Chapter Twenty-Four: Caged
After the talk with Diego, I left the living room leaving Diego behind with his own thoughts. I went to the bathroom which was on our bedrooms floor, and stripped - taking the dried bloody woolly shirt from myself as it clung onto me for a moment. I managed to get everything off, and ran the shower head, letting the warm water hit the tub as I hoped into it, pulling the curtain around. I stood under the hot water as it rain down my back, letting the hotness soak into my muscles. I could see at the drain, the blood being washed away from my skin, as I closed my eyes for a moment, not wanting to see. But at the back of my eyelids I could see the night before, Vanya using powers - which was a surprised to me. Then blood, lots of it. I felt like I couldn't do much but to watch and tried my best to help, but my own injuries was greater than expected. But the last imagine imprinted into my mind was Allison's blood pouring from her throat like river bursting its banks...
I shot open my eyes to see the last drop of bloody water go down the drain, shaking my head as I didn't want to have that imprinted into my mind for the rest of the days. I began to wash myself clean, getting the stained blood from my shoulders - being carefully around the bandage. Within minutes, I finally was down and turned off the shower, as the room was already filled with steam. I stepped out of the tub and onto the marble flooring, grabbing a nearby towel and wrapping it around my body, covering the most important parts. I stepped over to the sink and wiped the mirror of the steam, to revel my reflection staring back at me. My complexion looked kind of pale than usually, but I expect nothing less due to what I've been through. My hair sat above my shoulders in strands due to it being wet - I didn't look very impressive right now. I didn't waste anymore time in the front of the mirror, and walked over to door, opening it and entered the hallway, my feet changed from marble to wooden flooring as I headed down the hallway and to my room. Once I was inside my room, I dried myself and gotten changed into something that was in my old wardrobe - which shockingly fit myself.
I placed the woolly jumper over head, and slid it onto my figure, as it was a bit baggy but I liked baggy clothes. The jeans and boots fitted at least, I left out the light brown coloured coat for now, as I felt comfy in this. I left my room, and head back to the medical room in the house, finding my way with ease. I entered the room, to see Allison still laid on the left metal table, but Luther was no longer by her side - which was strange. I crept forward and came to the seat Luther used and sat myself down, my eyes never leaving Allison's body, as I gripped her hand gently.
"Hey Sis," I began my voice low. "I'm so sorry, if I acted faster we wouldn't be in this mess," I spoke the truth, tightening my grip on her hand a bit, as I fought back the tears in my ears, seeing her like this was heart breaking. Just then, Allison began to stir awake, and her eyes cocked to meet my teary gaze. Her expression softened, as she grips my hand tight pulling me closer to the bed. She whimpers as she wanted to talk but she couldn't right now, we had no idea if the damage on her throat would be permanent. "Shh, don't try to talk," I told her, looking her over with a soft gaze. Suddenly, the house began to rumble for a few moments, making me grab onto Allison for a moment, but within a minute it passed. I stood - letting go of Allison, and wondered my gaze to the door, as what the hell was that. I could hear the squeaking of a pen writing, making me turn back to face Allison with a pad in her hand and a sharpie in the other. Within a second, she turns the pad around to me so I could read.
"Vanya," the pad had on, with a few lines under it, meaning Vanya came here and that was her. Allison began to shift up, as I began to help her sit up, and she swung her legs around the side, as I grip her shoulder and helped her to her feet. She touched the ground and became balance within seconds. I guided Allison to the door until she got her balance back, once she was confident I let go of her as she walks in front, as I followed her willingly.
Allison went to a secret elevator which I didn't even know about, and we went down into the house, again which I didn't know we had. The elevator shudders to a stop, ad the doors open, and down the creepy unpainted corridor was Luther, Diego and Klaus all talking to one another. Allison came out first as I was in 'awe' of this place as I had no idea it existed.
