Chapter Five: Phone Calls
Luther came down to the kitchen and asked if I would want to come with him to find Diego, but I declined his offer as I didn't have the guts to face him right now. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen, alone with my thoughts and eating my way through what little we had in the house. I sat at the end of the table, lent back in the wooden chair, my index and middle finger of my left hand raised as the knife Diego had given me was floating in mid-air. I was using my telekinesis to hold it up. Living in this house taught me a lot of things about my powers, and how to control them, which I was thankful for. But it also gave me a family...
I swirled my fingers in a circle as the knife was following suit, spinning in mid-air in it's own little circle, not fast nor slow - just the right speed. I lowered my hand and placed my arms over my chest, watching the knife as it kept on spinning. I sat there for a moment in silence, mesmerised with the knife, when I shouldn't be. Stupid Diego and him being his stupid self. I shook my head and suddenly the knife dropped from mid-air and stuck into the table, as I lost concertation. I groan while standing and picking the knife out of the table. He wasn't the only one who could throw knives, he just had more of an advantage as he can direct the knives where to go. I aimlessly walked up the stairs to the bedrooms, but as I took each step I could hear Allison's voice which was very distressed.
"But I'm leaving for the airport. It's not a big deal if I miss one session," Her voice sounded broken and clearly upset. I made it to the top stairs and stood before turning. "Patrick, it was my father's funeral. You know, I'm pretty sure the court recognizes that as extenuating circumstances... Is Claire there?" I read Allison got married to a guy named Patrick and they had a beautiful daughter together, but they got a divorce eight months back. "Yes, I would like to say hello to my daughter if that's all right with you," it broke my own heart to hear her like this. "No... Patrick! Don't--" Her voice broke as the words came out, and she cuts herself off as I imagined he put the phone down. What a prick... Allison must be going through this all alone, she needs us right now...
"Are you ok?" Vanya's voice came to play in the hallway.
"Yeah," Allison spoke after a moment, as she was gathering her thoughts.
"Well, I've never met your ex-husband, but... he sounds like an asshole," Vanya states as she had the correct term of it.
"That's one word for it," Allison replied in a bitter tone, as she was hating him right now.
"You know what? You're probably better off here,"
"No, I'm probably better off with my daughter," Allison snapped back to Vanya who was just trying to make her feel better.
"Of course, um... I'm sorry. I didn't--"
"You know, if I wanted advice, Vanya, no offense, it wouldn't be from you," Allison spoke with coldness in her voice.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Vanya asks.
"You don't have a child. You've never been in a relationship,"
"That's not true," Vanya was defending herself.
"So you know what it's like to love someone like this? Like when you're apart from her, you can't breathe?" Allison spoke as she was heartbroken inside and the cracks were still cracking. "Like you would-- you would die, and I-- I mean actually... die... to know that she's ok and happy," Allison stumbled the words out as she was holding back the tears. "I mean you separate yourself from everyone and everything. You always have," in my opinion that was a low blow, Vanya always wanted to be a member of this family and be a part of the umbrella academy.
"Because Dad made me,"
"Did Dad make you write that book about us, too?" Allison questioned as everyone was so hung up about the book Vanya published. I hear the weight shift from the floorboards, and heels click as Allison begins to walk up. "You're an adult now, Vanya. You don't get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself," the air was silent for a moment as I heard the heels click away from the hallway. I peer from the corner just to see Vanya look down this way seeing me, making me come full around and walk to her.
"How long have you been there?" She asks in her soft voice.
"Long enough," I replied as I held my arms out and wrapped them around her. I was a few inches taller than her but she welcomed the hug. "Everyone's on edge-"
"You don't have to defend everyone," Vanya states quickly as I pulled back from the hug and looked at her with knitted brows. She breathes out a sigh as she didn't mean to bring it across snappily. "Do you remember when we were children and if you had spare time you would come watch me play Violin, and you would read a book or hum?" Vanya asks with a smile on her face as I couldn't help but smile myself at the memory.
"How could I forget, you played so beautifully," I remembered the sweet sound that came from the violin when Vanya played. "You know you're the reason I went into singing," I state to her as she looked amazed with my comment.
"You sing?" Vanya questioned with a half cocked smile as she was stunned.
"Yes. At a club, most nights. It's like a dream, when the spotlight hits me, I feel like a movie star just for the night. The crowds enjoy it and I love doing it," I spoke from the heart as each time I got upon that stage it felt like I was a different person, just for the night.
"I-I had no idea-"
"It's alright, no one else does. I've only been doing it for three years," I replied, cutting her off as I wasn't trying to make her feel bad about it.
