Chapter Twenty: Cabin
Allison drove on the empty motor-way, rain splattered on the window screen as we kept on driving. The car was filled with silence from us both, as we didn't speak, as we didn't even look at one another. We were sisters, but we had secrets that we've kept from one another, and I have a huge one festering in my heart, but I didn't want to say anything because we've got enough on our plates.
"What was it like being pregnant and having Claire?" I asked, breaking the silence in the car, as Allison knitted her eyebrows together and looked at me for a moment.
"Where's this coming from?" Allison asked, her eyes going back to the road as she was confused on why I asked.
"Just forget it," I replied to her snottily as this was a tender issue for me.
"No, I was just wondering," Allison replied quickly, not wanting to dismiss my question. "Finding out that I was pregnant was amazing, and the months that followed. Days were hard but others were magically," Allison began, her eyes flicked between myself and the road. "When it was my time, it hurt as birth does, but when she was born and heard her first cry... It was amazing," Allison spoke with so much love but my heart hurt, and my eyes swelled with tears. I couldn't even hold them back as I was so emotional, the tears roamed down my cheeks freely. "Gwen? What's wrong?" Allison asks in worry as she noticed myself crying.
I remained silent as I use my hands to part my hair in the front, as it was still shoulder length and straight as it lost it's curls over the days. Tears kept flowing down my cheeks as I couldn't seem to stop crying.
"Gwen?!" Allison raised her voice at me as she was worried and wanted to know what was wrong.
"I'm sorry," I sobbed out the words, trying to be strong. "There's something I need to get off my chest," I told her, she remained quiet as she was willing to listen to me as I needed to get this out. "I was pregnant back in 2015 I was six months in with a baby girl. My fiancé and I were thrilled, but something went wrong with the pregnancy and I lost the baby," my voice cracked throughout as I couldn't believe I was telling someone this, but I also had this weight in my chest lift with each word I spoke. My eyes were on the road as I didn't want to turn to meet my Sister's gaze. "For months even the year, I was so broken, so withdrawn from the world and him. I blamed myself, my upbringing at the Academy. I even tried to blame him, which wasn't right... But in the end, I let go of the blame and the guilt that ate me up... It still hurts when I think about her or the whole thing," my voice lost as the tears began to slow but the pain in my heart was still there. "But I know what it feels like to be away from your daughter, because everyday I am," I forced myself to look at Allison who had tears rolling down her cheeks as she felt the pain I held in my voice, and I imagine she couldn't feel something like that...
"I'm so sorry," Allison replied after a moment silence, as I don't think she knew what to say to make this remotely better. "I-I can't imagine-"
"That's it, you can't," I cut her off, but my voice wasn't raised or bitter to her. "I've cried enough over the years, and dealt with it my way. The only regret was never phoning my family for help," my gaze drifted back to the open road, still empty and raining. I didn't have the courage to speak anymore, I just lent back into my seat, and closed my eyes shut... The last thing I saw was darkness and sheer silence...
Birds chirped in my ears, and the bumpiness of the road, swiftly stirred me awake. My eyes began to clear from the blurriness, to see a house upon a small hill, and a letter box forming in the distance. Morning had already gifted us with it's light, meaning I must have slept all the way here.
"We're here?" My voice was low but loud enough for Allison to hear.
"Yeah," she spoke, as she kept driving and pulled up just outside the mail box, cutting the engine to the car. I lean back and grab the blue file and open it up to see that we are at the right address, I see Allison take a quick glance, and opens the car door. I place the file onto her empty seat and opened my side of the door. Once I was out, I slammed the door shut, and followed Allison up the dirt slope, ducking slightly just to make sure that no one saw us.
The house was like a log cabin, basically it was, it had a high foundation supported by pillars and had an underneath bit to hold logs and other thing. There were stairs to lead up to the door, but Allison went under the house, being careful where we place our footing. All I could see where logs and a make shift house, under here. We crept through and around the side, as we went up a bit of a slope once again, to see windows we could see in. Allison reached there first as I was making sure that they weren't home, and I don't think they were. I crept closer to Allison and peered into the window to see Vanya's violin case sat on a chair, meaning she was here but not right now.
"Not home," I announce to Allison who 'Hmms' at me, before turning. Suddenly, a chirping of a bird that flew past made her jump out of her skin, as I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Only a bird," I said spinning around to give me a disapproved look for chuckling at her.
"Come on, let's go," she announces nodding her head back down to the slope, as we walked back the way we came with pace as we needed to find Vanya as fast as we could. Before Harold could hurt her or even worse, kill her...
