Chapter Fifteen: Motel
Diego's car was parked across from the Griddy's doughnut shop, as Diego said our man was going to be at this shop as he found a receipt. I sat forward in the back, in the middle, as I look at both my Brothers as they had bruises forming on their faces, and a cut here and there. Klaus began to chuckle to himself, finding what just happen funny to him.
"You got a big mouth, you know that?" Diego states the obvious as children Klaus would never shut up.
"Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego," Klaus mocked him as it wasn't news.
"Everything's a big joke to you, right? Would you stop it?" I see Diego grab whatever Klaus had in his hand, probably drugs. "Why are you putting this shit in your body?" Diego asks with a raised voice as he didn't understand why Klaus would do this. Klaus doesn't respond and blows a raspberry out. "Check this out. Hm?" Diego lifts his shirt and pats his body hard. "My body is a temple," he spoke like he had a six pack under his shirt, and ripped to the Gods.
"Please, don't say that again," I spoke in a low tone as I see Diego cock his head over his shoulder for a moment, rolling his eyes at me, before turning his head back to Klaus.
"All that shit you do, it's just weakness," Diego told Klaus as I see him dig into his pocket once again, reaching for another piece.
"Oh, wow, beautiful. Well, weakness feels so good," before Klaus could get the drug into his mouth, Diego reaches out and slaps his head.
"What's goin' on with you? Huh?"
"Don't hit me, asshole!" Klaus yells at Diego as this was getting out of hand quickly.
"Don't tell me everything is all right, because we saw you in there. You were crying like a baby!" Diego raised his own voice and pointed out of the window gesturing to what we saw in the bar.
"Because I lost someone!" Klaus replied making me cock my eyes to him, as they softened as his tone was truthful.
"Klaus," my voice was gently as I shuffled more forward, my head coming between them.
"I lost someone. The only-" Klaus began but he took a deep sigh, as he was finding it hard to talk about it. "The only person I've ever truly loved more than myself," he spoke from the heart as his eyes took their time to meet our gaze. My own gaze drifted from his and I lent back, back into the seat. I don't know what it was like to lose someone you love to the afterlife, I just know what it's like to lose a part of myself. I loss the word Klaus spoke as he pops the drug into his mouth and swallows it.
"Well, you're luckier than most," Diego said his voice low, as his eyes didn't meet with Klaus. "When you lose someone, at least you can... see them whenever you want," Diego had a point as Klaus had the ability to conjure the dead.
"I'm so sorry, Klaus," I pipped up from the back, as I see him cock his head over his shoulder to give me a soft gaze with a thin smile. I notice Diego swiftly turn around and pass me to look behind, making me cock my head behind. I see a bearded man in a suit, hitting a top of his blue car, but the suit was familiar as he must have been at the house the other night.
"That's our man," Diego spoke, as I didn't turn around to face him, I just stared at the guy.
"Hey, I know that guy,"
"How can you know that-"
"He and a really angry lady tortured me. I barely got out with my life," Klaus cuts me off, as I spun back around to see him staring out of the side mirror. I heard the car engine start and the car began to drive away from the store.
"We gotta get this guy," Diego spun back around and started the car, the engine revving up as Diego began to reverse out of our spot, and came onto the main road. We followed the blue car, and this was kind of exciting right now...
We followed the guy to a shitty motel, and parked behind a ice cream truck, as Diego got out when they got into their room. I could see him get to the blue car and got under it, placing a tracker on it, if things go south we could follow them wherever they went. Within moments, Diego made it back to the car, and got back in, as now it was a waiting game.
"Bingo," I hear his voice ring out in the car, meaning to plan was in motion.
"You do know that killing these people is not gonna make you feel any better," Klaus announces to Diego, as he drinks from the bottle he had.
"Yeah, but when it's done," Diego began to slot his knives into the holds into his belt. "I'm gonna sleep like a baby," he states, as I turn my gaze to him, as he was so gonna get killed.
"Yeah, a dead one," I remarked, crossing my arms over my chest, leaning back into the seats. I could see Diego's gaze in the rear-view mirror, eyeing me up for a moment before they wondered back to the motel. A few minutes past, as this was like a stake out, and we were just waiting for something.
"Stay in the car," Diego spoke, his eyes not looking at one of us.
"What are you talking about? This guy tortured me," Klaus spoke, his eyes cocking to Diego who met his gaze.
"I have a plan," he inquired.
"I hope it's a good one," I spoke, leaning forward as Diego's eyes met with mine. "Be careful," I touched his forearm, giving it a good grip, hoping to give him lucky. He opens his door, and exits the car, as he shuts the door. I watch him go, but I couldn't just let him go in there all alone. "We're not just gonna sit here are we?" I asked, my gaze going to Klaus.
"Gwenie, you should know that answer by now," he replied with a thin smile. I couldn't help but chuckle at his response. Klaus cocks open his door, as I scoot over to the right and opened the door and climbed out, shutting it behind me. I followed Klaus around the car and over to the motel, there were stairs that led up to the second floor. We climbed the stairs, seeing Diego at the top, ready to bust in the door.
"So, what exactly is the plan here, big guy?" Klaus voice rang out behind Diego, before he could kick the door down. As we reached the few steps behind Diego.
"I told you to wait in the car," Diego spoke, without turning to face us.
"Yeah, but you also told me that licking a nine-volt battery would give me pubes," Klaus spoke, as he wasn't good with instructions.
