Chapter Eleven: Snapped
Allison left to go talk to Vanya as she wanted to talk things out with her, and I went to find Luther, hoping to aid him in the search for Five. I could hear the slamming of draws and doors coming from up stairs, and from Five's bedroom. I climbed the stairs swiftly, and came to the door to see Pogo and Luther. Luther was bent over searching through Five's stuff, hoping to find a clue on where he went.
"Miss Guinevere," Pogo noticed me first, making Luther stop what he was doing and cock his head over his shoulder to look at me.
"You trying to find out where Five went?" I asked, entering the room while crossing my arms over my chest. He just nods and turns back around and began to flick through paper that he gathered from Five's draws.
"Like I said, Master Luther. Number Five hasn't lived in this room since he was a boy," Pogo announces to Luther as they must have been in her for a bit before I came searching.
"Yeah, I know, but we need to warn him," Luther rushes out his head cocked over his shoulder to look at Pogo. "He doesn't even know we were attacked," he brought his gaze back to the paper in front of him. "He doesn't know they're looking for him, he doesn't know--"
"What are you doing here?" Diego's voice came from behind making me cock my head to see him walking through the doorway, his eyes on Luther. I took a few steps back, coming to the left side of Pogo as the room was silent. My gaze softened on Diego as he hadn't been told yet about Mom, about what happened. I couldn't speak, I still didn't want to believe what happened.
"Uh..." Luther began dropping the paper and stood to his feet, his eyes never leaving Diego. "Do you know about Mom?" Luther came straight out with it, not wanting it to be sugar coated or anything.
"Well, it looks like you got what you wanted," Diego began, his eyes going around the room not wanting to meet Luther's gaze. "One way or another, right?" Diego eyes now met with Luther's for a split moment before he turned around and looked away from his brother.
"Wanna tell me what you're doing here?" Luther questioned after another moment of silence.
"Looking for Five," Diego replied, not wanting to look at Luther.
"Oh, let me guess, you're gonna save the day," Luther remarked as he looked from the paper he had to Diego. The tension in the air began to thicken, as I had a horrible feeling that they were going to fight.
"It's what I do... Asshole" Diego spoke as he turned and headed for the door.
"Really? Last I checked, you mopped floors," Luther spoke creating the drama between them further, and it wasn't going to end well. I shifted my gaze to Pogo as he notices, and he looks at me with dread on his face as he knew that they were gonna fight between themselves.
"And what do you do?" Diego spoke up as my eyes travelled back to him to see him now facing Luther. "Sit on the moon, for four years, waiting for orders?" Diego took each step with care his eyes never leaving Luther's.
"Boys. This won't help us find Five," Pogo tries to persuade them not to fight right now.
"Keep on being a loyal soldier after everything our Father did to you," Diego went on, dismissing Pogo's comment.
"What? You mean save my life?" Luther questioned as he took his own steps closer to Diego.
"No, I mean," Diego lent against the side of a single wardrobe. "Turn you into a monster," Diego spoke his eyes rose and met with Luther.
"Diego!" My voice was stern as that was uncalled for, Luther wasn't a monster. Suddenly, Luther punches through the wardrobe door, placing a big giant hole into it, making me slightly jump as the unexpected breakage. I hear Pogo sigh to himself and shake his head, as we didn't have time for this.
"Can't hide it anymore, champ," Diego pushed further.
"He had a difficult decision to make, and he made it," Luther kept his tone cool, but I could tell he was angry.
"Grow up, Luther. We're not thirteen anymore,"
"That's what leaders do, by the way," Luther was defending our Father for the choices he made.
"He sent you on that mission all alone. Almost got you killed," Diego went on, wanting to push the argument further.
"Yeah, well at least he was there. Where were you? You and everyone else in this family?" Luther asked, as we abandoned him and left him here all alone, to go on missions and fight alone. "You walked out," we did, we left the house because we couldn't take anymore of what was happening in these walls.
"And thank Christ that I did, or I would have ended up just like you," Diego voice raised as he pointed his finger at Luther, as he thought he would have turned out like his Brother. "Let me ask you a question. When you watch one of these nature shows-"
"Diego, please," Pogo tried to stop him from completing that question.
"Does it turn you on?" Diego asked, dismissing Pogo's comment once again.
"So what? Is he just an animal to you, too now, Diego, huh?" Luther spoke as I didn't realise how close both of them had gotten to each other, like inches from one another.
"Enough!" I raised my voice cutting Diego off, as I shot out my hand as the knives Diego held in the back of his straps, came flying out and positioned themselves in front of their throats as I had to take measures to ensure they would listen. They cocked their heads slowly to me, meeting with my pissed off gaze. "You both are dickheads, you really are. And you drive me crazy and I don't know why I put up with your shit. Freezing you both wouldn't solve anything - and how I'm feeling I could have blow your heads off," I state to them, my voice raised, but I dropped my hand, as the knives kept their positions - which were held inches from their throats. "Five is endanger, we all are. And you two can't seem to get your heads out of each others arses to listen," I stepped forward, my voice back to normal but still held a bit of anger. "Look if you both want to fight and bicker among each other then do that. But me, I'm off to look for Five because he's missing and our brother," I stood to the side of them, as they eyes were on me, knowing I was right. I waved my index and middle finger to the side effortlessly, as the knives lifted from their throats and zoomed around Diego and back into their slots in his belt. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I shook my head at them, before walking through the door, and down the steps, hearing Pogo giving them stern talking too...
Diego and Luther, joined me on my search for Five. I had no clue where to start, but Luther said Five had a van he was camped out in, when him and Klaus visited. We walked down the pathway, and a van began to come into view.
