Chapter Twenty-Eight: Here's to the End
I back up on the row, as my eyes was just staring at Ben right now, as he was dealing with the men. I felt Luther and Allison's hand reach down and grip my shoulders, boost me up to my feet as we all just stared, completely in shock.
"Oh my God. It's him. Ben," Luther spoke in shock, as he didn't believe what he was seeing right now. Ben uses his powers to throw the men around and snapped their necks, and with the last few being dealt with. Ben throws them to the side, as his tentacles began to grow small and back into his stomach, as his shirt came back over to him. But suddenly, the blue faded and his figure disappeared from our sights. He was gone once again, but I now knew he was never far, he had never been far from us. The theatre began to shake violently, as dust came from above, and a nearby pillar drew cracks down it. My gaze turned to the stage to see Vanya's clothing turning white even her violin turned white.
"Guys, don't wanna ruin this moment, but Vanya's glowing," I directed my index to point at Vanya, who continued to play the violin and glow extremely bright. The building was also shaking due to Vanya's power. Klaus had made his way over to us, as Diego was still fighting, but I was getting worried by the seconds.
"Oh, welcome back. Where were you?" Luther spoke, making me take my gaze to where his went to see Diego walking back over to us, alive.
"Honouring a memory," he spoke as he came to my left. "So, how do you wanna end this thing?" Diego asks as I rose my hand and placed it on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. His gaze was brought to me, as I could just tell he didn't kill Cha-Cha. I nodded gently to him as I let go of his shoulder as my gaze went to Luther. As he, Diego, Klaus and Five were all hunched over a bit, like a game meeting while in the games halftime. As Allison and I stood up straight.
"We surround her. All right? We come at her from all angles," Luther spoke his eyes flickering between us all.
"So it's a suicide mission," Klaus added.
"Yeah, but one of us could get through. It's the only chance we've got," Five added to the mix, but the plan wasn't so great.
"Are we all in?" Luther asked, as the boys nodded their heads to him agreeing with his plan. "Allison? Gwen?" Luther's eyes met with us, but we both shook our heads at him, disagreeing with this plan of his. "Stage left," he began his eyes went to Diego and tapped him. "Stage right. You guys take the front," his gaze went to Klaus and Five, who ran off down the rows to get into position. Luther began to walk to his position but Allison grabs onto his forearm.
"I'm sorry. There's no time, Allison," he began as I shook my head at him.
"Luther there must be another way," I pleased with him as he shook his head at me.
"If she finishes this concert, the world goes up in flames," he states but he left to take his position as Allison and I stare at Vanya who was engulfed in the bright glowing like of herself, it looked like a being from another planet.
"I have an idea," I state to Allison as she brought her gaze sideways. "I try to talk to her, talk some sense in. I know Luther said there's no reasoning with her. But I don't buy that, she's still our sister. Deep down I know she knows that," I spoke with confidence as she must be feeling a lot of feelings. Luther yells out, as I turn quickly to see them all charge onto the stage to grab Vanya. Vanya reacts and slashes her violin stick in the air, as a white wave of energy came out and hits our Brother's. I covered my eyes for a moment as the light was blinding, but as I looked back. I saw them all in the air, floating high. A stream of light coming out of them and into Vanya, like she was draining the life force of our brothers. It was now or never...
I rushed down the aisle and went sideways came to the front part of the stage, jumping up into the air as I used my telekinesis to boost my jump as I came to stand on in front of Vanya. My eyes were on hers, as hers were on me.
"Vanya, listen to me," I state to her in a rush tone, as I didn't want her using her powers on me, but she was draining the life out of my Brothers. I took a stance and shot out my hand behind, focusing on the tendril sucking the life out of my brothers as I froze them. Stopping them from whatever they were doing to them. They were still moving but at a slower pace as Vanya's powers were greater than mine. "I know what you're feeling right now. You're feeling betrayed, angry, full of pain, sadness, all of the above. I went through it all years ago," I told her cocking my head between her and our Brothers. But she seemed distant and expressionless. "I was pregnant, a few years back-" I went there as I needed to give her something to connect too. Her brows frowned ever so slightly, as she was looking at me properly. "I was six months gone, and then something terrible happened. I lost my child. I lost my baby girl, and for months, I was angry at myself, felt betrayed by my upbringing, and full of pain because I had no siblings to go too. In the end, it was all down to me and my choices, and if I could turn back time I would." I became weak as I couldn't hold them any longer. Suddenly, a small shock wave came from their bodies like their molecules reseting, sending me to the ground as I lost my footing due to the force. I shook my head as I looked up at her. "Please Vanya, don't make me lose anymore family!" I state with a raised voice as I cocked my gaze to my brothers, who's complexions drained until they looked like skeletons.
