Chapter Fourteen: Bar Fight
We were all now back at the house, I had to eventually let Five go, but the silence in that room was bliss. I paced in the main entrance of the house, as the chandelier was still on the floor, smashed as no one bothered to sort it out. I saw Diego's car near the house, meaning he was home and I was waiting, so I could talk to him. Loud footsteps came to ear as I came to turn to see Klaus coming down the stairs, he was wearing a long face, but he was trying to keep up his appearance.
"Oh God, Klaus!" I exclaimed, thanking God he was alive and well. He smiles thinly at me, as I rush to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him into the hug. He wraps his arms around me, soaking in the hug, enjoying this moment. "I'm glad you're safe!" I rubbed his back with my hand, generating some comfort. We pull back after a moment, as he looked depressed. But I saw dog tags hanging around his neck, which I've never seen him wear before.
"What happened here?" He asks, gesturing to the smashed chandelier on the ground, dismissing my comment.
"You look like shit," Diego's voice rang out to the right of us, as he was walking through the room.
"Oh why, thank you. Hey, where you going?" Klaus asks, his eyes on Diego walking around the chandelier and to the door.
"Nope," Diego replied straight off, knowing what Klaus wanted.
"What?" Klaus asked, edging closer as Diego stopped in his tracks and looked to Klaus.
"I'm not giving you a ride," Diego spoke, but I looked at him with a gaze.
"Oh, come on, man. You know I can't drive," Klaus stepped closer to Diego, pleading as he needed a ride.
"I don't---" Diego was lost for words, not denying his brother.
"Ok, great. I'll get my things. Two minutes," Klaus pats Diego on the chest thanking him for agreeing to help him. I couldn't help but chuckle at him as it was the Klaus we knew. Diego took a deep sigh as he knew he wasn't going to get away with it.
"I want to come with you," I spoke straight to him, as he draws his eyebrow to me, wondering what I was talking about. "To help you. I thought it over, and I don't want you to do this alone. Because you're not," he smiles for a moment, knowing I meant well, but it soon faded to his blank expression.
"It's dangerous, I can't ask you to-"
"I don't care. I know the risks and I'm all in," I spoke with confidence as I didn't give him time to reply, as I headed through the door and to the front one, pushing it open to be met with the cool air of the day.
Klaus finally made it to the car, as I sat in the middle at back of the car, as I imagined Klaus would want shotgun. We drove along the roads, as Klaus lent into his door, drinking vodka from the bottle. I could tell something was wrong with him, and it put me on edge as I didn't like to see my siblings in pain or suffering from something.
"You ok?" Diego questioned, knowing how silent Klaus was. But he didn't reply and just drank from the bottle, keeping quiet. "Wow. This is a first. My brother Klaus is silent. Last time you were this quiet, we were twelve. Ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels, tripped over, and broke your jaw," Diego relived the memory, as I knew it too well. "How long was it wired shut again?" Diego asked Klaus, but we both knew the answer to that.
"Eight weeks," Klaus replied in a gloomy tone.
"Eight glorious weeks of bliss," Diego mocked, loving the silence it brought to the house.
"I missed our talks in those eight weeks," I replied as I was opposite, as Klaus and I were close as children and would talk to one another. I see Klaus peek up as he looks out of his window.
"Hey, just... just drop me off here," he announces to Diego as I see him cock his head to him worried about Klaus. But Diego did what Klaus asked and turned into a empty parking spot outside a bar - Lakeshore. The tires screech to a stop as I jolted slightly forward as Diego driving was kind of mad. Klaus opens the door and began to get out.
"You sure you ok, man?" Diego asked, but by the time the words got out, Klaus had shut the door and walked onto the pavement. As we watch him go to the door, and enter the bar, but weird thing is, it's for veterans.
"I'm worried for him. Since he got back, he's not been himself," I announce to Diego my worry for our Brother as this wasn't like him, being all gloomy and upset. Diego messes with his gearstick and for a moment I thought he was going to leave, but he places the car in park and cut the engine off.
"Come on," he states, opening his door as I unbelted and got out. I followed Diego to the entrance of the bar, as he opens the door allowing me to enter first. I could a big whiff of alcohol and cigarettes. As I came round the corner, my eyes saw Klaus's coat at the bar, I reach it but there was no sign. I turned swiftly on my feet to scan the bar, but saw him over at a board on the wall, looking at a picture. I walk over to him with Diego falling me, I pass to the left of the pool table and a group of guys at a table, as we came to stand behind Klaus. Diego reaches out and touches Klaus's shoulder, alerting him to our presence. Klaus cocks his head over his shoulder to stare at us but he sighs.
"Just go away, please," he spoke turning his head back to the front, not wanting to look at us nor wanting our help.
"Not until you talk to us," Diego spoke, as he was right, he needed to talk to us.
"Is that a threat?" He asks after wiping his eyes from the tears that formed in them. "You threatening me?" Klaus asks, as Diego lowers his hand from his left shoulder.