"We were eight," I replied to Klaus I remembered the fond memory, as Diego turned to see me here as well. Klaus takes a step forward but Diego grips Klaus before he could step any further. Diego turns around, and grabs me by the arm as well.
"For once in your life, I need you to listen to me, ok?" He spoke as he dragged us down the stairs. "Now, go back to the car. If I don't come out in two minutes, that means I'm probably dead," he directed down the last few steps and back to the bottom ground. He let me go, as he grabs Klaus with both of his hands. "That happens, go get help. Ok?" Diego asked us as Klaus grabs his forearm, as this was going to end up him dead.
"Let me help, Diego. I can freeze the room you know," I gave him a pointed look, as his eyes met mine, as he knew I would be helpful. After a mere moment, he nodded his head at me, as he slaps Klaus on the shoulder, gesturing him to go back to the car. Diego turns around and goes up the stairs, as I followed him, but we stopped at the first landing.
"Klaus, go," I extended my arm out to the car parked as I wanted him self from harm.
"Ok," he spoke lowly as he wondered off and back to the car. Diego and I, climbed the last few steps to the second floor, I came to the platform and stood to the side of him, as our eyes locked. I could hear horse neighing through the door, and then gunfire, as the TV was on. I lent against the glass window, and ready myself. Diego uses his strength and kicks the door open, and I leaned over and flexed my right fingers out into the room, as the room froze, the TV stopped playing. Diego and I both look into the room, to see that no one was inside, making me frown. I swirl my hand once again and the room unfroze, and the Tv played once again.
Suddenly, we heard a engine revving, making us turn to the right and walk closer to the railing. Tires screeching came to ear as we see the blue car come around the bend, and gunshots firing at us. Diego pushes me back and I land into the doorframe of the motel room, luckily I see Klaus come up the stairs at a fast pace and grab Diego and pull him back behind the cover. Diego groans as I see him clutch his arm, as he had been shot.
"Oh, man. See? You used to think I was an idiot," Klaus spoke eyes locking with our brother.
"I still think you're an idiot," Diego remarked, making me push up from the doorframe and stepped closer to Diego.
"You've been shot you idiot," I state as I pointed to his forearm, but he just shook his head, ignoring it.
"They're getting away," Diego spun around and straight down the stairs, making Klaus and I to follow him. We ran through the parking lot, and to our car just to see the blue one they in fade from view.
"Shit... Get in the car-" Diego's voice got lost as we stared at the flat tires we now have and Klaus began to kick the first wheel, making me shake my head at him as that won't solve anything.
"Was this all part of your master plan?" Klaus asks, while leaning against the ice-cream truck.
"Shut up," Diego snapped back at him. I took a few steps closer to Diego, and grabs his wrist and pulled his arm out, as he wince in pain for a moment.
"You're going to bleed everywhere if I don't help," I told him as I rolled up his sleeve, and saw the gaping bullet wound, making my eyes soften. I let go of Diego and shrugged my jacket off and placed it over the car. I grabbed a knife from Diego's belt and cut along my long grey sleeve. Once I came full circle a long piece of the fabric came off and my arm was bare just below my elbow. I placed the knife back into its slot and grabbed his arm once again and wrapped the grey woolly material around the wound. Blood straight away began to soak into the material and then became a dark red. "This should stop you from bleeding out," I announce to him tying the end of really tight as he winced once again. But the tightness of the shift made bandage should hold up for a while.
"Thanks," he replied checking the bandage over.
"Your welcome," I said, leaning over to the car and grabbed my jacket. But my eyes went to Klaus who was leaning on the ice cream truck and an idea came to mind. "The truck we can use it," I announce stepping closer to the truck and to the side door, I waved my hand out to the door and the lock unbuckled and shot open. "Come on!" I was kind of excited as I haven't had this thrill since the Academy days. And weirdly enough I was enjoying it...
Klaus wanted to drive the ice cream truck, and I didn't deny him that. As we drove down the vast road, the truck's theme tune started to play. I was seatbelt with Diego, there was hardly any room, but because I was petit I managed to fit myself to the right of Diego. We edged closer and closer to the blue car, but I saw the car of one of our Father's parked a bit away, and as we passed we all looked out of Klaus's window to see Luther and Five, only for a split moment.
"Go faster!" Diego yells as his eyes were on the uniformed guys who attacked the house. Next thing I know, they began to shoot at us, but we ducked slightly but it was all speed ahead, and within seconds, Klaus hits them, sending them flying to the ground and we headed straight for the back of the car. We came full force and crashed in the back of their car, but I felt Diego's good arm spread across my chest, saving me from the impact, but he went thudding forward. We all groan as this was a rough crash, but at least we stopped.
"Never letting you drive again," I announce with a slight groan as I stretched up. I waved my hand over us, and the seatbelts unbuckled and freed us from their holds. Klaus opens the sliding door, and stumbles out, as Diego passing to that side, and slides out. I open the passenger side door, and came running round to see Luther already helping Diego and Klaus to the car as I ran behind them. I didn't pay attention to them as they started talking, our main concern was to get the hell out of here.
"Get in the car," Luther opens the door as Klaus jumps in as well as Diego and I. The door slams behind me as I adjusted in my seat, and Luther jumps in and began to start the car, but very slowly.
"Luther, go! Go!" Klaus yells out to him as the engine starts and he steps on the gas. The tires screech under us as we shot off down the road and out of the harm of danger.
"Where's Five?" I asked as I didn't see him at all, but Luther didn't answer to me. "Where the hell is Five?" I was concerned for our brother as he wasn't back there, so where the hell was he...
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