"Look, if what Pogo told me is even half true, then she is not just a danger to us," Luther's voice was strong as we crept closer to them. But as we did I could see who they were talking about, Vanya was locked away in a soundproof cage. They heard our footsteps and cocked their heads around as Allison leans on the wall for support.
"Allison, Gwen, what are you doing down here? You should be in bed," Luther began as his eyes flicked between us. I was completely in shock as I couldn't say anything. Allison clicked her sharpie pen and began to write on the pad. Within seconds, she turns the pad around to face Luther and the guys but I could also see what she written. On it was 'Let her Go', meaning let Vanya out of that awful cage. "I can't do that. She hurt you, and Gwen," he announces as he was just trying to protect us all. Allison shook her head and flipped over the page to a new one and began to write. After finishing writing, she shows the pad to Luther which had 'My Fault' written on it. "I'm sorry, but she's staying put," Luther was firm in his decision as it was a wrong one.
"She's our Sister Luther, you can't lock her up," I state strongly as it was wrong, she needed our help to understand her power to suppress it. Allison wasn't having any of it, she storms forward and pushes Luther and Diego aside so she could get through, but Luther stops her from advancing from the door.
"Just until we know what we're dealing with," he states to Allison as I could see Vanya banging on the glass, but there was no sound emitting from it. Allison tried from the other side of Luther, pushing him but he stops her once again, making Allison cock her eyes to him. Suddenly, she began to push Luther in the chest, angrily, as she grunts. I began to step forward to try and get my sister out, but Diego places a hand on my wrist stopping me from advancing.
"Diego let me go," I spoke to him as I tried to rag his hand off of me, but he kept a frim grip as I could hear Allison hitting Luther's chest still.
"She stays put," Luther states, making me cock my gaze to him.
"God, she's not an animal," I spoke wildly to him letting my emotions free. "Move Luther or I'll move you," I threatened him as I tried to rip my wrist free from Diego, but he wouldn't let go.
"Gwen stop," Diego spoke gripping me even tighter and spun me around to face him, as he held hold of my other wrist. "It's for the best," he insisted but I shook my head at him quickly as I disagree with him. I tried my best to pull from his hold, but he wouldn't let me, he began to drag me down the corridor, not letting up.
"I will freeze you," I sobbed out as it wasn't right just to leave her down here.
"Then why haven't you?!" Diego raised his voice at me. "If you really wanted too, you would have done it the moment I grabbed your wrist. Because deep down you know it's for the best," he spoke his voice seemed to lower in volume. I calmed myself, and stopped pulling away from him, as his grip began to loosen on both of my wrists. Once they were loosen enough, I ripped them out of his hold, and walked toward the elevator first. He was right, we needed to understand more about her powers. But what could we learn when she's locked away...
I went straight to my room as Luther escorted Allison to her room, and Diego escorted me also to my room. Not trusting me enough to go alone, once I entered he came in too. I sat on the edge of the bed, with tears in my eyes as my mind was reeling with everything that's happened and what we've learnt.
"Gwen," Diego began as my gaze rose, as a tear fell and down my cheek.
"Don't," I spoke back at him, quickly wiping away the tear. "Leave me alone," I was cold towards him, as I didn't want to meet his gaze.
"It was for the bes-"
"If you say that again, I'm gonna hit you," I raised my voice at him, as my eyes met with his gaze. "Just go," I point towards the open door as I didn't want to fight with him right now.
"Gwe-" I cut him off, as I tapped my index finger in the air and he was dragged back by an unknown force, his feet dragging across the floor and out of the room, as the door slams in his face. I smirked to myself as that did make me feel better. I sat back down on the edge of the bed, as I heard his footsteps leave the front of my bedroom door. I turn my head to the right to see the pictures of us, still out. I reached out and grabbed a picture of us all before Five disappeared and Ben died. We were so young, but the only person left out was Vanya, it broke my heart after all this time she was left out on so many things. Why was I so blind not to see her pain, not to see she needed someone to talk too. I was a child, we all were but we should have known better...
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