"No, Klaus. We're worried for our Brother," I told him the truth as this what it was, we were worried about him.
"Hey, guys," A gentleman's voice came from behind us, making Diego and I spin around to be faced with a grey haired man. "This bar? It's for vets only," he announces, meaning we shouldn't be in here.
"I am a vet," Klaus spoke, making me cock my head to him with knitted eyebrows as last time I remember he didn't serve in the war.
"Really?" The veteran chuckles at Klaus's comment. "Where'd you serve?"
"None of your business," Klaus replied cockily, not wanting to tell him.
"You got balls comin' in here, pretendin' you're one of us," the veteran spoke, not liking that Klaus was speaking to him that way.
"Oh, I have every right to be here, just like you," Klaus slowly turned around, to face the veteran. "Asshole," he raises his voice at him, as he was trying to bring trouble our way.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Slow down, Marine," Diego steps closer to the vet as he took a step closer, but thankfully he stopped him. "All right? My brother's just had a few too many. Let's just call it a day, all go our own way," Diego lowers his hand from the guy.
"Sure thing," the vet agreed.
"Thank you," Diego thanked the man and turned. "Klaus-"
"As long as you apologise," the vet spoke, wanting Klaus to apologise, which made him giggle at the request. As I don't think that was going to happen right now.
"Fine," Diego spoke, turning back to face the man as he thought he meant him. "I'm sorry. He's sorry. We're all sorry. So... are we good?" I had a bad feeling that this wasn't going to be sorted unless Klaus said it himself.
"I wanna hear him say it," the vet points to Klaus who had his back to us and I thought it too soon.
"Hey, man, I'm just trying to--"
"No, no. He's right, Diego," Klaus cuts his off, slowly turning back around. "He's right. He's right," he came full turn and faced the man. "I'd like to apologise," I can already tell this wasn't a real apology as he was mocking the situation. "That you, are depriving some village of their idiot!" Klaus raised his voice taking steps forward as I placed my hand on my head, shaking it as this wasn't the idea. Next thing I hear, is someone heads butting someone else's, making me cock my hand down and eyes to see the vet stumble backwards as Klaus stumbles back and Diego jumps in and fights the guy nearby, blocking his attack and grabbing his throat and kneeing him in the gut. I just shook my head at this sight, as Diego got hit in the face, but fought the other guy that played pool as Klaus hitting the guy which Diego took down first. I groan in annoyance as Klaus jumps onto a back of a guy, as this was child's play now. I was the one who always stepped in...
I flicked both my hands out to the scene, my fingers flexing too, as everyone in the bar came to a standstill, becoming frozen in place. I came around Klaus and the man, and saw Diego inches away from getting a fist into his face.
"Idiots," I breathed out, as that they were at this moment in time. I grabbed Diego's shoulder, and he unfroze at my touch, as I ragged him back, and went over to Klaus and touched his back grabbing his jacket, as he also unfroze at my touch and I ragged him off. "Really guys!" I spat at them as I was angry right now. I threw them over to the wall where Klaus was looking at the picture, both of them stumble into one another but kept up and stared at me. "Fighting, in a bar, classy-"
"They started it!" Klaus announces pointing at the froze guys behind me.
"I don't care!" I replied to him. "This isn't the way to solve you're problem Klaus, you'll just get physically hurt more," I told him the truth as he kept his mouth shut. "Don't expect me to jump into the ring, 'cause I'm not. And you can sort this one out yourselves. So go back to your positions," I told them as their eyes widen slightly, and they stood there not wanting to move. "Now," I was stern as they stared at one another for a moment before going back to their positions. Klaus jumps onto the guys back, and Diego went back to inches of a fist. I walked over to the row of tables with high chairs, but I jumped onto the end table, closer to the wall as I swirled my hand around and the room unfroze and all hell broke loose and the fighting continued. Did make me smile to see Diego get hit in the face...
I let the fighting continued for a few more moments as they got their hits in and they got hit at, but I had to put a stop too it. I smiled to myself as an idea formed, I flexed my left fingers out to the strip of lights above the pool table, as the light exploded all of a sudden, sending electrical currents out, and glass scattering on the table and the floor. They all stopped what they were doing, and cocked their heads to the light. The light hanged on strong wires but the closet one snaps and falls hitting the pool table, and smashing it further, sending sparks flying out. I flexed my fingers once again, and the other wire snapped, sending sparks everywhere, as the light hanger was now on the pool table. I turned my gaze to the chairs and tables, I flexed my fingers again and the chair exploded into pieces, making the men scared. They all began to retreat back, as I give it one last flick as the table exploded, sending the pieces of wood flying across the room. Diego and Klaus turn their heads to me, giving me a look of approval.
"Be lucky I helped," I jumped down from the table, and grabbed both of their wrists, and pulled them from the fight. As Klaus had a mouth on him which got us all in trouble...
But he was still my Brother and it was kind of fun...
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