We got back on the road, but there was a traffic jam, I could hear police sirens in the distance as we edged closer to the crime scene. It felt like we were in this jam for hours, and it seemed to be not moving at a fast pace, but my mind did wonder to Diego and wondered how he was doing. I was staring out of the window, just looking at the trees and soaking in nature as best as I could. I let out a sigh, but before I process anything else the door of Allison's side opens and she climbs out taking her sunglasses with her. I frowned as I did the same as I wasn't going to be left behind in this traffic jam. Allison walks towards the scene, as I was hot on her tails as she picked up the pace, but I notice a scarf hanging from a lamp bolted into a bill board. I recognised the fabric and the plain blue and white coloured pattern on it.
"Vanya," Allison and I spoke at the same time, as our eyes locked with one another, meaning she had been here. Allison made a bold move and went over to the police tape and lifted it up, heading further into the crime scene.
"Hey. Pardon me, ma'am. Hey," Allison was flagged down the minute she lifted that tape up. "I gotta ask you to stay behind the lines there. We had an accident here last night," I hear the office state to her, as I walk closer to the tape.
"I- What kind of accident?" Allison was concerned as the accident could have involved our Sister.
"Hey, ma'am. The line, please," the office was nice but also very demanding, as he was just doing his job.
"Ok. Yes. Sorry," Allison spoke quickly as she dashed back over and lifted the tape back up and back under she came.
"Got a lot of stuff on the ground, ok? To be wary of," the office spoke as she came closer to the tape line.
"What happened?" Allison was taking the lead as she was persuasive even without using her power.
"Well, we're still trying to figure all that out. As soon as we do, you'll be able to read it in the newspaper along with everybody else," the officer spoke as he was just doing his job. "Ok, so have a nice day," he didn't want to give us any information on what had happened here as he turns around and begins to walk.
"Look, office, if there is any way--"
Allison spoke but the officer turns around his eyes widening in shock. "Holy shit!" He exclaims his hands held out as he was in pure shock. He points to Allison, his mouth making shapes but no words were coming out. "You're Allison Hargreeves, right?" I rolled my eyes as he must be a fan. "I saw you on TV like two nights ago, in that Sandra Bullock movie about underpaid teachers that rob a bank," he was clearly impressed with the filming career Allison had chosen.
"Yeah. That's me," she states chuckling at his comment, as I folded my arms over my chest, as this was typical.
"Oh! Wow. Hey," he fumbles out in star shock. "If I'm being honest, my wife and I, we prefer you in the romantic comedies... The love on loan trilogy. Ouf!" The officer was a massive fan of hers, and to be fair I couldn't blame him, I've seen a few of her films. "We can't get enough," how long was he going to be a butt kisser. I flex my left hand out to the guy as he became froze straight away, smiling his head off.
"Is the butt kissing necessary?" I asked cocking my eyes to Allison.
"I kind of like it," she announces, as I rolled my eyes at her. "Unfreeze him before someone sees," Allison spoke, noticing the officers at the back still moving as I had only froze him.
"Fine," I swirled my index finger around as he became unfroze and took a sigh, not believing a celebrity was in front of him.
"Copy, Cheddar?" A women's voice came over his radio.
"Yeah, what do you got, Fred?" Officer Cheddar states gripping the radio on his shoulder.
"Hospital called. Perp from last night just regained consciousness," The women spoke over the radio as I was listening, Allison was checking over his shoulder to the crime scene.
"Copy. I'll be right over," His attention turned back to us, mostly Allison. "Allison freakin' Hargreeves," he laughs with a wide smile on his face. "Wow. Ah, my wife's not gonna believe it," he states.
"I bet," I remarked but we all stood there in silence like we were waiting for something to happen.
"Anyway, I-- I-- I gotta go,"
"Oh," Allison acted dumb.
"Work stuff. Yeah,"
"Yeah, of course. Sorry," Allison steps aside and extended her arms out to the police car. As officer Cheddar lifts up the tape and goes under it, walking towards his car.
"Actually, that's... Why I'm here," Allison thought fast as she steps forward making the officer stop in his tracks and face her. "I'm-- I'm researching a role. A law enforcement role," she explained, as she was lying to him.
"In Jackpine Cove? We haven't had a murder here in years," Officer Cheddar explained.
"Oh, uh... It's about, um.. a small town cop who takes down a drug cartel... In fact, maybe I and my assistant could tag along while you conduct some official police business?" Allison roped me in as her assistant, which was fine as we needed a way into to see this guy. "I promise... We won't get in the way. I just... I think you could really, um... help me develop my character, if I could live a day in the life, you know," Allison was adapting her story to play with the officer, she was very convincing. Officer Cheddar was thinking about it, I could see the cogs turning in his head as he began to shake his head, agreeing.
"Day in the life, huh?" He states, as Allison gives him a look. "Eh... Come on," he gives in and gestures to us. "Follow me," he states as he walks away and to the cop car, making us follow behind.
"Great job, Officer Hargreeves," I smugly replied to her with a chuckle as she eyes met up with her own smirk. We might be getting somewhere with this, and hopefully find Vanya, and then I can blow Harold's head clean off from his shoulders...
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