"This is it. He's still here. This is Five's van," Luther spoke as we neared the van and came around the passenger side of the van. Luther tries the door handle, but the van was locked, he rattles it but it wouldn't open and he couldn't bust it open because people were passing and in their cars as well. After a moment, Luther steps back as Diego grabs a knife from his belt and came forward and began to twist his knife in the lock and soon opened the door, as both of them try to enter at the same time, but bumped into each other. They try again but did the same thing, as I scoffed at the both.
"Really guys," I scoffed at them once again, as I waved my hand out to the side door, as it ripped opened and slid to a stop as I entered the back. I hear Luther say something to Diego but I didn't pay attention as I began to search the back of the van for clues to where Five might have been or where he was now. I felt the van rock s Luther was getting in and climbing over to the drivers side with some effort, and Diego came in the back with me as he began to shuffle through the things behind here. After minutes of searching, I pulled a duffel back and opened it to see Vanya's book, and I opened to the title page to see calculations and where the book came from.
"Guys," I announce to them as their heads shot to me. "I think I know where Five is," I spoke showing them the title page to see a library stamp in it as their eyes lit up. We all got out of the van and made our way to the Argyle Public Library, what a joy this will be...
We all made to the library, as we walked in through the doors, it was massive like a tower, and went up a few stories. It was quite impressive to see, all the books, the shelves with the books, and you get that new book smell when you entered this place.
"Let's split up," Luther announce as I stood in the middle of them both.
"Wow. Good thinking," Diego mocked as he was going to do that anything. Luther went to the right and Diego went to the left, and began to search the ground floor for Five. I began to do my search on the ground floor, as I was looking for signs of Five. But nothing on the ground floor, we all went up a level and searched that floor, and then the other, and the other, and lastly the top floor, all meeting in the centre as we hadn't found Five on our travels. Diego was looking over the railing as I came over.
"Anything?" Luther asks from the left of us.
"Nope," I replied back to him as I spin around and lent against the railing, as this was hopeless, we had no idea where he was.
"No," Diego replied finally, his voice low as he didn't let up from looking over the railing. Luther sighs and turns back around, going for another search. "You wanna know why I left?" Diego's voice carried through the air, reaching Luther as he came back around.
"What? What are you talking about?" Luther asks, wondering what Diego was on about, but I knew what he was going to say.
"Why I left the Academy," Diego turns around and leans on the railing as well.
"Yeah, 'cause you couldn't handle me being Number One," Luther replied, making me shake my head as I didn't want them to fight again.
"No. Because that's what you do when you're Seventeen," Diego began his gaze travelled to the right, but his eyes didn't meet Luther. "You move out, become your own person, grow up," Diego's eyes lifted to meet Luther's gaze.
"Oh, yeah... You're a real grown-up," Luther mocks the situation.
"Guys," I warned them, my eyes flickering between them both.
"At least I make my own decisions," Diego carried on, dismissing my comment, or he took it in and knew to be careful on what to say to start a fight. "You've never had to hold down a job. Pay bills," Diego went on, which reminded me that to pay the bills when I get back home. "You ever been with a girl?" Diego questioned making me cock my gaze to Luther to see him begin to turn red in the cheeks as he looked shocked at the question.
"I-" He couldn't form words as he cleared his throat, making me bite back a smile. "I don't know what you're talking about--"
Diego chuckles as I see him smile at the way Luther handled it. "Look, you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving... That's ok. But maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why we left. Maybe it's about why you stayed," Diego explained to Luther because he might blame us, but does he blame himself for staying.
"I stayed because the world needed me," Luther began, stepping closer to us both.
"You stayed because you couldn't let go of the way things used to be... The Academy. Dad. With Allison," Diego's eyes raised to meet Luther's as he was at the right of me, and I was between them just in case they felt like throwing punches again. "Dad's dead. Mom too, now. We're orphans again, dude," Diego spoke, as Luther lent against the railing too.
"But we have each other," my voice was soft as I cocked my eyes between them both.
"But things are never gonna go back to the way they used to... be," Diego lifted from the railing as he spoke and turned around taking his gaze across the way, but he stopped like he was staring at something in the distance.
"Do you ever stop talking?" Luther asks with a sigh, his eyes on Diego who was far away from the conversation right now. I used the back of my right hand to hit Luther in his chest as it was uncalled for. But Diego began to wonder off from us. "Wow. That was easy," he went on making me chuckle softly at him, before we both pushed off from the railing and followed Diego around the hallway. We caught up with him in no time, and in the corner of the railing was Five, sleeping with a hand over a mannequin with books littered around and a bottle of something in his hand. He was snoring loudly as he was drunk as hell.
"Is he, um..?" Luther began as he didn't want to believe he was drunk.
"Drunk as a skunk," Diego replied as I couldn't help but laugh at the situation, as I found it funny right now. The bottle in his hand, lost it's grip and fell to the floor, not hard enough to smash.
"Get him up and let's go," I told Luther as he came forward and picked up Five and placed him in his arm, bridal style. Five clung onto the mannequin as he didn't want to let it go. I took my gaze over to the side, to see people walking through the hallways and might get in our way. I flicked both my hands and fingers out to the open, and people in the library froze in place, leaving the building eerily silent.
"You froze everyone?" Diego's voice rang out through my ear as I turned around to face him.
"Be thankful you both aren't froze" I chuckled as I was half serious and half joking. Diego just smirks at me, as we were ready to go. Boy was this going to be fun when Five wakes up...
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