have lost all joy or hope. He couldn't dream of a life without Freyja's smile, Hilda's smirk, Ivan's encouragement, or his mother's embrace or his father's strength. It was impossible. He swore to himself that if he survived the Reenactment, he would make sure Loqé always was welcome among his family. It was the least he could do, for her help with the wolves, and he knew his family had already accepted Loqé, grateful for her part in saving Hilda.
"Eirnn," Loqé sighed. "She was the one charged with me, at least with naming me. Eirnn played a huge role in the Dyr Gunar case, the Valkyrie lead on it. She was Saga's sister. Twins, both blessed with the magic. It was an exception to the order's rule against family. No two girls may be drawn from the same immediate family; if from the same extended family, they must be sent to different halls. We are all sisters, regardless of blood, and having actual family close by during training seems to harm relationships with the other Valkyries.
"But both Saga and Eirnn were powerful, powerful enough to convince the Valkyries to take both girls. Even worse, they were raised and trained together in the same hall, instead of separated. They were closer with each other than with their sister Valkyries, but their love gave way to hatred when Saga Fell."
Loqé was quiet for a long while and Blader suddenly understood Eirnn's coldness towards Loqé and her faulty handling of the Dyr Gunar case. If Eirnn's own sister was involved, her twin sister, no wonder she didn't have the best of judgement in dealing with her. Blader wondered how he would handle it if he was charged with hunting down Ivan for a crime he'd committed.
I'd feel betrayed.
"So Eirnn named me Loqé," the Valkyrie said suddenly. "She named me after Loki, the bane of the Old Cosmos, because that's all she saw me as. I was a reminder of Saga, and of Dyr Gunar. So I took on the name of all that is considered evil."
"You were misnamed," Blader told her. "You do not deserve that name. You did nothing to deserve it." He swore to himself not to mention Loqé's heritage to anyone.
Loqé didn't seem to hear him. In fact, she didn't speak again and they finished their walk in silence.
So, I know I had at least one reader guessing that Loqé was the daughter of a Fallen Valkyrie (*cough cough* @LottysMind). Did anyone else see that coming? What about her being Dyr Gunar's daughter? What are your thoughts on that?
Thanks for reading; I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a vote and comment!
Skylar Wittenborn
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