Suddenly, there was a shot, as I see my brothers drop from the above and onto the ground floor, just behind the stage. Next thing I see is a blinding blue light, making me bury my face into the nook of my arm, but within seconds the light faded, making me look up to see Allison throw away the gun she had and catch Vanya who was no longer glowing. Vanya also dropped her violin and the stick that held in her hands. I scramble towards them as Allison brought her and Vanya to the ground.
"Oh God," I announce as I grip Vanya's left hand, holding it tight. As our brothers came back onto the stage and surrounded us, as they checked Vanya over. Luther came to the left side of Allison, as she was checking for a pulse. Five was at my right and Diego were to my left as Klaus was on the other side.
"Is she alive?" Luther asked, his eyes on Allison. She waited a second, before raising her gaze to his with a nod as she was crying. "She is? Yeah?" Luther announced happily.
"Oh thank, God," Klaus breathes out, glad our Sister wasn't dead.
"We did it. We saved the world," Luther spoke with pride, as there was a few chuckles, as I couldn't help but smile as we saved the day and our sister. I brought my gaze over to Diego who looks at me with a smile, as he grips my free hand as he gives it a good firm squeeze, as I imagine they all heard what I had said.
"Um, guys?" Klaus states as I notice him at the side, looking up through the glass ceiling. I turn my gaze to look up to see a giant moon rock falling to Earth. "You see that big Moon rock coming towards us?" Diego and I stood to our feet and stared up at the rock falling as Luther came round to Klaus's side.
"That's not good," Luther states as this was the worse right now.
"So this is it, huh? So much for... Saving the world," Klaus states grabbing the dog tags around his neck.
"If only Sir Reginald could see us right now, huh?" Diego began as our Father would be so disappointed in us. "The Umbrella Academy. a total failure," Diego states as this was it, this was the end of us all.
"At least we're together at the end. As a family," Luther states as I offered him a smile as he was right.
"This doesn't have to be the end," Five states, making us all turn around to face him. I knitted my brows together as I had no clue what he was on about, or was planning.
"What? What are you saying, Five?" Luther asked him.
"I think I have a way outta here. But you gotta trust me on this," Five wanted our trust on his plan in his head, which we didn't know about.
"Yeah, I don't think so," Klaus, Diego and Luther all spoke together, as their words merged together, but I had faith in Five for some odd reason.
"Well, then we might as well accept our fate, because in less than a minute, we're gonna be vaporized," Five rushes out, as he didn't want to accept out fate.
"Your idea, Five?" I asked, everyone eyes were on him.
"We use my ability to time travel. But this time, I'll take you with me," Five suggested the idea to us.
"You can do that?" Diego asked, wondering if he could do that.
"I don't know. I've never tried it before," he replied, which wasn't too promising about the idea.
"What's the worst that can happen?" Diego questioned, as his eyes cocked between us all.
"Many, many things," I state in a low tone, bringing my gaze away from Five.
"You're lookin' at it. A fifty-eight old man inside a child's body, so there's that," Five scoffs at the end of his comment as that's the worse that can happen.
"Oh, what the hell? I'm in," Diego states straight off the bat, on board with the plan.
"I'm in too," I added as what was there to lose right now.
"Yeah, whatever. I'm in," Klaus commented.
"Me too... Allison?" Luther asks, as we brought our gaze to Allison. She nods her head at him, agreeing to this crazy plan right now. "What about Ben?" Luther asked, bringing his gaze to Klaus, who was talking to Ben.
"Great, yeah, he's in,"
"Ok, great, Luther, grab Vanya," Five ordered as Luther came forward and grabs Vanya into his arms.
"Wait, should we be taking her?" Luther questioned, as Vanya was now bridal style in his arms as we all came around into a circle. I was stood in between Five and Diego. "I mean, if she's the cause of the apocalypse. Isn't that like taking the bomb with us?" Luther had many questions right now, which we didn't have time to answer.
"The apocalypse will always happen and Vanya will always be the cause, unless we take her with us and fix her," Five explained in a short term for us to understand as we stood in silence for a moment taking our gazes between everyone.
"Then, let's do it," I state strongly, as I felt Five's hand slip into my right one and Diego's right hand slipping into my left one. We held hands very tight as Five began to use his power, his head raising up as he began to concrete. Electricity began to crackle around us, as blue wormhole began to open from above, as it was working. Within seconds, the wormhole opened as blue waves began to spit from up as wind was whooshing between us all as this was a powerful thing. We all kept our hands tight, not breaking the circle as we all looked up at the portal.
"Hold on! It's gonna get messy!" Five yells over it all. I stare up at the wormhole portal, as it looked beautiful. Within seconds, we all were sucked up into the portal and sent on our way...
God knows where...
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