Chapter Twenty-Two: Rush
Gwen was perched between the toppled armchair and Allison, she was laid flat on her stomach, as the wound on her forehead, and her arm kept leaking blood onto the floor. At the moment, it was like a horror movie, and felt like they were both going to die on that very floor. Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and Luther came rushing in, seeing the scene at hand, he was horrified.
"Allison! Gwen! No!" He yells in worry as he rushes inside as did Diego, hearing Gwen's name. Luther rushes and picks up Allison by the head, her eyes open. Diego came running to the side, and pushed the armchair to the wall, as he crouches and turns Gwen from her stomach to her back. She was paler than normal, her forehead and her left side of her face was covered in her own blood.
"Gwen!" Diego spoke worried, as she shook Gwen slightly, to see if she would respond, but she didn't, she laid still - unresponsive. Luther was crying his eyes out because of Allison, and Diego held tears in his own eyes for Gwen. Klaus was in pure shock as well as Five. "Wake up, Gwen!" Diego carried on, but she was still unresponsive, but he checks her pulse, and she barely had one. Diego saw Gwen's hand stained red with blood, and looked like it was fresh, he lifted her up more and pulled the soaked trench coat off of her, to reveal a deep cut on her forearm, it went around from the back of her right bicep to the front. Luckily, it wasn't too deep, but deep enough to loose a bit of blood. The boys didn't mess around, and picked their sister's up, and began to carry them to the car in a hurry, as they needed to get back to the house, so Mom could help them.
Time was short...
Five drove like a mad-man, as he had a right too, his sister's lives were in danger. The tires of the car screeched to a stop outside of the house, as Five didn't park straight, but they all jump out.
"Come on! Let's go!" Five spoke as Klaus rushed around the other side and helped Luther carry Allison, as Diego came out of the car with Gwen in his arms, bridal style as she was light to carry.
"I don't think she's breathing," Luther announces as Allison breathes were short and shallow.
"If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die," Klaus spoke, worried. Diego was behind them in a rush like his brothers, as they all shot inside, and upstairs, going to the medical room that was in the house.
Five gathered Mom and Pogo, and they arrived at the medical room, as there was two metal tables, as Allison was placed on the left one, and there was a gap between them as Mom stood there, and Gwen was on the right one. Mom began to examine Allison as she was hurt badly.
"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood," Mom announces, her eyes flickering between the boys.
"I will," All of them spoke at once, willing to give blood. But Mom wasn't finished as she to look at Gwen. Mom could see the cut on her forehead, and the large cut on her right arm.
"She's suffered a laceration to her forehead and her right forearm, but the cut isn't deep. Possible concussion," Mom states, as this was slightly good news to hear, but worrying to Diego and the rest.
"I'm doing it," Luther spoke, as he began to roll his sleeve up to give blood to Allison.
"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine," Pogo states, shattering his chances of giving blood to Allison.
"Hey, don't sweat it. I-- I got this, big guy," Klaus ensured Luther coming around the side, and into the gap between the medical tables. "I-- I love needles," he states holding his left arm out and tapping his middle part, to get a vein to appear.
"Master Klaus," Pogo began as Klaus cocks his head around to look at him. "Your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted," Pogo was stating because Klaus did drugs for a long time and recently, his blood wouldn't help.
"Move," Diego's voice was deep and demanding.
"Yeah, go on," Luther states stepping out of his way and around the table.
"I'll do it," he spoke getting himself ready to be pricked by the needle. Mom turns around with the needles and pulls of it's safety cap. Diego whimpers and falls to the left, hitting the ground as he faints seeing the needle. Luckily, he didn't go far and hit into the other table.
"Stick him," Pogo states to Grace, as he held a slight smirk. But Grace did what she was told and stuck Diego with the needle and began to draw blood from his unconscious self. She turns to Gwen, and began to patch her up, with stiches on her right arm, and washing the blood from her face and arm. She switched back and forth between her children, helping them the best she could...
"Again Number Eight," Sir Reginald Hargreeves spoke firmly to Number Eight. It wasn't uncommon to have one to one with their Father now and again. He was testing her ability in the entrance of the main house. A rounded table in front of him, as Gwen squints her eyes at the objects in front of her. There were many different things - Glasses, plates, vases, things that could be broken. The large vase rocked on the table, and lifted ever so slightly from the surface, she groans in annoyance as she couldn't make the vase float. "Again!" He states, as Gwen tries again, but took a deep breath this time. She squints her eyes once again, and the vase began to lift from the table, higher than before. She smiles pleased at herself, but came distracted and the vase dropped from her concertation and hit the table firmly and smashes into pieces.
"How many times do I have to tell you to concentrate!" Her Father raised his voice at her, making her shudder at his tone, making a glass nearby combust on it's on. Her Father only saw Gwen exhibit the power to move things with her mind since they were young. "Do that again," he insisted Gwen to do it again. She didn't want to make him angry so she squints her eyes at another glass, and with one piercing look - the glass combusted, sending shards scattering along the table. Sir Reginald couldn't believe what he was witnessing, but he had some suspicion at times when she was younger. "I understand you and Number Two play with his knives? Like a throwing game?" He spoke firmness in his tone, but Gwen was scared she was going to be told off. All she could do was nod at him, and out of no where, Sir Reginald pulled free one of Diego's knives and threw it at her, but she didn't have time to react as she never thought her Father would play. She held up her hands in shock, and squinted her eyes shut, but she never felt anything. "Remarkable," Sir Reginald breathed out, seeing what just transpired here.
Gwen lowers her hands and opened her eyes to see the knife her Father threw was froze in mid-air, inches away from herself. She slowly reaches out and touches the cool tip of the knife, the sensation of the touch lasted a second and at her touch the knife dropped to the floor, clattering on the marble.
"Can I go play?" Gwen wasn't any the wiser what was happening. She just knew what her Father wanted from her.
"You may, Number Eight," Her father spoke not meeting her gaze as he was already writing in his journal. Writing about these new developments, these powers that Gwen has. Within time and practice, Gwen would learn how to master these powers within fights and within general...
But not all powers can be easily contained...
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