"Why didn't you call? I could have come to see you perform," Vanya asks, wondering why I never called.
"I did think of calling, but you published your book and I thought you'll be busy... I read it by the way," I see Vanya look kind of disturbed as I brought up the book, like she was going to get another bad review from her family. "Ballsy, but it was the truth," I smiled thinly at her, giving her a nod of my head. I placed my hands into my pants pockets. "Think we should duet sometime," my voice was soft and warm.
"I would like that," Vanya replied, happy with the offer I proposed. I smiled warmly to her before walking past her and into my room as the conversation ended...
After a while in my room, finding old trinkets and pictures that I had of us all. I found an old picture of us all as children around eight. We were so young and children I couldn't believe how fast we've grown. But my mind went somewhere dark, a time where I was at my lowest... I stood at the phone box in the hallway, where Allison was. I stood there staring at the number pad, knowing the number I wanted to ring in my head. A voice I've longed to hear for... I gently picked up the phone from it's position, and held it to my ear, as I began to punch in the number I wanted to ring. The numbers flew from my head to my fingers as if it was automatic and I knew the numbers off by heart. Once I finished inputting the number, the phone began to dial, and began to ring. The calling process lasted a few moments as I played with the cord of the phone, my heart beating quickly and my nerves were getting to me.
"Hello?" A deep male voice rang out from the other end.
"Simon," I spoke his name gently, but came out with such ease after so long of not speaking it.
"Gwen?" He spoke, kind of shock to hear my voice, not expecting me to call him after years. "Are you well? I-I mean it's been years, since we talked-"
"Yes, I'm fine," I cut him off before he could continue. "Just back home," I announce, twirling the cord leading from the phone box.
"I saw it on the news. I'm so sorry," he was so thoughtful and loving.
"Thank you," I replied to him as the static from the phone filled the silence as we didn't talk. It felt like hours I stood there in sheer silence, listening to the static. But in reality it was mere moments. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called," I state quickly after a moment, before slamming the phone back on it's pod, before he could speak. The slam of the phone echoed through the hallway for a moment, as I leaned forward and lay my head on the phone box.
"Who were you talking to?" Luther's voice filled the air, making me groan as I didn't bother to turn to look at him.
"Don't ask," I moan out, still not bothering to turn around to face him. I felt the floorboards creak as he passed me with heavy footsteps.
"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you," Allison's voice came out of nowhere, making me spin around as I imagine she was talking to Luther. She was wearing a different outfit from behind, this one has a scarf around her neck. I also see Luther stop in his tracks and walk back towards her.
"What are you still doing here? I thought you were gone," Luther thought Allison was off back home to see her daughter.
"No, I was gonna go, and then Pogo showed me this--"
"Well, listen," Luther cut Allison off from speaking as he took a sigh. "I was wrong about Dad's death," he admitted, making me stare at him.
"What?" Allison and I spoke in unison as I came to stand beside her.
"Yeah, I was wrong about Diego. You know, to accuse my own brother of that is just-" Luther eyes flickered between the two of us as he spoke. At least they sorted out their problem I suppose.
"No, I-- I know, I get it--"
"Seeing all of you and being back here," Luther talked over Allison and cut her off again. "I-I should be the one who's trying to bring us back together, not tear us apart," he was trying to be a better brother.
"Would you shut up?" Allison finally snapped, wanting to get him to listen to her.
"You were right... About Dad," Allison announces making me turn my head to look at her.
"What," my voice in disbelief right now.
"Come on, I gotta show you both something," Allison states before turning around and walking away, making Luther and I follow her without any questions.
We walked through the house to the main entrance, but on the first landing. We passed the main staircase, as I heard small footsteps climbing them. Making me look to the left to see Five was the one climbing them.
"Five?" I asked as we stopped and he made it to the top. He was holding a duffle bag over his shoulder, and looked like he had been sweating.
"What the hell happened to you?" Allison spoke out, concerned for our brother. But Five remained quiet and collected, not showing any emotion whatsoever. He was within draw from us, not allowing us in to help him.
"Are you ok?" Luther began his eyes on Five. "Can we help?" He asked reaching out to touch him, but before he could Five grips the wrist of Luther stopping his action.
"There's nothing you can do," Five's voice was low and sounded upset, but he was playing it cool. "There's nothing any of you can do," the grip of his hand loosened and soon let free Luther from his hold. Before any one of us could speak Five left and headed to his room. There was something troubling him. I can see it in his eyes, the way he acts. Why won't he let us help...
What could possibly be so bad...
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